[Openstack] [neutron][networking-sfc] Load distribution within a port pair group

2018-03-07 Thread Lars-Erik Helander
If running networking-sfc on ocata, pike or queens what functionality works 
when it comes to  distribution of traffic over the port-pairs in a 
port-pair-group ?


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[Openstack] About ' Port Mapping ' in openstack project Zun

2018-03-07 Thread 谭 明宵

I want to  create a container use Zun,  like the docker command

docker run -p ip:hostPort:containerPort OPTIONS

so i can access the container_port via hostip:hostport ,but i can't find some 
similar commands in Zun Command Line

usage: zun run [-n ] [--cpu ] [-m ] [-e ]
   [--workdir ] [--auto-remove] [--label ]
   [--image-pull-policy ] [--restart ] [-i]
   [--image-driver ]
   [--security-group ] [--hint ]
   [--net ]
   [--mount ] [--runtime ] [--hostname ]

Run a command in a new container.

Positional arguments:
 name or ID of the image
   Send command to the container

Optional arguments:
  -n , --name 
name of the container
  --cpuThe number of virtual cpus.
  -m , --memory 
The container memory size in MiB
  -e , --environment 
The environment variables
  --workdirThe working directory for commands to run in
  --auto-remove Automatically remove the container when it exits
  --labelAdds a map of labels to a container. May be used
multiple times.
The policy which determines if the image should be
pulled prior to starting the container. It can have
following values: "ifnotpresent": only pull the image
if it does not already exist on the node. "always":
Always pull the image from repository."never": never
pull the image
  --restartRestart policy to apply when a container exits(no, on-
failure[:max-retry], always, unless-stopped)
  -i, --interactive Keep STDIN open even if not attached, allocate a
The image driver to use to pull container image. It
can have following values: "docker": pull the image
from Docker Hub. "glance": pull the image from Glance.
The name of security group for the container. May be
used multiple times.
  --hint The key-value pair(s) for scheduler to select host.
The format of this parameter is
"key=value[,key=value]". May be used multiple times.
Create network enpoints for the container. auto: do
not specify the network, zun will automatically create
one. network: attach container to the specified
neutron networks. port: attach container to the
neutron port with this UUID. v4-fixed-ip: IPv4 fixed
address for container. v6-fixed-ip: IPv6 fixed address
for container.
  --mountA dictionary to configure volumes mounted inside the
  --runtimeThe runtime to use for this container. It can have
value "runc" or any other custom runtime.
Container hostname

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Re: [Openstack] [Pike][Neutron] ERROR neutron.plugins.ml2.drivers.agent._common_agent - AgentNotFoundByTypeHost

2018-03-07 Thread Eugen Block


are all agents up and running? Can you paste the output of "openstack  
network agent list"?

And could you post the output of "egrep -ve "^$|^#"  
/etc/neutron/neutron.conf" from both compute and control node?  
Probably also from


Of course you can/should replace sensitive data in the output.


Zitat von Torin Woltjer :

My virtual machines do not get their IP addresses, the dashboard  
does show the address they should have, but when using the console  
to access the virtual machine, it shows that no address is assigned  
to its interface. What kind of misconfiguration could've occured?

The following two line repeat in /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log on  
the compute node:

2018-03-06 13:34:15.051 32084 WARNING nova.compute.manager  
ffe5adfe1f7c40a5b5d0a8f89e65a452 358008d2e1a6428ab2abcf51b10d0a50 -  
default default] [instance: 7249d430-743e-4463-8d28-d13cdb8cfddc]  
Received unexpected event  
network-vif-plugged-87e7138e-9e29-4e67-a181-077b3f6ea09b for instance
2018-03-06 13:34:17.563 32084 WARNING nova.compute.manager  
ffe5adfe1f7c40a5b5d0a8f89e65a452 358008d2e1a6428ab2abcf51b10d0a50 -  
default default] [instance: 7249d430-743e-4463-8d28-d13cdb8cfddc]  
Received unexpected event  
network-vif-unplugged-87e7138e-9e29-4e67-a181-077b3f6ea09b for  

These errors repeat in /var/log/neutron/neutron-linuxbridge-agent.log

2018-03-06 13:38:49.403 1978 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Preparing  
filters for devices set(['tap87e7138e-9e'])
2018-03-06 13:38:52.286 1978 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Security group  
member updated [u'04a877fe-f6bc-445c-9e03-204a0cae9d32']
2018-03-06 13:38:52.289 1978 INFO  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Port  
tap87e7138e-9e updated. Details: {u'profile': {},  
u'network_qos_policy_id': None, u'qos_policy_id': None,  
u'allowed_address_pairs': [], u'admin_state_up': True,  
u'network_id': u'a06ac367-fe14-4bcd-96f3-8c8081a874ad',  
u'segmentation_id': None, u'mtu': 1500, u'device_owner':  
u'compute:nova', u'physical_network': u'provider', u'mac_address':  
u'fa:16:3e:23:49:97', u'device': u'tap87e7138e-9e',  
u'port_security_enabled': True, u'port_id':  
u'87e7138e-9e29-4e67-a181-077b3f6ea09b', u'fixed_ips':  
[{u'subnet_id': u'4dc26826-49f3-4cb9-8490-e4cc5e82853d',  
u'ip_address': u''}], u'network_type': u'flat'}
2018-03-06 13:38:55.392 1978 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Security group  
member updated [u'04a877fe-f6bc-445c-9e03-204a0cae9d32']
2018-03-06 13:38:55.810 1978 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Remove device  
filter for set(['tap87e7138e-9e'])
2018-03-06 13:38:57.468 1978 INFO  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Attachment  
tap87e7138e-9e removed
2018-03-06 13:38:57.909 1978 INFO neutron.agent.securitygroups_rpc  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Security group  
member updated [u'04a877fe-f6bc-445c-9e03-204a0cae9d32']
2018-03-06 13:38:58.199 1978 ERROR  
[req-262cb010-9068-4ad9-b93d-bd0875fc66e1 - - - - -] Error occurred  
while removing port tap87e7138e-9e: RemoteError: Remote error:  
AgentNotFoundByTypeHost Agent with agent_type=L3 agent and  
host=UBNTU-OSTACK-COMPUTE1 could not be found
[u'Traceback (most recent call last):\n', u'  File  
line 160, in _process_incoming\nres =  
self.dispatcher.dispatch(message)\n', u'  File  
line 213, in dispatch\nreturn self._do_dispatch(endpoint,  
method, ctxt, args)\n', u'  File  
line 183, in _do_dispatch\nresult = func(ctxt, **new_args)\n',  
u'  File  
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/rpc.py", line  
234, in update_device_down\nn_const.PORT_STATUS_DOWN, host)\n',  
u'  File  
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/rpc.py", line  
331, in notify_l2pop_port_wiring\n 
l2pop_driver.obj.update_port_down(port_context)\n', u'  File  
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/l2pop/mech_driver.py", line 253, in update_port_down\nadmin_context, agent_host, [port[\'device_id\']]):\n', u'  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/neutron/db/l3_agentschedulers_db.py", line 303, in list_router_ids_on_host\ncontext, constants.AGENT_TYPE_L3, host)\n', u'