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Packages changed:
  perl-Image-ExifTool (12.04 -> 12.06)

=== Details ===

==== perl-Image-ExifTool ====
Version update (12.04 -> 12.06)
Subpackages: exiftool perl-File-RandomAccess

- update to 12.06
  - Added read support for Lyrics3 metadata (and fixed problem
    where APE metadata may be ignored if Lyrics3 exists)
  - Added a new Panasonic VideoBurstMode value
  - Added a new Olympus MultipleExposureMode value
  - Added a new Nikon LensID
  - Added back conversions for XMP-dwc EventTime that were removed
    in 12.04 with a patch to allow time-only values
  - Decode GIF AspectRatio
  - Decode Olympus FocusBracketStepSize
  - Extract PNG iDOT chunk in Binary format with the
    name AppleDataOffsets
  - Process PNG images which do not start with mandatory
    IHDR chunk
  - Added a new Panasonic SelfTimer value
  - Decode a few more DPX tags
  - Extract AIFF APPL tag as ApplicationData
  - Fixed bug writing QuickTime ItemList 'gnre' Genre values
  - Fixed an incorrect value for Panasonic VideoBurstResolution
  - Fixed problem when applying a time shift to some invalid
    makernote date/time values

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