Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Zane Bitter

On 12/05/15 13:32, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

Barbican has the same issue. If Barbican is for storing secrets, how do
you get a secret to the VM so it can get its secrets from Barbican?
Aaaggg! :)

Ah yes, I forgot about Barbican, but as another application-facing API 
it is indeed in the same boat as all of the others we've been talking 
about in this thread by the sound of it.

I've been working on a solution here:

We're planning on talking more about that spec at the summit though.

So just keep in mind that this problem is not in any way specific to 

If we can get Nova to automatically create a Keystone user account for 
every server and provide the credentials/token in the metadata, that 
would be awesome. Nova is the hardest place to get new features into 
though, so it might be wise to consider other options.

I've heard through the grape vine that Amazon lets you have a machine
account that is associated with the vm. I'm not sure that's true or not,
but some kind of keystone account integration into nova might help...

Yes, that's correct. EC2 provides a machine account for each VM, along 
with a rotating key (I guess equivalent to a token for our purposes) 
accessible through the metadata. You can dynamically assign roles to the 
machine user in order to control its access to all of the AWS API actions.



*From:* Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
*Sent:* Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM
*To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
*Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right
now with separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated
from OpenStack infra.
This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling,
Murano actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use
Zaqar it will be interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue.
Frankly, I don't think that this is a good idea to use Keystone
credentials or tokens for MQ clients on VMs. This topic, probably,
deserves its own e-mail thread.

It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is
possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to
specific API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:


From: Zane Bitter []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
issue ;)

You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
you using OpenStack?).

There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
cross-project solutions.

The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Zane Bitter

On 12/05/15 09:44, Stan Lagun wrote:

+1 for making Murano Engine - Murano Agent communication plugable so
that one can switch to Zaqar or anything else.

Cool, thanks.

However watching RabbitMQ
development for years I know hard can it be to build efficient and
reliable system and I'm just not sure Zaqar can compete with such
battle-proven thing like RabbitMQ yet.

Yep, it's certainly a hard problem. Zaqar has some different constraints 
though - Rabbit is optimised for low-latency and throughput. For Zaqar 
it's more about reliability and scalability.

I don't think the scalability problem is going to be completely solved 
overnight, but I think the important thing at this stage is that the API 
be stable and not present any barriers to improving scalability on the 
back end - and I think the v2 API will do that. For the kinds of 
workloads that something like Murano could throw at it, I think it's 
more than capable already.

The only advantage I see is multi-tenancy.

The big advantage is in having a single interface across OpenStack for 
this. But yes, multi-tenancy is the main prerequisite for that to happen.

But I do believe it can be relatively easy be implemented
with RabbitMQ. At lease in Murano. Don't want to go off topic here. The
main idea is to use and dynamically
grant agent permissions only to his dedicated input queue so that it
cannot access anything else. Not just other tenants queues but also
queues of other VMs in the same tenant. In case of Murano we will not
need to maintain additional secrets or databases. Neither it will be
needed to create RabbitMQ users/vhosts as all of this becomes virtual.
And agent will not be holding any RabbitMQ passwords at all

There is more to multi-tenancy than just authentication/authorisation. 
It's also things like making sure one tenant's use of resources doesn't 
affect another tenant's (e.g. creating a denial of service by maxing out 
capacity); being able to measure and bill for usage; quotas to prevent 
accidental overuse c.

So while adding auth to your current solution is definitely a good thing 
and I would encourage you to do so (in addition to making the whole 
thing pluggable :) I don't think that even an authenticated Rabbit can 
become the single point for messaging across OpenStack. There's too much 
stuff missing for it to be a serious contender for public clouds in 

That's not to say Rabbit couldn't be used as a back-end to Zaqar, 
although it should be noted that the Zaqar team already investigated 
that in depth and found that it didn't meet their needs (at least at the 


Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:


Fully agree with you vision here.

On 12 May 2015, at 07:15, Zane Bitter wrote:

* Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue.
This is easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.

Any volunteers?

* Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message.
This is one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable
messaging flows between OpenStack services.[3]

I added an agenda item for the summit in to
discuss this. Everyone is welcome.

Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable
queuing semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g.
long-polling or WebSockets everyone could benefit immediately.[4]
Imagine if there were one place for notifications, at cloud scale,
for operators to secure. (How many webhook implementations are
there in OpenStack right now? How many of them are actually secure
against malicious users?) One format for messages between services
so that users can connect up their own custom pipelines. We're not
that far away! All of this is within reach if we work together.

Cool picture of a wonderful future :)

Thanks for reading. Please grab me at summit if you want to know
more; I am always happy to bend the ear of anyone who will listen
at length on this topic. As usual, I'll be the tall dude with the
weird accent ;)

With the great pleasure.

(P.S. your accent is cool!)

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Fox, Kevin M
see the email thread Re: [openstack-dev] [trove][zaqar] Trove and Zaqar 
integration. Summit working session


From: Georgy Okrokvertskhov
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2015 11:16:41 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

+1. Is it a separate e-mail thread or IRC meeting?


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
it seems like the trove/zaqar guys are talking about a very similar topic at 
the exact same time. :/

Maybe it would be a good time for all parties to get together and chat?


From: Stan Lagun []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:52 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
Awesome. When is it/where do I go to look up that info?

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Stan Lagun
On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 5:42 PM, Zane Bitter wrote:

 There is more to multi-tenancy than just authentication/authorisation.
 It's also things like making sure one tenant's use of resources doesn't
 affect another tenant's (e.g. creating a denial of service by maxing out
 capacity); being able to measure and bill for usage; quotas to prevent
 accidental overuse c.

This is a indeed a strong point that makes sense for shared MQ broker.
However I'm not convinced that Zaqar approach is an optimal one:
1. There are a several dozens of message-oriented middleware solutions
around (QPID, ActiveMQ, Camel, Kafka, HortnetQ and many more). Many of them
are well know, well tested, have significant user base, published books
etc. Does no one of them could be used instead with additional wrapping or
special configs or additional plugins/extensions? So that is would left
just to implement the integration layer instead of build MQ solution from

2. Even RabbitMQ has a lot of things pluggable and just maybe all those
requirements can be met by a set of RabbitMQ plugins. It is also possible
to contribute something to RabbitMQ or any other OSS MQ.

3. I'm not sure that noisy neighbor problem and other QoS related issues
are a big problem here. The question is who is the consumer of MQ? If
consumers are user-land applications running on OpenStack instance VMs a
better solution could be just to set dedicated RabbitMQ/somethingMQ on a VM
for those apps instead of a single shared server. I do understand that a
common shared resource is easier to mange and administrate. On the other
hand it is less secure and subject to QoS issues. There are so many
software configuration management tools around (docker containers and
container managers, prebuilt images, puppet manifests and so on) that it is
not a real challenge any more. And if consumers are other OpenStack
services QoS is unlikely to be a problem because in each OpenStack
distribution there are fixed number of tested services with known shape of
MQ workload.

4. Another option could be just to bring new MQ broker per tenant. For
example to run docker RabbitMQ container per tenant + something small to
manage them (to sync containers with tenant list). Docker has resource
quotas that can be used.

5. Stable API is good. However open and standardized API like AMQP is even

Maybe all of those possible solutions are bad and I'm sure there are
downsides to each approach. It is just not obvious that development of yet
another MQ solution worth it.

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Fox, Kevin M
it seems like the trove/zaqar guys are talking about a very similar topic at 
the exact same time. :/

Maybe it would be a good time for all parties to get together and chat?


From: Stan Lagun []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:52 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
Awesome. When is it/where do I go to look up that info?

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
+1. Is it a separate e-mail thread or IRC meeting?


On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 10:21 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

  it seems like the trove/zaqar guys are talking about a very similar
 topic at the exact same time. :/

 Maybe it would be a good time for all parties to get together and chat?

 *From:* Stan Lagun []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 12, 2015 11:52 PM
 *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

 On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 Awesome. When is it/where do I go to look up that info?

  Sincerely yours,
 Stan Lagun
 Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-13 Thread Stan Lagun
On Wed, May 13, 2015 at 2:46 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 Awesome. When is it/where do I go to look up that info?

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Renat Akhmerov

Fully agree with you vision here. 

 On 12 May 2015, at 07:15, Zane Bitter wrote:
 * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue. This is 
 easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.

Any volunteers?

 * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This is one 
 piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows between 
 OpenStack services.[3]

I added an agenda item for the summit in to 
discuss this. Everyone is welcome.

 Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable queuing 
 semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g. long-polling or WebSockets 
 everyone could benefit immediately.[4] Imagine if there were one place for 
 notifications, at cloud scale, for operators to secure. (How many webhook 
 implementations are there in OpenStack right now? How many of them are 
 actually secure against malicious users?) One format for messages between 
 services so that users can connect up their own custom pipelines. We're not 
 that far away! All of this is within reach if we work together.

Cool picture of a wonderful future :)

 Thanks for reading. Please grab me at summit if you want to know more; I am 
 always happy to bend the ear of anyone who will listen at length on this 
 topic. As usual, I'll be the tall dude with the weird accent ;)

With the great pleasure. 

(P.S. your accent is cool!)

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Fox, Kevin M
Barbican has the same issue. If Barbican is for storing secrets, how do you get 
a secret to the VM so it can get its secrets from Barbican? Aaaggg! :)

I've been working on a solution here:

We're planning on talking more about that spec at the summit though.

I've heard through the grape vine that Amazon lets you have a machine account 
that is associated with the vm. I'm not sure that's true or not, but some kind 
of keystone account integration into nova might help...


From: Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right now with 
separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated from OpenStack 
This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling, Murano 
actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use Zaqar it will be 
interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue. Frankly, I don't think that 
this is a good idea to use Keystone credentials or tokens for MQ clients on 
VMs. This topic, probably, deserves its own e-mail thread.

It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is 
possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to specific 
API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

From: Zane Bitter []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
issue ;)

You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
you using OpenStack?).

There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
cross-project solutions.

The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

  * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
  * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
  * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
  * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs

IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or
something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to
join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to
start a new project.) I really believe that if we work together to come
up with consistent solutions to these problems that keep popping up
across OpenStack, we can prove wrong all the naysayers who think that
application-facing services are only for proprietary clouds. I wrote up
my vision for why that's important and what there first steps are here:

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right now
with separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated from
OpenStack infra.
This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling,
Murano actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use Zaqar
it will be interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue. Frankly, I
don't think that this is a good idea to use Keystone credentials or tokens
for MQ clients on VMs. This topic, probably, deserves its own e-mail thread.

It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is
possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to
specific API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 From: Zane Bitter []
 Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
 issue ;)

 You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
 networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
 generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
 I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
 in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
 as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
 non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
 clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
 you using OpenStack?).

 There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
 to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
 order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
 take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
 biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
 current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
 gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
 wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
 to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
 toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
 community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
 together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
 thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
 being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

 That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
 more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
 cross-project solutions.

 The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
 of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
 for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
 started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
 requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

   * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
   * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
   * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
   * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs

 IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or
 something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to
 join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to
 start a new project.) I really believe that if we work together to come
 up with consistent solutions to these problems that keep popping up
 across OpenStack, we can prove wrong all the naysayers who think that
 application-facing services are only for proprietary clouds. I wrote up
 my vision for why that's important and what there first steps are here:

 Note that there are some subtleties that not everyone here will be able
 to contribute directly to fixing. For example, as I highlight in that
 post, Keystone is built around the concept that applications never talk
 to the cloud. But there are lots of other things people can work on now
 that would really make a big difference. For Mistral and Murano
 specifically, and in rough order of priority:

   * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue.
 This is easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.
   * Encourage any deployers and distributors you know (or, ahem, may
 work for ;) to make Zaqar available as an option.
   * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This
 is one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows
 between OpenStack services.[3]
   * Make Zaqar

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
+1 for Keystone based solution. Keystone is an identity service for
OpenStack so we have to make sure that Keystone supports our use case for
authentication and authorization for clients inside VMs.


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:32 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

  Barbican has the same issue. If Barbican is for storing secrets, how do
 you get a secret to the VM so it can get its secrets from Barbican?
 Aaaggg! :)

 I've been working on a solution here:

 We're planning on talking more about that spec at the summit though.

 I've heard through the grape vine that Amazon lets you have a machine
 account that is associated with the vm. I'm not sure that's true or not,
 but some kind of keystone account integration into nova might help...

 *From:* Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM
 *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

   There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right
 now with separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated
 from OpenStack infra.
 This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling,
 Murano actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use Zaqar
 it will be interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue. Frankly, I
 don't think that this is a good idea to use Keystone credentials or tokens
 for MQ clients on VMs. This topic, probably, deserves its own e-mail thread.

  It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is
 possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to
 specific API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 From: Zane Bitter []
 Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
 issue ;)

 You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
 networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
 generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
 I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
 in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
 as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
 non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
 clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
 you using OpenStack?).

 There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
 to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
 order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
 take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
 biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
 current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
 gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
 wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
 to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
 toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
 community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
 together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
 thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
 being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

 That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
 more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
 cross-project solutions.

 The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
 of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
 for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
 started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
 requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

   * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
   * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
   * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
   * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs

 IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or
 something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to
 join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to
 start a new project.) I really believe that if we work together to come
 up with consistent solutions to these problems that keep popping up

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Stan Lagun
We are going to have a design session at the summit entirely dedicated to
Murano guest agent security and isolation. Everyone is welcomed to attend
and discuss security requirements, concerns and possible solutions.

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

  Barbican has the same issue. If Barbican is for storing secrets, how do
 you get a secret to the VM so it can get its secrets from Barbican?
 Aaaggg! :)

 I've been working on a solution here:

 We're planning on talking more about that spec at the summit though.

 I've heard through the grape vine that Amazon lets you have a machine
 account that is associated with the vm. I'm not sure that's true or not,
 but some kind of keystone account integration into nova might help...

 *From:* Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
 *Sent:* Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM
 *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

   There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right
 now with separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated
 from OpenStack infra.
 This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling,
 Murano actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use Zaqar
 it will be interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue. Frankly, I
 don't think that this is a good idea to use Keystone credentials or tokens
 for MQ clients on VMs. This topic, probably, deserves its own e-mail thread.

  It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is
 possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to
 specific API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 From: Zane Bitter []
 Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
 Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
 issue ;)

 You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
 networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
 generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
 I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
 in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
 as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
 non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
 clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
 you using OpenStack?).

 There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
 to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
 order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
 take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
 biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
 current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
 gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
 wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
 to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
 toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
 community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
 together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
 thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
 being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

 That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
 more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
 cross-project solutions.

 The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
 of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
 for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
 started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
 requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

   * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
   * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
   * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
   * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs

 IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or
 something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to
 join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to
 start a new project.) I really believe that if we

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Fox, Kevin M
Awesome. When is it/where do I go to look up that info?


From: Stan Lagun []
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:33 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

We are going to have a design session at the summit entirely dedicated to 
Murano guest agent security and isolation. Everyone is welcomed to attend and 
discuss security requirements, concerns and possible solutions.

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:32 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
Barbican has the same issue. If Barbican is for storing secrets, how do you get 
a secret to the VM so it can get its secrets from Barbican? Aaaggg! :)

I've been working on a solution here:

We're planning on talking more about that spec at the summit though.

I've heard through the grape vine that Amazon lets you have a machine account 
that is associated with the vm. I'm not sure that's true or not, but some kind 
of keystone account integration into nova might help...


From: Georgy Okrokvertskhov 
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 10:06 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

There is one thing which still bothers me. It is authentication. Right now with 
separate RabbitMQ instance we keep VMs authentication isolated from OpenStack 
This is still a problem if you want to use webhooks (Heat autoscaling, Murano 
actions) via our own authentication models. If we plan to use Zaqar it will be 
interesting to know how Zaqar solves this issue. Frankly, I don't think that 
this is a good idea to use Keystone credentials or tokens for MQ clients on 
VMs. This topic, probably, deserves its own e-mail thread.

It will be interesting to discuss this with Keystone team. What is it is 
possible to have a token which is restricted to be authenticated to specific 
API URL like  GET /v1/queues/queue-id/


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 8:58 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

From: Zane Bitter []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
issue ;)

You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
you using OpenStack?).

There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
cross-project solutions.

The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

  * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
  * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Stan Lagun
+1 for making Murano Engine - Murano Agent communication plugable so that
one can switch to Zaqar or anything else. However watching RabbitMQ
development for years I know hard can it be to build efficient and reliable
system and I'm just not sure Zaqar can compete with such battle-proven
thing like RabbitMQ yet. The only advantage I see is multi-tenancy. But I
do believe it can be relatively easy be implemented with RabbitMQ. At lease
in Murano. Don't want to go off topic here. The main idea is to use and dynamically
grant agent permissions only to his dedicated input queue so that it cannot
access anything else. Not just other tenants queues but also queues of
other VMs in the same tenant. In case of Murano we will not need to
maintain additional secrets or databases. Neither it will be needed to
create RabbitMQ users/vhosts as all of this becomes virtual. And agent will
not be holding any RabbitMQ passwords at all

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Renat Akhmerov


 Fully agree with you vision here.

 On 12 May 2015, at 07:15, Zane Bitter wrote:

 * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue. This is
 easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.

 Any volunteers?

 * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This is
 one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows between
 OpenStack services.[3]

 I added an agenda item for the summit in to
 discuss this. Everyone is welcome.

 Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable queuing
 semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g. long-polling or WebSockets
 everyone could benefit immediately.[4] Imagine if there were one place for
 notifications, at cloud scale, for operators to secure. (How many webhook
 implementations are there in OpenStack right now? How many of them are
 actually secure against malicious users?) One format for messages between
 services so that users can connect up their own custom pipelines. We're not
 that far away! All of this is within reach if we work together.

 Cool picture of a wonderful future :)

 Thanks for reading. Please grab me at summit if you want to know more; I
 am always happy to bend the ear of anyone who will listen at length on this
 topic. As usual, I'll be the tall dude with the weird accent ;)

 With the great pleasure.

 (P.S. your accent is cool!)

 Renat Akhmerov
 @ Mirantis Inc.

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
I would encourage everyone to listen Zane. I think Zaqar is the way to go
for Murano. It is not the first time when someone asks as to switch MQ
technologies. Remember our journey with ZeroMQ?

Lets meet with Zaqar team on the summit and discuss what we can do
together. As I remember Zaqar even had AMQ support on their roadmap but
nothing prevents us to use their HTTP based client.

It will be also great if we can share the client with Heat. I don't see any
reason why we can't use one generic agent for software orchestration side.
The only different between Heat and Murano there is in declarative vs.
imperative approach. Most of the time Heat software orchestration is enough
but in some cases like executing the same script multiple times on master
node to register minions imperative approach is just more flexible.


On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 6:44 AM, Stan Lagun wrote:

 +1 for making Murano Engine - Murano Agent communication plugable so
 that one can switch to Zaqar or anything else. However watching RabbitMQ
 development for years I know hard can it be to build efficient and reliable
 system and I'm just not sure Zaqar can compete with such battle-proven
 thing like RabbitMQ yet. The only advantage I see is multi-tenancy. But I
 do believe it can be relatively easy be implemented with RabbitMQ. At lease
 in Murano. Don't want to go off topic here. The main idea is to use and dynamically
 grant agent permissions only to his dedicated input queue so that it cannot
 access anything else. Not just other tenants queues but also queues of
 other VMs in the same tenant. In case of Murano we will not need to
 maintain additional secrets or databases. Neither it will be needed to
 create RabbitMQ users/vhosts as all of this becomes virtual. And agent will
 not be holding any RabbitMQ passwords at all

 Sincerely yours,
 Stan Lagun
 Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

 On Tue, May 12, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Renat Akhmerov


 Fully agree with you vision here.

 On 12 May 2015, at 07:15, Zane Bitter wrote:

 * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue. This
 is easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.

 Any volunteers?

 * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This is
 one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows between
 OpenStack services.[3]

 I added an agenda item for the summit in to
 discuss this. Everyone is welcome.

 Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable queuing
 semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g. long-polling or WebSockets
 everyone could benefit immediately.[4] Imagine if there were one place for
 notifications, at cloud scale, for operators to secure. (How many webhook
 implementations are there in OpenStack right now? How many of them are
 actually secure against malicious users?) One format for messages between
 services so that users can connect up their own custom pipelines. We're not
 that far away! All of this is within reach if we work together.

 Cool picture of a wonderful future :)

 Thanks for reading. Please grab me at summit if you want to know more; I
 am always happy to bend the ear of anyone who will listen at length on this
 topic. As usual, I'll be the tall dude with the weird accent ;)

 With the great pleasure.

 (P.S. your accent is cool!)

 Renat Akhmerov
 @ Mirantis Inc.

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-12 Thread Fox, Kevin M

From: Zane Bitter []
Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite
issue ;)

You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to
networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and
generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services).
I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation
in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution,
as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a
non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private
clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are
you using OpenStack?).

There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects
to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in
order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's
take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the
biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the
current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have
gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the
wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due
to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position
toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the
community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects
together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one
thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also
being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the

That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves
more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent,
cross-project solutions.

The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part
of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way
for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus
started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The
requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

  * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
  * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
  * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
  * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs

IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or
something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to
join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to
start a new project.) I really believe that if we work together to come
up with consistent solutions to these problems that keep popping up
across OpenStack, we can prove wrong all the naysayers who think that
application-facing services are only for proprietary clouds. I wrote up
my vision for why that's important and what there first steps are here:

Note that there are some subtleties that not everyone here will be able
to contribute directly to fixing. For example, as I highlight in that
post, Keystone is built around the concept that applications never talk
to the cloud. But there are lots of other things people can work on now
that would really make a big difference. For Mistral and Murano
specifically, and in rough order of priority:

  * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue.
This is easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.
  * Encourage any deployers and distributors you know (or, ahem, may
work for ;) to make Zaqar available as an option.
  * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This
is one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows
between OpenStack services.[3]
  * Make Zaqar an alternative to Rabbit for communicating to the Murano
  * Use your experience in implementing notifications over email and the
like in Mistral to help the Zaqar team to add the notification features
they've long been planning. These could take the form of microservices
listening on a Zaqar queue. You get the reliable, asynchronous queuing
semantics for free and *every* service and user can benefit from your work.

Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable queuing
semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g. long-polling or
WebSockets everyone could benefit immediately.[4] Imagine if there were
one place for notifications, at cloud scale, for operators to secure.
(How many webhook implementations are there in OpenStack right now? How
many of them are actually secure against malicious users?) One format
for messages between services so that users can

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Filip Blaha

Hi Stan

we wanted interact with murano applications from mistral. Currently 
there is no support in mistral how to execute scripts on VM via murano 
agent (maybe I miss something). We noticed std.ssh mistral action so we 
consider SSH as one of the options. I think that it is not good idea due 
to networking obstacles I just wanted to confirm that. Thanks for 
pointing out Zaquar I didn't know about it.


On 05/10/2015 04:21 AM, Stan Lagun wrote:


If I got you right the plan is to have Murano application execute 
Mistral workflow that SSH to VM and executes particular command? And 
alternative is Murano-Mistral-Zaquar-Zaquar agent?
Why can't you just send this command directly from Murano (to Murano 
agent on VM)? This is the most common use case that is found in nearly 
all Murano applications and it is battle-proven. If you need SSH you 
can contribute SSH plugin to Murano (Mistral will require similar 
plugin anyway). The more moving parts you involve the more chances you 
have for everything to fail

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:

Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network
infrastructure allows access to a host using specified IP, it
doesn’t provide anything on top of that.

 On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think.
Have a generic run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that
pulls commands from a Zaqar queue, and executes it.
 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network
then. You just have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command
into Zaqar queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can
be plugged in easily.

 Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving
it up to Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of
action: “zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine
itself works with all actions equally, they are just basically
functions that we can plug in and use in Mistral workflow
language. From this standpoint Mistral is already abstract enough.

 If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral
implementation detail?

More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may
not be even hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in
(using stevedore underneath).

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Filip Blaha


there is VPN mechanism in neutron we could consider for future how to 
get around these networking obstacles if we would like to use direct SSH.

1) every private created by murano would create VPN gateway on public 
interface of the router [1]

neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description My vpn service 
router1 mysubnet

2) any service like mistral which needs directly access VM via SSH (or 
other protocols) would connect to that VPN and then it could directly 
access VM on its fixed IP

This mechanism would probably resolve network obstacles. But it requires 
more effort to analyse it.



On 05/08/2015 10:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:

Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure allows 
access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top of that.

On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic run 
shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar queue, and 
executes it.
The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in easily.

Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to 
Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action: 
“zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with all 
actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in and use 
in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is already abstract 

If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral implementation 

More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be even 
hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore 

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Filip Blaha


At the beginning we considered whether we could implement action on a 
murano application via mistral workflow. We thought that it could be 
beneficial to use workflow engine to implement some non-trivial action 
e.g. reconfiguration of some complex application within murano 
environment. Of course there would be disadvantages like dependency on 
mistral. I would recommend to discuss it later on some meeting (IRC, 
hangouts or summit) with Radek to explain use-cases better.


On 05/11/2015 10:44 AM, Stan Lagun wrote:


 Currently there is no support in mistral how to execute scripts on 
VM via murano agent

Mistral can call Murano application action that will do the job via 
agent. Actions are intended to be called by 3rd party systems with 
single HTTP request

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


there is VPN mechanism in neutron we could consider for future how
to get around these networking obstacles if we would like to use
direct SSH.

1) every private created by murano would create VPN gateway on
public interface of the router [1]

neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description My vpn
service router1 mysubnet

2) any service like mistral which needs directly access VM via SSH
(or other protocols) would connect to that VPN and then it could
directly access VM on its fixed IP

This mechanism would probably resolve network obstacles. But it
requires more effort to analyse it.



On 05/08/2015 10:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:

Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure 
allows access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top 
of that.

On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin  wrote:

This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
queue, and executes it.
The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You 
just have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in easily.

Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to 
Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action: 
“zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with all 
actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in and use 
in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is already abstract 

If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral 
implementation detail?

More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be 
even hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore 

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Stan Lagun

 Currently there is no support in mistral how to execute scripts on VM via
murano agent

Mistral can call Murano application action that will do the job via agent.
Actions are intended to be called by 3rd party systems with single HTTP

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 11:27 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


 there is VPN mechanism in neutron we could consider for future how to get
 around these networking obstacles if we would like to use direct SSH.

 1) every private created by murano would create VPN gateway on public
 interface of the router [1]

 neutron vpn-service-create --name myvpn --description My vpn service
 router1 mysubnet

 2) any service like mistral which needs directly access VM via SSH (or
 other protocols) would connect to that VPN and then it could directly
 access VM on its fixed IP

 This mechanism would probably resolve network obstacles. But it requires
 more effort to analyse it.



 On 05/08/2015 10:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:

 Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure allows 
 access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top of 

  On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
 run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
 queue, and executes it.
 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
 have to push messages into Zaqar.

  Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
 queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in easily.

  Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to 
 Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

  Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action: 
 “zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with all 
 actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in and 
 use in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is already 
 abstract enough.

  If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral implementation 

  More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be 
 even hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore 

 Renat Akhmerov
 @ Mirantis Inc.

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Fox, Kevin M
Sorry, I reread what I wrote and it came off.. harsher then I had intended. I 
don't mean I will never support it, simply that I can't support it as it is.

I have security researchers that use this particular cloud, and don't want to 
give Murano a black eye if they discover something...

I would help if I could, but unfortunatly, I already have my fingers in too 
many pies. If I do manage to get a bit of time, maybe I can help. we'll see. 
I'm not convinced it will be a simple thing to fix though. Rabbit wasn't build 
with multitenancy in mind, so fixing it right might take a fair amount of work.

http polling is not a good long term solution. Uses more power/resources then 

Zaquar, being designed for multi tenancy messaging from the get go, seems like 
a good way to go. Unfortunatly, they still only support http polling I think, 
but have it on their roadmap to fix. Most of the hard work is switching over to 
Zaquar though. So once they add a non polling option, it should be relatively 
cheep to add support.


From: Stan Lagun []
Sent: Sunday, May 10, 2015 3:24 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


I do agree that lack of RabbitMQ multi-tenancy is a problem. However as this is 
developers mailing list I would suggest to contribute and make Murano guest 
agent secure for the benefit of all users and all existing applications instead 
of spending comparable amount of time developing intricate solutions that will 
make everything way more complex. If Murano application developers need to 
write additional Mistral workflow for each deployment step that would make 
application development be extremely harder and Murano be mostly useless.

There are several approaches that can be taken to solve agent isolation problem 
and all of them are relatively easy to implement.
This task is one of out top priorities for the Liberty and will be solved very 
soon anyway.

Another approach that IMO also better than SSH is to use HOT software config 
that uses HTTP polling and doesn't suffer from lack of tenant isolation.

I do want to see better Mistral integration in Murano as well as many other 
tools like puppet etc. And there are some good use cases for Mistral. But when 
it comes to the most basic things that Murano was designed to do from the 
foundation I want to make sure that Murano can do them the best way possible 
without requiring users to learn additional DSLs/tools or go extra step and 
involve additional services where not necessary. If something important is 
missing in Murano that makes usage of Mistral for deployment more attractive 
I'd rather focus on improving Murano and bringing those features to Murano. We 
can even use Mistral under the hood as long as we not make users to write both 
MuranoPL and Mistral DSL code for trivial things like service restart.

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
Im planning on deploying murano but wont be supporting the murano guest agent. 
The lack of multi tenant security is a big problem I think.


From: Stan Lagun
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 7:21:17 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


If I got you right the plan is to have Murano application execute Mistral 
workflow that SSH to VM and executes particular command? And alternative is 
Murano-Mistral-Zaquar-Zaquar agent?
Why can't you just send this command directly from Murano (to Murano agent on 
VM)? This is the most common use case that is found in nearly all Murano 
applications and it is battle-proven. If you need SSH you can contribute SSH 
plugin to Murano (Mistral will require similar plugin anyway). The more moving 
parts you involve the more chances you have for everything to fail

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:
Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure allows 
access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top of that.

 On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
 run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
 queue, and executes it.
 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
 have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
queue. This type

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-11 Thread Zane Bitter


This looks like a perfect soapbox from which to talk about my favourite 
issue ;)

You're right about the ssh idea, for the reasons discussed related to 
networking and a few more that weren't (e.g. users shouldn't have to and 
generally don't want to give their private SSH keys to cloud services). 
I didn't know, or had forgotten, about the message queue implementation 
in Murano and while I think that's the correct shape for the solution, 
as long as the service in question is not multi-tenant capable it's a 
non-starter for a public clouds at least and probably many private 
clouds as well (after all, if you don't need multi-tenancy then why are 
you using OpenStack?).

There's been a tendency within the application-facing OpenStack projects 
to hack together whatever local solutions to problems that we can in 
order to make progress without being held up by other projects. Let's 
take a moment to acknowledge that Heat is both the earliest and the 
biggest offender here, and that I am as culpable as anyone in the 
current state of affairs. There are multiple reasons for how things have 
gone - part of it is that it turned out we developed services in the 
wrong order, starting at too high a level. Part of it, frankly, is due 
to that element of the community that maintains a hostile position 
toward application-facing services and have used their influence in the 
community to maintain a disincentive against integrating projects 
together.[1] (If deployment of your project is discouraged that's one 
thing, but if it depends on another project whose deployment is also 
being discouraged then the hurdle you have to jump over is twice the 

That said, I think we're at the point where we are hurting ourselves 
more than anyone else is by failing to come up with coherent, 
cross-project solutions.

The problem articulated in this thread is not an isolated one. It's part 
of a more general pattern that affects a lot of projects: we need a way 
for the cloud to communicate to applications running in it. Angus 
started a recent discussion of this already on the list.[2] The 
requirements, IMHO, are roughly:

 * Reliability - we must be able to guarantee delivery to applications
 * Asynchrony - the cloud cannot block on user-controlled processes
 * Multitenancy - this is table stakes for OpenStack
 * Access control - even within tenants, we need to trust guest VMs 

IMNSHO Zaqar messages are the obvious choice for the transport here. (Or 
something very similar in shape to Zaqar - but it'd be much better to 
join forces with the Zaqar team to improve it where necessary than to 
start a new project.) I really believe that if we work together to come 
up with consistent solutions to these problems that keep popping up 
across OpenStack, we can prove wrong all the naysayers who think that 
application-facing services are only for proprietary clouds. I wrote up 
my vision for why that's important and what there first steps are here:

Note that there are some subtleties that not everyone here will be able 
to contribute directly to fixing. For example, as I highlight in that 
post, Keystone is built around the concept that applications never talk 
to the cloud. But there are lots of other things people can work on now 
that would really make a big difference. For Mistral and Murano 
specifically, and in rough order of priority:

 * Add an action in Mistral for sending a message to a Zaqar queue. 
This is easy and there's no reason you couldn't do it right now.
 * Encourage any deployers and distributors you know (or, ahem, may 
work for ;) to make Zaqar available as an option.
 * Add a way to trigger a Mistral workflow with a Zaqar message. This 
is one piece in the puzzle to build user-configurable messaging flows 
between OpenStack services.[3]
 * Make Zaqar an alternative to Rabbit for communicating to the Murano 
 * Use your experience in implementing notifications over email and the 
like in Mistral to help the Zaqar team to add the notification features 
they've long been planning. These could take the form of microservices 
listening on a Zaqar queue. You get the reliable, asynchronous queuing 
semantics for free and *every* service and user can benefit from your work.

Imagine if there were one place where we implemented reliable queuing 
semantics at cloud scale, and when we added e.g. long-polling or 
WebSockets everyone could benefit immediately.[4] Imagine if there were 
one place for notifications, at cloud scale, for operators to secure. 
(How many webhook implementations are there in OpenStack right now? How 
many of them are actually secure against malicious users?) One format 
for messages between services so that users can connect up their own 
custom pipelines. We're not that far away! All of this is within reach 
if we work together.

Thanks for reading. Please grab me at summit if 

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-10 Thread Stan Lagun

I do agree that lack of RabbitMQ multi-tenancy is a problem. However as
this is developers mailing list I would suggest to contribute and make
Murano guest agent secure for the benefit of all users and all existing
applications instead of spending comparable amount of time developing
intricate solutions that will make everything way more complex. If Murano
application developers need to write additional Mistral workflow for each
deployment step that would make application development be extremely harder
and Murano be mostly useless.

There are several approaches that can be taken to solve agent isolation
problem and all of them are relatively easy to implement.
This task is one of out top priorities for the Liberty and will be solved
very soon anyway.

Another approach that IMO also better than SSH is to use HOT software
config that uses HTTP polling and doesn't suffer from lack of tenant

I do want to see better Mistral integration in Murano as well as many other
tools like puppet etc. And there are some good use cases for Mistral. But
when it comes to the most basic things that Murano was designed to do from
the foundation I want to make sure that Murano can do them the best way
possible without requiring users to learn additional DSLs/tools or go extra
step and involve additional services where not necessary. If something
important is missing in Murano that makes usage of Mistral for deployment
more attractive I'd rather focus on improving Murano and bringing those
features to Murano. We can even use Mistral under the hood as long as we
not make users to write both MuranoPL and Mistral DSL code for trivial
things like service restart.

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Sun, May 10, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

  Im planning on deploying murano but wont be supporting the murano guest
 agent. The lack of multi tenant security is a big problem I think.


 *From:* Stan Lagun
 *Sent:* Saturday, May 09, 2015 7:21:17 PM
 *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


  If I got you right the plan is to have Murano application execute
 Mistral workflow that SSH to VM and executes particular command? And
 alternative is Murano-Mistral-Zaquar-Zaquar agent?
 Why can't you just send this command directly from Murano (to Murano agent
 on VM)? This is the most common use case that is found in nearly all Murano
 applications and it is battle-proven. If you need SSH you can contribute
 SSH plugin to Murano (Mistral will require similar plugin anyway). The more
 moving parts you involve the more chances you have for everything to fail

  Sincerely yours,
 Stan Lagun
 Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

 On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov

 Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure
 allows access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on
 top of that.

  On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
  This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a
 generic run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands
 from a Zaqar queue, and executes it.
  The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You
 just have to push messages into Zaqar.

 Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar
 queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in

  Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up
 to Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

 Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action:
 “zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with
 all actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in
 and use in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is
 already abstract enough.

  If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral
 implementation detail?

 More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be
 even hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore

 Renat Akhmerov
 @ Mirantis Inc.

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-10 Thread Fox, Kevin M
Im planning on deploying murano but wont be supporting the murano guest agent. 
The lack of multi tenant security is a big problem I think.


From: Stan Lagun
Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 7:21:17 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


If I got you right the plan is to have Murano application execute Mistral 
workflow that SSH to VM and executes particular command? And alternative is 
Murano-Mistral-Zaquar-Zaquar agent?
Why can't you just send this command directly from Murano (to Murano agent on 
VM)? This is the most common use case that is found in nearly all Murano 
applications and it is battle-proven. If you need SSH you can contribute SSH 
plugin to Murano (Mistral will require similar plugin anyway). The more moving 
parts you involve the more chances you have for everything to fail

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov wrote:
Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure allows 
access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top of that.

 On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
 run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
 queue, and executes it.
 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
 have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in easily.

 Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to 
 Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action: 
“zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with all 
actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in and use 
in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is already abstract 

 If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral implementation 

More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be even 
hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore 

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-09 Thread Stan Lagun

If I got you right the plan is to have Murano application execute Mistral
workflow that SSH to VM and executes particular command? And alternative is
Murano-Mistral-Zaquar-Zaquar agent?
Why can't you just send this command directly from Murano (to Murano agent
on VM)? This is the most common use case that is found in nearly all Murano
applications and it is battle-proven. If you need SSH you can contribute
SSH plugin to Murano (Mistral will require similar plugin anyway). The more
moving parts you involve the more chances you have for everything to fail

Sincerely yours,
Stan Lagun
Principal Software Engineer @ Mirantis

On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 11:22 AM, Renat Akhmerov

 Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure
 allows access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on
 top of that.

  On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
  This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a
 generic run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands
 from a Zaqar queue, and executes it.
  The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You
 just have to push messages into Zaqar.

 Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar
 queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in

  Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to
 Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

 Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action:
 “zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with
 all actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in
 and use in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is
 already abstract enough.

  If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral
 implementation detail?

 More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be
 even hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore

 Renat Akhmerov
 @ Mirantis Inc.

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-08 Thread Renat Akhmerov
Generally yes, std.ssh action works as long as network infrastructure allows 
access to a host using specified IP, it doesn’t provide anything on top of that.

 On 06 May 2015, at 22:26, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
 run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
 queue, and executes it.
 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
 have to push messages into Zaqar.

Yes, in Mistral it would be another action that puts a command into Zaqar 
queue. This type of action doesn’t exist yet but it can be plugged in easily.

 Should Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to 
 Mistral how to get the action to the vm?

Like I mentioned previously it should be just a different type of action: 
“zaqar.something” instead of “std.ssh”. Mistral engine itself works with all 
actions equally, they are just basically functions that we can plug in and use 
in Mistral workflow language. From this standpoint Mistral is already abstract 

 If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral implementation 

More precisely: implementation detail of Mistral action which may not be even 
hardcoded part of Mistral, we can rather plug them in (using stevedore 

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Filip Blaha
Thanks for confirmation, that trying direct from mistral ssh to VM via 
fixed IP is not good idea.

Btw. It would probably not work even if mistral run on the same network 
node hosting the router for the tenant because neutron creates separate 
network namespace (ip netns qrouter-x) for each router and VMs are 
accessible only from that namespace not from default.


On 05/06/2015 06:31 PM, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

If your Mistral engine is on the same host as the network node
hosting the router for the tenant, then it would probably work
there are a lot of conditions in that statement though... Too many
for my tastes. :/

While I dislike agents running in the vm's, this still might be a
good use case for one...

This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think.
Have a generic run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that
pulls commands from a Zaqar queue, and executes it.

The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network
then. You just have to push messages into Zaqar.

From Murano's perspective though, maybe it shouldn't care. Should
Mistral abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to
Mistral how to get the action to the vm? If that's the case, then
ssh vs queue/agent is just a Mistral implementation detail? Maybe
the OpenStack Deployer chooses what's the best route for their cloud?


+1 for MQ.

That is the path which proved itself to be working in most of the cases.

-1 for ssh as this is a big headache.


From: Filip Blaha []
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 8:42 AM
Subject: [openstack-dev]  [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance.
of such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to
access instances from mistral workflow is not good
idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral
running on some openstack node would not be able to access
instance via
its fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh
from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec
qrouter-... ssh
cirros@ mailto:cirros@ but I think it is not
good to rely on implementation
detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it
could be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral
action to
access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would
like to confirm it.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Pospisil, Radek

Ad ... The networking in OpenStack in general works in such a way so that 
connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere. )
IMO it is defined by user what networks are accessible from VM – i.e., there 
can be several ‚public networks‘
Ad There is difference in direction who initiates connection. In case of murano 
agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated from VM to openstack 
service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is direction opposite from 
openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.)
And In Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs 
have no access to OpenStack MQ.

Yes and no ☺ In case of SSH the direction is obvious – from Mistral to VM.
But in case of MQ it is nearly the same, but both VM and Mistral are accessing 
the MQ – so the direction is Mistral to MQ, and VM to MQ. In this case it is 
important on what network the MQ is running – is MQ running on VM (managed by 
nova), or on O~S node? In both cases we have to solve how neutron network will 
be available to O~S node:

· MQ is on VM (managed by nova)

o   VM with Murano agent has to be on the same network, or via router as MQ

o   Mistral (and of course Murano engine) has to be configured to have access 
to VM with MQ e.g., via floating IP, or manually configured namespaces ?

· MQ is on O~S node

o   VM with Murano agent has to be configured to access ‚public network‘ with MQ

o   Mistral and (Murano engine) will have access to MQ (as they are running 
with all O~S nodes)

Gosha) In production environment - do you have ‚management network‘ on which 
MQ, VMs-with-Murano-agent, and Murano-engine, Mistral are running ?

Anyway I like more idea of using MQ for execution of actions (such as ssh) 
instead of direct ssh.


From: Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 6:40 PM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking 
connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general works in 
such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere. In 
Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs have no 
access to OpenStack MQ.
In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service which 
publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so that agent can 
pull them and execute.

On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:

one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates 
connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated from 
VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is direction 
opposite from openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:

I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also accessible on 
Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We (I and Filip) were 
discussing this today and we were not make a final decision.
Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ which 
is also accessed by Murano engine



-Original Message-
From: Blaha, Filip
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano environment 
via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral std.ssh action could 
be used to run some command on an instance. Example of such action in murano 
could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run service 
mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access instances 
from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service 
running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its 
fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from 
namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh 
cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on 
implementation detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment 
it could be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to access 
instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like to confirm 


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Filip Blaha
yes. I agree that direction is important from only networking piont of 
view. Usually is more probable that VM on neutron network will be able 
to access O~S service ( VM -- rabbit) then opposite direction from O~S 
service to VM running on neutron network (mistral -- VM).


On 05/06/2015 06:39 PM, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:
Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking 
connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general 
works in such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost 
anywhere. In Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance 
so that VMs have no access to OpenStack MQ.

In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service 
which publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so 
that agent can pull them and execute.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


one more note on that. There is difference in direction who
initiates connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is
connection initiated from VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case
of std.ssh mistral action is direction opposite from openstack
service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:


I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services
also accessible on Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova)
can access it? We (I and Filip) were discussing this today and
we were not make a final decision.
Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects
to RabbitMQ which is also accessed by Murano engine



-Original Message-
From: Blaha, Filip
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a
murano environment via mistral workflows. We are considering
whether mistral std.ssh action could be used to run some
command on an instance. Example of such action in murano could
be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and
run service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to
use SSH to access instances from mistral workflow is not good
idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking.
Mistral service running on some openstack node would not be
able to access instance via its fixed IP (e.g. via
SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from namespace of its
gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
cirros@ mailto:cirros@ but I think it is
not good to rely on implementation detail of neutron and use
it. In multinode openstack deployment it could be even more

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral
action to access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I
think no but I would like to confirm it.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
Yes, Rabbit MQ is kind of shared. Each VM gets its own Queue which is
dynamically created in MQ when application is being deployed. Technically
we can create separate MQ users and virtual hosts for each VM, but this is
an overkill for now. So by default it is just separate Queue with random
generated name.

If you want more protection you wiull have to change Murano default
behaviour by adding a new vhost for each tenant.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 10:26 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

  So... rabbit is not multitenant I think. You share a rabbit across
 multiple tenants's vms? How do you protect one tenant's vm's from getting
 commands sent to it by another tenant?

 *From:* Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
 *Sent:* Thursday, May 07, 2015 9:18 AM
 *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
 *Subject:* Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


  When we use Murano in production there is a MQ service which is running
 on OpenStack controllers but it listens on public interface. It means that
 both Murano which is running on OpenStack controllers and Agent on VMs have
 an access to this MQ via external (public) network.
  When Murano creates a new deployment it actually deploys a private
 network and attach it to the router which acts as a gateway to external
 networking. So it is specific application deployment topology which allows
 VMs to communicate with MA via external network.


 On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:28 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:

  yes. I agree that direction is important from only networking piont of
 view. Usually is more probable that VM on neutron network will be able to
 access O~S service ( VM -- rabbit) then opposite direction from O~S
 service to VM running on neutron network (mistral -- VM).


 On 05/06/2015 06:39 PM, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:

   Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking
 connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general works
 in such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere.
 In Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs
 have no access to OpenStack MQ.

  In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service
 which publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so that
 agent can pull them and execute.


 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


 one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates
 connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated
 from VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is
 direction opposite from openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


 On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:


 I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also
 accessible on Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We
 (I and Filip) were discussing this today and we were not make a final
 Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to
 RabbitMQ which is also accessed by Murano engine



 -Original Message-
 From: Blaha, Filip
 Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
 Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
 environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
 std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example of
 such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
 Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
 service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access
 instances from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to
 confirm it.

 The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral
 service running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance
 via its fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh
 from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
 cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
 detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could
 be even more complicated.

 In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
 access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like
 to confirm it.


 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov

When we use Murano in production there is a MQ service which is running on
OpenStack controllers but it listens on public interface. It means that
both Murano which is running on OpenStack controllers and Agent on VMs have
an access to this MQ via external (public) network.
When Murano creates a new deployment it actually deploys a private network
and attach it to the router which acts as a gateway to external networking.
So it is specific application deployment topology which allows VMs to
communicate with MA via external network.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:28 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:

  yes. I agree that direction is important from only networking piont of
 view. Usually is more probable that VM on neutron network will be able to
 access O~S service ( VM -- rabbit) then opposite direction from O~S
 service to VM running on neutron network (mistral -- VM).


 On 05/06/2015 06:39 PM, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:

   Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking
 connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general works
 in such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere.
 In Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs
 have no access to OpenStack MQ.

  In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service
 which publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so that
 agent can pull them and execute.


 On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


 one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates
 connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated
 from VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is
 direction opposite from openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


 On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:


 I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also
 accessible on Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We
 (I and Filip) were discussing this today and we were not make a final
 Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ
 which is also accessed by Murano engine



 -Original Message-
 From: Blaha, Filip
 Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
 Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
 environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
 std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example of
 such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
 Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
 service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access
 instances from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to
 confirm it.

 The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service
 running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its
 fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from
 namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
 cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
 detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could
 be even more complicated.

 In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
 access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like
 to confirm it.


 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

  Georgy Okrokvertskhov
 OpenStack Platform Products,
 Tel. +1 650 963 9828
 Mob. +1 650 996 3284

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-07 Thread Fox, Kevin M
So... rabbit is not multitenant I think. You share a rabbit across multiple 
tenants's vms? How do you protect one tenant's vm's from getting commands sent 
to it by another tenant?


From: Georgy Okrokvertskhov []
Sent: Thursday, May 07, 2015 9:18 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


When we use Murano in production there is a MQ service which is running on 
OpenStack controllers but it listens on public interface. It means that both 
Murano which is running on OpenStack controllers and Agent on VMs have an 
access to this MQ via external (public) network.
When Murano creates a new deployment it actually deploys a private network and 
attach it to the router which acts as a gateway to external networking. So it 
is specific application deployment topology which allows VMs to communicate 
with MA via external network.


On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 1:28 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:
yes. I agree that direction is important from only networking piont of view. 
Usually is more probable that VM on neutron network will be able to access O~S 
service ( VM -- rabbit) then opposite direction from O~S service to VM running 
on neutron network (mistral -- VM).


On 05/06/2015 06:39 PM, Georgy Okrokvertskhov wrote:
Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking 
connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general works in 
such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere. In 
Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs have no 
access to OpenStack MQ.

In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service which 
publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so that agent can 
pull them and execute.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:

one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates 
connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated from 
VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is direction 
opposite from openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:

I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also accessible on 
Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We (I and Filip) were 
discussing this today and we were not make a final decision.
Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ which 
is also accessed by Murano engine



-Original Message-
From: Blaha, Filip
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano environment 
via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral std.ssh action could 
be used to run some command on an instance. Example of such action in murano 
could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run service 
mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access instances 
from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service 
running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its 
fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from 
namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh 
cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on 
implementation detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment 
it could be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to access 
instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like to confirm 


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)


Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov

From Murano experience I can tell you that ssh to VM in general case will
not work. In order to have an ssh access you will have to assign floating
IPs so that Mistral service will be able to connect to VM.
That is exactly the reason why Murano uses agent and MQ mechanism when
client on VM initiates a connection. I believe the same issue was in Sahara
when they used direct ssh connections to VMs.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:00 AM, Pospisil, Radek


 I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also accessible
 on Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We (I and
 Filip) were discussing this today and we were not make a final decision.
 Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ
 which is also accessed by Murano engine



 -Original Message-
 From: Blaha, Filip
 Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
 Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
 environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
 std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example of
 such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
 Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run service
 mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access instances
 from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to confirm it.

 The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service
 running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its
 fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from
 namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
 cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
 detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could
 be even more complicated.

 In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
 access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like
 to confirm it.


 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Fox, Kevin M
If your Mistral engine is on the same host as the network node hosting the 
router for the tenant, then it would probably work there are a lot of 
conditions in that statement though... Too many for my tastes. :/

While I dislike agents running in the vm's, this still might be a good use case 
for one...

This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a generic 
run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands from a Zaqar 
queue, and executes it.

The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You just 
have to push messages into Zaqar.

From Murano's perspective though, maybe it shouldn't care. Should Mistral 
abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to Mistral how to get 
the action to the vm? If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is just a 
Mistral implementation detail? Maybe the OpenStack Deployer chooses what's the 
best route for their cloud?


From: Filip Blaha []
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 8:42 AM
Subject: [openstack-dev]  [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example
of such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to
access instances from mistral workflow is not good
idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service
running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via
its fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh
from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it
could be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would
like to confirm it.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
Connection direction here is important only in the frame of networking
connectivity problem solving. The networking in OpenStack in general works
in such a way so that connections from VM are allowed to almost anywhere.
In Murano production deployment we use separate MQ instance so that VMs
have no access to OpenStack MQ.

In the sense who initiates task execution it always a Murano service which
publishes tasks (shell script + necessary files) in the MQ so that agent
can pull them and execute.


On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:31 AM, Filip Blaha wrote:


 one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates
 connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection initiated
 from VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh mistral action is
 direction opposite from openstack service (mistral) to ssh server on VM.


 On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:


 I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also
 accessible on Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We
 (I and Filip) were discussing this today and we were not make a final
 Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ
 which is also accessed by Murano engine



 -Original Message-
 From: Blaha, Filip
 Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
 Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
 environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
 std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example of
 such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
 Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
 service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access
 instances from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to
 confirm it.

 The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service
 running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its
 fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from
 namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
 cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
 detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could
 be even more complicated.

 In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
 access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like
 to confirm it.


 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Georgy Okrokvertskhov
On Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:26 AM, Fox, Kevin M wrote:

 If your Mistral engine is on the same host as the network node hosting the
 router for the tenant, then it would probably work there are a lot of
 conditions in that statement though... Too many for my tastes. :/

 While I dislike agents running in the vm's, this still might be a good use
 case for one...

 This would also probably be a good use case for Zaqar I think. Have a
 generic run shell commands from Zaqar queue agent, that pulls commands
 from a Zaqar queue, and executes it.

 The vm's don't have to be directly reachable from the network then. You
 just have to push messages into Zaqar.

 From Murano's perspective though, maybe it shouldn't care. Should Mistral
 abstract away how to execute the action, leaving it up to Mistral how to
 get the action to the vm? If that's the case, then ssh vs queue/agent is
 just a Mistral implementation detail? Maybe the OpenStack Deployer chooses
 what's the best route for their cloud?


+1 for MQ.

That is the path which proved itself to be working in most of the cases.

-1 for ssh as this is a big headache.


 From: Filip Blaha []
 Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 8:42 AM
 Subject: [openstack-dev]  [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


 We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano
 environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral
 std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example
 of such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
 Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run
 service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to
 access instances from mistral workflow is not good
 idea but I would like to confirm it.

 The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service
 running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via
 its fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh
 from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh
 cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation
 detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it
 could be even more complicated.

 In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to
 access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would
 like to confirm it.


 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

 OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Georgy Okrokvertskhov
OpenStack Platform Products,
Tel. +1 650 963 9828
Mob. +1 650 996 3284
OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Filip Blaha


one more note on that. There is difference in direction who initiates 
connection. In case of murano agent -- rabbit MQ is connection 
initiated from VM to openstack service(rabbit). In case of std.ssh 
mistral action is direction opposite from openstack service (mistral) to 
ssh server on VM.


On 05/06/2015 06:00 PM, Pospisil, Radek wrote:


I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also accessible on 
Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We (I and Filip) were 
discussing this today and we were not make a final decision.
Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ which 
is also accessed by Murano engine



-Original Message-
From: Blaha, Filip
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano environment 
via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral std.ssh action could 
be used to run some command on an instance. Example of such action in murano 
could be restart action on Mysql DB service.
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run service mysql 
restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access instances from mistral 
workflow is not good idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service running on some 
openstack node would not be able to access instance via its fixed IP (e.g. via 
SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip 
netns exec qrouter-... ssh cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on 
implementation detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could 
be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to access 
instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like to confirm 


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

[openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Filip Blaha


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano 
environment via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral 
std.ssh action could be used to run some command on an instance. Example 
of such action in murano could be restart action on Mysql DB service. 
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run 
service mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to 
access instances from mistral workflow is not good

idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service 
running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via 
its fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh 
from namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh 
cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation 
detail of  neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it 
could be even more complicated.

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to 
access instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would 
like to confirm it.


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

Re: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action

2015-05-06 Thread Pospisil, Radek

I think that the generic question is - can be O~S services also accessible on 
Neutron networks, so VM (created by Nova) can access it? We (I and Filip) were 
discussing this today and we were not make a final decision. 
Another example is Murano agent running on VMs - it connects to RabbitMQ which 
is also accessed by Murano engine



-Original Message-
From: Blaha, Filip 
Sent: Wednesday, May 06, 2015 5:43 PM
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Murano] [Mistral] SSH workflow action


We are considering implementing  actions on services of a murano environment 
via mistral workflows. We are considering whether mistral std.ssh action could 
be used to run some command on an instance. Example of such action in murano 
could be restart action on Mysql DB service. 
Mistral workflow would ssh to that instance running Mysql and run service 
mysql restart. From my point of view trying to use SSH to access instances 
from mistral workflow is not good idea but I would like to confirm it.

The biggest problem I see there is openstack networking. Mistral service 
running on some openstack node would not be able to access instance via its 
fixed IP (e.g. via SSH. Instance could accessed via ssh from 
namespace of its gateway router e.g. ip netns exec qrouter-... ssh 
cirros@ but I think it is not good to rely on implementation detail of 
 neutron and use it. In multinode openstack deployment it could be even more 

In other words I am asking whether we can use std.ssh mistral action to access 
instances via ssh on theirs fixed IPs? I think no but I would like to confirm 


OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)

OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)