[openstack-dev] Add force detach to nova

2014-03-26 Thread Wanghao (S)
Hi, all,

There is a use case: we have two nova components (call them nova A and nova B) 
and one cinder component. Attach a volume to an instance in nova A and then 
services of nova A become abnormal.

Because the volume also want to be used in nova B, so using cinder api "force 
detach volume" to free this volume. But when nova A is normal, nova can't 
detach this volume from instance by using nova api "detach volume" ,

as nova check the volume state must be "attached".

I think should we add "force detach" function to nova just like "attach" and 
"detach", because if using force detach volume in cinder, there is still some 
attach information in nova which can't be cleaned by using nova api "detach".

There is the BP link 

Any suggestion is great. THX~

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2014-03-26 Thread Wanghao (S)
Hi, all,

There is a use case: we have two nova components (call them nova A and nova B) 
and one cinder component. Attach a volume to an instance in nova A and then 
services of nova A become abnormal.

Because the volume also want to be used in nova B, so using cinder api "force 
detach volume" to free this volume. But when nova A is normal, nova can't 
detach this volume from instance by using nova api "detach volume" ,

as nova check the volume state must be "attached".

I think should we add "force detach" function to nova just like "attach" and 
"detach", because if using force detach volume in cinder, there is still some 
attach information in nova which can't be cleaned by using nova api "detach".

There is the BP link 

Any suggestion is great. THX~

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