[Openvpn-devel] Altering routing Tables as non-admin on Windows

2007-10-16 Thread Matthew Richardson
I've recently come back to looking at openvpn, after discovering that it 
now handles most things 'out of the box' for non-admins on Windows a 
requirement on our managed machines).

The one problem I've discovered is that as openvpn starts, it tries to 
alter the routing tables on the client to route through the VPN. 
However, these routing rules can only be changed by an admin - or more 
specifically by a member of the 'Network Configuration Operators' group, 
This group gives more rights to the user than are necessary for just 
routing, and may create security problems.

I've come up with a solution for this, for which I've written a
'proof-of-concept' script - please don't use this in service, as its not 

been tested!

The idea is that a Windows Service runs and in some way monitors the VPN 
connection (tailing a log file, having a socket which it can be 
connected to on, etc).  the routing rules that are normally implemented 
by the openvpn command itself are moved to this service, and when 
'triggered' it runs the routing commands.  The service runs as an 
account with appropriate privileges to make these changes.  There is no 
need to 'undo' these rules, since when the vpn is disconnected, and the 
tun device disappears, the network stack tidies up the routing table 

I've implemented this as a test using a VBS script, which watches the 
OpenVPN log file for successful connections.

The script is here:


And relies on the srvany/instsrv tools from Microsoft.  download all the 
files to c:\openvpn-routing\

To install:

instsrv.exe OPENVPN-Routing c:\openvpn-routing\srvany.exe

then edit the registry:


Create String 'Application' - value of:

cscript c:\openvpn-routing\monitor.vbs

At the moment the script doesn't change the routing tables - instead it
launches notepad to show its working - change the notepad line to the
appropriate route commands to actually use it.

All of the above is really provided as a demonstration of a possible 
solution for this problem - its written in vbs for simplicity, but I 
imagine (not being familiar with the openvpn code-base) that it would be 
possible to reproduce in a more suitable language and bundle as part of 
the openvpn package, and use a better mechanism than tailing the log 
file to make the call to the service to change the routing table.

Just a thought on solving this problem.  Comments etc welcome!


Matthew Richardson
School of Engineering and Electronics,
The University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings,
Mayfield Rd, Edinburgh EH9 3JL
0131 650 8747,  FAX: 0131 650 6554

Re: [Openvpn-devel] Altering routing Tables as non-admin on Windows

2007-10-16 Thread Carsten Krüger
Hello Matthew,

> specifically by a member of the 'Network Configuration Operators' group,
> This group gives more rights to the user than are necessary for just 
> routing, and may create security problems.

Which problems? They can't do harmfull things:

> All of the above is really provided as a demonstration of a possible
> solution for this problem

Why not run openvpn as a service?


Re: [Openvpn-devel] Altering routing Tables as non-admin on Windows

2007-10-16 Thread Matthew Richardson

MR>   If this has changed, and there is a way
MR> to interact with the service as non-admin then I will certainly look 
MR> into this...

take subinacl to change the ACL of the openvpn-service
users need the right to start/stop the service

I just replied to Carsten to thank him for pointing me to this, and then 
discovered something which is a show-stopper for me - if run as a 
service, OpenVPN can only do certificate authentication, not 
user/password auth, since there is no way to pass the auth details to 
the service:


We would prefer to use password auth instead of certificate distribution 
in our environment.

However, the page given above states:

"There is work in progress to enhance the OpenVPN Service so it can be 
controlled via a TCP socket. This will allow individual tunnels to 
started and stopped at will, as well as supplying OpenVPN with the 
password used to encrypt the private key. OpenVPN GUI 2.0 will be 
rewritten to make use of this service."

which seems to cover what I would like to see in OpenVPN.  Can anyone 
shed any more light on this?
