Snakes On A Tor

2006-08-24 Thread Mike Perry
So I've hacked up some crazy perl to scan for changes in md5sums of
urls and SSL certs by exit nodes. Doesn't scrape google yet. Maybe I
will get to that, maybe not. Probably not in the immediate future. My
attention span is running out on this project. I'm thinking it's in
the good enough state, and I did manage to produce some fun toys for
y'all up to this point.

Here are some excerpts from the README:

The project essentially consists of two perl files. One called
'', which is the scanner, and the other called ''
which is a meta-controller for Tor that can do all sorts of neat
tricks. The Metatroller can be run without SOAT, but SOAT requires the

These both have been tested on perl v5.8 on Linux. The Metatroller has
also been tested on Windows ActivePerl 5.8.8 and does in fact play
nice with Vidalia. However SOAT itself depends on wget, openssl, and
md5sum, which are not likely to be present outside of Cygwin.

Once the Metatroller is up and running, you can telnet localhost 9052
and type HELP. You should get this:

220 Welcome to the Tor Metatroller v0.0.1! Try HELP for Info

214 Commands:
214   - Pick a two letter country code to select exits from, or ALL
214   - List countries that have tor nodes (not necessarily full exits)
214   - What % of the network is considered 'fast' for node selection
214   - Minimum observed bandwidth (KB) that a node must have to be selected
214  UNIFORM 1|0
214   - Should selection among fast nodes be uniform (or bandwidth-biased)?
214   - Should exits be chosen one after another instead of randomly?
214  FASTEXITS 1|0
214   - Should exits be chosen from 'fast' nodes or all nodes?
214  PATHLEN #
214   - What should the path length of circuits be?
214   - Reports the current exit
214   - Throw away all circuits and choose a new exit

Hopefully this is self-explanatory. I particularly like the COUNTRY
option. Since I'm a xenophobic American who's never left the country
except for the occasional visit to America Junior, it's like my own
little international travel simulator, but without all the laptop
scaning, stolen carryon items, and cattle prodding.



While many of these options may seem desirable at first glance, a
consideration of how Tor works can actually reveal that they are
extremely dangerous to your anonymity.

The major risk factors are:

PATHLEN - This is a bad idea all around to mess with if you need
anonymity. Since Tor uses telescoping to build circuits, it is
trivial for the first hop to fingerprint you based on the number of
packets that traverse it during circuit construction. If you are
the only one on the network building 6 hop circuits, you are
essentially giving nodes a unique fingerprint to track you with.
Likewise short paths are dangerous because it becomes trivial for a
node or pair of nodes to trace your exact path through the network.

BWCUTOFF/PERCENTFAST - these option may seem like a good way to
improve Tor speed, but in actual fact it doesn't help you much once
you get beyond about 60% or so in my experience. This is where Tor
node bandwidths start to grow beyond 50kb/sec a piece. After this
point, not only are you skewing the load balancing on the Tor network,
you are starting to seriously limit the number of nodes your client
chooses, making it much more likely that high-bandwidth adversaries
observe the first and last node in your circuit and can correlate
them. It also doesn't help speed that much either past that point.

Also, note that the metatroller itself may introduce weird timing
and/or circuit usage signature patterns that may or may not give you
away. I did my best to make the defaults look as much like Tor as
possible, but there may be subtle differences that can be picked up
on. Perhaps the most obvious one is the fact that wget and not Tor is
being used to fetch directory information. I have set the user agents
to be identical, but there may be other differences.

Another possible giveaway is that I do not use uptime information in
the node selection process. Nodes may be able to tell you are a
Metatroller client if one of their neighbors for that circuit has
extremely low uptime.

A couple of caveats/rough edges with SOAT:

1. You should customize the list of exe's yourself to add some random
stuff, various document/image URLs, and so on. This list shouldn't be
published if you intend to post results, except in the case of
corruption. You should change it every once and a while. Future
versions may automate this by scraping shit off google/sourceforge.

2. Some nodes simply return Connection: close for URLs, perhaps
because of a malfunctioning upstream squid proxy or who knows what.
I've decided to let this trigger the MD5 warning, because it is
freaking annoying when I use Tor normally, and it might be 

re: Snakes On A Tor

2006-08-24 Thread clifnor
Permissions for the zip file prevent downloading.



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Re: Snakes On A Tor

2006-08-24 Thread Matej Kovacic


I have another idea. With Snakes On A Tor you are trying to estimate 
amount of exit abusers and catch them.

What about some simple exit traffic analysis to detect how many people 
are using non-encrypted communications?

We would have then the estimation about actual and potential abuse.

I propose to log just basic information: which port was used for 
connection. No traffic analysis, no saving information about the target 
 If it is default POP3 port, then we assume user is not using encrypted 
connection, and if it is default POP3S port we asume s/he does. Without 
doing real traffic analysis.

It would also be fine to have spme basic statistics about what kind of 
internet services (web, mail, IRC,...) are people using mostly. That 
would also help to design trafiic priority in the future...

It would also be usefulto have some basic information which are the most 
targeted servers (we can assume there are Hotmail, and similar), but 
there is a question whether that is ethical or not. But for design of a 
network would be fine to know which parts of network must be highly 

bye, Matej

Re: Snakes On A Tor

2006-08-24 Thread Mike Perry

 Permissions for the zip file prevent downloading.

Sorry I'm an idiot. Forgot to also set grsec permissions for teh file. 


Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Re: Snakes On A Tor

2006-08-24 Thread Mike Perry
Thus spake Mike Perry ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

 Another possible giveaway is that I do not use uptime information in
 the node selection process. Nodes may be able to tell you are a
 Metatroller client if one of their neighbors for that circuit has
 extremely low uptime.

Oh, I also forgot to implement guard nodes. Woops. Maybe I will get to
that later.

It also bothers me slightly I don't verify directory signatures, but
unless there's a perl RSA implementation that's compatible with the
one used to sign the dir, there's not much chance in me doing that
ever. I do use key names instead of node names for path specification.
So the worst that could happen is that nodes disappear/change their
exit policies. Just don't download the directory through Tor for now
and it should be fine.

P.S. Nick/Roger, where is the module mentioned in
contrib/ Not seeing it on the SVN web portal. It's a
pity I didn't see this contrib python before I went on my mad quest.
I've been looking for a reason to learn Python. 

Mike Perry
Mad Computer Scientist evil labs

Skype Call Traced

2006-08-24 Thread Matej Kovacic
Skype Call Traced

Kobi Alexander fled the United States ten days ago. He was tracked down
in Sri Lanka via a Skype call:

According to the report, Alexander was located after making a
one-minute call via the online telephone Skype service. The call, made
from the Sri Lankan capital Colombo, alerted intelligence agencies to
his presence in the country.

Ars Technica explains:

The fugitive former CEO may have been convinced that using Skype
made him safe from tracking, but he -- and everyone else that believes
VoIP is inherently more secure than a landline -- was wrong. Tracking
anonymous peer-to-peer VoIP traffic over the Internet is possible (PDF).
In fact, it can be done even if the parties have taken some steps to
disguise the traffic.

Let this be a warning to all of you who thought Skype was anonymous.