Am Sonntag, 30. April 2006 23:00 schrieb Thomas Ohms:
> Hi there!
> New to this list let me say "Hello" to everybody and bring forward my
> problem.
> To figure out if it is a bug or my fault here is what I have recognized:
> When starting the module answering_machine of Yast2 in console, I get the
> following error twice a time:
> Can't exec "ypcat": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden (<--means "file
> or directory could not be found) at
>         /usr/lib/YaST2/servers_non_y2/ag_nis line 83, <STDIN> line 1 (#1)
>     (W exec) A system(), exec(), or piped open call could not execute the
>     named program for the indicated reason.  Typical reasons include: the
>     permissions were wrong on the file, the file wasn't found in
>     $ENV{PATH}, the executable in question was compiled for another
>     architecture, or the #! line in a script points to an interpreter that
>     can't be run for similar reasons.  (Or maybe your system doesn't
> support #! at all.)
> I am using SuSE 10.0.
> So is there something I have done wrong or is it bug I could report?
> Greets
> Thomas

Okay, I am getting a bit closer. I looked via "whereis" where yp is installed 
to and noticed that only yp.conf in "/etc" was there. So I reinstalled the 
yp-tools and now there is also "/usr/lib/yp" found.
But starting the Yast2 module "answering_machine" gets me a message like: 
        Map group.byname not found. Reason: The request arguments are invalid
        Map passwd.byname not found. Reason: The request arguments are invalid
I have German errors coming up, but I guess it should be as written here in 
Any further ideas?


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