[OpenStack-Infra] 2019 Denver Summit/Forum/PTG Recap

2019-05-13 Thread Clark Boylan
Apologies for not getting this out earlier, but last week was a very odd week 
for. Slowly returning to normal now though.

The long week started with a board meeting. In that board meeting Zuul was 
confirmed as a top level OpenStack Foundation Project. An exciting start to the 
week for our friends in Zuul land (which happens to be many of us too)!

The first day of the summit we had Keynotes where corvus talked about the way 
we speculatively test changes with containers. ttx had a talk after keynotes on 
"Open Source is not enough" [0] which helps to point out why the infrastructure 
that we run is valuable.
Later that day we had a Forum session on Storyboard painpoints. There was good 
feedback and we got a couple volunteers to help fix existing issues [1].

Tuesday started with a back to back Zuul BoF then Working Group session (in the 
same room) that ended up being a good discussion among current and potential 
Zuul users. We discussed how people were using Zuul and hangups upgrading from 
v2 to v3. There was a forum discussion on PTL tips and tricks [2] which I found 
interesting (as current PTL). In particular is seems that a number of projects 
use regular update emails (like Zuul) to keep people up to date on goings on 
rather than the weekly meeting. We recently discussed this as a team so I don't 
think we need to rehash it but was good to see other approaches. This day ended 
with a session on improving the Help Most Wanted list [3] which we are still 
on. General consensus seemed to be that the first pass at writing business 
cases addressed the wrong audience so a second pass would be made. In addition 
to that Allison Randall would reach out to institutions like OSUOSL to see if 
there is possibility to collaboration there.

The last day of the summit included a forum session on OpenLab [4]. This was 
useful to help communicate where OpenDev can serve its users and where OpenLab 
is able to help too. At this point I think I was a zombie and we finished up 
the Summit with back to back Infra and Zuul project updates.

But wait there is more!

We had an Infra PTG room the next two days. Notes were taken at this etherpad 
[5] under the bolded headings. We kicked things off with a rundown of recent 
tech changes so that everyone had a rough idea of what those looked like. 
Jhesketh showed us that docker-compose can do things like get logs for your 
composed docker containers :)

We discussed what the future of our deployment tooling looks like using Zuul as 
a CD engine and how we transition to that point. The current plan is that we'll 
split up the base.yaml playbook into other playbooks (but continue to have cron 
drive them). Then we can have Zuul take over the execution of each playbook 
over time (and possibly even use Zuul's periodic pipeline to do convergence if 
things are skipped for some reason). Initial work on that has started here [6].

We also talked about what new repo and namespace creation looks like in 
OpenDev. We ended up with a plan that roughly comes down to individual 
namespaces will be self managed as much as possible. This means that the Infra 
team won't be approving what goes into openstack/ or airship/ or zuul/ instead 
appropriate representatives from those groups will make those approvals. To 
make this happen we'll likely end up with a metadata repo per namespaces that 
tracks who can approve these things then rely on some combo of Gerrit config 
and Zuul jobs to make that happen. We also discussed how the namespaces might 
manage info needed to create valid zuul main.yaml then we can have tooling 
aggregate that together and deploy it. This way we don't have to manage each of 
those additions for zuul directly. Finally we discussed if OpenDev would be an 
appropriate location for throwaway repos and unfortunately we don't think we 
are there yet. Gerrit currently won't scale to that use case for us.

Last major item we poked at was improving the reliability of our docker based 
jobs, particularly those that run on ipv6 clouds. The plan there is to use the 
in region mirror nodes for dockerhub proxying rather than local buildset 
registry proxies as the in region mirror has a floating IP to do 1:1 ipv4 NAT 
but the test nodes are many:1 ipv4 NAT. We expect this will improve reliability 
significantly. Before we can do that though we need to enable TLS on those 
mirror nodes as we'll be publishing the resulting artifacts. We can do this via 
letsencrypting new opendev.org mirror endpoints.

The StarlingX folks came over to talk to us about their testing needs. They 
would like to do larger test scenarios on multiple nodes and ideally on 
baremetal. We suggested that they start by scaling up the testing on VMs (as 
many issues fall out when you go from one to two to three nodes) and getting 
that tested even on VMs would be valuable. For the baremetal problem we pointed 
out that we can support  baremetal testing, we just need someone to give us 
access to barem

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] 2019 Denver Summit/Forum/PTG Recap

2019-05-14 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2019-05-13 13:49:44 -0400 (-0400), Clark Boylan wrote:
> we discussed if OpenDev would be an appropriate location for
> throwaway repos and unfortunately we don't think we are there yet.
> Gerrit currently won't scale to that use case for us.

Thinking about this a little more, what if we allowed personal
sandboxes in Gerrit and just didn't wrap them in all the other
replication, CI and general formality we do for normal repositories?
Gerrit will allow you to grant access to paths with "$user" in
them[*], of which WMF's[**] and some other deployments take
advantage to that end.

[**] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/personal_sandbox
Jeremy Stanley

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OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] 2019 Denver Summit/Forum/PTG Recap

2019-05-14 Thread Clark Boylan
On Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> On 2019-05-13 13:49:44 -0400 (-0400), Clark Boylan wrote:
> [...]
> > we discussed if OpenDev would be an appropriate location for
> > throwaway repos and unfortunately we don't think we are there yet.
> > Gerrit currently won't scale to that use case for us.
> [...]
> Thinking about this a little more, what if we allowed personal
> sandboxes in Gerrit and just didn't wrap them in all the other
> replication, CI and general formality we do for normal repositories?
> Gerrit will allow you to grant access to paths with "$user" in
> them[*], of which WMF's[**] and some other deployments take
> advantage to that end.

These are ref paths not repo paths. Are you thinking every user could have a 
single scratch space repo then have arbitrary refs within that repo?

> [*] 
> https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/Documentation/access-control.html#_project_access_control_lists
> [**] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/personal_sandbox
> -- 
> Jeremy Stanley

OpenStack-Infra mailing list

Re: [OpenStack-Infra] 2019 Denver Summit/Forum/PTG Recap

2019-05-14 Thread Jeremy Stanley
On 2019-05-14 14:23:51 -0700 (-0700), Clark Boylan wrote:
> On Tue, May 14, 2019, at 11:41 AM, Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> > On 2019-05-13 13:49:44 -0400 (-0400), Clark Boylan wrote:
> > [...]
> > > we discussed if OpenDev would be an appropriate location for
> > > throwaway repos and unfortunately we don't think we are there yet.
> > > Gerrit currently won't scale to that use case for us.
> > [...]
> > 
> > Thinking about this a little more, what if we allowed personal
> > sandboxes in Gerrit and just didn't wrap them in all the other
> > replication, CI and general formality we do for normal repositories?
> > Gerrit will allow you to grant access to paths with "$user" in
> > them[*], of which WMF's[**] and some other deployments take
> > advantage to that end.
> These are ref paths not repo paths. Are you thinking every user
> could have a single scratch space repo then have arbitrary refs
> within that repo?

It looks like the way they're doing it is granting users the ability
to create (via push) their own personal branches in a common Git
repository... so not quite the solution to throwaway repositories,
more like user-namespaced throwaway branches in a single existing
repository (e.g. opendev/sandbox).
Jeremy Stanley

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