[Openstack-operators] [new][app-catalog] App Catalog next steps

2015-05-23 Thread Christopher Aedo
[This message has been sent to the dev list in addition to the
operators list as this project has significant value for both groups]

I want to start off by thanking everyone who joined us at the first
working session in Vancouver, and those folks who have already started
adding content to the app catalog. I was happy to see the enthusiasm
and excitement, and am looking forward to working with all of you to
build this into something that has a major impact on OpenStack
adoption by making it easier for our end users to find and share the
assets that run on our clouds.

The catalog: http://apps.openstack.org
The repo: https://github.com/stackforge/apps-catalog
The wiki: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/App-Catalog

Please join us via IRC at #openstack-app-catalog on freenode.

Our initial core team is Christopher Aedo, Tom Fifield, Kevin Fox,
Serg Melikyan.

I’ve started a doodle poll to vote on the initial IRC meeting
schedule, if you’re interested in helping improve and build up this
catalog please vote for the day/time that works best and get involved!

At the summit we managed to get one planning session together. We
captured that on etherpad[1], but I’d like to highlight here a few of
the things we talked about working on together in the near term:

-More information around asset dependencies (like clarifying
requirements for Heat templates or Glance images for instance),
potentially just by providing better guidance in what should be in the
description and attributes sections.
-With respect to the assets that are listed in the catalog, there’s a
need to account for tagging, rating/scoring, and a way to have
comments or a forum for each asset so potential users can interact
outside of the gerrit review system.
-Supporting more resource types (Sahara, Trove, Tosca, others)
-Discuss using glance artifact repository as the backend rather than
flat YAML files
-REST API, enable searching/sorting, this would ease native
integration with other projects
-Federated catalog support (top level catalog including contents from
- I’ll be working with the OpenStack infra team to get the server and
CI set up in their environment (though that work will not impact the
catalog as it stands today).

There were a ton of great ideas that came up and it was clear there
was WAY more to discuss than we could accomplish in one short session
at the summit.  I’m looking forward to continuing the conversation
here on the mailing list, on IRC, and in Tokyo as well!

[1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-app-catalog-plans


OpenStack-operators mailing list

[Openstack-operators] Ops CI/CD, Deployments Session

2015-05-23 Thread Matt Fischer
Thanks to everyone who attended the CI/CD, Deployments sessions. We had a
great discussion, but unfortunately etherpad was broken for the duration of
the time. If anyone would like to add any notes on some of the new tools
discussed during that talk, please add them. I don't recall any specific
actions because this was more of a how is everyone doing things talk.

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Ops Keystone / Federation Session

2015-05-23 Thread Tim Bell

Thanks for the notes.

We had a productive discussion with the Glance folk on how to share images 
across clouds 
 and we’ll be working on that spec.

We also had some forward looking discussions with the Keystone team on how to 
manage multi-cloud nested projects.

As joe said, Federated identity is needed but giving users a transparent 
exprience will take much, much more.

Are there blueprints created for this gap ?


From: joe j...@topjian.netmailto:j...@topjian.net
Date: Friday 22 May 2015 23:26
To: openstack-operators 
Subject: [Openstack-operators] Ops Keystone / Federation Session


Better late than never, here's a summary of the Ops Keystone / Federation 
Session from this past Tuesday:

First, I want to thank everyone from the Keystone team for attending the 
session -- it was very cool to have you guys on-hand to directly answer 
questions and give input and insight into the various items being discussed.

This was the first time we had a discussion session dedicated to this topic and 
we could have easily spent entire sessions on each of the main items listed in 
the Etherpadhttps://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-ops-federation. I think that 
shows there's a lot to be discussed with regard to federated clouds.

The biggest discussion item to come out of the session was that a federated 
cloud means so much more than just Keystone. Allocating, restricting, 
automatic provisioning, reporting, and cleanup of any type of OpenStack-enabled 
resource in a federated cloud are all areas Operators are interested in 
learning about, but those areas are either not well defined (perhaps because 
what works for one federation won't work for another), are not possible to do 
yet, or are possible but Operators aren't sure how to implement them.

I encourage operators who are interested in this area to keep the discussion 
going on this list by sharing your questions, concerns, and trials. As well, I 
hope to see this topic in future Ops meetups and tracks as a more formal way to 
touch base on this area.

Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-ops-federation

OpenStack-operators mailing list

Re: [Openstack-operators] Raising the degree of the scandal

2015-05-23 Thread Sean M. Collins
George, are you willing to commit development resources to help address
issues in Neutron, and improve the support for Linux Bridge, since 
All neutron/ovs stuff is horrible in term of performance ?

Linux Bridge parity has been identified as a step towards a single network 
stack for
OpenStack. We are in the process of enabling Linux Bridge testing at the
gate to prevent bit-rot. We will need resources from the community to
ensure that Linux Bridge is maintained, since Neutron's mission is to
support many different networking solutions.

I will also note that arp spoofing is the 3rd item on our priority list.


If anyone else wishes to volunteer, now is the time.


Sean M. Collins

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