Hi everyone!

In Kilo we made some very nice progress with adopting AngularJS in
Horizon. The launch instance workflow is available as a beta level feature
that can be optionally enabled now in Kilo [1]. Together with the identity
panel, detail pages, and magic search workstreams we were able to
encounter a well rounded set of challenges. These have helped us to start
establishing a number of base components and concepts.

Of course, there is more work to be done. In Liberty we want to solidify
the components, concepts, and patterns to give us a solid foundation for
mainstream AngularJS development across Horizon. There is plenty of work
to go around and we would like to enable everybody to be able to

Based on the many discussions and learnings that we had in the Kilo
angular scrums, I¹ve started the following etherpad to help organize some
thoughts going into Liberty. I hope this also provides some insight for
those that haven¹t been able to attend the virtual scrums during Kilo.
Thanks to all the participants of the angular scrums for the input you
have already had on the ether pad.


Finally, I will send out a message to operators, but we are looking for
feedback on launch instance [1][2]. There are already a few improvements
being discussed, but additionally we would appreciate functional testing
in various deployment environments. If you have a fun environment to test
this against, please do!

[1] Launch Instance in Kilo: https://youtu.be/e6MYAUzZZag
[2] https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/launch-instance-redesign

Thank you,

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