Re: [Openvpn-devel] [Openvpn-users] Using EasyRSA intermediate CA with OpenVPN - warning with certificate revocation list: "CRL crl.pem is from a different issuer than the issuer of certificate ..."

2011-01-11 Thread Jan Just Keijser

Hi Erich,

(copying in the openvpn-devel list as this might be considered a minor bug)

Erich Titl wrote:


at 11.01.2011 15:45, Jan Just Keijser wrote:



the "CRL crl.pem is from a different issuer" warning is actually an 
error: when OpenVPN goes through a stacked CRL list it prints out this 
message. This should be raised as a (minor) bug.
The message is harmless however, as clients with revoked certs are 
denied access (as I have tested myself).

the only way to get rid of this warning is to switch to
mode, where the capath directory contains your CA certs and CRL certs as 
.0 and .r0 files.

You can generate the .0 and .r0 files using
  cp ca.crtcadir/`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in ca.crt`.0
  cp crl.pem cadir/`openssl x509 -hash -noout -in ca.crt`.r0

Now this raises a number of questions

1) is the file name suffix responsible for the warning to go away
2) is the hash based filename responsible 
3) is the fact that both files reside in the cadir directory responsible

If all 3 then what should be achieved with this condition stacking

actually, it's all 3. OpenSSL has two ways of using certificates and 
CRLs; the first method, which is used most often, is to supply a single 
certificate file and single CRL file. The cert file and CRL file may be 
"stacked" , that is , more than one CA can be specified, related or not, 
and also more than one CRL file, related or not. The OpenVPN code 
processes the CA and CRL file and prints out the warning mentioned when 
it finds a CRL that does not belong to a particular cert. This warning 
is to prevent people from loading the wrong CRL alongside a particular 
ca.crt file. When the wrong file is loaded it is simply ignored by 
OpenSSL. It would be nicer to match each CRL against *a* certificate in 
the stacked ca.crt file, but this makes the verification algorithm a bit 
more complex.

With two certs and CRLs are stacked the warning is printed twice:
- first when CRL_1 is matched against CA_CERT_2
- second when CRL_2 is matched against CA_CERT_1

The second method for using certs and CRLs is to use a 'capath' method 
where all certs and CRLs are put in a single directory using a special 
naming scheme (the 'openssl x509 -hash' thingie). When validating a 
client certificate OpenSSL (and thus, OpenVPN) will go through each of 
the .0 files in the 'capath' directory to find a matching CA cert. It 
then looks at the corresponding .r0 file (the CRL) to check whether the 
certificate has been revoked. Due to the way OpenVPN is coded the CRL 
warning is NOT printed in this case.



[Openvpn-devel] OpenVPN documentation (man page) review

2011-01-11 Thread David Sommerseth
Hash: SHA1

Hi folks!

This is a little cry for help from us playing with the OpenVPN code.

We have a quite good man page today with a lot of information.  But
maintaining it and to make sure it is up-to-date with all the features
OpenVPN supports is often not high up on the priority list.  In
addition, the current format (one single file, in pure man page format)
is getting harder and harder to maintain as well.

So, we're hoping some people with some English skills is interested to
help out improving this situation.  What we immediately would like to
see is something along these lines:

* Move the man page to a better format than the pure man page format.
  Are there some good tools/formats like ascii2man or DocBookXML which
  could help easing the maintenance of our documentation?

* Split up the documentation into more focused sections, like
  - main openvpn page (kind of like openvpn.8 today)
  Gives an executive overview over OpenVPN, features and references
  to the other documentation pages.  A bonus would be if it easily
  can produce other formats in addition, like HTML, PS/PDF, ePub.

  - openvpn common options
  Gives information about the common options openvpn has, which is
  useful on both server and client instances.  F.ex. --keepalive,
  --tls-auth, --cert, --key, --ca, etc

  - openvpn server options
  Describes only the options which are relevant for openvpn servers

  - openvpn client options
  Describes only options useful for openvpn clients

  - openvpn plug-ins
  Describes the different script plug-in hooks and environment
  variables available to scripts and plug-ins written in C

* Review the contents of all the documentation, check their accuracy
  - Make sure no options are not available in OpenVPN 2.2 or later
  - Make sure no options are missing in the documentation, which is
available in the source code  (options.c is a good reference)

* Review and check if all external references
  - Make sure all references to external sources, like web-sites, are
still available, valid and relevant in the document context
  - Find other external resources which are worth including.

(These points are not carved into stone, but is more like a guideline of
what needs to be considered)

This task should hopefully not require too much in-depth development
knowledge.  It should be user-focused, so that we avoid using terms and
details which is not so easy to understand.  What I'm saying is that
this documentation can be more useful and readable if users are involved
in this process.

If someone are willing to step up and take a lead, that would be great!
 Further, discussions and reviews of the document changes should
probably happen on the openvpn-users mailing list.  That way, it might
be easier for users to review the documentation and provide feedback.

We don't want this to just be a solo-project from someone in our OpenVPN
community, so we hope more people can help out and contribute, also if
you don't consider yourself a developer.

kind regards,

David Sommerseth

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