Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-16 Thread Jamie Lennox
On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 19:35 -0700, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 21:10:01 -0500
 Sean Dague wrote:
  On 02/13/2014 08:28 PM, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
   On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:54:23 -0500
   Sean Dague wrote:
   So one question I have around a global version is what happens when
   we have the following situation:
   - Extension (not core) A is bumped to version 3, global version
   bumped to 3.01
   - Extension B (not core) is bumped to version 6, global version
   bumped to 3.02
   but the deployer for $REASONS (perhaps stability/testing/whatever)
   really wants to deploy with version 2 of A but version 6 of B. 
   With versioning just on the extensions individually they're ok, but
   I don't think there's any real sane way to get a global micro
   version calculated for this scenario that makes sense to the end
  So there remains a question about extensions vs. global version. I
  think a big piece of this is anything which is a core extension,
 So to reduce confusion I've been trying to introduce the nomenclature of
 everything is a plugin. And then some plugins are compulsory (eg
 core) and others are optional (extensions)
  stops getting listed as an extension and instead is part of properly
  core and using the global version.
  How extensions impact global version is I think an open question. But
  Nova OS API is actually really weird if you think about it relative to
  other cloud APIs (ec2, gce, softlayer). We've defined it not as the
  Nova API, but as a small core compute API, and many dozens optional
  features, which every deployer makes decisions on what comes and goes.
  I agree we need to think through a few things. But I think that if we
  get to v3, only to have to do a ton more stuff for v4, and take 2 more
  years to get there, we're in a world of hurt. The current model of API
  revisions as giant big bangs isn't good for any one. A way to make an
  API be able to grow over time, in a backwards compatible way, and some
  mechanism to deprecate and remove a feature over time would be much
  more advantageous to our consumers.
 I agree we don't want to avoid another big bang version change for as
 long as we can. Given that we have extensions (and I know that some
 people really don't like that) however I'd be a lot more comfortable 
 if this minor global version was only bumped when there were changes to
 the core plugins or a plugin was added to the core (I don't think we
 can ever remove them from core within a major version). There should be
 a high bar on making any changes to core plugins (even though
 they are backwards compatible).
 I'm also fine with core plugins not appearing in the /v3/extensions
 list. Its a simple enough change and agree that it will reduce
 confusion over interoperability between openstack clouds. 

Caveat: IANAND (I am not a nova dev) and i'm not familiar with nova's
plugins so i'm working with a standard definition of a plugin and define
for the rest of this email that: 
- An extension is something that adds paths or features to the API. 
- A plugin is code that is loaded to do some work.

To my mind talking of plugins is confusing the API with the
implementation. The sum total of the core plugins is the interface that
a project has to implement to be compatible with nova and is defined as
the core API. This API is the thing that we are versioning and that
should be done globally and semantically. If plugins are allowed to
directly define the API and some combination of plugins is loaded that
does not provided the API specified by the version then the server is in
error advertising that it supports that API version. 

An extension provides additional methods or data to the API (whether
this is loaded via plugin or always available). Being that extensions
are not covered by the API definition then they should provide there own
version discovery information. This means that an extension can define
an interface and that can co-exist with any version of the core API
(though i can definitely see the use case for this extension requires at
least this version of the API). By definition anything in the core API
is not an extension and should not be listed as such.

Version discovery could be done for extensions either as a part of GET /
but i think it makes sense for that to be part of the project specific
API (eg GET /v3/extensions) as that information may need to change in
future API versions. Also this is kind of outside the scope of what we
are talking about here. For now all we need is a way of determining core
API versions and then extension discovery is a subset of that. 

 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-16 Thread Jamie Lennox
On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 08:45 -0600, Dean Troyer wrote:
 FWIW, an early proposal to address this, as well as capability
 discovery, still lives
  I've lost track of where this went, and even which design summit this
 is from, but I've been using it as a sanity check for the discovery
 bits in OSC.

Yes, i've seen that one. It's more client side how we should work with
it though. If we can standardize the server side response then the
client side becomes much more reusable. 

 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Jamie Lennox
 6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token
 Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give
 a HTTP Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery
 because we need to be able to evaluate the endpoints in the
 service catalog. I think we need to make these unauthorized.
 I agree, however from a client discovery process point-of-view, you do
 not necessarily have an endpoint until after you auth and get a
 service catalog anyway.  For example, in the specific case of
 OpenStackClient Help command output, the commands listed may depend on
 the desired API version.  To get the endpoints to query for version
 support still requires a service catalog so nothing really changes

Yes, i had thought of that afterward and we can send the token to the
endpoint. From a standards document though it'd be better if we didn't
have to. 

 And this doesn't even touch on the SC endpoints that include things
 like tenant/project id...

Yuk. Yes, a problem with this is that entries in the service catalog
that have a project id in them don't currently present version
information at that endpoint. I'd be interested in fixing this but as
it's going to need to be backwards compatible with the current state
it's not really a priority. 

 Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the
 above and fits into the existing schemes and reply with any
 comments or problems that you see. Is this going to mess with
 any pre-existing clients?
 * id: Let's either make this a real semantic version so we can parse
 and use the major.minor.patch components (and dump the 'v') or make it
 an identifier that matches the URL path component.  Right now 

Do we need patch on API versions? I was aiming for standards rather than
improvement here but i guess this is the right time to fix something
like this.

 * updated: I think it would be a friendly gesture to update this for
 unstable changes as the id is likely to not be updated mid-stream.
  During debugging I would want to be able to verify exactly which
 implementation I was talking to anyway.

So i was thinking the way to do that would be to define two endpoints eg
a stable v3.2 and an unstable v3.3 that reference the same endpoint. 

 There are two transitional things to also consider:
 * We have to produce a discovery mechanism that takes in to account
 the historical authentication URLs published by deployments that
 include a version.  ayoung's Ml thread last week discussed this a bit,
 we should document the approaches that we're testing and why they do
 or do not work.

Right and we need another talk about this, but let's leave this about
defining a standard that new projects should adhere to and slowly moving
the existing ones.  

 * There are real-world deployments that do not configure
 admin_endpoint and/or public_endpoint in keystone.conf.  Discovery is
 really useless if the URL you are given is
 https://localhost:5000/v2.0.  Do we need to talk about another
 horrible horrible hack to deal with these or are these deployments
 going to be left out in the cold?

Right, this is more infuriating with keystone that uses admin_url which
is not defined as either public or internal. Which URL should be present
on that discover page? 

From the server side to counter this i very specifically put a clause in
the wiki page to say that discover links can be relative and i'll change
that now to SHOULD be relative. This way a link is just defined as
/v2.0 and you can use whatever host got you to that point. The only
problem i see here is what is the relative self link from GET /v2.0
should it just be { rel: self, href:  }, is href excluded or

The client side is going to be ugly again and we should talk but it's
outside scope for this. 

 Dean Troyer
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-16 Thread Jamie Lennox
On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 08:37 -0500, Sean Dague wrote:
 On 02/13/2014 07:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am one of i think a number of efforts trying to make clients be 
  interoperable between different versions of an API.
  What i would like to talk about specifically here are the inconsistencies 
  in the version listing of the different servers when you query the root GET 
  '/' and GET '/vX' address for versions. This is a badly formatted sampling 
  of the policies out there:
  This is my draft of a common solution which has some changes for 
  everyone, but I at least hope can be a guide for new services and a target 
  for the existing
  There are a number of major inconsistencies that i hope to address:
  1. The 'status' of an API. 
  Keystone uses the word 'stable' to indicate a stable API, there are a 
  number of services using 'CURRENT' and i'm not sure what 'SUPPORTED' is 
  supposed to mean here. In general I think 'stable' makes the most sense and 
  in many ways keystone has to be the leader here as it is the first contact. 
  Any ideas how to convert existing APIs to this scheme? 
 From that link, only Keystone is different. Glance, Cinder, Neutron,
 Nova all use CURRENT. So while not ideal, I'm not sure why we'd change
 the rest of the world to match keystone, vs. changing keystone to match
 the rest of the world.
 Also realize changing version discovery itself is an API change, so my
 feeling is this should be done in the smallest number of places possible.

So firstly i absolutely agree that version discovery is an API change.
More that that it is the only API that we cannot version so we are stuck
with whatever we choose indefinitely. 

The reason i suggested 'stable' is because keystone is the point of
contact here. Theoretically ever other service could add a new route
(eg /info) which defined whatever scheme we choose, and have the service
catalog point to that and there should be no difference in the
experience. Keystone is different in that it is always called and
probably the only client even attempting to do discovery at the moment.

Having said that we have the opportunity thanks to point 3 to add new
endpoints without the 'values' key that can follow the other examples. 

What i would then like to know is what are the definitions and priority
of the 'CURRENT' scheme? 'EXPERIMENTAL' is somewhat obvious but what is
the difference between 'CURRENT' and 'SUPPORTED'? We need to define a
strict definition of what is allowed here, what values are considered
stable vs unstable, and what is the priority ordering. 

  2. HTTP Status
  Some services are 200, some 300. It also doesn't matter how many responses 
  there are in this status. 
 Ideally - 300 should be returned if there are multiple versions, and 200

Strictly speaking probably. I thought the 300 made some sense as
requests to this page are sort of like a directory where you choose
where to go next, even if there is only one choice. Probably we should
just return 200 all the time as it was a successful operation and we
aren't redirecting automatically. 

  3. Keystone uses ['versions']['values']
  Yep. Not sure why that is. Sorry, we should be able to have a copy under 
  'values' and one in the root 'versions' simultaneously for a while and then 
  drop the 'values' in some future release. 
 Again, keystone seems to be the odd man out here.
  4. Glance does a version entry for each minor version. 
  Seperate entries for v2.2, v2.1, v2.0. They all point to the same place so 
  IMO this is unnecessary. 
 Probably agreed, curious if any Glance folks know of w reason for it.
  5. Differences between entry in GET '/' and GET '/vX'
  There is often a log more information in GET '/vX' like media-type that is 
  not present in the root. I'm not sure if this was on purpose but i think it 
  easier (and less lookups) to have this information consistent.
 Agreed, I expect it's historical following of nova that media-type is
 not in the root. I think it's fixable.
  6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted. 
  Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a HTTP 
  Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we need to be 
  able to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I think we need to 
  make these unauthorized.
 Agreed, however due to the way the wsgi stacks work in these projects,
 this might not be trivial. I'd set that as a goal to address.

Yes, this is something that will need to be supported for a long time
anyway. This guide is as much as anything a reference for new projects
for what the best behaviour is so whilst we may not be able to address
it for existing projects new projects should try to follow best

  Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the above and 

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-16 Thread Jamie Lennox
On Mon, 2014-02-17 at 16:09 +1000, Jamie Lennox wrote:
 On Thu, 2014-02-13 at 08:37 -0500, Sean Dague wrote:
  On 02/13/2014 07:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:
   Hi all,
   I am one of i think a number of efforts trying to make clients be 
   interoperable between different versions of an API.
   What i would like to talk about specifically here are the inconsistencies 
   in the version listing of the different servers when you query the root 
   GET '/' and GET '/vX' address for versions. This is a badly formatted 
   sampling of the policies out there:
   This is my draft of a common solution which has some changes 
   for everyone, but I at least hope can be a guide for new services and a 
   target for the existing
   There are a number of major inconsistencies that i hope to address:
   1. The 'status' of an API. 
   Keystone uses the word 'stable' to indicate a stable API, there are a 
   number of services using 'CURRENT' and i'm not sure what 'SUPPORTED' is 
   supposed to mean here. In general I think 'stable' makes the most sense 
   and in many ways keystone has to be the leader here as it is the first 
   contact. Any ideas how to convert existing APIs to this scheme? 
  From that link, only Keystone is different. Glance, Cinder, Neutron,
  Nova all use CURRENT. So while not ideal, I'm not sure why we'd change
  the rest of the world to match keystone, vs. changing keystone to match
  the rest of the world.
  Also realize changing version discovery itself is an API change, so my
  feeling is this should be done in the smallest number of places possible.
 So firstly i absolutely agree that version discovery is an API change.
 More that that it is the only API that we cannot version so we are stuck
 with whatever we choose indefinitely. 
 The reason i suggested 'stable' is because keystone is the point of
 contact here. Theoretically ever other service could add a new route
 (eg /info) which defined whatever scheme we choose, and have the service
 catalog point to that and there should be no difference in the
 experience. Keystone is different in that it is always called and
 probably the only client even attempting to do discovery at the moment.
 Having said that we have the opportunity thanks to point 3 to add new
 endpoints without the 'values' key that can follow the other examples. 
 What i would then like to know is what are the definitions and priority
 of the 'CURRENT' scheme? 'EXPERIMENTAL' is somewhat obvious but what is
 the difference between 'CURRENT' and 'SUPPORTED'? We need to define a
 strict definition of what is allowed here, what values are considered
 stable vs unstable, and what is the priority ordering. 
   2. HTTP Status
   Some services are 200, some 300. It also doesn't matter how many 
   responses there are in this status. 
  Ideally - 300 should be returned if there are multiple versions, and 200
 Strictly speaking probably. I thought the 300 made some sense as
 requests to this page are sort of like a directory where you choose
 where to go next, even if there is only one choice. Probably we should
 just return 200 all the time as it was a successful operation and we
 aren't redirecting automatically. 
   3. Keystone uses ['versions']['values']
   Yep. Not sure why that is. Sorry, we should be able to have a copy under 
   'values' and one in the root 'versions' simultaneously for a while and 
   then drop the 'values' in some future release. 
  Again, keystone seems to be the odd man out here.
   4. Glance does a version entry for each minor version. 
   Seperate entries for v2.2, v2.1, v2.0. They all point to the same place 
   so IMO this is unnecessary. 
  Probably agreed, curious if any Glance folks know of w reason for it.
   5. Differences between entry in GET '/' and GET '/vX'
   There is often a log more information in GET '/vX' like media-type that 
   is not present in the root. I'm not sure if this was on purpose but i 
   think it easier (and less lookups) to have this information consistent.
  Agreed, I expect it's historical following of nova that media-type is
  not in the root. I think it's fixable.
   6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted. 
   Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a HTTP 
   Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we need to be 
   able to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I think we need to 
   make these unauthorized.
  Agreed, however due to the way the wsgi stacks work in these projects,
  this might not be trivial. I'd set that as a goal to address.
 Yes, this is something that will need to be supported for a long time
 anyway. This guide is as much as anything a reference for new projects
 for what the best behaviour is so whilst we may not be able to 

[openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Jamie Lennox
Hi all,

I am one of i think a number of efforts trying to make clients be interoperable 
between different versions of an API.

What i would like to talk about specifically here are the inconsistencies in 
the version listing of the different servers when you query the root GET '/' 
and GET '/vX' address for versions. This is a badly formatted sampling of the 
policies out there:

This is my draft of a common solution which has some changes for 
everyone, but I at least hope can be a guide for new services and a target for 
the existing

There are a number of major inconsistencies that i hope to address:

1. The 'status' of an API. 

Keystone uses the word 'stable' to indicate a stable API, there are a number of 
services using 'CURRENT' and i'm not sure what 'SUPPORTED' is supposed to mean 
here. In general I think 'stable' makes the most sense and in many ways 
keystone has to be the leader here as it is the first contact. Any ideas how to 
convert existing APIs to this scheme? 

2. HTTP Status

Some services are 200, some 300. It also doesn't matter how many responses 
there are in this status. 

3. Keystone uses ['versions']['values']

Yep. Not sure why that is. Sorry, we should be able to have a copy under 
'values' and one in the root 'versions' simultaneously for a while and then 
drop the 'values' in some future release. 

4. Glance does a version entry for each minor version. 

Seperate entries for v2.2, v2.1, v2.0. They all point to the same place so IMO 
this is unnecessary. 

5. Differences between entry in GET '/' and GET '/vX'

There is often a log more information in GET '/vX' like media-type that is not 
present in the root. I'm not sure if this was on purpose but i think it easier 
(and less lookups) to have this information consistent.

6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted. 

Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a HTTP 
Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we need to be able 
to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I think we need to make these 

Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the above and fits 
into the existing schemes and reply with any comments or problems that you see. 
Is this going to mess with any pre-existing clients?

Then is there somewhere we can do 'new project guidelines' that we can link 
this from?


PS. This is the script I used for the sampling if you want to test yourself: it makes assumptions on URL structures 
and it won't pass code review.

OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Sean Dague
On 02/13/2014 07:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am one of i think a number of efforts trying to make clients be 
 interoperable between different versions of an API.
 What i would like to talk about specifically here are the inconsistencies in 
 the version listing of the different servers when you query the root GET '/' 
 and GET '/vX' address for versions. This is a badly formatted sampling of the 
 policies out there:
 This is my draft of a common solution which has some changes for 
 everyone, but I at least hope can be a guide for new services and a target 
 for the existing
 There are a number of major inconsistencies that i hope to address:
 1. The 'status' of an API. 
 Keystone uses the word 'stable' to indicate a stable API, there are a number 
 of services using 'CURRENT' and i'm not sure what 'SUPPORTED' is supposed to 
 mean here. In general I think 'stable' makes the most sense and in many ways 
 keystone has to be the leader here as it is the first contact. Any ideas how 
 to convert existing APIs to this scheme? 

From that link, only Keystone is different. Glance, Cinder, Neutron,
Nova all use CURRENT. So while not ideal, I'm not sure why we'd change
the rest of the world to match keystone, vs. changing keystone to match
the rest of the world.

Also realize changing version discovery itself is an API change, so my
feeling is this should be done in the smallest number of places possible.

 2. HTTP Status
 Some services are 200, some 300. It also doesn't matter how many responses 
 there are in this status. 

Ideally - 300 should be returned if there are multiple versions, and 200

 3. Keystone uses ['versions']['values']
 Yep. Not sure why that is. Sorry, we should be able to have a copy under 
 'values' and one in the root 'versions' simultaneously for a while and then 
 drop the 'values' in some future release. 

Again, keystone seems to be the odd man out here.

 4. Glance does a version entry for each minor version. 
 Seperate entries for v2.2, v2.1, v2.0. They all point to the same place so 
 IMO this is unnecessary. 

Probably agreed, curious if any Glance folks know of w reason for it.

 5. Differences between entry in GET '/' and GET '/vX'
 There is often a log more information in GET '/vX' like media-type that is 
 not present in the root. I'm not sure if this was on purpose but i think it 
 easier (and less lookups) to have this information consistent.

Agreed, I expect it's historical following of nova that media-type is
not in the root. I think it's fixable.

 6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted. 
 Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a HTTP 
 Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we need to be able 
 to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I think we need to make 
 these unauthorized.

Agreed, however due to the way the wsgi stacks work in these projects,
this might not be trivial. I'd set that as a goal to address.

 Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the above and fits 
 into the existing schemes and reply with any comments or problems that you 
 see. Is this going to mess with any pre-existing clients?
 Then is there somewhere we can do 'new project guidelines' that we can link 
 this from?
 PS. This is the script I used for the sampling if you want to test yourself: it makes assumptions on URL structures 
 and it won't pass code review.
 OpenStack-dev mailing list

Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Dean Troyer
FWIW, an early proposal to address this, as well as capability discovery,
still lives at  I've lost
track of where this went, and even which design summit this is from, but
I've been using it as a sanity check for the discovery bits in OSC.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Jamie Lennox jamielen...@redhat.comwrote:

 6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted.

 Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a HTTP
 Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we need to be
 able to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I think we need to
 make these unauthorized.

I agree, however from a client discovery process point-of-view, you do not
necessarily have an endpoint until after you auth and get a service catalog
anyway.  For example, in the specific case of OpenStackClient Help command
output, the commands listed may depend on the desired API version.  To get
the endpoints to query for version support still requires a service catalog
so nothing really changes there.

And this doesn't even touch on the SC endpoints that include things like
tenant/project id...

 Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the above and
 fits into the existing schemes and reply with any comments or problems that
 you see. Is this going to mess with any pre-existing clients?

* id: Let's either make this a real semantic version so we can parse and
use the major.minor.patch components (and dump the 'v') or make it an
identifier that matches the URL path component.  Right now

* updated: I think it would be a friendly gesture to update this for
unstable changes as the id is likely to not be updated mid-stream.  During
debugging I would want to be able to verify exactly which implementation I
was talking to anyway.

There are two transitional things to also consider:

* We have to produce a discovery mechanism that takes in to account the
historical authentication URLs published by deployments that include a
version.  ayoung's Ml thread last week discussed this a bit, we should
document the approaches that we're testing and why they do or do not work.

* There are real-world deployments that do not configure admin_endpoint
and/or public_endpoint in keystone.conf.  Discovery is really useless if
the URL you are given is https://localhost:5000/v2.0.  Do we need to talk
about another horrible horrible hack to deal with these or are these
deployments going to be left out in the cold?



Dean Troyer
OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Sean Dague
On 02/13/2014 09:45 AM, Dean Troyer wrote:
 FWIW, an early proposal to address this, as well as capability
 discovery, still lives
  I've lost track of where this went, and even which design summit this
 is from, but I've been using it as a sanity check for the discovery bits
 in OSC.
 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:
 6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted.
 Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a
 HTTP Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because we
 need to be able to evaluate the endpoints in the service catalog. I
 think we need to make these unauthorized.
 I agree, however from a client discovery process point-of-view, you do
 not necessarily have an endpoint until after you auth and get a service
 catalog anyway.  For example, in the specific case of OpenStackClient
 Help command output, the commands listed may depend on the desired API
 version.  To get the endpoints to query for version support still
 requires a service catalog so nothing really changes there.
 And this doesn't even touch on the SC endpoints that include things like
 tenant/project id...
 Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the above
 and fits into the existing schemes and reply with any comments or
 problems that you see. Is this going to mess with any pre-existing
 * id: Let's either make this a real semantic version so we can parse and
 use the major.minor.patch components (and dump the 'v') or make it an
 identifier that matches the URL path component.  Right now 
 * updated: I think it would be a friendly gesture to update this for
 unstable changes as the id is likely to not be updated mid-stream.
  During debugging I would want to be able to verify exactly which
 implementation I was talking to anyway.

So, I'd actually like to extend this a bit differently, and add a micro
version to the API as a normal part of our flows. is an early sketch of this.


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 327
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT

versions: [
status: CURRENT,
updated: 2011-01-21T11:33:21Z,
rev: 2.,
id: v2.0,
links: [
href: http://localhost:8774/v2/;,
rel: self
updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
rev: 2.0900,
id: v3.0,
links: [
href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
rel: self

And on hitting something under the /v3/ tree:

Content-Type: application/json
X-Osapi-Version: 2.0900
Content-Length: 651
X-Compute-Request-Id: req-6a4ed4f0-07e4-401a-8315-8d114005c6ab
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT

version: {
updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
links: [
href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
rel: self

type: application/pdf,
rel: describedby
type: application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml,
rel: describedby
rev: 2.0900,
media-types: [
base: application/xml,
type: application/vnd.openstack.compute+xml;version=3
base: application/json,
type: application/vnd.openstack.compute+json;version=3
id: v3.0

that would then let us return a pretty fine grained global API version
that included the non breaking backwards compatible changes. Nova is
going to version extensions this time around, but a global increment
would be much better for a consistent view of the world.


Sean Dague
Samsung Research America /

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OpenStack-dev mailing list

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Christopher Yeoh
On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:54:23 -0500
Sean Dague wrote:

 On 02/13/2014 09:45 AM, Dean Troyer wrote:
  FWIW, an early proposal to address this, as well as capability
  discovery, still lives
   I've lost track of where this went, and even which design summit
  this is from, but I've been using it as a sanity check for the
  discovery bits in OSC.
  On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:
  6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted.
  Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a
  HTTP Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because
  we need to be able to evaluate the endpoints in the service
  catalog. I think we need to make these unauthorized.
  I agree, however from a client discovery process point-of-view, you
  do not necessarily have an endpoint until after you auth and get a
  service catalog anyway.  For example, in the specific case of
  OpenStackClient Help command output, the commands listed may depend
  on the desired API version.  To get the endpoints to query for
  version support still requires a service catalog so nothing really
  changes there.
  And this doesn't even touch on the SC endpoints that include things
  like tenant/project id...
  Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the
  above and fits into the existing schemes and reply with any
  comments or problems that you see. Is this going to mess with any
  pre-existing clients?
  * id: Let's either make this a real semantic version so we can
  parse and use the major.minor.patch components (and dump the 'v')
  or make it an identifier that matches the URL path component.
  Right now 
  * updated: I think it would be a friendly gesture to update this for
  unstable changes as the id is likely to not be updated mid-stream.
   During debugging I would want to be able to verify exactly which
  implementation I was talking to anyway.
 So, I'd actually like to extend this a bit differently, and add a
 micro version to the API as a normal part of our flows. is an early sketch of this.
 GET /
 Content-Type: application/json
 Content-Length: 327
 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT
 versions: [
 status: CURRENT,
 updated: 2011-01-21T11:33:21Z,
 rev: 2.,
 id: v2.0,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v2/;,
 rel: self
 updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
 rev: 2.0900,
 id: v3.0,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
 rel: self
 And on hitting something under the /v3/ tree:
 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Osapi-Version: 2.0900

So is that a typo there and it should be 3.0900?

 Content-Length: 651
 X-Compute-Request-Id: req-6a4ed4f0-07e4-401a-8315-8d114005c6ab
 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT
 version: {
 updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
 rel: self
 type: application/pdf,
 rel: describedby
 type: application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml,
 rel: describedby
 rev: 2.0900,
 media-types: [
 base: application/xml,
 application/vnd.openstack.compute+xml;version=3 },
 base: application/json,
 application/vnd.openstack.compute+json;version=3 }
 id: v3.0
 that would then let us return a pretty fine grained global API version
 that included the non breaking backwards compatible changes. Nova is
 going to version extensions this time around, but a global increment
 would be much better for a consistent view of the world.

So one question I have around a global version is what happens when we
have the following situation:

- Extension (not core) A is bumped to version 3, global version bumped
  to 3.01
- Extension B (not core) is bumped to version 6, global version bumped
  to 3.02

but the deployer for $REASONS (perhaps stability/testing/whatever)
really wants to deploy with version 2 of A but 

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Sean Dague
On 02/13/2014 08:28 PM, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
 On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:54:23 -0500
 Sean Dague wrote:
 On 02/13/2014 09:45 AM, Dean Troyer wrote:
 FWIW, an early proposal to address this, as well as capability
 discovery, still lives
  I've lost track of where this went, and even which design summit
 this is from, but I've been using it as a sanity check for the
 discovery bits in OSC.

 On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 6:50 AM, Jamie Lennox wrote:

 6. GET '/' is unrestricted. GET '/vX' is often token restricted.

 Keystone allows access to /v2.0 and /v3 but most services give a
 HTTP Unauthorized. This is a real problem for discovery because
 we need to be able to evaluate the endpoints in the service
 catalog. I think we need to make these unauthorized.

 I agree, however from a client discovery process point-of-view, you
 do not necessarily have an endpoint until after you auth and get a
 service catalog anyway.  For example, in the specific case of
 OpenStackClient Help command output, the commands listed may depend
 on the desired API version.  To get the endpoints to query for
 version support still requires a service catalog so nothing really
 changes there.

 And this doesn't even touch on the SC endpoints that include things
 like tenant/project id...

 Please have a look over the wiki page and how it addresses the
 above and fits into the existing schemes and reply with any
 comments or problems that you see. Is this going to mess with any
 pre-existing clients?

 * id: Let's either make this a real semantic version so we can
 parse and use the major.minor.patch components (and dump the 'v')
 or make it an identifier that matches the URL path component.
 Right now 

 * updated: I think it would be a friendly gesture to update this for
 unstable changes as the id is likely to not be updated mid-stream.
  During debugging I would want to be able to verify exactly which
 implementation I was talking to anyway.

 So, I'd actually like to extend this a bit differently, and add a
 micro version to the API as a normal part of our flows. is an early sketch of this.

 GET /

 Content-Type: application/json
 Content-Length: 327
 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT

 versions: [
 status: CURRENT,
 updated: 2011-01-21T11:33:21Z,
 rev: 2.,
 id: v2.0,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v2/;,
 rel: self
 updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
 rev: 2.0900,
 id: v3.0,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
 rel: self

 And on hitting something under the /v3/ tree:

 Content-Type: application/json
 X-Osapi-Version: 2.0900
 So is that a typo there and it should be 3.0900?

So actually I was thinking about this as a 2.9000 API, as the
pre-release. We can decide it's really 3. instead.

 Content-Length: 651
 X-Compute-Request-Id: req-6a4ed4f0-07e4-401a-8315-8d114005c6ab
 Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 20:51:48 GMT

 version: {
 updated: 2013-07-23T11:33:21Z,
 links: [
 href: http://localhost:8774/v3/;,
 rel: self

 type: application/pdf,
 rel: describedby
 type: application/vnd.sun.wadl+xml,
 rel: describedby
 rev: 2.0900,
 media-types: [
 base: application/xml,
 application/vnd.openstack.compute+xml;version=3 },
 base: application/json,
 application/vnd.openstack.compute+json;version=3 }
 id: v3.0

 that would then let us return a pretty fine grained global API version
 that included the non breaking backwards compatible changes. Nova is
 going to version extensions this time around, but a global increment
 would be much better for a consistent view of the world.
 So one question I have around a global version is what happens when we
 have the following situation:
 - Extension (not core) A is bumped to version 3, global version bumped
   to 3.01
 - Extension B (not core) is bumped to version 6, global version bumped
   to 3.02

Re: [openstack-dev] Version Discovery Standardization

2014-02-13 Thread Christopher Yeoh
On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 21:10:01 -0500
Sean Dague wrote:
 On 02/13/2014 08:28 PM, Christopher Yeoh wrote:
  On Thu, 13 Feb 2014 15:54:23 -0500
  Sean Dague wrote:

  So one question I have around a global version is what happens when
  we have the following situation:
  - Extension (not core) A is bumped to version 3, global version
  bumped to 3.01
  - Extension B (not core) is bumped to version 6, global version
  bumped to 3.02
  but the deployer for $REASONS (perhaps stability/testing/whatever)
  really wants to deploy with version 2 of A but version 6 of B. 
  With versioning just on the extensions individually they're ok, but
  I don't think there's any real sane way to get a global micro
  version calculated for this scenario that makes sense to the end
 So there remains a question about extensions vs. global version. I
 think a big piece of this is anything which is a core extension,

So to reduce confusion I've been trying to introduce the nomenclature of
everything is a plugin. And then some plugins are compulsory (eg
core) and others are optional (extensions)

 stops getting listed as an extension and instead is part of properly
 core and using the global version.
 How extensions impact global version is I think an open question. But
 Nova OS API is actually really weird if you think about it relative to
 other cloud APIs (ec2, gce, softlayer). We've defined it not as the
 Nova API, but as a small core compute API, and many dozens optional
 features, which every deployer makes decisions on what comes and goes.
 I agree we need to think through a few things. But I think that if we
 get to v3, only to have to do a ton more stuff for v4, and take 2 more
 years to get there, we're in a world of hurt. The current model of API
 revisions as giant big bangs isn't good for any one. A way to make an
 API be able to grow over time, in a backwards compatible way, and some
 mechanism to deprecate and remove a feature over time would be much
 more advantageous to our consumers.

I agree we don't want to avoid another big bang version change for as
long as we can. Given that we have extensions (and I know that some
people really don't like that) however I'd be a lot more comfortable 
if this minor global version was only bumped when there were changes to
the core plugins or a plugin was added to the core (I don't think we
can ever remove them from core within a major version). There should be
a high bar on making any changes to core plugins (even though
they are backwards compatible).

I'm also fine with core plugins not appearing in the /v3/extensions
list. Its a simple enough change and agree that it will reduce
confusion over interoperability between openstack clouds. 


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