[openstack-dev] [election][tc] Candidacy

2016-03-30 Thread Julien Danjou
Hi folks,

I hereby announce my candidacy for the OpenStack Technical Committee election.

Most of you probably know me by now, and for those who don't yet, let's say
I've been around for almost 5 years now in the OpenStack community. I am
currently acting as the PTL for Telemetry. I've been working on that project
for a while and been tacking technical debt as a member of the Oslo team for a
long time too.

I wrote a blog post about my view of the current state of the OpenStack project
as a whole, what I'd like to fix, and how I think the TC should behave.

I invite you to give it a quick read, and if you agree with what I wrote, I'd
like to encourage you to vote for me. And even to vote for other people whose
view might join mine. :)


Julien Danjou
# Free Software hacker
# https://julien.danjou.info

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[openstack-dev] [election] [tc] Candidacy for Mitaka

2015-09-30 Thread Julien Danjou
Hi fellow developers,

I hereby announce my candidacy for the OpenStack Technical Committee election.

I am currently employed by Red Hat and spend all my time working on upstream
OpenStack development. Something I've been doing since 2011. Those last years,
I ran the Ceilometer project as a PTL and already served the TC a few cycles
ago. I did many contributions to OpenStack as a whole, and I'm one of the top
contributors of the project[1] – hey I contributed to 72 OpenStack projects!

My plan here is to bring some of my views of the OpenStack world to the
technical committee, which actually does not seem to do much technical stuff
nowadays – much more bureaucracy. Maybe we should rename it?

I'm glad we now have a "big tent" approach of our community. I was one of the
first and only at the TC to say we should not push back projects for bad
reasons, and now we are accepting 10× times more. The tag system we are now
using and that has been imagined is nice, but as a new user of the tags, I find
them annoying and not always completely thought-through. I'm in favor of a more
agile and more user-oriented development, and I'd love bringing more of that.

I would also like to bring some of my hindsight about testing, usability and
documentation on the table. I've been, with part of the Telemetry team, able to
build a project that has a good and sane community, that works by default, has
a well-designed REST API and a great up-to-date documentation and is simple to
deploy and use. I wish the rest of OpenStack was a bit more like that.

[1] http://stackalytics.com/?metric=commits_id=jdanjou=all

Happy hacking!

Julien Danjou
/* Free Software hacker
   http://julien.danjou.info */

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[openstack-dev] [election][TC] Candidacy

2015-09-30 Thread Rochelle Grober
Hello People!

I am tossing one of my hats into the ring to run for TC.  Yes, I believe you
could call me a "diversity candidate" as I'm not much of a developer any more,
but I think my skills would be a great addition to the excellent people who are
on the TC (past and present).

My background:  I am currently an architect with Huawei Technologies.  My role
is "OpenStack" and as such, I am liaison to many areas an groups in the
OpenStack community and I am liaison to Huawei engineers and management for the
OpenStack community.  I focus energy on all parts of Software products that
aren't directly writing code.  I am an advocate for quality, for effective and
efficient process, and for the downstream stakeholders (Ops, Apps developers,
Users, Support Engineers, Docs, Training, etc).  I am currently active in:
* DefCore
* RefStack
* Product Working Group
* Logging Working Group (cofounder)
* Ops community
* Peripherally, Tailgaters
* Women of OpenStack
* Diversity Working Group

What I would like to help the TC and the community with:
* Interoperability across deployed clouds begins with cross project
communications and the realization that  each engineer and each project is
connected and influential in how the OpenStack ecosystem works, responds, and
grows. When OpenStack was young, there were two projects and everyone knew
each other, even if they didn't live in the same place.  Just as processes
become more formal when startups grow to be mid-sized companies, OpenStack
has formalized much as it has exploded in number of participants.  We need to
continue to transform Developer, Ops and other community lore into useful
documentation. We are at the point where we really need to focus our energies
and our intelligence on how to effectively span projects and communities via
better communications.  I'm already doing this to some extent.  I'd like to
help the TC do that to a greater extent.
* In the past two years, I've seen the number of "horizontal" 
projects grow
almost as significantly as the "vertical" projects.  These cross functional
projects, with libraries, release, configuration management, docs, QA, etc.,
have also grown in importance in maintaining the quality and velocity of
development.  Again, cross-functional needs are being address, and I want to
help the TC be more proactive in identifying needs and seeding the teams with
senior OpenStack developers (and user community advisors where useful).
* The TC is the conduit between, translator of and champion for the
developers to the OpenStack Board.  They have a huge responsibility and not
enough time, energy or resources to address all the challenges.  I am ready to
work on the challenges and help develop the strategic vision needed to keep on
top of the current and new opportunities always arising and always needing some
thoughtful analysis and action.

That said, I have my own challenges to address.  I know my company will support
me in my role as a TC member, but they will also demand more of my time,
opinions, presence and participation specifically because of the TC position.
I also am still struggling to make inroads on the logging issues I've been
attempting to wrangle into better shape.  I've gotten lots of support from the
community on this (thanks, folks, you know who you are;-), but it still gives
me pause for thought that I, myself need to keep working on my effectiveness.

Whether on the TC or not, I will continue to contribute as much as I can to the
community in the ways that I do best.  and you will continue to see me at the
summits, the midcycles, the meetups, the mailing lists and IRC (hopefully more
there as I'm trying to educate my company how they can provide us the access we
need without compromising their corporate rules).

Thank you for reading this far and considering me for service on the TC.


ps.  I broke Gerrit on my laptop, so infra is helping me, but I've stumped them 
and wanted to get this out.  TLDR: this ain't in the elections repository yet
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[openstack-dev] [election] [tc] Candidacy for Technical Committee

2015-09-28 Thread Anne Gentle
Hi all,

I'm writing to let you know I would like to run for Technical Committee
again this term.

Here is my candidacy statement for your review.

I have worked at Rackspace on the OpenStack collection of projects for five
years now, working primarily on documentation. Rackspace is one of the
organizations and currently running and supporting both public and private
clouds. I work on the developer experience team at Rackspace where we
for the cloud developer through support, tools, outreach in the community,

In that time I've learned a lot about the people and projects that make up
OpenStack, and I've served the project in capacities that are often lacking
open source -- documentation, communication, API standards, and on-boarding
newcomers, especially under-represented groups such as women in technology.

The growth of OpenStack as a whole has been phenomenal. That growth and
attention has afforded us some experimentation with community, collaborative
documentation. In 2012 we assembled a team of operators to write the
Operations Guide that now is available as an O'Reilly book. We copied that
model successfully twice now with the Security Guide and the Architecture
Design Guide. Now project teams are completing focused documentation
In 2014 the docs team implemented a new RST-based web design that makes the
docs.openstack.org site more usable and also easier to contribute to. In the
Kilo release we saw the highest number of docs contributors were for the
API documentation. In the past six months I've been writing blog entries
fellow TC members in order to offer a line of communication beyond the
lists. This year my focus has been on API documentation and cross-project
all the while supporting Docs PTL Lana Brindley in continuing the many
documentation efforts.

Why should I earn your vote? Vote for me if you care about cross-project
collaboration and communication especially. In the next year I want to find
innovative solutions to hard problems as OpenStack matures and continues to
strive for interoperability.

My expertise and experience in end-user support including useful and
REST APIs lends itself well to working on the Technical Committee. I have an
extensive network of relationships with both public and private cloud
at Rackspace and beyond.

I am interested in the long-term viability of OpenStack as a whole. I
intend to
continue working hard for the community. I believe the Technical Committee
the best place for me to work with others to keep OpenStack on the right
to offering an open source cloud for the world.

Get to know me and my work:
OpenStack profile: https://www.openstack.org/community/members/profile/87
OpenStack blog: https://www.openstack.org/blog/author/annegentle/
Stackalytics: http://stackalytics.com/?user_id=annegentle
Reviews: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:%22Anne+Gentle%22,n,z
Commits: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Anne+Gentle%22,n,z
IRC: annegentle
Blog: http://justwriteclick.com/
Candidate Statement: https://review.openstack.org/228482

Thanks for your consideration,

Anne Gentle
Principal Engineer
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