Why my aptitude changes my tor package?

2011-01-17 Thread James Brown
Somedays ago my aptitude authomatically installed the new Tor version
'' from http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org
Today it have replaced it to such version 'http://security.debian.org'
Why? Is it normal?

My /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ lenny main non-free contrib
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing main non-free contrib
deb-src http://ftp.debian.org/debian/ testing  main non-free contrib

deb http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ testing/updates main contrib non-free

deb http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main
contrib non-free
deb-src http://volatile.debian.org/debian-volatile lenny/volatile main
contrib non-free

deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org lenny main

OS - Debian Lenny AMD64,
uname -a
Linux JAMES 2.6.32-bpo.5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Dec 13 17:10:39 UTC 2010
x86_64 GNU/Linux
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Re: The Skype begin refusing payments making on their site through the Tor

2011-01-04 Thread James Brown
Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> And where are these creatures, these anonymous credit cards?  

If I use the tor for preventing possibility of my bank (and Putin's
tonton macoutes if they request my bank) to know my real location?

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The Skype begin refusing payments making on their site through the Tor

2011-01-03 Thread James Brown
The Skype begin refusing payments making on their site through the Tor:
I cannot make payments to them from my credit card about a half of month.
Today I find in their FAQ that one of possible causes of that is "Using
an anonymous proxy to access the internet". (Their technical support
could not inform me about concret causes of that problem).
It seems as a next step of attack of anonymity enemies against making
payments with using the Tor.

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Re: Two or several tor-nodes on one external ip

2010-11-13 Thread James Brown
Robert Ransom wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 05:33:39 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> There is a LAN beyond a router (NAT).
>> If I start several tor-nodes (on that router directly and on some PC in
>> LAN) - will it be wrong?
> When multiple relays appear with the same IP address, the directory
> authorities drop all but two of them.
> Robert Ransom

And the next question - if I intend to transfer my tor-node from pc to a
 router - is it better to copy /var/lib/tor/keys directory to the same
directory on router or not? (If I don't do it I will have another
fingerprint of my node).
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Two or several tor-nodes on one external ip

2010-11-13 Thread James Brown
There is a LAN beyond a router (NAT).
If I start several tor-nodes (on that router directly and on some PC in
LAN) - will it be wrong?
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Tor router

2010-11-11 Thread James Brown
I have an Asus WL-500gPv2 under dd-wrt and I want to start tor on it.
I install tor, privoxy etc. and start it.
After it I have the next notification: "Nov 11 22:14:06.954 [warn] You
are running Tor as root. You don't need to, and you probably shouldn't"
But I have only root user under dd-wrt. It is possible to add in the
system anpther users using "adduser" utility from optware but it
disappears after rebooting router.
What is the better - use the tor under root user or make any script
adding user and groop for tor after each rebooting my router?
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Re: Privoxy doesn't start on booting (Resolved)

2010-11-01 Thread James Brown
James Brown wrote:
> Gitano wrote:
>> On 2010-11-01 19:47, James Brown wrote:
>>> I have the next recordes in my logs of the privoxy:
>>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.541 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Privoxy version 3.0.13
>>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.567 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Program name: /usr/sbin/privoxy
>>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Listening on port 8118 on IP 
>>>> address localhost
>>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Error: Can not resolve localhost: Name or 
>>>> service not known
>>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Fatal error: can't bind to 
>>>> localhost:8118: The hostname is not resolvable
>> Please try '' instead of 'localhost' and/or check '/etc/hosts'.
>> --> 'man hosts'
>> ***
>> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with
>> unsubscribe or-talkin the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/
> /etc/hosts:
>   localhost
>   hostname
> There is the next record in the /etc/privoxy/config :
> listen-address  localhost:8118
> I think I need change localhost to ip-address of that, i.e.,
> am I right?

Very thanks, it works!
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Re: Privoxy doesn't start on booting

2010-11-01 Thread James Brown
Gitano wrote:
> On 2010-11-01 19:47, James Brown wrote:
>> I have the next recordes in my logs of the privoxy:
>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.541 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Privoxy version 3.0.13
>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.567 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Program name: /usr/sbin/privoxy
>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Listening on port 8118 on IP address 
>>> localhost
>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Error: Can not resolve localhost: Name or 
>>> service not known
>>> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Fatal error: can't bind to localhost:8118: 
>>> The hostname is not resolvable
> Please try '' instead of 'localhost' and/or check '/etc/hosts'.
> --> 'man hosts'
> ***
> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with
> unsubscribe or-talkin the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/

/etc/hosts:   localhost   hostname

There is the next record in the /etc/privoxy/config :
listen-address  localhost:8118

I think I need change localhost to ip-address of that, i.e.,
am I right?

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Re: Privoxy doesn't start on booting

2010-11-01 Thread James Brown
Gitano wrote:
> On 2010-09-21 07:03, James Brown wrote:
>> I have changed them for belonging to privoxy but it did not resolve my
>> problem:
>> ls -l
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root 50341 2010-09-18 13:00 config
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root 66849 2009-07-06 22:50 default.action
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root 37588 2009-07-06 22:50 default.filter
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root   734 2009-07-06 22:50 match-all.action
>> drwxr-xr-x 2 privoxy root  4096 2010-09-19 08:35 templates
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root  3697 2009-07-06 22:50 trust
>> -rw-r--r-- 1 privoxy root  6372 2009-07-06 22:50 user.action
> Ok, have you checked the symbolic links in '/etc/rc2.d'..'/etc/rc.d' as
> Jim wrote:
> ls -l /etc/rc?.d/*privoxy*
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc0.d/K20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc1.d/K20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc2.d/S20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc3.d/S20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc4.d/S20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc5.d/S20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2010-06-13 11:27 /etc/rc6.d/K20privoxy ->
> ../init.d/privoxy
>> And what are the templates?
> I think it doesn't matter. Here the owner of *templates/*' is root and
> privoxy works perfect for me.
>> /etc/privoxy/config attached
> Thanks - please, can you activate logging and check the entries:
>debug  4096 # Startup banner and warnings.
>debug  8192 # Non-fatal errors
> ***
> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with
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I have the next recordes in my logs of the privoxy:
> Nov 01 16:16:53.541 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Privoxy version 3.0.13
> Nov 01 16:16:53.567 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Program name: /usr/sbin/privoxy
> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Info: Listening on port 8118 on IP address 
> localhost
> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Error: Can not resolve localhost: Name or 
> service not known
> Nov 01 16:16:53.572 7f2ec27fa6f0 Fatal error: can't bind to localhost:8118: 
> The hostname is not resolvable
P.S. Sorry for such late answer but I had no that laptop in my hands
when my friend - owner of that - was in another city.
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Privoxy doesn't start on booting

2010-09-20 Thread James Brown
OS - Ubuntu 9.10 on a laptop
Privoxy version 3.0.13
Tor version

I have installed tor and privoxy and now I have the next problem.
When I boot my system privoxy does not start as daemon and I need to
start it manually (/etc/init.d/privoxy start).
I have files with privoxy skripts in my /etc/rc1.d - /etc/rc5.d (named
K20privoxy), I can see through sysv-rc-conf that it must start on 1
level but it doesn't.
How can I fix it?!
I have has privoxy+tor on my old laptop under Ubuntu 9.10 and I have
them on my several laptops under Debian lenny and Debian testing and I
have no such problem only on my that laptop.
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Re: Problems with `dig` and `host` under transparently torified user

2010-09-12 Thread James Brown
Robert Ransom wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Sep 2010 08:32:20 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> I have a transparently torified user setting up as described there
>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TheOnionRouter/TransparentProxy
>> When I run command `dig somedomainname mx` or `dig somedomainname ns` or
>>   `host -t mx somedomainname` , `host -t ns somedomainname` under that
>> user I have the result that that "somedomainname' have no records in mx
>> or ns. But it really have.
>> I can receive only correct record "A" not records "ns" or "mx".
>> Why?
> Tor's DNSPort does not provide support for the full DNS standard.
> You can try “dig +tcp @ YOUR-QUERY-HERE” to retrieve the other
> records.  (I think the @SERVER option belongs before the query, but it
> may belong at the end of the command line; run “dig --help” for
> details.)

Very thanks, it works.
> Are you really running Tor as root?  It seems to me that those
> instructions should be changed to have Tor run with DNSPort 9053 in a
> Tor-only user account, and have iptables redirect DNS requests to port
> 9053.
> Robert Ransom

I am running Tor as debian-tor, not as root. (I use the GNU/Debian on my
I was running `dig` and `host` under the bash in a Tor-only user account.
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Problems with `dig` and `host` under transparently torified user

2010-09-12 Thread James Brown
I have a transparently torified user setting up as described there
When I run command `dig somedomainname mx` or `dig somedomainname ns` or
  `host -t mx somedomainname` , `host -t ns somedomainname` under that
user I have the result that that "somedomainname' have no records in mx
or ns. But it really have.
I can receive only correct record "A" not records "ns" or "mx".
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Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-09-12 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:52:17 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> "Our records indicate that your password may have been shared with
>> another person, or that an anonymising proxy to access your PayPal
>> Account may be in use. Should this be the case, it would mean a
>> violation of our User Agreement.
> They are correct,
> https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=ua/UserAgreement_full&locale.x=en_US
> Section 9.1, j.  
> Apparently they don't want you as a customer if you want to protect
> yourself from unscrupulous marketing or local ISP surveillance.  I'll
> start a conversation with them.  Thanks for bringing this up.

> I'll put Andrew in touch with a contact at PayPal.  Unfortunately,
> their view may be that Tor is frequently used for fraudulent access
> to accounts and so they want to count it as a potential indicator
> of fraud in their fraud-detection systems.
> Seth Schoen
> Senior Staff Technologist sch...@eff.org
> Electronic Frontier Foundationhttps://www.eff.org/
> 454 Shotwell Street, San Francisco, CA  94110 +1 415 436 9333 x107

Have you any answer from them?

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Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-23 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:52:17 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> "Our records indicate that your password may have been shared with
>> another person, or that an anonymising proxy to access your PayPal
>> Account may be in use. Should this be the case, it would mean a
>> violation of our User Agreement.
> They are correct,
> https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=ua/UserAgreement_full&locale.x=en_US
> Section 9.1, j.  
> Apparently they don't want you as a customer if you want to protect
> yourself from unscrupulous marketing or local ISP surveillance.  I'll
> start a conversation with them.  Thanks for bringing this up.

9.1 Restricted Activities.  In connection with your use of our website,
your Account, or the PayPal Services, or in the course of your
interactions with PayPal, other Users, or third parties, you will not:
j. Use an anonymizing proxy;

It seems to me that about two years ago there was no such term in their
It seems to me that a piggishness from their side.
How can they demand from me use only direct connection with the Net?!
I think that it is only my private right how I have connection with the
Furthermore I have a right to my privacy and none have the right to
force me to disclose my location in any concrete moment which could
simply indicated through real ip-address.
I don't know how the matter solves in the US, but in Europe we have an
arcticle 8 of the European Convention of human rights.
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Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-23 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 18:52:17 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> "Our records indicate that your password may have been shared with
>> another person, or that an anonymising proxy to access your PayPal
>> Account may be in use. Should this be the case, it would mean a
>> violation of our User Agreement.
> They are correct,
> https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?&cmd=_render-content&content_ID=ua/UserAgreement_full&locale.x=en_US
> Section 9.1, j.  
> Apparently they don't want you as a customer if you want to protect
> yourself from unscrupulous marketing or local ISP surveillance.  I'll
> start a conversation with them.  Thanks for bringing this up.

Very thanks.
I think that they must understand that there are  many
countries with anti-democratic and even tyranical regimes in the World
such as Russia when the fascist regime of Medvedev and Putin unleashed
bloody terror against themselves own people altogether and against
political opposition in particular.
As one of Russian oppositionist I forced to go underground and in the
any moment I can be arrested by Putin's "tonton macoute" (I have no
another words for the Putins secret police) or simply killed without any
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Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-23 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> > On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:48:13 +0000
> > James Brown  wrote:
> >
>> >> They block accounts of their user if users ised the Tor or another
>> >> anonymous proxy!!!
> >
> > I think the answer here is more complex.  I've used tor's paypal-based
> > donation account through Tor without issue for years.  Possibly, Paypal
> > has a bot detection program looking for many users logging in from the
> > same IP address.  This is similar to what Google, Yahoo, and others have
> > done.  If you happen to exit from a popular exit node, Paypal flags you
> > as potentially compromised.
"Our records indicate that your password may have been shared with
another person, or that an anonymising proxy to access your PayPal
Account may be in use. Should this be the case, it would mean a
violation of our User Agreement.
Anonymising Proxy is a tool that stands between a user's browser and the
Internet, redirecting all requests for web pages to the proxy servers.
This in turn makes the user anonymous to the websites they are visiting.
To help us resolve this matter please log into your account and change
your password and security questions and answers. To update your
password and security questions click the 'Profile' tab on the Account
Overview page in your account."
- it seems another that google and yahoo anti-Tor activity, they wrote
that they ban using anonymous proxies.
I'll read their terms and after it write them and here.
> >
> > I've attempted to have conversations with Paypal to no avail.  Getting
> > an actual human to talk to you with a clue about their security
> > measures is incredibly difficult.  Just try asking them for their SSL
> > fingerprint because you're worried about phishing.  When I tried, I was
> > sent to their abuse dept who were thoroughly unhappy I was asking
> > "suspicious questions about ssl".
> >
Thank you very much for that good advice, I'll try to follow it  :-)

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Re: The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-23 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On Mon, 23 Aug 2010 16:48:13 +
> James Brown  wrote:
>> They block accounts of their user if users ised the Tor or another
>> anonymous proxy!!!
> I think the answer here is more complex.  I've used tor's paypal-based
> donation account through Tor without issue for years.  Possibly, Paypal
> has a bot detection program looking for many users logging in from the
> same IP address.  This is similar to what Google, Yahoo, and others have
> done.  If you happen to exit from a popular exit node, Paypal flags you
> as potentially compromised.  
"Our records indicate that your password may have been shared with another
person, or that an anonymising proxy to access your PayPal Account may be
in use. Should this be the case, it would mean a violation of our User

Anonymising Proxy is a tool that stands between a user's browser and the
Internet, redirecting all requests for web pages to the proxy servers. This
in turn makes the user anonymous to the websites they are visiting.
To help us resolve this matter please log into your account and change your
password and security questions and answers. To update your password and
security questions click the 'Profile' tab on the Account Overview page in
your account."
- it seems another that google and yahoo anti-Tor activity, they wrote
that they ban using anonymous proxies.
I'll read their terms and after it write them and here.
> I've attempted to have conversations with Paypal to no avail.  Getting
> an actual human to talk to you with a clue about their security
> measures is incredibly difficult.  Just try asking them for their SSL
> fingerprint because you're worried about phishing.  When I tried, I was
> sent to their abuse dept who were thoroughly unhappy I was asking
> "suspicious questions about ssl".
Thank you very much for that good advice, I'll try to follow it :-)

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The team of PayPal is a band of pigs and cads!

2010-08-23 Thread James Brown
They block accounts of their user if users ised the Tor or another
anonymous proxy!!!
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An asking concirning the TB

2010-08-12 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

I use the latest stable version of TB 1.2.5 and pluging QuickJava
When I tried the test on https://panopticlick.eff.org, I have had the
next results:
1. If J and JS disabled both:
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3

windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 gzip,deflate en-us,en;q=0.5
Browser Plugin Details  no javascript
Time Zone no javascript
Screen Size and Color Depth no javascript
System Fonts no javascript
Are Cookies Enabled?No
Limited supercookie test no javascript
(In the realty I had enabled cookies).
2. If JS is enabled and J is disabled:
practically the same result except that it defined that cookies was enabled.
3. If J and JS enabled both I can see time zone, Screen Size and Color
Depth and others.

According with the above I have the next questions:
1. What is the bug in the TB which lets that test define that I use
Mozilla under Windows but not IE under Windows? Or the TB masqueradge
only the OS not the type of browser? (I thought that it masqueradge the
type of browser too, am I not right?).
2. It defined that by the browser characteristic "HTTP_ACCEPT
Headers" those are only one in about 7000 browsers have that value. Why?
What could mean the above value of that characterisrics?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Could somebody comment that information?

2010-08-01 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1


Are those a new activity of the President Obama administration against
Internet anonymity and against the Tor-network?
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Problem with the TB automatically usage of an alternative search engine

2010-07-29 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

TB 1.2.5
Today I have the next problem when the TB automatically use the
ixquick.com-engine instead the Google:
"We have recently received a large number of searches coming from your
computer or others on your local network in a very short time frame. In
order to protect our service against automated "screen scraping"
software programs, your access to Ixquick's search has been paused for
approximately one hour.

If you were using Ixquick normally, we apologize for the inconvenience
and will be able to lift this pause if you phone us at (212) 447-1100
(USA). Alternately, if you were operating a "screen scraping" program,
you may phone us to work out an arrangement. You can also contact us at:
autoquery @ ixquick.com"

Earlier I had no such problems
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org

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Re: How to install and start Tor on FreeBSD?

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
Andrew Lewman wrote:
> On 05/01/2010 04:30 AM, James Brown wrote:
>> I have installed the Tor on a VDS on the FreeBSD v. 8.0-STABLE, set
>> tor_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and reboot my system but the Tor daemon
>> did not start.
>> I see that I have no file "torrc" in my system, do I need create it
>> manually? If "yes", can I simply copy it from my Debian home system (to
>> the FreeBSD on a VDS)? Or I need make some configurations in that file?
>> P.S. I think I don't have to install privoxy if I don't inted to use
>> that VDS as a remote Tor-proxy for my home system, only as a Tor server
>> for public needs for protecting and sponsoring the Tor project?
> First off, how did you install tor? by port or by source?
> You probably want to look in /usr/local/etc and set tor_enabled=YES in
> /usr/local/etc/rc.conf, not /etc/rc.conf.  Your torrc should also be in
> /usr/local/etc/tor/.

Very thanks, I installed it by port.
I yet resolve my problem by discribed you method, thanks again.
Now there is yet one exit-node in the World :-)

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Re: IRC-channel of Tor

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
Jens Kubieziel wrote:
> * James Brown schrieb am 2010-05-01 um 11:16 Uhr:
>> Does it exist?
> http://torproject.org/documentation> has the solution: #tor on
> irc.oftc.net
Very thanks.
Do you know is that resource alive? I see that there are very many
people there but I don't see any discussions...
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Re: IRC-channel of Tor

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
Christian Fromme wrote:
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 11:16 AM, James Brown  wrote:
>> Does it exist?
>> It seems to me that "yes", but I can't find...
> #tor on irc.oftc.net
> Best,
> /C
> ***
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Re: IRC-channel of Tor

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
Christian Fromme wrote:
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 11:16 AM, James Brown  wrote:
>> Does it exist?
>> It seems to me that "yes", but I can't find...
> #tor on irc.oftc.net
> Best,
> /C
> ***
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Very thanks

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IRC-channel of Tor

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
Does it exist?
It seems to me that "yes", but I can't find...
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How to install and start Tor on FreeBSD?

2010-05-01 Thread James Brown
I have installed the Tor on a VDS on the FreeBSD v. 8.0-STABLE, set
tor_enable="YES" in /etc/rc.conf and reboot my system but the Tor daemon
did not start.
I see that I have no file "torrc" in my system, do I need create it
manually? If "yes", can I simply copy it from my Debian home system (to
the FreeBSD on a VDS)? Or I need make some configurations in that file?
P.S. I think I don't have to install privoxy if I don't inted to use
that VDS as a remote Tor-proxy for my home system, only as a Tor server
for public needs for protecting and sponsoring the Tor project?

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Tor-exit without any exit rejection policies

2010-04-27 Thread James Brown
Hi people,
For protecting the Tor project I want to start an exit Tor node. Because
I live in Russia, i.e. in the country with extremal tyranicсal regime
and without any political and personal liberties, I am afraid to do it
here and I intend to rent for it a VDS/VPS-server in suitable offshore
As a victim of Russian tyrannism and dictatorship I know how important
to have a fully functional but anonymous access to the Internet.
Because it I want to set up a Tor-exit without any exit rejection policies.
Could anything of you advice me such jurisdiction for that or maybe
concrete VDS/VPS-providers having servers in such jurisdictions?
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Re: Very strange exit-node? Bad or evil exit-node?

2010-04-22 Thread James Brown
Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 06:08:09AM +0000, James Brown wrote:
>> The exit-node   which have ip and named
>> anonymizer2.blutmagie.de behaves itself as probably an evil exit-node.
>> I can't change it practically at all. When I give command "pkill -1 tor"
>> to my system many times it remains as my exit-node.
>> Futhermore, it remains as my exit node when I restart my tor-daemon
>> through /etc/init.d/tor restart.
>> I can change it only by restarting my local network router and my
>> tor-daemon at the same time, but in one or two minutes I can see that
>> that tor-node become as my exit-node again.
>> How can I to overcome that?!
> The way you overcome that is you get more people to run fast exit relays
> for the Tor network.
> Right now not enough people do, so you end up using blutmagie a lot.
> The Tor network is a community, and it sure does need to grow if it wants
> to handle all the people who want safety around the world.
> --Roger
> ***
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Very thanks for that information.
I was very afraid and it seemed to me that anybody took control over the
Tor net, but it was only my paranoia.

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Very strange exit-node? Bad or evil exit-node?

2010-04-21 Thread James Brown
The exit-node   which have ip and named
anonymizer2.blutmagie.de behaves itself as probably an evil exit-node.
I can't change it practically at all. When I give command "pkill -1 tor"
to my system many times it remains as my exit-node.
Futhermore, it remains as my exit node when I restart my tor-daemon
through /etc/init.d/tor restart.
I can change it only by restarting my local network router and my
tor-daemon at the same time, but in one or two minutes I can see that
that tor-node become as my exit-node again.
How can I to overcome that?!

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Is it possible to use eDonkey clients with the Tor?

2010-03-26 Thread James Brown
I find in the Tor-wiki only information concirning its using with
BitTorrent clients.
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An olg bug in new tor-package

2010-03-21 Thread James Brown
My OS - Debian Lenny AMD64, Tor v0.2.1.25, openssl  0.9.8g-15+lenny6
I have the next record in the log of Tor:
 OpenSSL OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 2007 [90807f] looks like it's older than
0.9.8l, but some vendor
s have backported 0.9.8l's renegotiation code to earlier versions.  I'll
set SSL3_FLAGS just to be safe.
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New ban of tor-exit-nodes -IPs by the LiveJournal

2010-03-07 Thread James Brown
Many IP-addresses of exit-nodes of the Tor was banned from access to the
LJ today.
We have the next information when trying to connect with it:
"You've been temporarily banned from accessing LiveJournal, perhaps
because you were hitting the site too quickly. Please make sure that
you're following our Bot Policy . If
you have questions, contact us at webmas...@livejournal.com with the
following information: CMTGP7urjSahlts @ xx.xx.xx.xx

I think that it is a new, latent method to restrict access to the LJ
through the Tor which certainly established by order of Putin's and
Medvedev's junta gived to the "SUP".
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What can see a server of a Bittorent when I contact with it through Tor?

2010-02-21 Thread James Brown
I set my Bittorent client for contacting with tracker through Tor.
What can see a server of a Bittorent when I contact with it through Tor?
As I understand there are ip-adresses of exit-nodes in the headers of
ip-packets. But I want to know are there my real ip-addresses in the all
content of such ip-packets? How the Bittorrent server give other users
about me - through ip or by another way?
I want to be anonimous at least for the tracker, its ISP and state
powers control the territory when its server are based.

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Connecting with node using ftp

2010-02-05 Thread James Brown
Is it normal or not?
 IP dhcp-13-012.it.uts.edu.au.ftp > user.

In the log of the snort:
[**] [125:7:1] (ftp_telnet) FTP traffic encrypted [**]
[Priority: 3]
02/06-06:44:26.640527 -> 192.168.1.x:x

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Re: Many Vietnamese exit-nodes: what does it mean?

2009-12-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 09:30:36AM +0300, James Brown wrote:
>> Last weeks I see that my Tor client often connects with exit-nodes
>> having Vietnamese ip-addresses.
> Often?
> Looking at
> http://trunk.torstatus.kgprog.com/index.php?SR=CountryCode&SO=Desc
> I see two relays in Vietnam. Only one -- hanhphuc -- is of much
> consequence. Neither of them are exit relays. So I would expect that
> you would never see a Vietnamese IP address as your exit relay.
> Perhaps you are confused about what country the IP addresses are
> associated with?

I think my PC connect with nodes works not as exit. I see the above
through tcpdump etc.
ops, sorry, I did mistake in the name of the topic, you are right.
> ...Or perhaps I am? :) (Check out how many nodes on that site are
> allegedly affiliated with Namibia, to get a sense of how effective geoip
> db's are these days.)
>> I think that Vietnam is a backward country with very poor people.
>> Can that fact mean that this nodes works under control of Russian
>> security services?
> I think that's a pretty big leap. Why not first suspect that the
> several-dozen relays in Russia are operated by Russian intelligence?
> More generally, I think the odds are better that relays (both in Russia
> and in Vietnam if we were to get some) are run by good people, and
> telephone companies / country-wide networks are monitored by intelligence
> services. And then comes the question of where your destination website
> is and who's watching *it*. Things get complex quickly.
>> P.S. I heard that Putin's secret police mounted many tor-nodes for
>> unintelligible purposes.
> I'd be surprised. Why run a Tor relay of your own when you can just
> watch somebody else's?
> I guess it's hard to answer any theory that includes the phrase
> "unintelligible purposes". :)
> --Roger
> ***
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I think they mounted that nodes for examining the Tor for searching
vulnerabilities and it is very intresting for me what is their results.
They are a pseudo-global observer, that needs take into account.
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Re: Talking w/local service CEOs [LJ, goog...]

2009-12-20 Thread James Brown
and...@torproject.org wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:26:16PM -0500, grarp...@gmail.com wrote 0.9K bytes 
> in 23 lines about:
> : With the concentration of 'social' companies headquartered
> : on the west coast, how many others have been met with?
> : And to good or not so good result?
>>From the official "Tor talked to company X" list, we've discussed Tor
> with Craigslist, Google, Facebook, Ebay, LiveJournal and Identi.ca.
> In most cases, they come to us to ask how they can handle the jerks
> without punishing everyone.  This implies they see value in Tor.
> Something more automated, like nymble, may be a boon to more acceptance
> of Tor (http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~nymble/).
> : I know craigslist and google are blocking posts/accounts
> : from tor users.
> I believe these are automated systems blocking posts or such, and not
> targeted at Tor itself.  AOL/ISP proxies run into the same
> problems.
> : And there's all sorts of partner groups such as EFF/ACLU/EPIC
> We've talked to all three over the years.  The EFF is very much in touch
> with us and we talk frequently.
> : Are there such companies that openly allow tor
> : such that their testimonials would be a useful
> : compliment in such conversations? ie: livejournal
> : noticing a loss of userbase when blocking tor.
> Unfortunately, not so much.  Many organization who both handle Tor from
> their userbase and use it interally don't want to become the posterchild
> for Tor in corporations.  This is unfortunate for both us and them.  I
> think the more enlightened a company is about handling privacy, the more
> their userbase will trust them.  I'm more likely to use a company if
> they say they respect my privacy by allowing me to use Tor; but I'm
> probably biased.  
> If someone wants to help coordinate a lunch or some meetup; there are
> Tor people that can show up to help.  I've been impressed by some of the
> presentations others have done about Tor, online privacy, anonymity and
> why this matters, all over the world.

The Google established sms-activations of accounts some months ago and
it is the problem for protecting anonymity of Google users.
And what can you tell about blocking the Tor-access to the mail accounts
of the Yahoo?
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Many Vietnamese exit-nodes: what does it mean?

2009-12-20 Thread James Brown
Last weeks I see that my Tor client often connects with exit-nodes
having Vietnamese ip-addresses.
I think that Vietnam is a backward country with very poor people.
Can that fact mean that this nodes works under control of Russian
security services?
P.S. I heard that Putin's secret police mounted many tor-nodes for
unintelligible purposes.
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Is it possible to use Tor on such devices?

2009-12-19 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

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How can I use the Tor on my router?

2009-12-18 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

I have a router ASUS WL-520GU working under the DD-WRT v24-sp2.
There are Tor and Privoxy packeges so in the main repository and as in
the OptWare repository for dd-wrt.
How can I use the Tor clien on my router?
And is it possible to mount on it the router?
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"The browser you're using refuses to sign in. (cookies rejected)"

2009-11-29 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

When I try to log into my account on one web-resource through the Tor my
browser sometimes tell me that "The browser you're using refuses to sign
in. (cookies rejected)", sometimes not. After giving command "pkill -1
tor" this problem usually disappear.
I don't unplug cookies in my browser. Is that problem bound with Tor-nodes?
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Re: livejournal ban tor-nodes

2009-11-26 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

> LJ said that they're going to change their status page shortly to
> explain the block. They're also working on methods to block the lj2rss
> people and not every single user of the Tor network. I hope this is
> helpful and that the users of Tor will be able to access LJ services
> again shortly.
> Best,
> Jacob

Is it possible to resolve this problem for them without any attacks to
the Tor net aiming deanonymization end users?
I head that the Russian FSB mounted about 100 exit-nodes for any
experiments, perhaps for working out attacks to the Tor net.

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Re: livejournal ban tor-nodes

2009-11-25 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> Marcus Griep wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 2:18 AM, James Brown  wrote:

> I spoke again to Livejournal today. They've mostly lifted the block.
> They're working on future ways to block abusers of LJ without affecting
> normal, legitimate users; They're pretty awesome for restoring service
>  for the majority of Tor users so quickly!
> Best,
> Jacob

Very thanks for that information.
I have tried, it works!
P.S. But I cannot understand why the SUP bought the LJ? It seems as an
action for the Russian secret services against opposition but they do
nothing after it for that services.
Or it only seems that they do nothing?!
P.P.S. Didn't you ask them my new question about estimated collaboration
the LJ with Russian secret services through the SUP? (On the matters of
submiting personal information including ip-addresses of the LJ users).
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Re: AN idea of non-public exit-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Ted Smith wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-11-24 at 19:49 -0500, Roger Dingledine wrote:

> It's like a bridge, but for exits. They would probably have to be a lot
> less friend-to-friend than bridges, but it might still be doable. I
> think this is what the original poster meant, anyways.

Yes, I meant  exactly that.
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Re: livejournal ban tor-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:

> Hello again,
> In summary:
> Mike Perry and I just had a visit to the San Francisco Livejournal
> office. The servers at LJ are currently being abused by two users in
> Russia. They are currently blocking access to all of the Tor exit nodes
> with a rather crufty (but effective) screen scrape of some Tor status
> page. They'd like to lift this ban and they'd like to see the abuse
> stop. They recognize that many legitimate users are now out in the cold
> and they'd like to allow Tor to access LJ.
> The service abusing their systems is http://lj2rss.net.ru/; lj2rss
> provides a user with an RSS feed of their LJ friends page (normally a
> paid service). LJ considers this abuse and has attempted to block this
> service. Lj2rss was previously run through basic HTTP proxies. It has
> apparently evolved as a service. The lj2rss people decided to ditch HTTP
> proxies for the public Tor network. This has caused LJ to filter _all_
> access from the Tor network as a quick hack to block their service. LJ
> is unhappy with this as they realize this means that many people are not
> able to reach LJ. They want to find a solution to this total method of
> blocking. They only want to stop lj2rss and not everyone who actually
> needs Tor to legitimately use LJ.
> We've suggested that rather than outright blocking, users should be
> redirected (http 302 rather than 502) to a status page explaining the
> outage information. We've also suggested they can have user puzzles or
> require a specific login (paid accounts or flagged in some way). As far
> as I can tell, this is not a conspiracy by SUP or any other measure
> taken on behalf of SUP. The sysadmins at LJ are simply trying to combat
> someone abusing their service.
> LJ said that they're going to change their status page shortly to
> explain the block. They're also working on methods to block the lj2rss
> people and not every single user of the Tor network. I hope this is
> helpful and that the users of Tor will be able to access LJ services
> again shortly.
> Best,
> Jacob

Very thanks.
But did they say you about a character of that abuse?
I thin that only an RSS feed of  LJ friends pages is not a serious
ground for blocking the Tor network.
If they did such not by order of the SUP for protection of the Russian
dictatorship I can't understand why the SUP by they 2 years ago. For
latent  shadowing against Russian oppositionists for the Federal
security service of Russia?
I was very sleepy when you wrote your letter (it was about 3 a.m at my
place) and I coudn't recognize that I could try ask them a question
concerning the next.
By the information of Russian press (see, particularly
http://www.newsru.com/russia/10nov2009/vkontakte.html ) the secret
services of Russia arrested estimated murders of Markelov (many people
in Russia think that they are not real murders because real economic
base of Markelov's murder was deforestation of the Khimki forest against
which Markelov fighted and any version about the revenge of
"nationalists" have not under it real economic and money base and seems
very absurd) through LJ activity of them.
In accordance with this information they had access to the LJ not
through the Tor but through the specific public wifi - so-called WIMAX,
from account registered on assumed name.
So, the Russian secret services had needed an information about
ip-addresses of those users of the LJ for computing their through   
triangulation with  beam gain antennas.
So, we can suspect that those ip-addresses were given to Russian secret
services by the SUP besides the official inquiry of Russian authorities
to the US authorities (as I know there is not an agreement on mutual
assistance in criminal matters between Russia and the USA).
If it was really so, it was an obvious interference of Russian
government in internal affairs of the USA in accordance with
international law.
I don't know about the US criminal law but such actions are examined as
an espionage by the Russain Criminal Code.
I think that the notion of an espionage is approximately equal in all
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Re: AN idea of non-public exit-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 02:51:57AM +0300, James Brown wrote:
> Alas, livejournal's hand here might be forced by their new owners. In
> that case, the only answer I can think of is for everybody in the affected
> countries to jump ship.
> --Roger
 It is a very good idea, but if they didn't if after purshasing the LG
of the SUP - I think it will be very difficult to convince them do it now.
Many of them (not am I - after my arrest in the year 2007 I use only the
Tor for either activities in blogs or for banking transations) don't use
the Tor.
I tell many of them to use the Tor but they don't do it even after
arrests of their comrades.
Russian mentalty...
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AN idea of non-public exit-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

In the context of the above information concerning the ban of Tor's
nodes by the LJ (and in other such cases) I have an idea to provide in
the Tor net for non-public exit-notes.
This solution will be very, very useful for residents of the countries
under tyrannical and fascist regimes like Russia and such others.
P.S. It is very important for residents of such countries because only
such measures can support liberty of speach and privacy for their. I
want all you to know that after many proceedingses against bloggers and
other Internet users in Russian ended  conditional sentences the Putin's
 gestapo was arrest a young girl in Moscow for her writing on Internets
forums etc. on September, 2009.
I think that it is not a last arrest of bloggers in Russia.
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Re: livejournal ban tor-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> James Brown wrote:
>> The Livejournal has blocked access to that resource through the Tor.
>> It is certainly the consequence of purshasing the LJ of Russian company
>> "SUP" by order of Putin and FSB.
>> That decision of Russian powers of purshacing the LJ was adopted because
>> many Russian oppositionists used it in the conditions of suffocation of
>> freedom of speech by  Putin's bloody fascist regim.
>> I think that all progressive humanity must require from the US President
>> B. Obama to order the FBI to investigate the circumstances of purshasing
>> the LJ by Russian company that was acted obviously as an agent of
>> Russian secret services against the foundations of the constitutional
>> order of the USA.
> Hello,
> I'm heading over to the LJ offices (in San Francisco) to discuss this
> ban with them in the next thirty minutes. I'll let you know how it goes
> and why it happened.
> Best,
> Jacob

Very thanks
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livejournal ban tor-nodes

2009-11-24 Thread James Brown
Hash: SHA1

The Livejournal has blocked access to that resource through the Tor.
It is certainly the consequence of purshasing the LJ of Russian company
"SUP" by order of Putin and FSB.
That decision of Russian powers of purshacing the LJ was adopted because
many Russian oppositionists used it in the conditions of suffocation of
freedom of speech by  Putin's bloody fascist regim.
I think that all progressive humanity must require from the US President
B. Obama to order the FBI to investigate the circumstances of purshasing
the LJ by Russian company that was acted obviously as an agent of
Russian secret services against the foundations of the constitutional
order of the USA.
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Re: French 3-Strikes Law

2009-10-23 Thread James Brown
hgiuh ghj wrote:
> > Why you, France people, doesn't protest against that mad law, why you
> > all don't go in streets for protesting?
> > It seems to me that all the World go down the drain if there are so
> > unrighteous laws existing even in the democratic countries (or already
> > not democratic?).
> To tell the truth, I don't believe in this law for the reasons
> explained before (FON access point, crypto bypass and so on) and I'm
> not the only one. From an advanced user point of view, how could a
> minister mixing an office suite and a firewall software fear us (see
> youtube) ? 
> I think it partially explains the current "soft" protest.
> Nouveau Windows 7 : Trouvez le PC qui vous convient. En savoir plus.

I am simply afraid that it will be able so that the states will put us
to death or into concentration camps for using the Tor or any other net
anonimity means...
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Re: French 3-Strikes Law

2009-10-23 Thread James Brown
hgiuh ghj wrote:
> As I live in France, I think I can give you some insights. There is
> some points to be enlighted in this law.
> The law stated that you are responsible of your connection usage. It
> simply means, legally, that if someone (undercover or not) else use
> it, you could be disconnected. They called it the "négligence
> caractérisée", meaning you didn't take any countermeasures to prevent
> someone else from using your connection to breach the intellectual
> property. The government is currently unable to define this concept
> and the carelessness's level, technically spoken (your grandpa knows
> about WPA right ?). 
> Deeply, it is the same problem with the Hotspots (FON for instance),
> now integrated in our "boxes", a multirole modem (TV, Phone and ADSL).
> The government stated the bandwidth is too low to share files (not
> really the case tought). You could say "hey, I won't be fined because
> a guy connects to internet via its account and the FAI knows it".
> Well, but your culpability is based on your IP address, that isn't
> always public (Neuf Wifi for instance). Just pay a FON access and you
> won't be worried about Hadopi 2.
> To me, they didn't think too much (or they don't know about TCP/IP and
> so on). I won't be surprised if the law proves to be inapplicable.
> Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 00:06:04 -0400
> Subject: French 3-Strikes Law
> From: flamsm...@gmail.com
> To: or-talk@freehaven.net; tor-rel...@torproject.org
> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2009/10/french-3-strikes-law-returns-now-with-judicial-oversight.ars
> France's constitutional council has finally accepted the 3-strikes
> law. Can anyone who's read it comment on what it means for those who
> operate exits in France? Would operators (likely) be successful in
> such cases? Would they have some protection from the cases in the
> first case? Any insights would be appreciated!
> Achetez un nouveau PC et bénéficiez de Windows 7 dès sa sortie ! En
> savoir plus 

Why you, France people, doesn't  protest against that mad law, why you
all don't go in streets for protesting?
It seems to me that all the World go down the drain if there are so 
unrighteous laws existing even in the democratic countries (or already
not democratic?).
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Re: Kaspersky wants to make Tor illegal

2009-10-21 Thread James Brown
Karsten N. wrote:
> Hi,
>> But that problem is more than that "bla-bla-bla" from Mr. Kaspersky.
>> Mr. Kaspersky is only a dirty prostitute of the bloody new Russian
>> Putin's and Medvedev's dictatorial regim.
>> His words about fighting anonimity and the Tor is only executing of
>> instructions of Putin's satraps.
> I think, fighting again anonymity is not a specific russian or chinese
> problem. IP traceback is under development for years
> In Germany our old minister of justice (Zypires) gives her vision of a
> new internet, which contains a unique address (IPv6?) for every user.
> The new electronic personal document (ePA) may get a key role for access
> to the web. Only by authentication with a personal document you will be
> able to connect to the internet  Time for realization are 5 years
> (in her opinion). (???)
> Step-by-Step more and more people gives such advices for an internet
> without anonymity to increase the "security". But only the same few
> people are speaking about the human rights of private communications and
> the reasons for it. :-(
> Greetings
> Karsten 
> ***
> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with
> unsubscribe or-talkin the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/
I think that the anonimity is the one of mainest human rights.
So, all obligate personal documents so electronic as paper must be
abolished, and any personal identification may be needed only in
relationship  between  parties their both  will is in using such
As it seems to me in our (Russian and Chinese) situation such problems
grow up through personal or group dictatorship, and in your, the Western
World - through the dictatorship of big companies.
I think that the real Freedom will be reached only through overthrow
dictatorial regims in the East and companies dictatorship in the West.

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Re: Kaspersky wants to make Tor illegal and supports a globalized policed internet.

2009-10-20 Thread James Brown
Kyle Williams wrote:
> People who seek to control society fear society having anonymity, for
> it's with anonymity that society can stand up against corruption of
> the state when it occurs.  The latest Iran election and the actions
> that followed are a great example of this, and it's was technology
> such as Tor that helped them get the truth out about what was being
> done.  When was the last time a trojan horse or virus helped a country
> regain liberty or help bypass censorship?  To treat Tor as such
> malware is down right insulting to people's rights everywhere.
> Normally I would never think about the following, but as a developer,
> I'm weighing the idea of detecting, disabling, and/or deleting
> Kaspersky before installing any of the projects I work on.  Such
> action should be brought to the users attention, and the action to do
> something about it should be evoked by the user.  However, if
> Kaspersky does go too far and labels Tor as malware, you can be damn
> sure JanusVM, *maybe* Tor VM, and Chromium Browser VM will take
> automated action to prevent itself from being attacked by Kaspersky
> products, and will do so in a very harsh way.
> Something worth noting, today's A/V solutions do not scan inside
> virtual machines and would not be able to detect Tor easily.  Use
> encryption with the VM and it'll be impossible for any A/V product to
> scan the data inside.  If you use an external anonymity device like
> januspa or a linux router + Tor, then you would not feel the affects
> of bad A/V software against your anonymity.
> Personally, I will be encouraging everyone I know to stay as far away
> from this company and their products simply out of principle at this
> point.  I had no problem with Kaspersky until I read this.  If
> Kaspersky is going to treat non malicious software as malware, then we
> might as well treat their software with the same regard.
> Spread the word, Kaspersky Labs is not a friend of Tor.
> Best regards,
> Kyle
> "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
> nothing." - Edmund Burke
> ***
> To unsubscribe, send an e-mail to majord...@torproject.org with
> unsubscribe or-talkin the body. http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/

Very thanks for this information.
I think that A/V is a big shit so as an antivirus product and as the
above causes.
But that problem is more than that "bla-bla-bla" from Mr. Kaspersky.
Mr. Kaspersky is only a dirty prostitute of the bloody new Russian
Putin's and Medvedev's dictatorial regim.
His words about fighting anonimity and the Tor is only executing of
instructions of Putin's satraps.
Some weeks ago Mr. Nurgaliev, the chief of the criminal organization
"the Ministry of Interior of Russia" the real functions of which is like
of functions the nazi SS, told such words.
And after Mr. Kaspersky such words conserning ban the anonimity are told
by a representative of the Russian Orthodox Church - the orqanizations
of extreme yahooism, which also prositute for the Putin's bloody
I want that the World will know that the regim of Putin and Medvedev is
the bloodiest tyranical regim last centuries, like the Hitler's regim or
exen worse.
Now there are many people arested, disappered or simply killed without
any proceedings in Russia.
There are no independent just court in Russia, all courts stamp
decisions needed for this regim against honest people.
Only one wishing to eat in hunger Russia, only trying to earn for eating
and only one word  against Putin, Medvedev or members ot their band
named "United Russia" (/Edinaya Rossiya) /now consider by Putin's 
terrible inquisition as a crime and as a ground for an arrest, an
imprisonment or simply for a murder of such "dissident".
Two weaks ago in Moscow the bloody Putin's secret police arrested a
young girl about 20 years for only her writing in internet-forums and
detain her in terrible Putin's torture chambers.
It is very terrible to live in Russia this days!
I am afraid that this speeching of Nurgaliev, Kaspersky and of a cleric
may be a preparation for establishing of criminal ban of using Tor an etc.
As you know, for the fighting with anonimity they establsih that from 1
October 2009 a person wanted to purshase a domain name in the "ru" zone
must submit his passport!!!
And all the world is silent for this tyrannical  innovation...

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What does the port 7310 of tor-node mean?

2009-09-30 Thread James Brown
I have such records in my tcpdump: xx:xx:xx 695339 IP
tiny.icp.ucl.ac.be.7310 > JAMES.59879: . ack 7569 win 61490
What does the prot 7310 mean and why does it use instead the port 9001?
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Are that repositoy alive?

2009-09-27 Thread James Brown
I use the tor on my Debian laptop and I have the next recordings in my
sourses.list :
deb http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor lenny main
deb-src http://mirror.noreply.org/pub/tor lenny main

Today I see here : http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en and
don't find those repositories there.
Are those alive?

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I cannot create an aol account through tor an privoxy

2009-09-09 Thread James Brown
I use Tor v0.2.1.19 and Privoxy version 3.0.9 on my Debian Lenny AMD64
I tried to create such account but I have had the next error:

  Proxy Error

The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request

Reason: *Error reading from remote server


After that I changed the Tor chains, but I have had such result each time.
Near 2 month ago I created aol accounts without any problems.
What can I do to avoid supposed ban of tor-nodes by the aol team?

Re: Javascript security question

2009-08-21 Thread James Brown
Eugen Leitl wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 09:25:15AM +, Sadece Gercekler wrote:
>> I know that enabling javascript is insecure. But my question is specific to 
>> gmail, google reader, yahoo mail, and blogger.com. These are the sites I'm 
>> mainly accessing.
>> Do you think enabling javascript for these sites can be OK?
> Who knows? Have you considered the ads, or that you might get a custom
> version when detected you're coming from a Tor exit?
Probably the javascript can steal only your internal ip-adress, not
external. Then, if you machine is behind NAT it is probable secure for
you. (But you need obligatly disable the java in your browser because
the java-applications can steal you external ip-address.

Re: Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-08-16 Thread James Brown
anonym wrote:
> On 26/07/09 11:52, James Brown wrote:
> > How can I get the Torbutton for the Mozilla Thunderbird?
> You'll have to use an old version, <= I believe.
> > I used it under Windows (but very old version, about 1,5 - 2  years)
> > but I cannot find it now for my new Linux system.
> Just google for torbutton- and you'll find it.
I got it from here:
http://chanweiyee.blogspot.com/2008/05/torbutton-10401-for-firefox-3.html ,
and tried to install it but my post client wrote: "Icedove could not
install the file decause not a valid install package -207".
(My client is Icedove, OS - Debian Lenny AMD64)

Re: IPv6

2009-08-16 Thread James Brown
Gregory Maxwell wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 2:54 AM, James Brown wrote:
>> When does the tor team intend to include supporting IPv6 in the Tor? And
>> do they intend do it in principle?
> Do you mean making IPv6 connections via Tor or using IPv6 as a
> transport for TOR?
> These things are serve distinct purposes, have different challenges,
> and are separable and I'd guess would be implemented separately.
I have meant making IPv6 connections via Tor.
But what is the project of using IPv6 as a transport for Tor, where can
I read about it?


2009-08-15 Thread James Brown
When does the tor team intend to include supporting IPv6 in the Tor? And
do they intend do it in principle?

Re: How can I set going more one Tor daemons?

2009-08-15 Thread James Brown
Flamsmark wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 12:47, James Brown  <mailto:jbrownfi...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I have a laptop with the Debian Lenny AMD64 and I want to start
> several
> Tor daemons in one moment, each for every  user.
> How can I do it?
> Why do you need to run several Tor daemons? Wouldn't it make more
> sense to start one Tor daemon under the default debian-tor user, and
> let it accept SOCKS requests from localhost connections (possibly with
> some authentication depending on the setup)?
I often use several connections with one server from different accounts
and I don't want that the admin or owner of the server or anybody to be
able to identify me from one ip-adress.
Becouse that I want to have possibility to connect with such servers
through different tor-chains and different exit tor-nodes at the same
time (from different users).

How can I set going more one Tor daemons?

2009-08-15 Thread James Brown
I have a laptop with the Debian Lenny AMD64 and I want to start several
Tor daemons in one moment, each for every  user.
How can I do it?

Re: Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-07-28 Thread James Brown
anonym wrote:
> On 26/07/09 11:52, James Brown wrote:
> > How can I get the Torbutton for the Mozilla Thunderbird?
> You'll have to use an old version, <= I believe.
> > I used it under Windows (but very old version, about 1,5 - 2  years)
> > but I cannot find it now for my new Linux system.
> Just google for torbutton- and you'll find it.

Oh, sorry, I find it through the Google, yeah!
How I can to check its  identity and integrity?

Re: Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-07-28 Thread James Brown
Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 03:27:33PM +0400, James Brown wrote:
>>> Just google for torbutton- and you'll find it.
>> I tried to do it but all  references were unworked
>> And what about creating a new version?!
> Once upon a time, Torbutton just toggled your proxy settings on and off.
> So it made sense to make it compatible with a lot of environments --
> e.g. both Firefox and Thunderbird.
> A year or so ago, Torbutton became something much better. Now it actually
> tries to tackle all of the application-level gotchas that come up with
> web browsing over Tor: https://www.torproject.org/torbutton/design/
> Nobody has looked at the application-level gotchas in Thunderbird. I
> wouldn't be surprised if Thunderbird wrote your IP address in an smtp
> header or helo command or error message or something else.
> It seems silly (no, worse than silly, harmful) to declare support for
> Thunderbird when we haven't done any of the security work on it.
> So, feel free to use Tor with Thunderbird, but it's probably not safe.
> --Roger
Don't it cut headers that are able to compromize an anonimity (such as
ip-adress, the version of the OS, mailing client)?

Re: Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-07-28 Thread James Brown
anonym wrote:
> On 26/07/09 11:52, James Brown wrote:
> > How can I get the Torbutton for the Mozilla Thunderbird?
> You'll have to use an old version, <= I believe.
> > I used it under Windows (but very old version, about 1,5 - 2  years)
> > but I cannot find it now for my new Linux system.
> Just google for torbutton- and you'll find it.

don't find any document ...

Re: Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-07-28 Thread James Brown
anonym wrote:
> On 26/07/09 11:52, James Brown wrote:
> > How can I get the Torbutton for the Mozilla Thunderbird?
> You'll have to use an old version, <= I believe.

> > I used it under Windows (but very old version, about 1,5 - 2  years)
> > but I cannot find it now for my new Linux system.
> Just google for torbutton- and you'll find it.
I tried to do it but all  references were unworked

And what about creating a new version?!

Tor for PDA under Windows Mobile 6

2009-07-27 Thread James Brown
Hi to all,

Does the Tor for PDA under Windows Mobile 6.0  exist or not?
I need browse the Internet under my PDA under WM6 with the Tor, but I
cannot find any solving for that.

What is the new records in my new tor?

2009-07-26 Thread James Brown
Yesterday I installed new version the Tor for Debian Lenny.
Now I see the log of the Tor and find there the next:
Jul 26 19:44:44.388 [notice] Tor opening log file.
Jul 26 19:44:44.466 [notice] Parsing GEOIP file.
Jul 26 19:44:47.070 [notice] We now have enough directory information to
build circuits.
Jul 26 19:44:47.070 [notice] Bootstrapped 80%: Connecting to the Tor
Jul 26 19:44:47.143 [notice] Bootstrapped 85%: Finishing handshake with
first hop.
Jul 26 19:44:50.060 [notice] Bootstrapped 90%: Establishing a Tor circuit.

There were no such records in the logs of the old version of the Tor
(excepting the first of courser :-) )
What do they mean?

Torbutton for Mozilla Thunderbird

2009-07-26 Thread James Brown
How can I get the Torbutton for the Mozilla Thunderbird?
I used it under Windows (but very old version, about 1,5 - 2  years) but
I cannot find it now for my new Linux system.

Re: VoIP telephony building like Tor

2009-07-24 Thread James Brown
Praedor Atrebates wrote:
> On Friday 24 July 2009 10:21:52 am James Brown wrote:
>> Gitano wrote:
>>> James Brown wrote:
>>>> There is a very strong control over telephony in many countries. Many
>>>> counties intend to make this control more and more stronger.
>>>> In the Russia, when I live, for example the Putin's and Medvedev's
>>>> bloody dictatorial regim now intend to ban VoIP telephony:
>>>> http://www.point.ru/news/stories/20598/
>>>> Besides, there is no effective open source system of VoIP telepony which
>>>> let people freely talk and connect by chat and sending-receiving files
>>>> between each other without any control from Governments, companies etc.,
>>>> maintaining anonimity and encryption of communication at the same time.
>>> For chat and files exchange there exists a nice small program 'TorChat'.
>>> --> http://code.google.com/p/torchat/
>> And what about phone calls, including call to ordinaty telephones?
> You might want to take a look at zfone and zrtp.  zfone is a free software 
> phone that originates zrtp, an encryption scheme about to be implemented into 
> a number of other free softphones (ekiga, for instance).  
> http://www.zfoneproject.org/prod_zfone.html
> If you and your recipient have zfone (or a zrtp-enabled softphone) then it 
> will automatically establish an encrypted, secure connection.  You don't get 
> anonymity but you do get privacy.  
> praedor

I need alsa to call to ordinary phones and I need in impossibility for
Government finding my place.

Re: VoIP telephony building like Tor

2009-07-24 Thread James Brown
Gitano wrote:
> James Brown wrote:
>> And what about phone calls, including call to ordinaty telephones?
> I use 'ihu' as an alternate for skype, but its a peer-to-peer
> application and for Linux only. AFAIK there is no SIP-based VoIP
> Software using Tor.
Is it possible to call from it to ordinary telephones (insluding mobiles)?
I realise that for Government it is possible to control my contact's
ordinary telephone, but it is very important to me that the Government
must be impossible define where I am in.
Very many Russian people were killed, unlawful arrest or simply
disappear last 4 - 5 years from activity our new Government...

Re: VoIP telephony building like Tor

2009-07-24 Thread James Brown
Gitano wrote:
> James Brown wrote:
>> There is a very strong control over telephony in many countries. Many
>> counties intend to make this control more and more stronger.
>> In the Russia, when I live, for example the Putin's and Medvedev's
>> bloody dictatorial regim now intend to ban VoIP telephony:
>> http://www.point.ru/news/stories/20598/
>> Besides, there is no effective open source system of VoIP telepony which
>> let people freely talk and connect by chat and sending-receiving files
>> between each other without any control from Governments, companies etc.,
>> maintaining anonimity and encryption of communication at the same time.
> For chat and files exchange there exists a nice small program 'TorChat'.
> --> http://code.google.com/p/torchat/

And what about phone calls, including call to ordinaty telephones?

VoIP telephony building like Tor

2009-07-24 Thread James Brown

There is a very strong control over telephony in many countries. Many
counties intend to make this control more and more stronger.
In the Russia, when I live, for example the Putin's and Medvedev's
bloody dictatorial regim now intend to ban VoIP telephony:
Besides, there is no effective open source system of VoIP telepony which
let people freely talk and connect by chat and sending-receiving files
between each other without any control from Governments, companies etc.,
maintaining anonimity and encryption of communication at the same time.
We have only the skype but it is propietary soft belonging to a private
company aiming only gain profit not maintaining anonimity and
independence people's contacting from Governments etc.
As knows this company lets the Chineese authorities to know about
conversations between Chineese. So they can provide confidential
information about users any other Government.
But I think that their protocol is very intresting  becouse the skype
network building on a peer-to-peer model, that user directory will be
entirelyentralized and distributed among the nodes in the network, and use
encrypted connection insluding connetion with the exit node when making
calls to ordinary telephone.
Maybe I am not quite right, but this network system seems to me looking
like the Tor network.
I think that building such system based on open sources, maintaining by
open source community will protect anonymity and privacy of people and
independence each of us from goverments, corporations etc. control,
becouse we will be able to call each other without any state or
corporate control over our telephone calls.

I think that it will be very good  to include in the Tor project 
creatings and maintaining such VoIP telephone system or doing this  as
an independent project concurrently of the To r project.
Or including in the Tor project  simply maintaining  UDP -connections
that may let  using SIP  and etc. protocols through the Tor.

Re: TorButton Question

2009-07-08 Thread James Brown
Ringo wrote:
> Hey all,
> Sorry I've been posting so much to the list lately, I've been working a
> lot with Tor.
> One thing I notice is that Torbutton sets no proxy for ftp/gopher. Is
> there any particular reason it doesn't tell firefox that privoxy handles
> this (which would just kill the connection). It seems to me like this
> could break a user's anonymity, but I assume that there's a reason it's
> like this. Can somebody explain this?
> Ringo
I read earlier on the torproject site that it need to set proxy for ftp
and gopher (localhost 8118) and I did it manually.
But I have such question too - why the makers of the torbuuton did not
do it as default settings?

Re: *Once again*...Exit node IP *not* showing up on TorCheck and others

2009-07-06 Thread James Brown
Chris Humphry wrote:
> Hi,
> Can someone *please* respond to my message this time?  Can you tell me
> why this is happening?  Or maybe just fix it?
> Last month I came across an Exit node whose IP address shows I was not
> connected to the Tor network. 
> Please see:
> http://archives.seul.org/or/talk/Jun-2009/msg00338.html
> "I just started a session of TBB (current release) and when the
> homepage opened up it told me I was not connected to the Tor network. 
> So I went to TorCheck and it told me the same thing.  Then I used
> NewNym (via 'New Identity' in Vidalia) and with the new Exit node IP
> both TorCheck and the homepage for TBB now show I am connected to the
> network."
> Last month the IP address I came across was: **
> Just now I came across another IP address: **
> *
> *
I  had such problem some days ago.

Re: Yahoo Mail and Tor

2009-07-05 Thread James Brown
Fabian Keil пишет:
> bao song  wrote:
>> Two months??? I have had trouble with Yahoo Mail via Privoxy for more
>> than four years.
> I'm sorry to hear that.
> Are you by any chance using the Vidalia bundle which unfortunately
> contains a Privoxy version that is several years out of date?
>> At first, I was given some config file modifications
>> for  Privoxy so it would allow me to use Yahoo Mail, but this disabled a
>> lot of the stuff Privoxy did, and I wanted that stuff for other sites.
>> Also, I was still unable to log out of Yahoo Mail even with the
>> modifications someone had posted. So I now disable all of Privoxy when
>> signing out of Yahoo Mail. Here, behind a Middle Eastern firewall, the
>> Yahoo Mail signout is often blocked by the firewall, as well as by
>> Privoxy for reasons that escape me. Sometimes, I can sign out if I don't
>> use Tor at all. Other times, I can only sign out if I use Tor without
>> Privoxy. Yahoo mail is accessible through Privoxy, but all style sheets
>> are disabled, so the display is rather annoying. Annoying or not, I use
>> Privoxy until I need to sign out, disable Privoxy, sign out of Yahoo
>> Mail, then turn Privoxy back on in default mode. I'm still not sure what
>> it is about Yahoo Signout that Privoxy (and the local firewall) see the
>> need to block.
> That sounds like a lot more work than simply upgrading
> your Privoxy version or even back porting the action file
> changes manually.
> As far as I know, the Yahoo-related problems have been fixed
> quite some time ago and if you still notice any problems with
> Privoxy 3.0.12 or later, feel free to report them so we can
> fix them.
> Fabian

I have installed the latest stable verison for Windows but nothing changed.
Now I use Vidalia 0.1.14, Tor, Privoxy 3.0.6
Do I need use testing or unstable version?
P.S. Under Linux Debian I have such problem too, but some little than
under Windows.  There I use standart packages for Debian Lenny AMD64.

Re: Google and Tor

2009-07-04 Thread James Brown
grarpamp wrote:
> >From some other thread:
> o Google was supportive of "good" uses of Tor, for its services
> AFAIK, google does not allow torizens to sign up for even
> gmail via Tor. It recently (perhaps always now?) insisted on
> sending a text to your cell phone to 'verify' you first. Or similarly
> breaking your anonymity and annoyance factor by linking you to
> two other email accounts via an 'invite'. So long as this proof
> continues to hold, I highly doubt google believes in Tor as a
> tool for good. Those concerned may wish to try a signup.
I use the gmail within Tor very easy but I have some problems sometimes
with other services of Google.
But about last two monthes there is problems with using the Yahoo mail
through Tor.

Re: Internet censorship in Germany is now official

2009-04-22 Thread James Brown
Eugen Leitl wrote:
> So they've been logging connection info for 3+ months already,
> and now there's censorship (currently implemented via DNS, but this
> will change, of course), logging of the blocked connections, and
> all kind of ominous language and promises to extend the censorship 
> list (secret, of course, and you'll get your house searched and
> your computers confiscated even if you link upon a link upon a link
> to the leaked list) to all kinds of things, and cooperation with
> IP owners.
> (achtung, kraut)
> http://www.heise.de/newsticker/Bundeskabinett-beschliesst-Gesetzesentwurf-zu-Kinderporno-Sperren--/meldung/136556
Is that means that German's owners of tor exit-nodes must save such logs
or that rules concerns only internet providers?
P.S. I think that it may be qualifed as violation of art. 8 of Rome
Convention, and it is needed to make social initiative conserning
brining applications to the European Court of Human Rights.

Re: News from my Tor Server raid

2009-03-26 Thread James Brown

Gregory Maxwell wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 12:07 PM,   wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:46:05AM +0100, morph...@morphium.info wrote 0.4K 
bytes in 13 lines about:
: On the SAME day, a letter of the state attorney was sent to me
: (arrived yesterday), stating I can pick my things they raided about 20
: months ago, on 1. of april (is that a joke now?) because they (the
: state attorney) has lifted the embargo. The raid 20 months ago was due
: to "spreading childporn" (running a Tor node).

To clarify, were you raided because you ran a Tor node or because your
IP address showed up in a website logfile (which was collected by the
police during their anti-child porn sweep)?

(since he may be too bussy to reply…)

My understanding is that he was raided this time because he is the
holder of wikileaks.de and wikilinks has copies of things like the
Australian censorship list (which includes things claimed to be child
porn). Not related to TOR.  But he was previously subject to a TOR
related taid.


Did your problems take place in Germany or in another country? Which, if 
it is not secret?  How they explain their actions (juddiacally)? Is 
there the legislation persued persons for making tor servers in your 
country? Or thay only explain their actions as actions for fighting 
spreading childporn only? What are the judically causes for retention 
your computers for such long term?

Have you done any legal acts for returning your machines?
I think that if it take place in the state which is a member of the 
Council of Europe it is possible to bring an apeal to the European Court 
of Human Rights against the breaking by your state art. 1 Prot. 1 of 
European Convention for Protecting Human Rights.
If you want I can examine a question about representing you at the above 
Court pro bono.

preading childporn

Re: News from my Tor Server raid

2009-03-26 Thread James Brown

pho...@rootme.org wrote:

On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 10:46:05AM +0100, morph...@morphium.info wrote 0.4K 
bytes in 13 lines about:
: On the SAME day, a letter of the state attorney was sent to me
: (arrived yesterday), stating I can pick my things they raided about 20
: months ago, on 1. of april (is that a joke now?) because they (the
: state attorney) has lifted the embargo. The raid 20 months ago was due
: to "spreading childporn" (running a Tor node).

To clarify, were you raided because you ran a Tor node or because your
IP address showed up in a website logfile (which was collected by the
police during their anti-child porn sweep)?  


Do you mean that isn't the same?!