[Openstack-operators] [all][oslo] Notice to users of the ZeroMQ transport in oslo.messaging

2018-03-26 Thread Ken Giusti

It's been over a year since the last commit was made to the ZeroMQ
driver in oslo.messaging.  It is at the point where some of the
related unit tests are beginning to fail due to bit rot.  None of the
current oslo.messaging contributors have a good enough understanding
of the codebase to effectively fix it.

Personally I'm not sure the driver will work in production at all.

Given this it was decided in Dublin that the ZeroMQ driver no longer
meets the official policy for in tree driver support [0] and will be
deprecated in Rocky.  However it would be insincere for the team to
give the impression that the driver is maintained for the normal 2
cycle deprecation process.  Therefore the driver code will be removed
in 'S'.

The ZeroMQ driver is the largest body of code of any driver in the
oslo.messaging repo, weighing in at over 5k lines of code.  For
comparison, the rabbitmq kombu driver consists of only about 2K lines
of code.  If any individuals are willing to commit to ownership of
this codebase and keep the driver compliant with policy (see [0]),
please follow up with bnemec or myself (kgiusti) on #openstack-oslo.



Ken Giusti  (kgiu...@gmail.com)

OpenStack-operators mailing list

[Openstack-operators] Deprecation Notice: Pika driver for oslo.messaging

2018-03-21 Thread Ken Giusti

As announced last year the Oslo team has deprecated support for the
Pika transport in oslo.messaging with removal planned for Rocky.
We're not aware of any deployments using this transport and its
removal is not anticipated to affect anyone.

More details can be found in the original announcement [0].

This is notice that the removal is currently underway [1].


[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/536960/
Ken Giusti  (kgiu...@gmail.com)

OpenStack-operators mailing list

[Openstack-operators] Deprecation Notice: Pika driver for oslo.messaging

2017-05-26 Thread Ken Giusti

At the Boston summit the oslo.messaging team decided to deprecate the
pika driver.  It is planned to be removed from oslo.messaging in Rocky

If you're asking yourself "what's a pika??", read on.

The pika driver was intended to be a replacement for the default
rabbit driver.  It was developed after the RabbitMQ community
recommended using the Pika client library [2] instead of kombu [3],
which is the basis for the default rabbit driver.  The goal was to
create a more performant and stable driver for use with the RabbitMQ

However, as referenced in [1], there's been no evidence that this
driver is either more stable or better performing than the existing
default rabbit driver. Coupled with the risk of replacing the widely
used default driver with something with less in-the-field exposure
("better the devil you know..."), it doesn't make sense to spend our
development resources trying to support two drivers for RabbitMQ.

Users of the pika driver are recommended to transition to the default
rabbit driver.

"How do I know that this affects me?"

Good question.  Check your configuration for the setting of the
oslo.messaging transport_url option.  If that URL string starts with
"pika://", then you are affected and should transition to the default
rabbit driver by using the "rabbit://" URL schema instead.

And certainly reach out if you have any questions,

Ken Giusti  (kgiu...@gmail.com)

[2] https://github.com/pika/pika
[3] https://github.com/celery/kombu

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