[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC Candidacy

2016-03-31 Thread Matthew Treinish
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to submit my candidacy for the OpenStack Technical Committee.

I've been involved with OpenStack since the Folsom cycle. In that time I've
worked on a lot of varied parts of OpenStack. During this time I have started
and led several key initiatives and projects (mostly centered around QA and the
gate) in OpenStack including:

 * Starting the elastic-recheck project with Joe Gordon
 * Enabling parallel tempest execution. This made our gate test environment more
   closely resemble a real environment by having multiple API requests happen at
   once. It's shook loose a ton of race conditions in projects
 * Creating tempest-lib and the tempest plugin interface
 * Creating subunit2sql and starting the openstack-health dashboard
 * Helping debug gate issues and consistently helping with firefighting blocking
   gate issues

I also served as the QA PTL for the past 4 cycles from Juno through Mitaka. It
was in this role that I've interacted with most of the projects/teams in
OpenStack and gained an appreciation for where OpenStack works at it's best and
at it's worst.

As a community I see our greatest weaknesses (and strengths) come from having
a large and diverse platform and ecosystem. While I do believe that for
OpenStack to succeed we do need a large ecosystem of projects, which the big
tent was introduced to address, I feel in the process we have lost some
concentration as a community on having a strong base and clear messaging about
OpenStack. With everyone distracted by the big tent it often leaves things in
the small tent, which holds up the entire ecosystem, not getting the attention
it should.

The other aspect that comes with this is the messaging around OpenStack. I've
had many conversations with people outside the community about how they choose
not to use or contribute to OpenStack because it's not clear what it is, where
to begin, or how to use it. I feel this is largely because we grew quite quickly
after converting to the big tent and we need to do a better job of helping users
bridge the gap here. Tags were a start, but I still think there is a way to
go before we can say we've solved this problem.

As a member of the TC I'd want to bring more focus to these problems. I'd like
to see the TC take a more active role and take a more hands on approach in the
technical oversight of projects. I'd also want to work on making our messaging
about what OpenStack is much clearer.

It would be my honor and privilege to serve the community if I'm lucky enough
to be elected to the TC.


Matthew Treinish

IRC: mtreinish
Review history: 
Commit history: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:mtreinish%2540kortar.org
Stackalytics: http://stackalytics.com/?metric=commits&user_id=treinish
Blog: http://blog.kortar.org/

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[openstack-dev] [TC][election] TC Candidacy

2018-04-17 Thread Zane Bitter

Hello friends,
I've been working full-time on OpenStack for 6 years now, since the very 
early days of the Heat project back in 2012. Along the way I have served 
as PTL of Heat, where I am still a member of the core team, and 
colloborated with developers from many other projects, such as Mistral, 
Zaqar, Telemetry, and Keystone. I also worked on TripleO for a while, 
from which I learned a lot about both deploying OpenStack itself and 
deploying complex applications using OpenStack (since it uses an 
OpenStack undercloud to deploy OpenStack as an application).

Last year I wrote, and the TC approved, a resolution on the importance 
of catering to applications that autonomously make use of OpenStack APIs 
if we are to achieve OpenStack's mission:


(Since then a lot of great progress[1] has been made, with more 
coming[2].) Afterwards, a number of people remarked that up until that 
point, despite being familiar with all of the pieces, they had never 
really connected the dots to realise that there was no secure way for an 
application to authenticate to the OpenStack cloud it is running in 
without extensive manual intervention from the cloud operator.

I'm running for election to the Technical Committee because I think it's 
important that we have a TC that can, collectively, connect the dots in 
as many different ways as possible, to cater to the many different users 
and potential users of OpenStack. There are important discussions ahead 
-- both within the technical community and between the TC and the Board 
-- about where to draw the boundaries of OpenStack; the more user 
viewpoints that are represented, the better the result will be. We don't 
get as much feedback from developers of cloud-aware applications as we 
do from other end users, because in many cases OpenStack doesn't yet 
meet their minimum requirements. That is the gap I am hoping to bridge. 
If we succeed, OpenStack will not only gain a lot more users, but I 
expect more users will become contributors. I know from long experience 
that keeping up with the activity of the TC requires a substantial time 
commitment; I am fortunate to be in a position to contribute and I hope 
to be able to represent many of y'all who are unable to devote that 
amount of time.

I also plan to work with the TC to find more ways to guide projects 
toward maturity once they have joined the OpenStack community -- 
something we largely lost when the old incubation process went away.

Questions and comments are welcome!



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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-03 Thread Doug Hellmann
I am announcing my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack Technical

I started contributing to OpenStack in 2012, and I am currently
employed by Red Hat to work on OpenStack with a focus on long-term
project concerns.  I have served on the Technical Committee for the
last four years and as PTL of the Oslo and Release Management teams at
different points in the past. I won't repeat all of the information
about my history with the project (see last years nomination email if
you dont know me [1]).

Most recently I have been working with the Documentation team to
reorganize how we manage docs for OpenStack [2][3]. After more than
1200 reviews [4], we are well on our way to a healthy future.

Most of my contributions have been focused on enabling others in the
community.  From the documentation migration, to release automation,
and the community goals process, I have worked on tools, processes,
and patterns to make incremental improvements in our ability to
collaborate while building OpenStack. I view serving on the TC as an
extension of that work.

Earlier this year the TC met to work on our vision [5] for the future
of the TC. Two of the themes from the vision resonated with me
strongly: "Embracing Community Diversity" and "Growing New Leaders.

Most of our project teams have seen the effects of companies
refocusing or reducing their support of upstream development.  For the
community to thrive, we need to continue seeking new contributors. In
addition to looking at new companies, and new parts of our global
community, we need to encourage participation by more people who are
not spending significant amounts of their time on upstream work --
where OpenStack is not their full-time job. That will mean adjusting
the way we do code reviews, to place more emphasis on giving help
along with the usual review feedback. The reward for making this
cultural change will be more engagement with and contributions by our
users. I will be working on my ideas in this area through the First
Contact or Contributor Welcoming SIG [6].

The theme of finding new leaders is equally important. As Sean rightly
points out [7], the long term health of our community depends on our
ability to transition between leaders. We do this regularly in project
teams where the responsibilities are fairly well defined. We have
fewer people available to lead community-wide initiatives.  Regardless
of the outcome of the election, I will be working with the TC on
establishing a mentoring program for inter-project work to encourage
new people to step into community-wide leadership roles.

The OpenStack community is the most exciting and welcoming group I
have interacted with in more than 25 years of contributing to open
source projects. I look forward to continuing to be a part of the
community and serving the project.

Thank you,

Review history: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:2472,n,z
Commit history: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:2472,n,z
Foundation Profile: http://www.openstack.org/community/members/profile/359
Freenode: dhellmann
Website: https://doughellmann.com

[3] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/507629/
[4] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/intopic:doc-migration
[5] https://governance.openstack.org/tc/resolutions/20170404-vision-2019.html
[7] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-October/122979.html

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-05 Thread Emilien Macchi
Dear community,

This is my candidacy for second round of a position on the OpenStack Technical
Committee: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/509880/

During the last twelve months, I've contributed to Governance reviews
and used my vote
by thinking outside of the box. Indeed, my experience on working with
installers is pretty unique at the TC and I find it important to represent this
I've also participated in the Visioning exercise in Boston, and I believe it
helped a lot in our community. I hope we can keep iterating on this work during
the next months.
On a personal note, I really enjoyed working with the community and I believe
we keep making progress over the years.

And last but not least, I've been PTL on two different projects during
five cycles. My focus has always been to find solutions for:

- Bringing more trust in our community, and always assuming good faith
by default.
  I think we have still some work to do on that area but I believe we'll
  continue to make good progress.

- Making our operators happy. Working on installers is not the same
game as working
  on devstack, you have to deal with customers and people from a different
  world. I like to think we're making good progress in how do we test OpenStack.

- Scaling-up our community, by voting for governance changes but also at how we
  operate together on IRC, by e-mail or in person during events. Be more
  inclusive and help people to grow. We should kill "clubs" and unwelcoming
  places, and continue to make OpenStack the best Open-Source project
to contribute

Of course you don't need to be TC member to contribute on these topics; though
changes made in Governance are voted by TC members; so I would like to be
candidate one more time.

Thank you for your consideration,
Emilien Macchi

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-05 Thread feilong
Hi everyone,

I'm announcing my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack Technical
For those of you who don't know me yet, I'm Feilong Wang, currently
working for Catalyst Cloud as a development lead. Catalyst Cloud is a public
cloud running on OpenStack based in New Zealand. Also, I've been serving
as the
PTL of Zaqar (OpenStack Messaging Service) for 5 cycles. Before that, I was
mainly working for Glance (OpenStack Image Service) as a core reviewer since
Folsom 2012.

Currently the role of the TC is more important than ever. Some large
are downsizing their investment for OpenStack or switching their focus
to containers/k8s, but meanwhile many companies from APAC, especially China,
are heavily investing OpenStack. Although it's a pain to lose great
contributors, the companies having real requirements for OpenStack are kept.
It's a good time for us to think about how to define OpenStack, for whom
building the software and how to build a collaborative/integrated community.

As a TC member I want to bring focus in below areas:

#1 Users & Operators

Listen closely to the voice of users and operators and this pretty much
with the mission of OpenStack as below.

"To produce the ubiquitous Open Source Cloud Computing platform that
will meet
the needs of public and private clouds regardless of size, by being
simple to
implement and massively scalable."

To implement a useful, stable cloud platform, we can't work behind closed
doors, but closely work with the user and operator community. As far as
I know,
except the user survey, we don't have more formal processes/approaches
to collect
the feedback from our users and operators, though the operators mailing list
and some random forum sessions at OpenStack summit are helpful. And IMHO,
currently we’re mixing feedback collected from different perspectives. For
example, most of the feedback from operators are how to easily deploy/manage
the cloud. But the tenant user/developers' requirements are more related to
functions, UX, etc. I can see we have put a lot of effort to address the
of operators, but obviously, we do also need more work to make the tenant
users/developer’s life easier.

#2 Core and Ecosystem, Big Tent and Constellation

As the PTL of Zaqar, an official but not core project, I'm keen to help the
evolution at this area. From stackforge to big tent to constellation, we're
continuing to explore different approaches to embrace the challenge. So far,
we have generally got some positive responses for the idea of constellation,
but we do need more details to shape it. And I’m happy to raise my hand.
Personally, I’d like to see a focal point/TC member is assigned for each
important use-case/constellation, who will be responsible for driving the
collaboration and integration for that user case.

#3 Diversity and Inclusion

Though OpenStack is a community with good diversity and inclusion, we do
need some work at this area given there are more and more contributors from
different countries with different languages and cultures. As a Chinese
in New Zealand, I truly understand the pain of crossing/removing the
and culture barrier. I have been working with world wide contributors
for the
past 5 years, so I believe I can help at this area by sharing/documenting my
experience and drive some activities to bridge the different languages and
cultures in OpenStack community.

#4 Integration and Collaboration

As a distributed cloud platform, it's good to decouple different services to
make each service do one thing well. However, seems most of projects are
focusing on their own offering and not enough projects are paying
attention to
the global impact. I would like to push a more tighter collaboration between
projects and obviously it will make the integration more easier and
Operators should expect different projects can work together smoothly
just like
they're different parts within one project. As a maintainer of a public
running on OpenStack, I know the pain of our ops, when they try to migrate a
service or adding a new service in existing cluster. So I'd like to see more
interlocks between PTL and TC members to understand the gaps and fill
the gaps.

It would be an honor to be member of your technical committee. Thanks
for your

Cheers & Best regards,
Feilong Wang (王飞龙)
Senior Cloud Software Engineer
Tel: +64-48032246
Email: flw...@catalyst.net.nz
Catalyst IT Limited
Level 6, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street, Wellington

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-09 Thread Colleen Murphy
I'd like to submit my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack TC.

I work at SUSE as a Cloud Developer. I have been involved with OpenStack for
three years, first as a contributor to the Puppet-OpenStack team, then with
Infra team, and now as a core reviewer for keystone.

>From the beginning I have had a keen interest in onboarding new
contributors and
guiding them to be productive community members. Growing our community
following our recent drop in contributors is one of our biggest challenges.
I also see diversifying our community as intertwined with attracting and
onboarding new members. I have always been impressed with OpenStack's
community and inclusivity, but the numbers show that we could be doing
on gender diversity[1] and I believe we must continue to build up momentum
improving cultural inclusivity.

My work in OpenStack has given me with an understanding of the needs of
operators and deployment tool teams and a desire to support those needs.
Admitting deployment tools into the Big Tent was a great step in closing the
communication gap between core projects and deployers and ultimately lead
to an
improvement in the user experience for operators. Continuing this pattern of
inter-group collaboration is fundamental to making OpenStack better.

I care a lot about OpenStack and I'd like to contribute to its overall
and success in any way that I can, and I see serving on the TC as an
way to do that. Thank you for your consideration.

Colleen Murphy (cmurphy)

[1] http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/bitergia-intel-report/
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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-09 Thread Ildiko Vancsa
Hi All,

I would like to announce my candidacy for a seat on the OpenStack Technical
Committee for the upcoming year.

I'm working for the OpenStack Foundation as Ecosystem Technical Lead where
my responsibility is to help our members to succeed with OpenStack both as
software and community. My main focus areas are Telecom/NFV, on boarding
and collaboration with adjacent communities.

I joined the community nearly four years ago. By my contributions I’m the 
voice of usability and maintainability aspects while encouraging collaboration 
and between project teams.

During the past few years I’ve been leading the activities to add the Cinder 
multi-attach functionality to Nova, which turned into a collaborative activity 
the two teams to simplify the interaction between the two services [1]. By this 
we are increasing maintainability of the code bases and stability of the 
Driven by the experiences of this work I see cross-project collaboration as an 
to further improve. As part of the TC I would like to continue driving 
activities, where I would like to help with making the interactions between the 
more efficient to ensure end-to-end feature implementation and continuous code
maintenance and improvement.

I’m one of the drivers of the Upstream Institute activities to provide guidance 
newcomers to the community. As our community is a continuously changing
environment it is crucial to be welcoming and ensure we distribute the knowledge
about our processes and code base while remaining open to transfer 
to newer community members. As a TC member I would like to help the project
teams to share and maintain this mindset to help the contributor ecosystem to
remain healthy and balanced and our teams to become more efficient.

In the course of my current role within the Foundation I continuously learn 
about the
goals and challenges of our ecosystem companies who are productifying, 
and operating OpenStack. It is very important to keep a close feedback loop 
our users, operators and developers in order to define our focus and priorities 
to features
requests and issues that are in high demand. At the same time it is also 
crucial to keep
OpenStack an innovative environment which is open to explore new emerging 
and also integrates well with other communities in the ecosystem. If I get 
elected to the
TC I would like to help collaborating with organizations on different fields, 
standardization (i.e. ETSI NFV) through SDN/NFV (i.e. OPNFV) to the research and
scientific area.

As an example I’ve been involved in OPNFV [2] for about two and a half years 
and I’m
also one of their ambassadors [3]. I’m continuously working on to find the 
points between the two communities [4] to build a large ecosystem which fits 
current priorities in the sense of actively supporting and being the foundation 
for NFV. As
part of the TC I would like to continue to help the ongoing joint activities to 
an interoperability test suite for the NFV area and have OPNFV’s CI system 
with OpenStack to get close to immediate feedback while developing new Telecom
and NFV related features. As the adoption of OpenStack in the Telecom area is
continuously growing and operators are looking at OpenStack as a main building
block for their systems, I would like to serve as a representative in the 
driving force of OpenStack, who can operate as a translator to build a common

Last but not least, I would like to increase diversity in the TC, but more 
my goal is to add fresh blood to the group driving this community. In my
opinion it is crucial to constantly revisit items from a different perspective 
let new voices articulate their views and ideas in order to see the big 
picture. Long
term this can ensure that OpenStack keeps its adaptability to continue to be a
smoothly functioning ecosystem providing a stable, successful and continuously
evolving software package.

Thank you for reading through my thoughts. It is an honor to be part of 
which is why I would like to take part in helping to further the efforts of 
providing a
package that can serve the whole industry and which is backed up by a growing
and smoothly functioning ecosystem.

Thank you for your consideration.

Best Regards,
Ildikó (ildikov)

[1] http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&user_id=ildiko-vancsa&metric=person-day
[2] https://www.opnfv.org
[3] https://www.opnfv.org/community/ambassadors
[4] https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/7510

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-09 Thread Paul Belanger
Today I step outside my comfort zone and submit my name into the Technical
Committee's election.

I'm a Red Hat employee who contributes full time to the OpenStack Project
Infrastructure team and have been contributing since Folsom release (22 Sept

I submit my ballot today, not because I seek to be in the lime light but to help
fill the void of the awesome contributors before me. Like any project, I think
it is healthy to rotate new people and new ideas into a project.  It is a great
way for people to learn new leadership skills but also a way for a project to
gain new energy and share different points of views.

For my knowledge, I hope to bring an point of view from operations. While I
have contributed to OpenStack projects, my primary passion is helping provide
the OpenStack resources to contributors to make OpenStack awesome. In doing so,
working on the Infrastructure project allows for the ability to see what is
great about OpenStack and what could use improvements.

I believe you get out of something what you put into it, so here I am adding my
name of the list.

Good luck to all,
Paul Belanger

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-10 Thread Jeremy Stanley
As my first year on the OpenStack Technical Committee draws to a
close, I'm standing for reelection to a second term. I hold
consistent, strong views in favor of free software and
open/transparent community process, and vote my conscience on any
matters brought before the TC. I have experience as a user, an
operator and a developer, and do my best to accurately represent
concerns from all these perspectives. I feel honored to have
participated in the drafting of a TC vision, the decision to
encourage more strategic investment from contributors through
creation of a community-wide "help wanted" list, restructuring the
TC meeting/discussion model to improve accessibility across
time zones and cultures, and closer collaboration with the User
Committee and adjacent communities through the emergence of
role-neutral Special Interest Groups.

My personal vision for OpenStack is that of a vibrant and diverse
community packed with part-time and volunteer user-contributors
working in harmony (but also occasional creative cacophony) toward
well-defined common goals, and I intend to continue my efforts to
achieve this regardless of whatever elected positions I may hold. In
the past year I led the work to eliminate what I saw as a major
source of pain and confusion for new contributor on-boarding: the
technical requirement to join the OpenStack Foundation in order to
be able to submit patches to official projects. Following in that
theme, my primary goal for the coming year is to finally put an end
to Contributor License Agreement enforcement for patch submissions
(our long-awaited switch to Developer Certificate of Origin
"Signed-off-by" footers in commit messages).

Besides serving on the TC, I've been a core reviewer and root
sysadmin on OpenStack's community-maintained project infrastructure
for five years. I served the past two years as the Infrastructure
Project Team Lead but recently stepped down so as to free up
additional time to focus on broader community-wide governance. I've
also been doing vulnerability management in OpenStack for over four
years, regularly help with elections, chaired conference tracks
several times, and given talks to other communities on a variety of
OpenStack-related topics. I'm in regular attendance at two of the
three weekly TC office hours, but am also happy to entertain
concerns from anyone (publicly or in private) at any time; I love
hearing from members of our community and attempting to find answers
for you.
Jeremy Stanley

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-10 Thread Julia Kreger
Greetings Stackers!

I would like to submit my candidacy for the Technical Committee.

I have been involved with the OpenStack community since the Juno cycle and
interested in OpenStack while I worked as an engineer supporting data center
hosting operations. My experience having bridged these worlds means that I
understand the life of an operator and the thought process of a developer.
I care deeply about the success of OpenStack and believe that it is vital
for the the marketplace and open innovation.

I believe we have been excellent at building social and process complexity
to our own detriment. I feel that we need to evaluate and reconsider why we
do the things we do. I feel that we need better stand-alone usage cases and
usage. A shorter feedback loop with those different use cases would also help
us iterate faster as our software could then be consumed more easily.

It is true containers have taken over the limelight with many companies,
as they have shifted their resources away from OpenStack. I feel that we
must not forget that infrastructure and the underlying building blocks have
a place as well. It is also upon us to advocate for that as community
building is our strongest avenue to spread the word of OpenStack.

Many may know me as TheJulia on IRC. I've largely worked on Ironic and to a
lesser extent TripleO far off in the past. I'm one of those people that keeps
odd hours and tries to help others, as I feel strongly about supporting our
community and its users. I feel that this in turn supports ourselves and
helps us in the long term. I believe strongly in developing contributors and
also plainly admitting when I just don't know the answer to a question.
At the same time, I'm happy to help investigate and try to understand.

While we have navigated to this point with the hype curve, we need to set
our future course with a variety of thoughts and experiences. Combined with
my strong feelings about our community and overall mission, I feel that I
would be a good addition to the TC.

Thank you for your consideration,

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC Candidacy

2017-10-10 Thread Graham Hayes
I would like to submit my candidacy for the Technical Committee for the
upcoming election.

I have been contributing to OpenStack since the Havana cycle [1], mainly in
Designate. I have also sporadically gotten involved with the TC, and its
meetings since Designate applied for incubation all the way back in Atlanta.

I have been PTL for Designate for Mitaka, Newton, Ocata and the Queens
and a core for a longer period. I was also PTL for the Global Load Balancing
before it was an unfortunate early casualty of the recent reshuffling within
sponsoring organizations in the community.

As part of previous projects, I was both a developer and a heavy user of
OpenStack. As part of contributing to the Kubernetes OpenStack integration
we ran into a lot of the problems that impact our users, and people who
try to integrate with us.

I believe that we all ready have a great base structure in place to help
OpenStack evolve, and part of that is too have a group of people from
companies, backgrounds, genders and cultures to drive the project in the
Technical Committee.

I believe my experience working in a younger, smaller project within
OpenStack is a benefit, along with the experience of working on software
as an
end user of OpenStack I can help us ensure the Technical Committee is
of the unique challenges these projects and users can face.

I have not traditionally been shy about broaching these topics in the
past [2]
[3][4], but I feel it is time I started follow through, and help guide the
resolution for these questions, and I now have an employeer who is
of me spending more time in the community.

I do really like this community, and I want us to grow, expand and
evolve the
software we write, without changing what we stand for.

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
Graham Hayes (mugsie)

1 - http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&metric=commits&user_id=grahamhayes
2 - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-July/099285.html
3 - http://graham.hayes.ie/posts/openstack-designate-where-we-are/
4 - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/312267/ (and related discussion)

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[openstack-dev] [TC][election] TC Candidacy

2017-10-10 Thread Andrea Frittoli
Dear all,

I’d like to announce my candidacy for a seat on the OpenStack Technical

I started my journey on OpenStack in 2011 as a user and operator. I had
little experience contributing to open source at the time; the people and
the values in the OpenStack community soon convinced me I could not simply
sit on the "consumer" side of the fence, and I started contributing to
the QA program. I've been a core contributor for Tempest since 2014 and the
PTL for the QA Program since the Pike cycle.

I attended the 2nd Leadership Training in Ann Arbour; the ideas of servant
leadership and vision inspired me and I put them into use while serving as
a PTL and working with the community in general.

I'm a supporter of the OpenStack vision prepared by the TC and by this
community. Diversity and collaboration with other communities enrich us,
"constellations" give a clearer message to users and operators, and help
us focus our development and testing efforts in a consistent direction.

On the TC I would focus on a few ares:

- Inclusivity of the OpenStack community: reduce language and time
barriers for contribution. Everyone should feel welcome and have the
opportunity to be successful when working on OpenStack.

- Build our new leaders: it's not enough to welcome new contributors,
we need to help them grow into the community future leaders.

- Cross-project and cross-community testing: help companies bring their
downstream architecture, integration and testing efforts in upstream
so they can benefit from the contributions of others in the community
that want to solve similar problems via OpenStack.

Regardless of the results of this election I will work hard to see the
vision we set for ourselves realised.

Thank you for your consideration.

Andrea Frittoli (andreaf)

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[openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy (dims)

2017-10-06 Thread Davanum Srinivas

Please consider my candidacy for Queens. I just realized how time flies, reading
my previous two self nominations [1][2]. As a TC we have made significant
strides in the last cycle[3] and my contributions have been around how we can
do better working with adjacent communities and getting people from outside
US involved and productive. We have significant challenges in both areas. Let's
start with the one about engaging new potentially part-time contributors, the
newly forming SIG around "First Contact" is something we need to pool
our efforts
into it. Encouraging activities around SIG-OpenStack in kubernetes (and the
mirror SIG-Kubernetes proposed in OpenStack) is turning the corner seeing the
level of interest at the PTG [5]. I fully intend to help in both areas so
our Foundation can stay at the cutting edge and relevant in the current and
emerging eco systems.


[3] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-October/122962.html
[5] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/queens-ptg-sig-k8s

Davanum Srinivas :: https://twitter.com/dims

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy

2017-10-09 Thread Nicolas Bock

On Mon, Oct 09, 2017 at 02:53:27PM +0200, Colleen Murphy wrote:

I'd like to submit my candidacy for a position on the OpenStack TC.

+1 !!

I think Collen would be an an excellent addition to the TC!

I work at SUSE as a Cloud Developer. I have been involved with OpenStack for
three years, first as a contributor to the Puppet-OpenStack team, then with
Infra team, and now as a core reviewer for keystone.

From the beginning I have had a keen interest in onboarding new
contributors and
guiding them to be productive community members. Growing our community
following our recent drop in contributors is one of our biggest challenges.
I also see diversifying our community as intertwined with attracting and
onboarding new members. I have always been impressed with OpenStack's
community and inclusivity, but the numbers show that we could be doing
on gender diversity[1] and I believe we must continue to build up momentum
improving cultural inclusivity.

My work in OpenStack has given me with an understanding of the needs of
operators and deployment tool teams and a desire to support those needs.
Admitting deployment tools into the Big Tent was a great step in closing the
communication gap between core projects and deployers and ultimately lead
to an
improvement in the user experience for operators. Continuing this pattern of
inter-group collaboration is fundamental to making OpenStack better.

I care a lot about OpenStack and I'd like to contribute to its overall
and success in any way that I can, and I see serving on the TC as an
way to do that. Thank you for your consideration.

Colleen Murphy (cmurphy)

[1] http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/bitergia-intel-report/

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Re: [openstack-dev] [tc][election] TC candidacy (dims)

2017-10-06 Thread Davanum Srinivas
Oops! Matt Treinish pointed out i have 6 more months to go :)


On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Davanum Srinivas  wrote:
> Team,
> Please consider my candidacy for Queens. I just realized how time flies, 
> reading
> my previous two self nominations [1][2]. As a TC we have made significant
> strides in the last cycle[3] and my contributions have been around how we can
> do better working with adjacent communities and getting people from outside
> US involved and productive. We have significant challenges in both areas. 
> Let's
> start with the one about engaging new potentially part-time contributors, the
> newly forming SIG around "First Contact" is something we need to pool
> our efforts
> into it. Encouraging activities around SIG-OpenStack in kubernetes (and the
> mirror SIG-Kubernetes proposed in OpenStack) is turning the corner seeing the
> level of interest at the PTG [5]. I fully intend to help in both areas so
> our Foundation can stay at the cutting edge and relevant in the current and
> emerging eco systems.
> Thanks,
> Dims
> [1] 
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/election/plain/candidates/newton/TC/Davanum_Srinivas.txt
> [2] 
> https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/election/plain/candidates/pike/TC/dims.txt
> [3] 
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-October/122962.html
> [4] 
> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-sigs/2017-September/thread.html#74
> [5] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/queens-ptg-sig-k8s
> --
> Davanum Srinivas :: https://twitter.com/dims

Davanum Srinivas :: https://twitter.com/dims

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