Hi, I wanted to provide an update on the work that has been ongoing to enhance the deployment of messaging system backends for RPC and Notify communications.
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/tripleo/+spec/tripleo-messaging The basis of the change is to introduce oslo messaging RPC and Notify services in place of the rabbitmq server settings. This will enable tripleo to continue to deploy a single messaging backend (e.g. clustered rabbitmq server) but will also provide the ability to configure separate messaging backends for each oslo messaging service. The ability to separate the messaging services has been supported since the newton release and can result in increased performance, scalability and reliability of an OpenStack deployment. In addition, it facilitates the use of alternative messaging backend systems supported by oslo messaging. Summary of the changes: 1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/508259/ tripleo-common changes to introduce separate RPC and Notify users and passwords for distinct messaging transports 2. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/522406/ This first puppet-tripleo patch supports both current master and tripleo-heat-templates update below. Patch only works with a single messaging backend and is needed to transition through CI properly. 3. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/507963/ tripleo-heat-templates update to introduce oslo messaging services in place of rabbitmq server settings. The patch supports separate RPC and Notify communications via the full set of parameters needed to define independent transports. 4. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/510684/ This second puppet-tripleo patch supports separate RPC and Notify oslo messaging services. In addition to CI, we have performed numerous local test deployments across the combination of patch sets and messaging backends. The deployments include single rabbitmq backends as well as hybrid deployments that use qdrouterd for RPC and rabbitmq for Notifications. We seek as much comments and feedback as possible to ensure that the changes introduced are transparent to the core services and that there is no impact on the universal deployment and operation of the rabbitmq backend server. The goal is to land these changes in Rocky-1 so that we can maximize the amout of testing during the release cycle. Thanks, Andy
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