Re: The State of the DNS and Tor Union (also: a DNS UDP - TCP shim)

2010-07-05 Thread coderman
On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 3:17 PM, coderman wrote:
 a better wording:

 ... ultimately, any application that uses DNS or UDP may compromise
 your anonymity.

i should mention that the Tor Browser Bundle when used as directed has
been and continues to be most resilient to these attacks. while this
is a very limited environment (no plug-ins, flash, java, etc.) these
limitations are a feature ensuring your protection.

when you start using arbitrary applications or plug-ins with Tor or
any other anonymity service you open yourself up to great risk as
described here for DNS, not to mention other side channels avenues
using TCP directly.

best regards,

(hi pedants!)
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Re: The State of the DNS and Tor Union (also: a DNS UDP - TCP shim)

2010-07-05 Thread Jacob Appelbaum
On 07/04/2010 03:17 PM, coderman wrote:
 great info!  my comments below...
 On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
 While Tor users should always use Torbutton[-1] for their web browsing,
 not all applications have an equivalent plugin available. Torbutton
 addresses DNS leaks from within Firefox by ensuring that Firefox uses
 the local Tor proxy for its DNS name lookup requests. However, other
 applications may not do this and may, as a result, leak DNS requests.
 We try to discover if popular applications are leaky but, ultimately,
 any application that makes a DNS request may compromise your anonymity
 unless specifically configured to make that request over Tor.  The
 central concern is thus for an applications that don't know to send
 their name lookup requests via Tor, or don't know how to do so.  Tor
 can't protect these applications' requests.
 a better wording:
 ... ultimately, any application that uses DNS or UDP may compromise
 your anonymity.
 best intentions fail in the face of an attacker in most circumstances.
 Java can be configured to use explicit resolver endpoints regardless
 of suggested default proxy or other configuration.  raw UDP sockets
 via third party plug-ins are worst case.
 note that even with transparent proxy configuration and DNS port you
 are at risk if the attacker can direct explicit DNS requests to a
 local resolver (over link-local route, not default gateway). this type
 of attack affects all VPN or transparent proxy configurations that do
 not use a /29 point-to-point router path.
 to add insult to injury, many commercial Linux based routers like
 ActionTek and D-Link use dproxy-nexgen resolvers accessible at
 link-local a reverse lookup of the gateway itself
 provides not just the internal address but also the public IP and
 hostname from ISP. there are other caching resolvers used in captive
 wifi portals and other locations with same behavior.

Nice catch. Do you want to provide some test cases for this? I guess it
would be nice to see how wide-spread this problem is - it would also
help us build in some protection mechanisms.

 Having a local DNS server is useful; many applications may only support
 SOCKS4, rather than SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 - their failure could lead to
 de-anonymization. It is also useful to ensure that possible DNS leaks
 will fail closed - if your system only knows about, it's
 hard but not impossible to leak DNS packets to the public internet.
 not really hard in any sense of the word.  :(

Can you give me an example of how you'd do this? I know that if a user
does something like `dig @` - the query won't go
to - But if you can do that, you've already won in a very
serious way. I'd argue that you have arbitrary code execution and that
if that is the threat, you'd simply need to hook ttdnsd as part of a
transparent proxying setup. This was part of the original design of
ttdnsd and it seems like that solves the leaking DNS issue entirely.

 === Old Hope: tor-proxy-dns 
 Once, a long time ago, we had a super star programmer named Tup in our
 community. He was anonymous to us. He was a programming machine and
 we really miss him. We often wonder and worry about what has happened
 to our friend. He would crank out code in a myriad of languages that
 served all sorts of useful purposes. One of the things that he wrote
 was a small program in Python called tor-proxy-dns; this software was
 useful but written in Python, abandoned by the missing superstar, and
 generally lost to the sands of time.
 PERL, but that doesn't detract from the awesome that is Tup.

Ah darn. Thank you for the correction.

I haven't seen a PERL version of the program - do you have a link to the
source? I noticed a newish python version was written by Dug Song. I
think it's similar in scope to ttdnsd.

 sadly, we are not currently temporally propinquitous with Tup.

I miss Tup and wish he would return. :-(

 VirtualAddrNetwork is an obscure but very useful option for decreasing
 latency at connection time. When enabled, Tor will automatically return
 a specially mapped IP address. Eventually, Tor will learn the real
 address and keep an internal mapping between the virtual address and the
 real address. Tor remembers this mapping for the duration of execution
 but it is not saved between Tor restarts. This works except in cases
 where the IP address is noted by an application, such as OpenSSH. This
 will decrease perceived and actual latency but it has frustrating side
 effects for some applications.
 the other trade-off with this approach is that is behaves very poorly
 with some applications that expect name resolution to fail on
 un-reachability (like .onion or .exit) rather than in-determinate
 connection establishment.

A good point. I'll add that.

 that is, your application may 

Re: The State of the DNS and Tor Union (also: a DNS UDP - TCP shim)

2010-07-05 Thread Jacob Appelbaum
On 07/05/2010 03:07 PM, coderman wrote:
 On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 3:17 PM, coderman wrote:
 a better wording:

 ... ultimately, any application that uses DNS or UDP may compromise
 your anonymity.
 i should mention that the Tor Browser Bundle when used as directed has
 been and continues to be most resilient to these attacks. while this
 is a very limited environment (no plug-ins, flash, java, etc.) these
 limitations are a feature ensuring your protection.

I think that the TBB could use one and only one major enhancement: a DNS
proxy that is used by all of the applications that ship with it.

 when you start using arbitrary applications or plug-ins with Tor or
 any other anonymity service you open yourself up to great risk as
 described here for DNS, not to mention other side channels avenues
 using TCP directly.

I agree. I think that this is inspiring me to work on torwall a little
more next week...

All the best,
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Re: The State of the DNS and Tor Union (also: a DNS UDP - TCP shim)

2010-07-05 Thread coderman
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 6:49 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
 Nice catch. Do you want to provide some test cases for this? I guess it
 would be nice to see how wide-spread this problem is - it would also
 help us build in some protection mechanisms.

to manually test:

1. route -n or equiv to find default gateway (running dproxy-nexgen or
equiv. DNS proxy / resolver)

(for remainder of this sequence is assumed to be router
and dproxy host)

2. dig @

3. observe the ISP provided hostname in answer

4. dig @ ISP hostname

5. observe public IP endpoint address in answer

not sure how many routers run this kind of stuff, but they number in
the millions.
(cheap Linux routers, Wifi captive portals, etc.)

as for Java test case, i can dig up the applet code from ages back, if
i've got it. i recall another avenue via and

there is also a mechanism via JNI to use _res.options global to reset
DNS bindings, and open up other attacks. (although if you've got JNI
access these are all less interesting approaches.)

 Having a local DNS server is useful; many applications may only support
 SOCKS4, rather than SOCKS4A or SOCKS5 - their failure could lead to
 de-anonymization. It is also useful to ensure that possible DNS leaks
 will fail closed - if your system only knows about, it's
 hard but not impossible to leak DNS packets to the public internet.

 not really hard in any sense of the word.  :(

 Can you give me an example of how you'd do this? I know that if a user
 does something like `dig @` - the query won't go
 to - But if you can do that, you've already won in a very
 serious way

consider the case of a link local resolver like above, or any DNS
server on the LAN for public routed requests.  you don't need
arbitrary execution; i agree that's game over in any case.

 I haven't seen a PERL version of the program - do you have a link to the
 source? I noticed a newish python version was written by Dug Song. I
 think it's similar in scope to ttdnsd.

yeah, not to be confused with the dsocks python version. i'll find a
copy and forward it on.  i know it's around here somewhere...

 the best of all worlds would combine:
 - virtualaddrnetwork based immediate resolve and map

 I'm not sure that this is too useful because of the issues with OpenSSH;
 I'd prefer that it simply fail.

right, i usually don't like this behavior. but sometimes it is very
handy, particularly when applications cache negative responses for too
long, or aggressive DNS rebinding attack prevention makes a resolution
last much longer than you'd like. (in which case, in is better to be
stuck to a binding against 10.x or other virtualnetwork addr that can
reconnect on the TCP side rather than having an old public DNS mapping
that persists beyond TTL, etc.)

this is all a bit technical, and i agree that the above is the lesser
desired behavior.

 Can you give me an example of that happening with ttdnsd? I'm not sure
 that I've ever encountered it with Tor; generally I find negative
 caching issues like that one to be a bug.

i'm thinking of the Windows DNS cache behavior. it probably should be
considered a bug :)

 It sounds like you have some great stuff up your sleeve; you should help
 hunt the DNS de-anonymization unicorns. :-)

 If a user's local DNS resolver is (via ttdnsd), a user will
 not be able to leak information as easily as it will with a network or
 non-Torifed resolver.

agreed. the issue is when you've got a link-local resolver accessible,
and a mechanism to perform DNS queries against it. in such a case, the
host configuration of is simply ignored, and an explicit
local resolver is queried.
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