[opensuse] list recursive package dependencies

2005-12-06 Thread Roman Sommer

I need all the dependencies (all the rpm files) of a KDE installation.. how
would I get that listing?
(substitute kde by any other application - i know apt-get (-s) install
'application' would give me that list quite easily)

and what's the corresponding command to dpkg -l? (show all installed
packages) :)
probably there's a tool out there for .rpms I don't know of yet, right?

-- Roman

Re: [opensuse] suse in a windows network (authentication)

2005-11-08 Thread Roman Sommer

first of all thanks for your reply. Of course I did have a look at sadms.
I have it up running and it is working quite reliable. Anyway there's
something that keeps me worried. I tried analyzing the network traffic
and figured out it's a big mess :) Hard to trace, hard to follow hard
to understand. A timeline schematic showing the complete login process
would be superb. Unfortunately all the documentation consists of some
poorly described screenshots. Maybe the winbind/samba documentation
has more information to offer, I'll check that asap. As far as I could
see it is using GSSAPI/SPNEGO as security layer which is okay. I just
can't tell for sure if all communication is secured :-/
And still the kerberos/ldap solution seems to be a much cleaner way to
go. If it just worked... :)

Roman Sommer
"The value of an idea lies in the using of it." (Thomas Edison)

2005/11/5, Richard Bos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Op maandag 31 oktober 2005 12:23, schreef Roman Sommer:
> > might anyone please help?
> This http://sadms.sourceforge.net was just announced on freshmeat...
> SADMS takes care of handling configuration
>  to achieve the integration of
>  Linux hosts to an Active Directory domain,
>  to the effect that::
>  Linux hosts become Windows domain hosts
>  (and act either as station or server)
>  Windows domain users become Linux users
>  (authentication is offloaded to the domain
> But suse is not supported.
> --
> Richard Bos
> Without a home the journey is endless

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Re: [opensuse] Re: suse in a windows network (authentication)

2005-11-04 Thread Roman Sommer
that is great news :)
I know the microsoft guide linked in the wiki. It contains a lot of
useful information but it has one major drawback.

---snip ---
Security Configuration

By default, Active Directory on Windows Server 2003 does not permit
anonymous operations on the LDAP directory other than rootDSE
searches. UNIX and Linux computers must be capable of browsing Active
Directory to access UNIX Authentication and Authorization data. This
data is required before a user logs in to the system. Therefore, the
credentials of a domain user cannot be used to bind to Active
Directory for searching.
There are two main solutions to this problem:
•   Configure Active Directory to allow anonymous browsing.
•   Create a special Windows user account that is authorized to browse
the Active Directory and then configure the UNIX and Linux operating
systems to authenticate to Active Directory as this user.
--- snip ---

the first "solution" is unacceptable. The second solution requires a
locally stored plaintext password file (ldap.secret). A more
desireable solution would be to take the user's kerberos credidentials
to access the ldap service on the domain controler. Unfortunately this
approach is not covered in the guide as far as I can remember :-/


2005/11/2, Peter Flodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I just recently created the SUSE Interoperability Project (sounds
> fancy, but at this point it is a wiki page at
> http://www.opensuse.org/SINTEROP), it is not linked to from anywhere
> yet. The project goals are to provide tested and documented solutions
> for SUSE to interoperate in an IT environment dominated by other
> vendors. Initially focused on SUSE Linux 10.0 in a Microsoft
> environment.
> Needless to say, anybody and everybody is not just welcomed but
> encouraged to contribute, both in terms of howtos but also feedback
> from using the information in your environment.
> Peter 'Pflodo' Flodin

Re: [opensuse] suse in a windows network (authentication)

2005-11-02 Thread Roman Sommer
further investigations showed ldap is not using gssapi on login
because it doesn't see a credidentials cache file.

Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: pam_krb5[7478]: error
resolving user name 'testuser' to uid/gid pair
Nov  2 08:56:27 playground login[7478]: pam_krb5[7478]: error getting
information about 'testuser'
Nov  2 08:56:29 playground login[7478]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:56:29 playground login[7478]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:56:29 playground login[7478]: FAILED LOGIN 2 FROM /dev/tty2
FOR UNKNOWN, User not known to the underlying authentication module

the error can partially be avoided by specifying a kerberos
creditentials file in /etc/ldap.conf (krb5_ccname FILE:/tmp/.ldapcc)

Nov  2 08:57:22 playground login[7529]: pam_krb5[7529]: authentication
succeeds for 'testuser' ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) // **1
Nov  2 08:57:22 playground login[7529]: pam_ldap: ldap_search_s
Operations error / **2
Nov  2 08:57:22 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success) / **3
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found) / **4
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned 0 (Success)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: GSSAPI Error: Miscellaneous
failure (No credentials cache found)
Nov  2 08:57:23 playground login[7529]: nss_ldap:
ldap_sasl_interactive_bind_s returned -2 (Local error)

** 1: kerberos authentification succeeded.
** 2: simple bind, search of course fails..
** 3: actually the value returned is 0x0E (saslBindInProgress)
** 4: still something can't find my creditentials cache file although
it's statically specified. Something is not standing to the rules.

and it is not doing _any_ ldapsearches at all.. just a dozen of bind
requests :-/

any hints?

thanks in advance

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Re: [opensuse] suse in a windows network (authentication)

2005-11-01 Thread Roman Sommer
2005/10/31, Daniel Hatfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I don't know about using doing this with ldap directly, but if you have
> Kerberos working and you've successfully joined your computer to the
> domain.  You're really close.  Let's test to make sure.
> Do the following as root from the command line:
> To test Kerberos:
> kinit administrator
> The above command will prompt for a password.  Enter the password of
> your
> 2K3 domain administrator.  If you have renamed your domain administrator
> account use the name instead with the kinit command.  If you receive no
> errors Kerberos is working.
> To test winbind:
> wbinfo -g
> The above command should give you a list of groups in you Active
> directory.  Try it with the -u switch to see a list of users.
> Let us know what your results are and we can help you further.
> Cheers,
> Daniel

first of all thank you for your replies, I really appreciate that.
As I said before the kerberos part is pretty straight forward.. I
never encountered any serious problems on this side.

Packetyzer Trace:
Kerberos AS-REP
 Pvno: 5
 MSG Type: AS-REP (11)
 Client Realm: LINUX.LOCAL
 Client Name (Principal): Administrator
  Name-type: Principal (1)
  Name: Administrator
  Tkt-vno: 5
  Server Name (Unknown): krbtgt/LINUX.LOCAL
   Name-type: Unknown (0)
   Name: krbtgt
  enc-part rc4-hmac
   Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
   Kvno: 2
   enc-part: 08561DE7EE73917EAB22B1B3E1DC1FE4E24F14BD18E39CF3...
 enc-part rc4-hmac
  Encryption type: rc4-hmac (23)
  Kvno: 1
  enc-part: 2E1EDFF75F9DB3CA00736E7B3A4DE074E6A398E0810B415E...

playground:~ # klist -e -5:
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid starting ExpiresService principal
11/02/05 07:22:07  11/02/05 17:22:15  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
renew until 11/03/05 07:22:07, Etype (skey, tkt): ArcFour with
HMAC/md5, ArcFour with HMAC/md5

A packet sniffer proofed to be quite helpful here. If I try to log in
as a domain user it first does the kerberos authentication (PAM: auth)
and then tries to get account information via ldap (PAM: account). The
problem is, ldapsearch tries to bind using the "simple" method (-x
parameter). Some windows registry hacking would allow Active Directory
to allow anonymous searches but that's not in my interest. Neither is
a dedicated user with a locally stored plaintext password in

If I issue a ldapsearch with a tgt (ticket) present I get quite
reasonable results:

playground:/etc # ldapsearch
"(&(objectclass=User)(msSFU30Name=testuser))"  |head -20
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL installing layers
# extended LDIF
# LDAPv3
# base <> with scope sub
# filter: (&(objectclass=User)(msSFU30Name=testuser))
# requesting: ALL

# testuser, Users, linux.local
dn: CN=testuser,CN=Users,DC=linux,DC=local
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: testuser
givenName: testuser
distinguishedName: CN=testuser,CN=Users,DC=linux,DC=local
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20051020072831.0Z
whenChanged: 20051031100055.0Z

and once again: playground:/etc # klist -e -5
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_0
Default principal: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Valid starting ExpiresService principal
11/02/05 07:22:07  11/02/05 17:22:15  krbtgt/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
renew until 11/03/05 07:22:07, Etype (skey, tkt): ArcFour with
HMAC/md5, ArcFour with HMAC/md5
11/02/05 07:44:54  11/02/05 17:22:15  ldap/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
renew until 11/03/05 07:22:07, Etype (skey, tkt): ArcFour with
HMAC/md5, ArcFour with HMAC/md5

now I do have a service ticket for the ldap service as well (good!).

I didn't test the winbind stuff as I do not want to use samba but ldap
(natively supported by Active Directory). Does anyone know how I can
tell ldap to use GSSAPI instead of simple auth while logging in?
"use_sasl on" and "sasl_mech gssapi" didn't really point out to be
helpful at all :-(

Thanks in advance

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[opensuse] suse in a windows network (authentication)

2005-10-31 Thread Roman Sommer
hi list

i was wondering if I could somehow make my suse (10) authenticate
versus my windows 2003 domain controller. I configured both ldap
client and kerberos client in Yast2. Authentication works (the
kerberos part).. but I still cannot log in because ldap isn't able to
fetch user account information from my active directory which is
because it's not using the kerberos credidentials to establish a
gssapi connection.

So I set up shell/home information in /etc/passwd. No password.
Passwords are still being retrieved from the domain controller via
kerberos. Big surprise -> login works. If I now issue a ldapsearch
with the filter it already tried before (but with no valid bind)
"(&(objectclass=User)(msSFU30Name=testuser))" it starts a SASL/GSSAPI
authentication and successfully fetches the needed information. Why
doesn't ldap use gssapi on logins then.. or where can I tell it to use
it? Couldn't find any suitable option in Yast nor the config files
Oh and no I don't want to use a dedicated user with a locally stored
plaintext password to search active directory :)

might anyone please help?

best regards
Roman Sommer

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