Re: [openstack-dev] [octavia] how to list/find the amphoras serving a load balancer

2017-10-13 Thread Michael Johnson
Hi Mihaela,

Welcome to the Octavia club!

In an Ocata release you are correct that there is no API way to
identify amphora related to a given load balancer.

In the queens release we have introduced a new administrator API for
amphora that provides the functionality you are looking for:

By using the filter capabilities of our Octavia v2 API you can query
the API for a list of amphora that are associated to a load balancer


On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 1:51 AM,   wrote:
> Hi,
> We are about to deploy Octavia (Ocata) in a multi-tenant Openstack
> environment. All amphoras (for all tenants) will be spawned in a “service”
> tenant. What is the easiest way to list the amphora instances of a certain
> load balancer? As far as I could see, there is no API call returning such
> result. The best way I can do it is by checking the security group
> associated to the amphora port: the security group name includes the load
> balancer ID.
> Thank you,
> Mihaela
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[openstack-dev] [octavia] how to list/find the amphoras serving a load balancer

2017-10-13 Thread mihaela.balas

We are about to deploy Octavia (Ocata) in a multi-tenant Openstack environment. 
All amphoras (for all tenants) will be spawned in a "service" tenant. What is 
the easiest way to list the amphora instances of a certain load balancer? As 
far as I could see, there is no API call returning such result. The best way I 
can do it is by checking the security group associated to the amphora port: the 
security group name includes the load balancer ID.

Thank you,


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