Re: webdav as hidden service?

2010-06-13 Thread Anders Andersson
Yes, people have tried, there are working webdav stores out in onionland.

For linux you can use the davfs2 filesystem. It can be used through a
proxy, and work with Tor. It was very slow when I tried it though,
slower than usable because proxies, tunnels and sockets keep timing
out, so the filesystem just locks up and you have no idea what happens
because you don't get any feedback.

You cold use the filesystem-way to upload, and then use for example
wget for retrieving.

I think I also tried fusedav. Can't remember why I didn't continue
with that, might have been too unmaintained or broken.

// pipe

On Sat, Jun 12, 2010 at 10:38 PM, Kyle Williams wrote:
 Yes, you can use WebDAV as a hidden service.  FYI, Windows also has it's
 Web Client, aka WebDAV, built into most newer windows OS's.

 Security Note:  If you're using Windows and shitty browser like Internet
 Explorer, then it's possible for your Username, Domain/Workgroup, and
 various other little tidbits of information to be leaked out using WebDav.

 Best regards,


 startx wrote:

 i was wondering if anybody has tried to set up a webdav
 directory as a hidden service?

 on the server site this should be relatively straight forward:
 webdav is technically nothing else then a http service
 and apache/mod_webdav would handle that probably the same way
 it would handle the vhost for a hidden service.

 however, is there any webdav client which could be used for that?
 firefox does afaik not support webdav (at least not on linux)
 and i would have no idea how to torify nautilus (gnome).
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-13 Thread andrew
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 05:54:41AM +0200, wrote 3.0K bytes 
in 57 lines about:
: determine the ISP, in the Internet today it is trivial. Regardless of
: that, in the end I am just an ISP. If they put so much work in finding

You need to be very careful about calling yourself an ISP.  There are
all sorts of legal obligations around being an actual ISP in the USA.
The main item to consider is CALEA compliance and how you handle
data retention upon subpoena or court order.  I believe the term you want to
say is ISP-like or like a common carrier.  I'm not a lawyer, don't
take this as legal advice.  

: Especially with the current
: political situation, I see a market around Tor, and you should not
: misconceive that. Commerce is not all bad.

I agree.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

Blog: torproject
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Re: Hidden Services Hosting and DMCA

2010-06-13 Thread andrew
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:38:09PM +0200, wrote 1.0K bytes 
in 19 lines about:
: Then of course he already mentioned a couple of times that he's not in
: the USA, so even if you were a lawyer he shouldn't take your advice ;)

Right.  I read the thread too.  He is not, but his service and the
underlying provider are in the USA.

Andrew Lewman
The Tor Project
pgp 0x31B0974B

Blog: torproject
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