Re: [Openstack] [HEAT] orchestration on multiple external Cloud providers

2013-07-18 Thread Steve Baker
On 07/11/2013 10:04 PM, Geoffroy wrote:
 I am trying to use Heat as an provisioning tool on multiple Cloud
 providers, lets say HpCloud and Rackspace. I got local keystone,
 heat-api and heat-engine servers. My scenario is: if i submit a
 template with 2 compute instances, i want them to be distributed on
 each providers.

 It's a little difficult, because heat-engine reuses my local keystone
 to retrieve the endpoint and credentials, which are different for each
 external providers.

 My guess was to use the Environment to store every external
 credentials in the parameters, and precise in the resource_registry a
 binding for every instances:

   HpCloudUserName: foo
   HpCloudPassword: foo
   RackspaceUserName: bar
   RackspacePassword: bar
   AWS::EC2::Instance : HpCloud::Nova::Compute
   AWS::EC2::Instance : Rackspace::Compute::Server

 Then, i code some new python plugins, that will handle this 2 new
 type, take the corresponding credentials in the environment, and call
 the novaclient with the correct arguments.

 But my problem is that this solution seems overkill, as i  will have
 to add a new python class for every type i want to use, multiply by
 the number of externals providers. Even if i can factorize the code,
 in the end i just want to customize the credentials and auth endpoint.

 Do you known if there is a better way to achieve this goal, or simply
 if Heat shouldn't be use for this ?.

There are a few interim steps required before we can handle your
scenario of multiple clouds in a single template. The first steps are to
change API middleware behaviour to not assume heat is installed in a
single integrated openstack:

When they are ready, the HOT template concepts of Environments and
Providers should allow you to implement your HpCloud::Nova::Compute and
Rackspace::Compute::Server as nested stacks so you won't need to code
these in python.

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Re: [Openstack] heat engine: list index out of range

2013-06-18 Thread Steve Baker
Hi Pekka

I've raised to track this.

Could you attempt to replicate the issue with current heat git master
and post your results to the bug?


On 06/18/2013 11:02 PM, Pekka Rinne wrote:
 hello world

 I've got a template which gives list index out of range occasionally
 from heat (grizzly). Any ideas why? sometimes it works ok. Some kind
 of race situation? I'm just trying to learn quantum usage here..

 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 ERROR heat.engine.resource [-] create
 Instance inst1
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource Traceback
 (most recent call last):
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource   File
 line 321, in create
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource while not
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource   File
 line 325, in check_active
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource   File
 line 125, in _set_ipaddress
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource
 self.ipaddress = networks[n][0]
 2013-06-18 18:52:02.585 27948 TRACE heat.engine.resource IndexError:
 list index out of range

AWSTemplateFormatVersion : 2010-09-09,

Description : tbd,

Parameters : {

  KeyName : {
Description : Keydescription,
Type : String

  InstanceType : {
Description : Instancetype,
Type : String,
Default : m1.small,
AllowedValues : [ m1.small ],
ConstraintDescription : must be a valid EC2 instance type.

  MyDistribution: {
Default: MyDistro,
Description : Distribution of mine,
Type: String,
AllowedValues : [ MyDistro ]


Mappings : {
  AWSInstanceType2Arch : {
m1.small: { Arch : 64 }
  DistroArch2AMI: {
MyDistro  : { 64 : ubuntu1304-amd64 }

Resources : {

 network1: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Net

 network2: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Net

 mgmt-subnet: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Subnet,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network1 },
 ip_version: 4,
 allocation_pools: [{start:, end:}]

 traffic-subnet: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Subnet,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network2 },
 ip_version: 4,
 allocation_pools: [{start:, end:}]

 network1port1: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Port,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network1 }

 network1port2: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Port,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network1 }

 network2port1: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Port,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network2 }

 network2port2: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Port,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : network2 }

  inst1: {
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance,
Metadata : {
  AWS::CloudFormation::Init : {
Properties: {

  ImageId : { Fn::FindInMap : [ DistroArch2AMI, { Ref :
 MyDistribution },
{ Fn::FindInMap : [
 AWSInstanceType2Arch, { Ref : InstanceType }, Arch ] } ] },
  InstanceType   : { Ref : InstanceType },
  KeyName: { Ref : KeyName },

NetworkInterfaces : [
  { NetworkInterfaceId : { Ref : network1port1 },
 DeviceIndex : 0 },
  { NetworkInterfaceId : { Ref : network2port1 },
 DeviceIndex : 1 }


 inst2: {
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance,
Metadata : {
  AWS::CloudFormation::Init : {
Properties: {

  ImageId : { Fn::FindInMap : [ DistroArch2AMI, { Ref :
 MyDistribution },
{ Fn::FindInMap : [
 AWSInstanceType2Arch, { Ref : InstanceType }, Arch ] } ] },
  InstanceType   : { Ref : InstanceType },
  KeyName: { Ref : KeyName },
NetworkInterfaces : [
  { NetworkInterfaceId : { Ref : network1port2 },
 DeviceIndex : 0 },
  { NetworkInterfaceId : { Ref : network2port2 },
 DeviceIndex : 1 }


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[Openstack] Fwd: [openstack-dev] [Heat] Running latest Heat against older OpenStacks

2013-05-22 Thread Steve Baker
Reposting here since this is mostly user related.

 Original Message 
Subject:[openstack-dev] [Heat] Running latest Heat against older
Date:   Wed, 22 May 2013 14:46:19 +1200
From:   Steve Baker
Reply-To:   OpenStack Development Mailing List

At the Design Summit a number of people mentioned that they would like
to run the latest release of Heat against their own installation of an
older OpenStack release.

As a project we're not against this in principle, however we don't
currently have the resources to develop or test against anything other
than latest OpenStack (unless by coincidence of the provided dev

It would be very useful to us for people to describe their use cases for
running Heat against older OpenStack installations - feel free to
contribute them to this thread.

We're about to have the beginnings of some Tempest integration tests[1].
I'd like to suggest that these be used as a coordination point for
testing latest Heat against private installations. For those running
Heat against older OpenStack installations the following would be done:
- Run the heat tempest tests against your own Heat/OpenStack environment
- Participate in finding and fixing regressions that appear in your own
environment (bug reports good, failing tempest tests better, fixes best)

There are a couple of caveats worth mentioning:
- the transition from our own CloudWatch-lite alarming to ceilometer
might be messy - there might be a limit to how much we can mitigate the pain
- it seems reasonable for latest heat to depend on the latest released
client libs. Any regressions involving recent client libs running on
older APIs probably need to be taken to those client projects.

In the medium to long term we have some roadmap items which have
implications here, including:
- a local installation of Heat configured to point at a public OpenStack
cloud - auth and other quirks of each cloud need to be handled
- a single installation of Heat which can deploy to multiple clouds
(private and public)
- Heat DSL concepts [2] of Providers and Environments should allow Heat
to change any aspect of its behavior to support older installations.


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Re: [Openstack] Heat templates and Quantum resources

2013-02-05 Thread Steve Baker
Hi Simon

There is an existing Launchpad bug for this issue:

I've added your email to the comments.  I'll most likely be working on
this area next so I'll let you know when there is a change in the
current behavior.


On 02/05/2013 10:40 PM, Simon Pasquier wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have some questions regarding the integration of Quantum in Heat:
 - I haven't found a way to attach an instance resource to a Quantum
 port that already exists. Is it possible?
 - When I create a Quantum port in my template and binds the instance
 to that port, why does Heat still create an additional port to the
 tenant-owned network?

 I have created a very simple template to test:

   AWSTemplateFormatVersion : 2010-09-09,

   Description : Test creation of Quantum resources with a very
 simple instance,

   Parameters : {

 KeyName : {
   Description : Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH
 access to the instances,
   Type : String

 NetworkUuid : {
   Description : Network UUID,
   Type : String

 SubnetUuid : {
   Description : Network UUID,
   Type : String

   Resources : {
 QuantumPort: {
   Type: OS::Quantum::Port,
   Properties: {
 network_id: { Ref : NetworkUuid },
 device_id: { Ref: CirrosInstance },
 fixed_ips: [{
   subnet_id: { Ref : SubnetUuid },

 DefaultSecurityGroup : {
   Type : AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup,
   Properties : {
 GroupDescription : Enable ICMP plus SSH access,
 SecurityGroupIngress : [
   {IpProtocol : icmp, FromPort : -1, ToPort : -1,
 CidrIp :},
   {IpProtocol : tcp, FromPort : 22, ToPort : 22,
 CidrIp :}

 CirrosInstance: {
   Type: AWS::EC2::Instance,
   Properties: {
 ImageId : cirros-0.3.0-x86_64-uec,
 InstanceType   : m1.nano,
 KeyName: { Ref : KeyName },
 SecurityGroups : [ {Ref : DefaultSecurityGroup} ]

   Outputs : {
 InstanceIPAddress : {
   Value : { Fn::GetAtt : [CirrosInstance, PrivateIp] },
   Description: Private IP address of the instance

 For my tests, I use devstack and the Open vSwitch plugin. After the
 stack is created, the instance is up and running but it is connected
 to 2 ports:

 $ heat stack-show cirros
 | Property | Value
 | capabilities | []  
 | creation_time| 2013-02-05T09:11:39Z
 | description  | Test creation of Quantum resources with a
 very simple   |
 |  | instance
 | disable_rollback | True
 | id   | 8c161ed2-691e-42e8-a872-e90f26a83ac5
 | links|
 | notification_topics  | []  
 | outputs  | [
 |  |   {  
 |  | output_value:,  
 |  | description: Private IP address of the
 |  | output_key: InstanceIPAddress
 |  |   }  
 |  | ]

Re: [Openstack] Will Heat Work Without systemd (i.e. will it work with init)?

2012-12-05 Thread Steve Baker

On 12/05/2012 08:55 AM, Rickard, Ronald wrote:

I am attempting to install/configure Heat on RHEL 6.3.  This server 
already has other OpenStack (Essex release) products installed: nova, 
glance, keystone, etc.  I built the RPMs for Heat (v7) and Heat JEOS 
(v7) by commenting out the requirements on systemd-units and the 
systemd unit files in the heat.spec because RHEL 6.3 uses init instead 
of systemd.  I am thinking I can replace these systemd unit files with 
init.d scripts to startup Heat.  I installed the RPMs and am at the 
step in the process where I am creating a JEOS with heat_jeos:

heat-jeos --y create F17-x86_64-cfntools --register-with-glance

It takes almost 10 minutes and I see activity in the /var/lib/oz/isos 
and /var/lib/oz/isocontent directory, but eventually, I see the 
following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File /usr/bin/heat-jeos, line 375, in module


File /usr/bin/heat-jeos, line 363, in main

result = cmd(opts, args)

File /usr/bin/heat-jeos, line 139, in command_create


File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/heat_jeos/, line 132, 
in build_jeos


File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 1166, in 

return self._internal_customize(libvirt_xml, no)

File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 1150, in 


File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 1104, in 

self.guest_execute_command(guestaddr, content)

File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 474, in 

command, timeout, tunnels)

File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 362, in 

return subprocess_check_output(cmd)

File /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/oz/, line 329, in 

raise SubprocessException('%s' failed(%d): %s % (cmd, retcode, 
stderr), retcode)

oz.ozutil.SubprocessException: 'ssh -i /etc/oz/id_rsa-icicle-gen -F 
/dev/null -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o 
ConnectTimeout=10 -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o 
PasswordAuthentication=no root@W.X.Y.Z yum -y update fedora-release

yum -y install yum-plugin-fastestmirror cloud-init python-psutil 

yum -y update

sed --in-place -e s/Type=oneshot/Type=oneshot\nTimeoutSec=0/ 
/lib/systemd/system/cloud-final.service' failed(2): Warning: 
Permanently added 'W.X.Y.Z' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora. Please verify 
its path and try again

Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora. Please verify 
its path and try again

Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: fedora. Please verify 
its path and try again

sed: can't read /lib/systemd/system/cloud-final.service: No such file 
or directory

We haven't tested image creation on RHEL 6.3. Most likely we'll focus on 
RHEL 6.4 (when it is released) as our highest priority RHEL target. 
Patches for any distro are welcome though.

You don't actually need to build your own images if the pre-built ones 
meet your needs:

Hopefully this can get you to the next phase of your evaluation. Let us 
know if you have any more issues.

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Re: [Openstack] Heat's Getting started on Fedora 16+ Guide?

2012-12-03 Thread Steve Baker

On 12/04/2012 08:26 AM, Rickard, Ronald wrote:

Sometime over the weekend, the page for Heat's Getting start on 
Fedora 16+ guide disappeared.  Will this page be returning?

Our git repo was moved to the main OpenStack account over the weekend.

The guide you want is now here:

I've just gone through our wiki pages and updated the URLs to any git 
content so hopefully the links are fixed now.

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Re: [Openstack] Will Heat Work Without systemd (i.e. will it work with init)?

2012-12-03 Thread Steve Baker

On 12/04/2012 08:44 AM, Rickard, Ronald wrote:
It appears Heat is being developed for OSes that support systemd.  
Will Heat also work on systems that use init?
It is not our intention to only support systemd based distros. It would 
be most helpful if you could describe the details of your issues in our 

or post them to this list.

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Re: [Openstack] Anyone using instance metadata?

2012-07-04 Thread Steve Baker
On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 1:11 AM, Day, Phil wrote:
 I'm getting lost in the naming of things here,  it seems like we're saying:
  user-data is per instance data defined by the system and make accessible by 
 the metadata service
 meta-data is per instance data defined by the user via the API and injected 
 into the instance or made available by the config drive
 Something in those definitions of meta-data and user-data just seems 
 confusing to me ;-)

Actually its worse than that, instance metadata is currently the
label for two completely unrelated things in OpenStack, and knowing
which one is being referred to seems to depend entirely on the context

user-data is a chunk of data that can be set when an instance is not
running and is accessible from within the instance when it is running.
It could be used to store configuration, a script, or anything the
tenant wants.

In Nova, instance meta-data is a collection of key/value pairs
associated to an instance. They can be read and written to at any time
during the instance lifetime, from inside and outside the instance
using the nova compute API (and eventually EC2 API, Horizon, etc). A
snapshot of the instance meta-data at instance startup is made
available by the config drive (but maybe it shouldn't?).  Amazon calls
this feature Tags; EC2 can associate tags to a number of resource
types including instances.

Here is where it gets confusing, the Metadata service gives a running
instance a convenient way of fetching the user-data, plus other meta
data about the current running instance.  People often also refer to
this as instance meta-data, but you cannot query the instance
associated key/value pairs via the metadata service.

To fix this semantic clash I would advocate adopting Amazon's Tags
terminology but I won't be pushing this too hard since I'm new here ;)


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Re: [Openstack] Anyone using instance metadata?

2012-07-03 Thread Steve Baker
Hi Vish

On Wed, Jul 4, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Vishvananda Ishaya wrote:
 Metadata is supposed to be user tags that are associated with a guest
 that are available via the api. We discussed displaying these tags inside
 the guest as well.

I've just been looking into what is already in place to implement the
CreateTags, DeleteTags, DescribeTags API and I also came across the
*_instance_metadata compute API.

The tags API can add tags to a number of resource types, but currently
there only seems to be a metadata tables for instances and volumes.

Would there be interest in me working on a change to implement
CreateTags, DeleteTags, DescribeTags for instances and volumes?

Later changes could add new metadata tables for the other taggable
resource types.


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