On 05/28/2014 10:20 AM, Ilya Shakhat wrote:

At the summit we've announced a new dashboard called DriverLog [1]
<http://stackalytics.com/report/driverlog> that tracks all available
open-source drivers for OpenStack. DriverLog allows maintainers to
describe their drivers with list of OpenStack releases and also provide
name of external CI if available. For Ci-enabled drivers summary screen
shows bright green mark, but it is actually more than just a sign. Under
the hood DriverLog finds the most recent merged change request and
extracts tests execution results. DriverLog can work with voting and
non-voting CIs and supports case when one CI runs tests against several
drivers or hardware configurations.

Starting today CI execution data becomes available to users by clicking
driver name in summary screen. The pop-up shows table with time, status
and message from external CI for every release together with driver
details and list of maintainers.

I know that driver verification isn't the sexiest thing in the world, but I just wanted to say thank you to you and your team for making this happen. DriverLog is a slick little dashboard that, over time, I think will really be a great help to the operator and developer communities alike.


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