Since there's lots of discussion about YaST here's some observations on
my first attempt to use 10.3 YaST (the last one I used was 9.3). I'm
using gnome:

(1) the window titles are bad:
  (a) they don't include the host name, so I can't tell which window
belongs to which machine

  (b) they don't all include the module name. e.g. the LVM window has
the unilluminating title 'YaST'. Not very useful when you have a bunch
of windows iconified and are trying to find this particular one.

(2) MTA configuration starts with a screen offering a choice of standard
or advanced. The Help does not describe this choice! I tried standard,
which didn't appear to offer what I needed. I tried advanced, which
started by insisting on LDAP, which I don't want. So I don't even get to
look at it's help. So I'll be using the command-line tools.

(3) The Community Repositories module should be offered as an
alternative possibility when you click on Software Repositories, because
the latter is what people migrating from previous versions will expect
to use. Links to web-pages should also be included - e.g.
<> and
<> with fallbacks to local
copies if not online.

(4) The Software Management module is appalling. Poor UI design, even
worse help. Two trees that have to be folded and unfolded individually!
Who thought that could possibly be more useful than a checkbox?
Extremely slow loading of the package list, repeated each time I do a
search. Dreadful! What I fail to understand is why something so
obviously worse than previous versions is ever released? And why when I
serached for 'webmin' did it return 'fail2ban'????

(5) The Online Update module just presents an empty window. Stunning
stuff! Which won't even go away when I press the window close
decoration. But xkill rode in to the rescue.

I just applied the patch to yast2 that Carlos recommended and now I'm
happy with software management again (i.e. I got the qt version :)

Cheers, Dave
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