Hello community,

here is the log from the commit of package python-neutronclient.2119 for 
openSUSE:13.1:Update checked in at 2013-10-22 16:32:43
Comparing /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/python-neutronclient.2119 (Old)
 and      /work/SRC/openSUSE:13.1:Update/.python-neutronclient.2119.new (New)

Package is "python-neutronclient.2119"

New Changes file:

--- /dev/null   2013-10-11 12:16:15.204037506 +0200
  2013-10-22 16:32:44.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+Mon Oct  7 10:25:35 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Downgrade to version 2.3.1:
+  * go with released version of client tools
+Wed Oct  2 00:29:52 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Fixes the display message for the insert/remove firewall rule CLI
+Tue Oct  1 21:26:02 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- add bash completion 
+Tue Oct  1 00:25:05 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Adds IpAddressGenerationFailureClient exception
+Thu Sep 26 10:02:40 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Update tox.ini to use new features
+Tue Sep 24 00:18:36 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Remove openstack.common.exception usage
+  + Update help string to match API doc
+Wed Sep 18 15:00:08 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Client for metering extension
+Wed Sep 18 09:14:19 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- fix requires 
+Mon Sep 16 23:35:19 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Update cliff version to 1.4.3 in requirements.txt
+Thu Sep 12 23:56:19 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Fix cisco n1kv plugin cli option and help
+Sat Sep  7 07:26:20 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Add provider attribute to lb-pool-create command
+Thu Sep  5 23:35:18 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Allow 'any' option for protocol in the firewall rule
+  + bp:pxeboot-ports, provide pxboot on ports
+Wed Sep  4 00:14:21 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Added support for running the tests under PyPy with tox
+  + Sync test-requirements with global requirements
+  + The "arg_value" was not getting checked for empty list
+  + Use assertEqual instead of assertEquals
+  + neutron router-gateway-set failed for non-admin users
+  + Remove status field from the list of fields of Healthmonitor
+Tue Sep  3 00:02:20 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Makes client always use provided endpoint_url
+  + Add 'distributed' option to router-create command
+  + Add multi-segment and trunk support to N1KV Neutron client
+  + Move vpn unittest code to neutronclient.tests
+  + Make _test_update_resource honor format
+Sat Aug 31 23:49:54 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Fix H202 hacking check in VPN client
+Tue Aug 27 00:17:46 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + VPN as a Service (VPNaaS) Client API
+  + Merge with Oslo (master/ded9bd6)
+Thu Aug 22 23:52:34 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Add credentials and profile support to Neutron client
+  + Improve help message of loadbalancer commands
+  + Move tests back to neutronclient package
+Thu Aug  8 07:58:27 UTC 2013 - speili...@suse.com
+- Update to version 2.2.6:
+  + FWaaS Client and Cli
+  + Sync with global requirements
+  + Add get_attr for EXTED_PLURALS
+- Fix _service regex
+Fri Jul 19 20:17:12 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- fix requires/provides/obsoletes 
+Fri Jul 12 23:39:18 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Allow user to specify None value to attributes
+  + Remove commented out code
+Thu Jul 11 23:36:59 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Don't convert httplib2 exceptions to status codes
+Tue Jul  9 09:55:09 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Allow tenant ID for authentication
+Sun Jul  7 11:57:58 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- switch over to neutron git 
+Sun Jul  7 11:57:17 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Renamed quantum to neutron in .gitreview
+Thu Jul  4 08:01:38 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- renamed to python-neutronclient from python-quantumclient 
+Thu Jul  4 08:00:22 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Rename quantumclient to neutronclient
+Mon Jul  1 23:49:07 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Enables H404 check (multi line docstring) in flake8
+  + Remove the monkey patching of _ into the builtins.
+Sat Jun 29 23:47:52 UTC 2013 - opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org
+- Update to version
+  + Support router-interface-add/delete by port_id
+  + Allow subnet name in lb-vip-create and lb-pool-create
+Tue Jun 18 12:09:39 UTC 2013 - speili...@suse.com
+- Only depend on python-discover on SLE, it's a Python-2.6 feature
+  backport
+Thu Jun 13 08:12:44 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
+- update doc file names 
+Wed Jun 12 09:48:04 UTC 2013 - dmuel...@suse.com
++++ 305 more lines (skipped)
++++ between /dev/null
++++ and 



Other differences:
++++++ python-neutronclient.spec ++++++
# spec file for package python-neutronclient
# Copyright (c) 2013 SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Nuernberg, Germany.
# All modifications and additions to the file contributed by third parties
# remain the property of their copyright owners, unless otherwise agreed
# upon. The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the
# file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself (unless the
# license for the pristine package is not an Open Source License, in which
# case the license is the MIT License). An "Open Source License" is a
# license that conforms to the Open Source Definition (Version 1.9)
# published by the Open Source Initiative.

# Please submit bugfixes or comments via http://bugs.opensuse.org/

%define component neutronclient

Name:           python-neutronclient
Version:        2.3.1
Release:        0
Summary:        Openstack Network (Quantum) API Client
License:        Apache-2.0
Group:          Development/Languages/Python
Url:            http://launchpad.net/python-neutronclient
Source:         python-neutronclient-2.3.1.tar.gz
BuildRequires:  openstack-suse-macros
BuildRequires:  python-base
BuildRequires:  python-distribute
# Documentation build requirements:
BuildRequires:  python-Sphinx
BuildRequires:  python-cliff >= 1.2.1
BuildRequires:  python-cliff-tablib
BuildRequires:  python-coverage
BuildRequires:  python-d2to1
BuildRequires:  python-flake8
BuildRequires:  python-hacking
BuildRequires:  python-httplib2
BuildRequires:  python-iso8601
BuildRequires:  python-mox
BuildRequires:  python-nose
BuildRequires:  python-pbr
BuildRequires:  python-pep8
BuildRequires:  python-pyflakes
BuildRequires:  python-pyparsing >= 1.5.6
BuildRequires:  python-simplejson
BuildRequires:  python-testrepository
BuildRequires:  python-testtools
Requires:       python >= 2.6.8
Requires:       python-Babel >= 0.9.6
Requires:       python-cliff >= 1.4.3
Requires:       python-d2to1 >= 0.2.10
Requires:       python-httplib2
Requires:       python-iso8601 >= 0.1.4
Requires:       python-pbr >= 0.5.21
Requires:       python-simplejson >= 2.0.9
Requires:       python-six
Provides:       python-quantumclient =
Obsoletes:      python-quantumclient <
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(python -c "from 
distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
BuildArch:      noarch

This is a client for the OpenStack Quantum API. There's a Python API (the
neutronclient module), and a command-line tool (quantum).

%package test
Summary:        Openstack Network (Quantum) API Client - Testsuite
Group:          System/Management
Provides:       python-quantumclient-test =
Obsoletes:      python-quantumclient-test <
Requires:       %{name} = %{version}
Requires:       python-cliff-tablib >= 1.0
Requires:       python-coverage >= 3.6
%if 0%{?suse_version} && 0%{?suse_version} <= 1110
Requires:       python-discover
Requires:       python-fixtures >= 0.3.14
Requires:       python-flake8 >= 2.0
Requires:       python-hacking >= 0.5.6
Requires:       python-mox >= 0.5.3
Requires:       python-pep8 >= 1.4.5
Requires:       python-pyflakes >= 0.7.2
Requires:       python-python-subunit
Requires:       python-testrepository >= 0.0.17
Requires:       python-testtools >= 0.9.32

%description test
This package contains testsuite files for %{name}.

%setup -q -n python-neutronclient-2.3.1

python setup.py build
python setup.py build_sphinx
rm doc/build/html/.buildinfo

python setup.py install --skip-build --prefix=%{_prefix} --root=%{buildroot}

### bash-completion
install -p -D -m 644 tools/neutron.bash_completion 

### test subpackage

%doc LICENSE README.rst doc/build/html

%files test

++++++ _service ++++++
  <service name="git_tarballs" mode="disabled">
    <param name="email">opensuse-cl...@opensuse.org</param>
    <param name="plain-version">True</param>
++++++ rpmlintrc ++++++
# This symling is for the -test package and can be ignored:
addFilter("dangling-symlink /var/lib/python-quantumclient-test/quantumclient")
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