[openstack-dev] [kolla] Which distros are used as base ones?

2017-04-27 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz

When I joined Kolla project I got info that Debian is going away. So I
took care of it and now it is updated to current 'testing' and has far
more images enabled than in past.

CentOS support works fine. Even on AArch64 (if you have [1] applied).

1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/430940/

But what about Ubuntu? I have a feeling that no one is using it. Ocata
packages were used in master until I switched them to use Pike
repository instead.

Today 'openstack-base' failed for me in 'ubuntu/source' build because
'libmariadbclient-dev' does not exist in Ubuntu repositories.

Does someone care about Ubuntu?

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Which distros are used as base ones?

2017-04-28 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 27.04.2017 o 17:16, Michał Jastrzębski pisze:

> On 27 April 2017 at 02:46, Marcin Juszkiewicz
>  wrote:
>> Hi
>> When I joined Kolla project I got info that Debian is going away. So I
>> took care of it and now it is updated to current 'testing' and has far
>> more images enabled than in past.
>> CentOS support works fine. Even on AArch64 (if you have [1] applied).
>> 1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/430940/
>> But what about Ubuntu? I have a feeling that no one is using it. Ocata
>> packages were used in master until I switched them to use Pike
>> repository instead.
>> Today 'openstack-base' failed for me in 'ubuntu/source' build because
>> 'libmariadbclient-dev' does not exist in Ubuntu repositories.

> Ofc we do. I, for one, run mostly ubuntu (but I must admit I haven't
> been building images last 2 or so weeks). It's strange what you're
> saying because ubunut-source build is a voting gate, so if there would
> be problem like that - we couldn't merge anything... Let's try to find
> out why your build failed.

I found out. Will send a fix.

The problem was due to fact that I build on three different
architectures and looked into build logs on aarch64 thinking that this
is my x86-64 builder.

Ubuntu is using external repo for mariadb packages and that repo has
packages for x86-64 and ppc64le only.

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Re: [openstack-dev] Save the Date- Queens PTG

2017-05-23 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 06.04.2017 o 00:05, Erin Disney pisze:

> We will share registration and sponsorship information soon on this
> mailing list. Mark your calendars and we hope to see you in Denver!

Any update? I need to collect info about costs for my trip.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][all] Etcd as a base service for ALL OpenStack installations

2017-05-24 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 24.05.2017 o 12:11, Davanum Srinivas pisze:
> Here's the proposal:
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/467436/

There is no etcd package in Debian/stretch.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][all] Etcd as a base service for ALL OpenStack installations

2017-05-24 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 24.05.2017 o 15:34, David Medberry pisze:
> There are older versions of etcd (3.1.0) in both Debian and Ubuntu. Is
> that new enough or do we need 3.1.7?

etcd 3.1.4 is in Debian/sid while we use Debian/stretch in Kolla.
Ubuntu/xenial has version 2.2.5 which may be too old.

And if you want to follow crowd and use random binaries from the
Internet please make sure that your source provides also aarch64 (arm64)
and ppc64le binaries.

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Re: [openstack-dev] Save the Date- Queens PTG

2017-05-24 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 24.05.2017 o 16:47, Anita Kuno pisze:
> $ means dollar, it doesn't mean USD as a default and Canadian only if we
> feel like it.

Dollars, dollars, dollars, dollars...

I hope for some price quotes and details soon. Have to provide budget
request to be able to attend at all ;D

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[openstack-dev] [kolla] Support for non-x86_64 architectures

2017-02-10 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz

At Linaro I work on running OpenStack on AArch64 (arm64, 64-bit arm,
ARMv8a) architecture. We built Cinder, Glance, Heat, Horizon, Keystone,
Neutron and Nova for our use and deployed it several times.

But for next release we decided to move to use containers for delivering
components. This got me working on Kolla to get it working on our machines.

The problem is that Kolla targets only x86-64 architecture. I was not
surprised when saw that and do not blame anyone for it. That's quite
common behaviour nowadays when there is no Alpha nor Itanium on a market.

So I digged a bit and found patch [1] which added ppc64le architecture
support. Fetched, reviewed and decided that it can be used as a base for
my work.

1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/423239/6

I cut all stuff about repositories and other ppc64le/ubuntu specific
issues and then edited it to take care of aarch64 as well. Then I posted
it to gerrit for review [2].

2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/430940

Jenkins looks happy about it, I got some comments from few developers
(both in review and on irc) and handled them proper way.

I tested patch with "aarch64/ubuntu" and "aarch64/debian" images used as
a base. My target are CentOS (waiting for official image) and Debian.

Current state:

19:18 hrw@pinkiepie-centos:kolla$ docker images|grep kolla/ubuntu|wc -l
19:18 hrw@pinkiepie-centos:kolla$ docker images|grep kolla/debian|wc -l

During weekend I will run more builds to check all possible images.

If someone has some spare time then I would love to see my patch
reviewed. There is one change affecting x86-64: Debian/Ubuntu
repositories are split to base + architecture ones to allow for
architecture specific repos configuration.

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[openstack-dev] [kolla] Debian support?

2017-02-13 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
As part of my Linaro work I work on getting Debian in Kolla great again.
Posted set of patches for review [1] which make it work properly.

1. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Marcin+Juszkiewicz

Images are quite in sync with Ubuntu ones. There are some exceptions
when builds are done against 'jessie-backports' tag due to some packages
not being present in Debian/stable.

So far I built 158 containers for kolla/debian:jessie-backports combo.

The question is: are there people interested in using Kolla to build
container images for Debian/jessie-backports? I plan to move to
Debian/stretch during next weeks and do not use current stable release.

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[openstack-dev] [kolla] my work on Debian and non-x86 architectures

2017-02-17 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
Ok, I mailed separately about each of them but I work on them at once so
hard to split.

As you know I added support for non-x86 architectures: aarch64 and
ppc64le. Also resurrected Debian support.

# A bit of background

At Linaro we work on getting AArch64 (64-bit ARM, arm64) to be present
in many places. We have at least two OpenStack instances running at the
moment - on AArch64 hardware only.

First we used Debian/jessie and 'liberty' version. Was working. Not best
but we helped many projects by providing virtual machines for porting

It was built from packages and later (when 'mitaka' was released) we
moved to virtualenv per component. Out second "cloud" runs that. With
proper Neutron networking, live migration and few other nice things.

But virtualenvs were done as quick solution. We decided to move to
Docker containers for next release.

And Kolla was chosen as a tool for it. We do not like to reinvent the
wheel again and again...

# Non-x86 support in Kolla

Kolla is x86-64 centric. As most of software nowadays. But thanks to
work done by Sajauddin Mohammad I had something [1] to use as a base for
adding aarch64 support.

1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/423239/6

I took his patch, slashed out most of it and concentrated on getting
minimal changes needed to get something built on AArch64. Effect was
sent for review [2] and is now at 9th version (few more changes coming).

2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/430940

Docker images started to appear. But at beginning I was building Ubuntu
ones as Debian support was "basically abandoned, on a way out". From
CentOS guys I got confirmation that official Docker image will be
generated (it is done already).

I spent some time on making sure that whole non-x86 support is free from
any hardcoding wherever possible. As you can see in my working branch
[3] it went quite well. Most of arch related changes are related to
"distro does not provide package ZYS for that architecture" or to
handling of external repositories.


# Debian support

And here we come to Debian support. At Linaro we decided to support two
community based distributions: CentOS and Debian. But Debian was on
a way out in Kolla...

As this was not related much to non-x86 work I decided to use one of
x86-64 machines for that stuff.

First builds were against 'jessie-backports' base tag. I had to make
a patch to tell APT that if I want backports then I really want them. It
was sent for review [4] as rest of patches.

4. https://review.openstack.org/432780

Images were building but not so many as for Ubuntu. So I went through
all of them and enabled Debian where it was possible. Resulting patch
went for review [5] as usual.

5. https://review.openstack.org/432787

Effect was quite nice (on x86-64):

debian-binary:  158
debian-source:  201

But 'jessie' was missing several packages even with backports enabled.
So after discussion with my team I decided to drop it and go for
Debian/testing 'stretch' one instead. It is already frozen for release
so no big changes are allowed. Patch in review [6] of course.

6. https://review.openstack.org/434453

At that moment I abandoned patch [4] as 'jessie-backports' are not
something I plan to support.

Turned out that 'stretch' images have a bit different set of packages
installed than 'jessie' had. So 'gnupg' and 'dirmngr' were missing while
we need them for importing GPG keys into APT. Proper patch went to
review [7] again.

7. https://review.openstack.org/434431

Did rebuild on x86-64:

stretch-binary: 137
stretch-source: 195

A bit less than 'jessie-backports' had, right? Sure, but it also shows
that I have to make a new build to check numbers (laptop already has
~1500 docker images generated by kolla).

# Cleaning of old Power patch

Remember [1] which all that started from? I did not forgot it and after
building all those images I went back to it.

Some parts are just fugly so I skipped them but others were useful if
done properly. That's how new changes were done: [8], [9], [10] and some
updates to previous ones ([2], [5]).

8.  https://review.openstack.org/434810
9.  https://review.openstack.org/434809
10. https://review.openstack.org/434817

Then I managed to put remote hands on one of Power machines at Red Hat
and started builds:

debian-binary:  134
debian-source:  184
ubuntu-binary:  147
ubuntu-source:  190

No CentOS builds as there is no centos/ppc64le image available yet.

# Summary

Non-x86 support looks quite nice. There are some images which can not be
built as they rely on external repositories so no aarch64 nor ppc64le
packages to use.

Debian 'stretch' support is not perfect yet but it is something which
I plan to maintain so situation will be going to improve. Note that most
of my work will go into 'source' type of builds as we want to have same
images for both Debian and CentOS systems.

Next week I am on holidays Tue->Sun.


Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] my work on Debian and non-x86 architectures

2017-02-17 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 17.02.2017 o 12:47, Marcin Juszkiewicz pisze:
> As you know I added support for non-x86 architectures: aarch64 and
> ppc64le. Also resurrected Debian support.

Forgot two things:


Logs: http://people.linaro.org/~marcin.juszkiewicz/kolla/ (updated every
few minutes)

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] my work on Debian and non-x86 architectures

2017-02-17 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 17.02.2017 o 13:19, Marcin Juszkiewicz pisze:
> W dniu 17.02.2017 o 12:47, Marcin Juszkiewicz pisze:
>> As you know I added support for non-x86 architectures: aarch64 and
>> ppc64le. Also resurrected Debian support.
> Forgot two things:
> Blueprint:
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/multiarch-and-arm64-containers
> Logs: http://people.linaro.org/~marcin.juszkiewicz/kolla/ (updated every
> few minutes)

Current stats:

x86-64 (finished):
centos-binary:  165
centos-source:  207
debian-binary:  141
debian-source:  196
ubuntu-binary:  160
ubuntu-source:  208

ppc64le (finished):
debian-binary:  134
debian-source:  184
ubuntu-binary:  147
ubuntu-source:  191

aarch64 (still building):
debian-binary:  124
debian-source:  114

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[openstack-dev] [kolla][infra] does someone cares about Jenkins? I stopped.

2017-03-02 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
I am working on some improvements for Kolla. Part of that work is
sending patches for review.

Once patch is set for review.openstack.org there is a set of Jenkins
jobs started to make sure that patch does not break already working
code. And this is good thing.

How it is done is not good ;(

1. Kolla output is nightmare to debug.

There is --logs-dir option to provide separate logs for each image build
but it is not used. IMHO it should be as digging through such logs is

Several images feels like they try to do install again and again to pass
through what distribution consider a bug - like "user XY already exists"
bugs while Debian/Ubuntu are used as base distro. Which adds several
error messages to check/ignore.

2. Some jobs fail because "sometimes (not always) the gate can't access
some source on the internet".

I spent most of my career on building software. Having builds fail for
such reasons was hardly acceptable when building could take hours. So we
mirrored all sources and used own mirror(s) as fallback. On other
systems I used 10-20GB w3cache to handle that for me (because there was
no way to provide local mirror of used sources).

OpenStack infrastructure lacks any of it. Using "recheck" comment in
review to restart Jenkins jobs is not a solution - how many times it has
to fail to make sure that it is patch's fault not infrastructure one?

As a contributor I started to ignore Jenkins tests. Instead I do builds
on several machines to check does everything works with my patches. If
something does not then I update my patchset.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][infra] does someone cares about Jenkins? I stopped.

2017-03-02 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 02.03.2017 o 20:19, Joshua Harlow pisze:
>> 1. Kolla output is nightmare to debug.
>> There is --logs-dir option to provide separate logs for each image build
>> but it is not used. IMHO it should be as digging through such logs is
>> easier.
> I to find the kolla output a bit painful, and I'm willing to help
> improve it, what would you think is a better approach (that we can try
> to get to).

Once I discovered --logs-dir option I stopped caring of normal kolla
output. If Jenkins jobs could be changed to make use of it and to
provide those logs it would make not only me happy.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] my work on Debian and non-x86 architectures

2017-03-31 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 17.02.2017 o 22:33, Marcin Juszkiewicz pisze:

> Current stats:

Instead of writing how many images got built I decided to make a page with 


There you can find which images got built for any combination of those:

distros = centos, debian, ubuntu
architectures = aarch64, ppc64le, x86_64
build types = binary, source

Logs are provided.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Re: About maridb 10.1 on kolla

2018-01-04 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 29.12.2017 o 07:58, Jeffrey Zhang pisze:
> recently, a series patches about mariadb is pushed. Current issue is
> - using different mariadb binary from different repo ( from percona,
> Mariadb official, linux distro )
> - using different version number of mariadb ( 10.0 and 10.1 )
> To make life easier, some patches are pushed to unify all of these. Here
> is my thought about this
> - try to bump to 10.1, which is released long time ago
> - use mariadb binary provided by linux disto as much as possible
> So here is plan
> - trying to upgrade to mariadb 10.1 [0][1]
> - use mariadb 10.1 provided by RDO on redhat family distro [2]
> - use mariadb 10.0 provided by UCA on ubuntu 
>   - it is told that, it not work as excepted [3]
>   - if this does not work. we can upgrade to mariadb 10.1 provides by
>     mariadb official on ubuntu.
> - use mariadb 10.1 provided by os repo on Debian.

How we are with testing/merging?

For Debian to be deployable we need 529199 in images as rest of changes
are kolla-ansible and can be cherry-picked before deployment.

> [0] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529505/ - fix kolla-ansible for
> mariadb 10.1


> [1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529199/ - Fix MariaDB bootstrap for 10.1 
> version
> [2] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/468632/ - Consume RDO packaged mariadb 
> version

> [3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/426953/ - Revert "Removed percona
> from ubuntu repos"


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Re: [openstack-dev] [nova] Working toward Queens feature freeze and RC1

2018-01-05 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 04.01.2018 o 01:02, Matt Riedemann pisze:
> I've started building a list of things that need to be done by the time
> we get to RC1:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-queens-release-candidate-todo

Can I add two small tweaks needed for AArch64 architecture to your list?

https://review.openstack.org/#/c/530965/ sets 'cpu_mode' to
'host-passthrough' as we do not have 'host-model' working due to big
amount of vendors making cpu cores.

https://review.openstack.org/#/c/489951/ uses UEFI as default boot
method as we have only two options: UEFI or direct kernel+initrd.

Both changes have tests added.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] role change and introductions

2018-02-15 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 15.02.2018 o 20:48, Kurt Taylor pisze:
> My downstream responsibilities have shifted over the last few months
> and it probably comes as no surprise that I am not going to be able
> to be as involved in the kolla project, including being the doc
> liaison. I'm having to remove myself from that role and will also not
> be attending PTG. The Kolla team has made great strides in improving
> the documentation, keep it going!

Sad to see you leaving man. But such is life and work duties.

> Second, there will be 2 others from my ppc64le team getting involved
> in Kolla, Mark Hamzy and Ed Leafe. Ed will be attending PTG and will
> try to get a chance to meet a few of you there.

Please tell him that I would like to chat about ppc64le stuff ;D

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][vote] core nomination for caoyuan

2018-03-12 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 12.03.2018 o 03:06, Jeffrey Zhang pisze:
> It is my pleasure to nominate caoyuan for kolla core team.


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Re: [openstack-dev] RFC: Next minimum libvirt / QEMU versions for "Stein" release

2018-04-06 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 06.04.2018 o 12:07, Kashyap Chamarthy pisze:
>> - libvirt 4.1.0 compiled without issue, though the dh_install phase
>> failed with this error:
>> dh_install: Cannot find (any matches for) "/usr/lib/*/wireshark/" (tried
>> in "." and "debian/tmp")
>> dh_install: libvirt-wireshark missing files: /usr/lib/*/wireshark/
>> dh_install: missing files, aborting
> That seems like a problem in the Debian packaging system, not in
> libvirt.  I double-checked with the upstream folks, and the install
> rules for Wireshark plugin doesn't have /*/ in there.

Known bug in wireshark package:


Status: maybe one day...

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][vote]Core nomination for Mark Goddard (mgoddard) as kolla core member

2018-04-26 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 26.04.2018 o 17:31, Jeffrey Zhang pisze:
> Kolla core reviewer team,
> It is my pleasure to nominate
> ​
> mgoddard for kolla core team.


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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][neutron][requirements][pbr]Use git+https line in requirements.txt break the pip install

2018-04-26 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 18.04.2018 o 04:48, Jeffrey Zhang pisze:

> Is this expected? and how could we fix this?

I posted a workaround: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/564552/

But this should be fixed in networking-odl (imho).

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla][neutron][requirements][pbr]Use git+https line in requirements.txt break the pip install

2018-05-08 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 18.04.2018 o 11:02, Michel Peterson pisze:

> How can we fix this?

Any update on it? Would like to get rid of current workarounds.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tripleo] PTG Agenda draft - action required

2017-09-04 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
W dniu 01.09.2017 o 15:20, Giulio Fidente pisze:

> specifically three topics:

>  - upgrade ceph to luminous (maybe also in Kolla)

Are there plans to build ceph packages then?

Debian 'stretch' is on 10.2.5, Ubuntu 16.04 is on 10.2.7 one. Packages
with 12.x are in Ubuntu 'artful' and on a way to CentOS 7.

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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Kolla Team Photo

2017-09-16 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz
Can someone add information who is who?
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Re: [openstack-dev] [kolla] Proposing Chason Chan (chason) as kolla-ansible core

2018-09-26 Thread Marcin Juszkiewicz

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