On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Manuel Mely wrote:-

>Hi everyone.
>Can somebody point me in how to create a local opensuse updates
>mirror. I tried using rsync without success.
>rsync -avzP --delete --exclude rpm/x86_64/ --exclude rpm/src/
>--exclude rpm/ppc/ rsync.opensuse.org::opensuse-updates/10.3/
>also this:
>rsync -av --exclude rpm/x86_64/ --exclude rpm/src/ --exclude rpm/ppc/

I use this:

rsync -av --partial --progress --exclude rpm/ppc --exclude rpm/ppc64 \
 --exclude deltas/*.ppc.delta.rpm --exclude deltas/*.ppc64.delta.rpm \
 --safe-links --delete --delete-excluded \
 rsync://ftp-1.gwdg.de/pub/opensuse/update/10.3/ \

and it works. In fact, I've been using it as a part of a script that
mirrors the update servers since before 9.3. Not sure exactly when I
started using it, but the script does include releases all the way back
to 8.0.

        David Bolt

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