Hi all!

I've put down a rough proposed schedule for our PTG sessions in the
etherpad (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/congress-ptg-pike) and also
copied below. Please feel free to think about and express how you like &
dislike the proposed schedule and we¹ll finalize it in the IRC meeting. In
any case, it¹ll be more of a loose guide than a strict schedule. Thanks!

        9-10: ocata retrospective. what do we want to do more of? less of?
- testing, quality, maturity and maintenance (TQMM)
- community
        after lunch:
- new concepts (1st pass)
- integration features

        before lunch:
- new concepts (2nd pass)
- policy library
        after lunch:
- internal features
- UI features
        last hour: Pike priorities

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