Op zaterdag 2 augustus 2014 07:57:16 schreef Edgar Dombrowski:
> Am 01.08.2014 20:40, schrieb Freek de Kruijf:
> > See https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi
> Hi, Freek.
> Thanks for your information. I just downloaded the Instructions and the
> associated software.
> I hope it will works,
> Edgar, DJ3PU, Munich

Hello Edgar,

do not forget to remove var/lib/YaST2/reconfig_system from your SD card, 
before using it in the RPi, in case you work headless via ssh. I lost a number 
of hours to find out that not removing that file was the problem.
Before using the SD in the RPi, I also reconfigure the partitions on the SD 
card using the Partition Manager of KDE.


member openSUSE
Freek de Kruijf

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