A debian bug report was submitted that inspired me to look deeper into the
operation of --dev and the new --dev-name flag.

--dev-name was a patch for tun.c which I received a few months ago, which only
really does anything for linux 2.4.  On first glance it appeared nominally
useful, so I merged it, but on further inspection it appears to be mostly
redundant with --dev.

It appears that the motivation for implementing --dev-name was that --dev
assumes its argument is either "tun", "tap", "null", or tun/tap with a unit
number (e.g. "tun4").  But --dev is limited in that it doesn't allow arbitrary

In OpenVPN 1.3.2, if the --dev argument was larger than 3 chars, it was
assumed that a unit number was present.  In 1.4.1 that test was changed so
that an ascii digit needed to be present to assume a unit number.  If a unit
number was present, then the name of the device (as it appears in ifconfig)
would be changed to reflect the explicit unit number.  What I think probably
inspired the debian bug report is that in 1.3.2 if you said "--dev foobar
--dev-type tun", openvpn would have renamed the tun device to foobar, because
foobar is > 3 characters.  In 1.4.1, no rename would occur because "foobar"
doesn't contain any numerical digits.  In 1.4.1, you would need to say "--dev
tun --dev-name foobar" to get the same effect.  This seems somewhat arbitrary
and confusing.

My conclusion is that the implementation of --dev and --dev-name is mostly
redundant because --dev can just as easily set the device name based on its
argument, if that argument is something other than "tun", "tap", "null".  The
current operation of "--dev tun" or "--dev tap" would be preserved so that a
dynamic unit number would be allocated if, for example, "--dev tun4" is given.
 But you could also specify "--dev foo --dev-type tun" and a tun device named
foo would be created.

I've patched the current development release to remove --dev-name, and to
allow --dev to set a specific device name as in the above paragraph.


http://openvpn.sourceforge.net/beta/openvpn- (or CVS)


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