Re: [OPSAWG] 🔔 WG LC: Export of Segment Routing over IPv6 Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

2022-12-03 Thread Qin Wu
Hi, All:
Thanks authors to write this draft and validate it using Hackathon project. I 
take some time to review this draft, my general position is to support moving 
this work toward publication.
Here are a few comments and suggestions:

1.   Abstract:
What is the difference between “the SRv6 behavior that traffic is being 
forwarded with. “ and SRv6 forwarding plane? Should we just use SRv6 forwarding 
plane to replace original wording? Maybe I miss something.
But we need to consider consistency between abstract and introduction 

2.Section 3, the definition of srhFlagsIPv6
At the current stage, 8 bit flags defined in SRH are all unused according to 
RFC8754,however looking up IANA registry for Segment Routing Header Flags,
Only OAM flag is allocated for RFC9259, I am wondering whether OAM flag should 
be reported together with other unused flags.
What is the impact on this parameter when some other flags have been allocated 
from Segment Routing Header Flags registry, it seems no harm, but do you think 
we should clarify only OAM flag is allocated in this srhFlagsIPv6 definition.

3.Section 3, the definition of srhTagsIPv6
I am wondering whether we need to have some out-band  mechanism to define the 
meaning or purpose of using these srhTagIPv6, when we say a group of packet 
sharing the same set of properties, what is the example of these properties? 
Should these srhTagIPv6 global unique? Or local scope specific?

4.Section 3 the definition of srhSegmentIPv6ListSection
I am not sure I understand the difference between srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and 
I know you provide an usage example to explain this, but  for the reader who 
are not familiar with IPFIX, it is hard to parse this. Would it be great to add 
some text in the definition of srhSegment IPv6ListSection to clarify this 
Maybe add a pointer to section 6.1

Also I believe srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and srhSegmentIPv6ListSection should not 
be reported at the same time? Two IE should be mutually excluded? No?

5.Section 3. The definition of srhSection IPv6
The same comment is applied to srhSection IPv6, I think we should add more 
texts to explain how srhSectionIPv6 organized? Or what information is included 
in srhSectionIPv6

6.Section 4
It looks these information in section 4 can be used to provide SRv6 visibility 
or troubleshooting, for the answer 2, I am wondering what else does the 
management system do for troubleshooting? Or the network devices have already 
done everything for the management system regarding troubleshooting?

7 Section5.2
When the device export srhTagIPv6 value to the management system, Who will tell 
the device or the management system about the meaning or purpose of srhTagIPv6? 
It is probably beyond scope, but it will be nice to clarify the mechanism to be 

8. Section 5.9.1
For IPFIX IPv6 SRH Segment Type Subregistry,
I am wondering whether this draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh should also be 
added into additional information

9.Section 6.2
Is there any IPFIX mechanism to tell two side of communication between the 
management system and network devices whether compressed SID is used or 
non-compressed SID is used?

10.Section 6.3
When the management system and the network device exchange IPFIX information, 
how does two side know whether carrying multiple same IE in one data record is 
supported? Is there any capability exchanged in the IPFIX mechanism?

11. Section 9
s/the allocation/allocation
The security consideration is over simplified, I am wondering whether exposing 
detailed segmentIPv6BasicList has some security risk? Is there any security 
enhancement that need to be considered?

发件人: OPSAWG [] 代表 Joe Clarke (jclarke)
发送时间: 2022年11月30日 21:54
主题: [OPSAWG] 🔔 WG LC: Export of Segment Routing over IPv6 Information in IP 
Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

Hello, WG.  As discussed at IETF 115, we want to conduct a WG LC for 
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh.  The authors believe this work is stable and 
moreover used the 115 hackathon to develop a interoperable implementations 
(linked in Data Tracker) .  Additionally, IANA has already weighed in on this 
work and agree with the considerations approach.

Therefore, we are calling for a two week LC.  We will conclude on December 14.

Please review the current -04 draft, post your comments and/or your thoughts on 
the current text.


OPSAWG mailing list

Re: [OPSAWG] 🔔 WG LC: Export of Segment Routing over IPv6 Information in IP Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

2022-12-03 Thread Thomas.Graf
Dear Qin,

Thanks a lot for the detailed review and comments. This is much appreciated. My 
answers inline.

I am tracking the changes in here:

Best wishes

From: Qin Wu 
Sent: Saturday, December 3, 2022 3:07 PM
To: Joe Clarke (jclarke) ;
Cc: Graf Thomas, INI-NET-TCZ-ZH1 
Subject: RE: 🔔 WG LC: Export of Segment Routing over IPv6 Information in IP 
Flow Information Export (IPFIX)

Hi, All:
Thanks authors to write this draft and validate it using Hackathon project. I 
take some time to review this draft, my general position is to support moving 
this work toward publication.
Here are a few comments and suggestions:

1.   Abstract:
What is the difference between “the SRv6 behavior that traffic is being 
forwarded with. “ and SRv6 forwarding plane? Should we just use SRv6 forwarding 
plane to replace original wording? Maybe I miss something.
But we need to consider consistency between abstract and introduction 

TG > With "SRv6 behavior" the "SRv6 endpoint behavior" is meant from RFC 8986 
section 4 ( We will 
change the wording in the abstract from "SRv6 behavior" to "SRv6 endpoint 

2.Section 3, the definition of srhFlagsIPv6
At the current stage, 8 bit flags defined in SRH are all unused according to 
RFC8754,however looking up IANA registry for Segment Routing Header Flags,
Only OAM flag is allocated for RFC9259, I am wondering whether OAM flag should 
be reported together with other unused flags.
What is the impact on this parameter when some other flags have been allocated 
from Segment Routing Header Flags registry, it seems no harm, but do you think 
we should clarify only OAM flag is allocated in this srhFlagsIPv6 definition.

TG > We clarified this with IANA extensively. As described in,
 we refer to the "Segment Routing Header Flags" IANA registry where the flags 
are defined for the segment routing header. IPFIX doesn't allocate new entities.

3.Section 3, the definition of srhTagsIPv6
I am wondering whether we need to have some out-band  mechanism to define the 
meaning or purpose of using these srhTagIPv6, when we say a group of packet 
sharing the same set of properties, what is the example of these properties? 
Should these srhTagIPv6 global unique? Or local scope specific?

TG > The SRH tags are defined and described in They are currently not 
used but in context of IPFIX could become very useful since we now can mark and 
group packets with the same properties. It is outside of the scope of 
draft-ietf-opsawg-ipfix-srv6-srh to describe the usage of SRH tags.

4.Section 3 the definition of srhSegmentIPv6ListSection
I am not sure I understand the difference between srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and 
I know you provide an usage example to explain this, but  for the reader who 
are not familiar with IPFIX, it is hard to parse this. Would it be great to add 
some text in the definition of srhSegment IPv6ListSection to clarify this 
Maybe add a pointer to section 6.1

TG > Correct section 6.1 describes the differences between 
srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and srhSegmentIPv6ListSection. We could add a pointer.

Also I believe srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and srhSegmentIPv6ListSection should not 
be reported at the same time? Two IE should be mutually excluded? No?

TG > We don't prevent this. That would go to far. We describe under operation 
consideration in section 6.1 that this would not be an expected behavior.

   It is not expected that an exporter would support both
   srhSegmentIPv6BasicList and srhSegmentIPv6ListSection at the same

5.Section 3. The definition of srhSection IPv6
The same comment is applied to srhSection IPv6, I think we should add more 
texts to explain how srhSectionIPv6 organized? Or what information is included 
in srhSectionIPv6

TG > srhSectionIPv6 exports the entire SRH and its TLVs as specified in For the authors the 
description makes sense. Could you propose a wording which would make more 
sense to you?

6.Section 4
It looks these information in section 4 can be used to provide SRv6 visibility 
or troubleshooting, for the answer 2, I am wondering what else does the 
management system do for troubleshooting? Or the network devices have already 
done everything for the management system regarding troubleshooting?

TG > In this section we describe use cases how this metrics can be used. We 
follow the same pattern as we did for MPLS-SR 
( We belie