Re: PHP coder needs Tor details

2007-02-14 Thread Juliusz Chroboczek
 Actually Windows does exactly the same thing...

I'm sorry I have started this discussion, which is off-topic for this list.

My point is merely that giving user ``nobody'' access to tor's data is
a tragically bad idea.  This has nothing to do with Windows.


how did my OP discover this IP address?

2007-02-14 Thread James Muir
I've been reading my OP's log file sorting through the various outbound 
connections that it makes into the Tor network.  I came across the 
following directory fetch request:

connection_connect(): Connecting to

What has me a little puzzled is that I can't find this IP address 
anyplace in my OP's cached directory information.  Also, looking at the 
torstats web page (, I don't find it listed 
there either.

I think maybe this was the IP address of the router hevad99, which is 
now listed with the IP  If this host has a dhcp connection 
then that might explain things.

Is it the case that hevad99's IP address changed during my (1 hour) Tor 


Re: Question about 2 warn messages

2007-02-14 Thread Ringo Kamens

I wouldn't be concerned about the 403 error. I've gotten them before,
and I've always attributed them to the web filter. As long as you get
directory info from other servers, everything should be fine. This is
different if that dir server is an authoritative dir server. If it is,
it could hamper your anonymity because your client would trust
different tor nodes. Are you on windows or linux?
Ringo Kamens


I found these two warn messages in my router log. Is it something i should
be worried about?

[warn] tor_gzip_uncompress(): Gzip decompression returned an error:
incorrect data check

[warn] connection_dir_client_reached_eof(): Received http status code 403
(Forbidden) from server '' while fetching
I'll try again soon.

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Re: how did my OP discover this IP address?

2007-02-14 Thread Ringo Kamens

Perhaps that was an IP you typed directly in. For example, you clicked
on a web link and instead of http://domainname.tld it was in which case tor would only show and IP. I'm
not sure if that's how it would appear in the log file, but it's a
Ringo Kamens

On 2/14/07, James Muir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've been reading my OP's log file sorting through the various outbound
connections that it makes into the Tor network.  I came across the
following directory fetch request:

connection_connect(): Connecting to

What has me a little puzzled is that I can't find this IP address
anyplace in my OP's cached directory information.  Also, looking at the
torstats web page (, I don't find it listed
there either.

I think maybe this was the IP address of the router hevad99, which is
now listed with the IP  If this host has a dhcp connection
then that might explain things.

Is it the case that hevad99's IP address changed during my (1 hour) Tor


Re: PHP coder needs Tor details

2007-02-14 Thread Mr. Blue
Why no one answers?
Did I said something wrong?

Mr. Blue [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hey Crew.

Thanks to all for your help.

First for all I would like to say that this file.php(which is manipulating Tor) 
will be located in admin area ONLY and will be intended for use ONLY by admin.
Admin area is protected by Apache pass authentication (Digest) over SSL and 
after that is passed, admin must enter another login password to enter admin 

Only admin will use it - NOT publicly available to users!

Firstly I need to issue to shell, from PHP, command that will start Tor.
Regarding that command...
It will have ALL directives that should normally be located in torrc, but 
there is no torrc, nor I have intention to use it.
So command is:
tor -gid $gid -pidfile $pidfile -RunAsDaemon $b -user $uid -ClientOnly 1 
-EntryNodes $nickname, -ExitNodes $nickname -StrictExitNodes 1 
-NewCircuitPeriod 3600 -
Regarding  nodes
Entry and exit nodes will be same.

Before I continue I would like to say that I have made a PHP script that is 
utilizing regular expresions and harvesting all exit nodes in a list of IP 
addresses from moria dirs.
So I would like to pull from my database IP of a node(NOT nickname) and put it 
in a $nickname variable.
Will this work? Can I select node by IP and NOT by nickname?

Also when that will be achived I am going to use PHP cURL and connect with it 
to using SOCKS5 protocol - then do request to some page on the 
internet and finaly use POSIX - posix_kill($pidfile, SIGTERM); php function to 
shutdown Tor, alternatively use kill to which I pass $pidfile, all in shell.

Now someone will say that I should connect to Tor using SOCKS4a and am I 
normall to use ONLY 1 node which will be entry and exit at the same time.
Be sure that  I am VERY aware of my actions - but I am not here because I don't 
wana be tracked and because I want to surf anonimously.

Now here we come to the bigest obstacle for me.(oh men, soon as I finish this 
script I am going to read FreeBSD book that I just got and learn that UNIX at 
Creating a valid shell command:
 tor -gid $gid -pidfile $pidfile -RunAsDaemon $b -user $uid -ClientOnly 1 
-EntryNodes $nickname, -ExitNodes $nickname -StrictExitNodes 1 
-NewCircuitPeriod 3600 -
User nobody will run it.
 - Should I exlude -gid $gid part?
 - Should $b variable be 0 OR 1 (that is..., should I run it as deamon?)
 - Should I exlude -user $uid part?
 - What about $nickname? Can I pass it IP of a node?
 - What should I put in a $pidfile variable?!? - I never saw one (number or 
letters?) It will also be used for  shuting down Tor at the end of a process...

Also I just rememberd something...
Whan tor was already runnig(started by root) I was able to utilize connection 
trough it by nobody, but when I attempted shutdown I got message that there was 
no process with pid belonging to it - or something similar - so that explains 

Thank in advance...

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