Hi Morgan, Ildikó,

the schedule is fine for me.

I guess we won't be able to answer the questions from the agenda in the
allocated time, but it should be enough to get the conversation started; we
can the follow up over other communication channels (IRC? Else?).


On Sun, Sep 24, 2017 at 5:01 PM Ildiko Vancsa <ild...@openstack.org> wrote:

> Hi Morgan,
> Thank you for the proposal.
> I agree that we have several areas within testing where it would makes
> sense to start a closer collaboration.
> I added Mark to the thread as well, he’s the co-chair of our
> Interoperability Working Group and he’s one of drivers of having coverage
> for NFV as well in our interoperability tests and certification program.
> I know that we have plans on resiliency and robustness testing as an
> extension to our current framework. Ghanshyam and Andrea are the main
> contacts regarding those activities. Ghanshyam is in Japan, which means
> that we will need to find other forums as well to discuss these topics than
> the meeting slot next week to be able to involve everyone.
> @Mark @Andrea: Will you be available to attend the meeting on the 28th?
> As for the agenda, I think it looks good as starting point to touch base
> on the key topics, but I let our experts to voice their opinions as well. :)
> Thanks and Best Regards,
> Ildikó
> > On 2017. Sep 21., at 3:44, <morgan.richo...@orange.com> <
> morgan.richo...@orange.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I discussed with Georg on the opportunity to formalize a possible cross
> collaboration on testing between OpenStack and OPNFV.
> > He attended the PTG last week and it seems there are possibly more
> synergies between the 2 groups.
> >
> > I booked a slot for the next Testing group meeting planned on September
> 28th 3 PM UTC (https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/819733085)
> > As agenda (
> https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/Test+Working+Group+Weekly+Meeting)
> , I suggest (feel free to amend):
> >
> > Cross collaboration with OpenStack
> >       •     OPNFV testing activities overview 5'
> >       •     OpenStack NFV testing activities overview 5'
> >       •     What could/should be upstreamed? 10'
> >       •     Long duration/resiliency/robustness strategy 10'
> >       •     Plugfest: common activities? 5'
> > Jose added a topic on XCI, our long duration testing activites are also
> linked to XCI and then connected to OpenStack.
> >
> > What is your view?
> > feel free to forward to whom it may concern.
> >
> > /Morgan
> >
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