Assertation - tor crashes

2006-09-06 Thread Marianne Spiller

Hi there,

via pkgsrc, I installed tor- and privoxy-3.0.3_(stable).
I did a tor server setup; it works for minutes - web access, instant 
messaging and so on. Then it crashes without any comment. I understood: 
it ran as a daemon, so I put in into foreground and get this message:

assertion tv-tv_usec = 0 failed: file event.c, line 665, function 

[1]   Abort trap  ${command} --Use...

It's a NetBSD-3.0_sgimips box, running on a SGI Indy, 256MB, 200MHz r4600.

Any suggestions?


Von allen Dingen, die mir verloren gegangen,
hab ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen.

Re: Assertation - tor crashes

2006-09-06 Thread thalunil
Marianne Spiller wrote:
 Hi there,
 via pkgsrc, I installed tor- and privoxy-3.0.3_(stable).
 I did a tor server setup; it works for minutes - web access, instant
 messaging and so on. Then it crashes without any comment. I understood:
 it ran as a daemon, so I put in into foreground and get this message:
 assertion tv-tv_usec = 0 failed: file event.c, line 665, function
 [1]   Abort trap  ${command} --Use...
 It's a NetBSD-3.0_sgimips box, running on a SGI Indy, 256MB, 200MHz r4600.

Please provide the Debugging output.
Log debug in torrc


Re: Assertation - tor crashes

2006-09-06 Thread Marianne Spiller

thalunil wrote:
 Please provide the Debugging output.
 Log debug in torrc

I only add the last lines for the moment, the whole debug output is much 
too long:

Sep 06 15:16:57.478 [debug] read_to_buf_impl(): Read 18 bytes. 18 on inbuf.
Sep 06 15:16:57.478 [debug] connection_ap_handshake_process_socks(): 
Sep 06 15:16:57.479 [debug] fetch_from_buf_socks(): socks4: destip not 
in form 0.0.0.x.
Sep 06 15:16:57.479 [debug] fetch_from_buf_socks(): socks4: successfully 
read destip ([scrubbed])
Sep 06 15:16:57.480 [warn] fetch_from_buf_socks(): Your application 
(using socks4 on port 80) is giving Tor onl
y an IP address. Applications that do DNS resolves themselves may leak 
information. Consider using Socks4A (e.g
. via privoxy or socat) instead. For more information, please see

Sep 06 15:16:57.482 [debug] fetch_from_buf_socks(): socks4: Everything 
is here. Success.
Sep 06 15:16:57.482 [debug] 
connection_ap_handshake_rewrite_and_attach(): Client asked for [scrubbed]:80
Sep 06 15:16:57.484 [debug] connection_ap_handshake_attach_circuit(): 
Attaching apconn to circ 24777 (stream 0

sec old).
Sep 06 15:16:57.485 [info] exit circ (length 3): utcluj(open) pouf(open) 
Sep 06 15:16:57.485 [debug] link_apconn_to_circ(): attaching new conn to 
circ. n_circ_id 24777.
Sep 06 15:16:57.486 [debug] connection_ap_handshake_send_begin(): 
Sending relay cell to begin stream 29324.
Sep 06 15:16:57.486 [debug] connection_edge_send_command(): delivering 1 
cell forward.
Sep 06 15:16:57.487 [debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a 
layer of the relay cell.
Sep 06 15:16:57.487 [debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a 
layer of the relay cell.
Sep 06 15:16:57.488 [debug] circuit_package_relay_cell(): crypting a 
layer of the relay cell.
Sep 06 15:16:57.489 [debug] write_to_buf(): added 512 bytes to buf (now 
512 total).
Sep 06 15:16:57.489 [info] connection_ap_handshake_send_begin(): 
Address/port sent, ap socket 32, n_circ_id 247

Sep 06 15:16:57.490 [info] connection_edge_process_inbuf(): data from 
edge while in 'waiting for connect' state

. Leaving it on buffer.
Sep 06 15:16:57.490 [debug] conn_write_callback(): socket 20 wants to write.
Sep 06 15:16:57.492 [debug] flush_buf_tls_impl(): flushed 512 bytes, 0 
ready to flush, 0 remain.

Sep 06 15:17:05.358 [debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 14 wants to read.
Sep 06 15:17:05.359 [debug] connection_read_to_buf(): 14: starting, 
inbuf_datalen 0 (0 pending in tls object).

at_most 4096.
Sep 06 15:17:05.359 [debug] read_to_buf_tls(): start: 0 on buf, 0 
pending, at_most 4096.
Sep 06 15:17:05.359 [debug] read_to_buf_tls_impl(): before: 0 on buf, 0 
pending, at_most 4096.

Sep 06 15:17:05.360 [debug] TLS error: unexpected close while reading
Sep 06 15:17:05.360 [debug] tor_tls_read(): read returned r=0, err=-4
Sep 06 15:17:05.360 [info] connection_read_to_buf(): tls error. breaking 
(nickname tor26, address
Sep 06 15:17:05.361 [debug] conn_close_if_marked(): Cleaning up 
connection (fd -1).
Sep 06 15:17:05.362 [debug] circuit_n_conn_done(): or_conn to tor26, 
Sep 06 15:17:05.363 [debug] connection_remove(): removing socket -1 
(type OR), nfds now 25

Sep 06 15:17:05.419 [debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 4 wants to read.
Sep 06 15:17:05.420 [debug] connection_handle_listener_read(): 
Connection accepted on socket 14 (child of fd 4)

Sep 06 15:17:05.421 [debug] connection_add(): new conn type OR, socket 
14, nfds 26.
Sep 06 15:17:05.422 [debug] connection_tls_start_handshake(): starting 
TLS handshake on fd 14

Sep 06 15:17:05.424 [debug] connection_tls_continue_handshake(): wanted read
Sep 06 15:17:05.442 [debug] conn_read_callback(): socket 14 wants to read.
Sep 06 15:17:05.982 [debug] connection_tls_continue_handshake(): wanted read
Sep 06 15:17:06.064 [info] dnsworker_main(): DNS worker exiting because 
Tor process closed connection (either p

runed idle dnsworker or died).
Sep 06 15:17:06.072 [info] dnsworker_main(): DNS worker exiting because 
Tor process closed connection (either p

runed idle dnsworker or died).
Sep 06 15:17:06.079 [info] cpuworker_main(): CPU worker exiting because 
Tor process closed connection (either r

otated keys or died).
Sep 06 15:17:06.072 [info] dnsworker_main(): DNS worker exiting because 
Tor process closed connection (either p

runed idle dnsworker or died).

Von allen Dingen, die mir verloren gegangen,
hab ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen.

Re: Assertation - tor crashes

2006-09-06 Thread Marianne Spiller

Roger Dingledine wrote:

What version of libevent do you have installed?

It seems to be 1.1b.

When Tor starts, does libevent print out a log message indicating which
libevent method it's using? If so, which method is it using?

This should be the output you mean:

Sep 06 15:48:15.818 [notice] Initialized libevent version 1.1b using 
method kqueue. Good.


Von allen Dingen, die mir verloren gegangen,
hab ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen.

Re: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread thalunil
Anothony Georgeo wrote:
 The past two versions of Tor (v. and v. have taken 
 awhile to be built/released for Windows (the latter still is MIA).  I know 
 this is because you guys don't have a Windows box and I think the person who 
 used to do the Windows build isn't doing so anymore?

Is this the case?
Who made the last Windows build? is not in SVN


Re: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread Anothony Georgeo

--- thalunil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Anothony Georgeo wrote:
  The past two versions of Tor (v. and
 v. have taken awhile to be
 built/released for Windows (the latter still is
 MIA).  I know this is because you guys don't have a
 Windows box and I think the person who used to do
 the Windows build isn't doing so anymore?
 Is this the case?
 Who made the last Windows build?

The stable release was by Matt (I believe) who
co-created Vidalia.  The dev. releases are by Justin
who also co-created Vidalia (I believe).
See: is not in SVN

Here is the URL:

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Earthlink's broken DNS affecting Tor nodes?

2006-09-06 Thread Andrew Del Vecchio
Hash: SHA1

This doesn't work; it keeps resetting. Are you using Ubuntu? the path
for the config is /etc/dhcp3/dhcpclient.conf. Anyway, using 'prepend'
works, but 'supercede' does not for some reason. going to shows the error page. How do I manually flush my
DNS client's cache (assuming that this is the problem? At this rate,
it may just make more sense to run a local caching nameserver on
localhost and then set the OpenDNS IPs as the higher-up resolvers...


sigi wrote:
 I set OpenDNS as my domain resolvers, but DHCP later erased these
 settings. I should be able to have static DNS servers while using
 DHCP for my local IP address right?


 I tried adding the info to my dhcpclient.conf file, as per
 OpenDNS's instructions, but the settings won't take :(

 Here I had to add the following line into the file
 /etc/dhclient.conf : prepend domain-name-servers,;

 after that my /etc/resolv.conf looks like this, starting my
 network: search home nameserver nameserver nameserver my-router's-ip


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Re: Earthlink's broken DNS affecting Tor nodes?

2006-09-06 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
 Alternatively, you can use OpenDNS's servers. See
 OpenDNS is very easy (just use their IP addresses), and quite fast.

I'm not sure I like their privacy policy:

« Other than to its employees, contractors and affiliated
« organizations, as described above, OpenDNS discloses potentially
« personally-identifying and personally-identifying information only
« when required to do so by law, court order, or when OpenDNS believes
« in good faith that disclosure is reasonably necessary to protect the
« property or rights of OpenDNS, third parties or the public at large. »

Remember that your DNS resolver can collect the complete list of
websites you visit.


Re: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
 The past two versions of Tor (v. and v. have
 taken awhile to be built/released for Windows (the latter still is
 MIA).  I know this is because you guys don't have a Windows box

FWIW, I don't have a Windows box either, and use the Mingw cross-compiler
to build Windows binaries of Polipo.

Of course, this makes testing tricky...


Let us know if Tor compiles with warnings

2006-09-06 Thread Nick Mathewson
Hi, all.  This is just a reminder: when compiled from source, Tor is
supposed to build without warnings.  So if it compiles with warnings
on your favorite platform, please drop us a line so we can clean
things up.  Sometimes, compiler warnings indicate actual bugs that
need to be fixed.

Also, this should go without saying, but: if you need to patch the Tor
source in order to make it build for you, could please you send us
your patches so that we can fold them into the main distribution?

many thanks,
Nick Mathewson

Description: PGP signature

Re[2]: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread Arrakistor
I haven't been able to get libevent to compile for MINGW32, but had
success on cygwin.

I'm now buidling the latest tor, let us see how it goes...


Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 3:21:50 PM, you wrote:

 The past two versions of Tor (v. and v. have
 taken awhile to be built/released for Windows (the latter still is
 MIA).  I know this is because you guys don't have a Windows box

 FWIW, I don't have a Windows box either, and use the Mingw cross-compiler
 to build Windows binaries of Polipo.

 Of course, this makes testing tricky...


Re: Let us know if Tor compiles with warnings

2006-09-06 Thread Arrakistor
I just loaded cygwin, and compiled libevent. It went smooth. I tried
to compile tor, but I got the old python error about too many files

set_max_file_descriptors(): Could not set maximum number of
file descriptors: Too many open files

So I tried to apply the python patch for it that fixes it, well it is
way too old, and I don't understand the language of patching so I
can't very well put one together.


Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 3:38:45 PM, you wrote:

 Hi, all.  This is just a reminder: when compiled from source, Tor is
 supposed to build without warnings.  So if it compiles with warnings
 on your favorite platform, please drop us a line so we can clean
 things up.  Sometimes, compiler warnings indicate actual bugs that
 need to be fixed.

 Also, this should go without saying, but: if you need to patch the Tor
 source in order to make it build for you, could please you send us
 your patches so that we can fold them into the main distribution?

 many thanks,

Re[2]: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread Arrakistor

I think there is a problem with this build. It keeps on reporting that
the time server suddenly jumped X seconds, so it is assuming all
circuits are old. What code did you have to edit?


Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 3:24:28 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Anothony,

 The past two versions of Tor (v. and v. have
 taken awhile to be built/released for Windows (the latter still is
 MIA).  I know this is because you guys don't have a Windows box and
 I think the person who used to do the Windows build isn't doing so anymore?

 I have built it on Win32. You can take it here -
 Actually I had to edit a code a little to compile.. So use it on your
 own risk :) The archives contain only tor.exe and tor_resolve.exe

 My GPG key is in attach.
 Fingerprint - A34C 49DD 3DB8 B78D FAEB  E0FA 6346 B945 708D 5A0C

Re: Re[2]: Attn: Nick or Roger: An offer to enable you to release Widows builds

2006-09-06 Thread Mike Chiussi

On 9/6/06, Arrakistor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I think there is a problem with this build. It keeps on reporting that
the time server suddenly jumped X seconds, so it is assuming all
circuits are old. What code did you have to edit?

This is a problem with win32 in general, not his build. For a reason
I'm not sure of yet, the default (ie, when your system doesn't have
socketpair()) tor_socketpair() is blocking when connect()ing to

When Tor implements overlapped sockets, hopefully this and other
things should go away.

BTW, the current SVN of Tor should compile on MinGW.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006, 3:24:28 PM, you wrote:

 Hello Anothony,

 The past two versions of Tor (v. and v. have
 taken awhile to be built/released for Windows (the latter still is
 MIA). I know this is because you guys don't have a Windows box and
 I think the person who used to do the Windows build isn't doing so anymore?

 I have built it on Win32. You can take it here -
 Actually I had to edit a code a little to compile.. So use it on your
 own risk :) The archives contain only tor.exe and tor_resolve.exe

 My GPG key is in attach.
 Fingerprint - A34C 49DD 3DB8 B78D FAEB  E0FA 6346 B945 708D 5A0C