
2009-09-16 Thread Silivrenion

Angela Morley
Computer Specialist
Salem State Information Technology Services

General Manager, WMWM Salem
352 Lafayette St, Salem, MA  01970

Columnist, The Silver Onion (http://silveronion.net)
President, Salem State ACM Club

Re: New Tor distribution for testing: Tor Browser Bundle

2008-02-03 Thread Silivrenion
Hash: SHA256

I have to disagree with setting any options by default like that. The
concept behind PortableTor as I wrote it was to let the end user have the
right to decide what to do.. don't force anything on them! I think this
concept should be relevant to all bundles.. don't force users to become
nodes, because you have those out there that possibly don't want to be,
plus in my opinion it hurts the usefulness of the package to have that
automatically on.

As someone mentioned earlier, a portable tor approach is useful for the
client, not necessarily the server end. You can cause a lot of server
identity problems if you log on as a tor server just to check your email
for 5 minutes.

Let the end user decide what they want their software to do.

On a more positive note, congrats on bringing up a new system :)

- --
Steve Morley
PGP Key 0x6F0A7BDE

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On Feb 3, 2008 9:34 PM, Steven J. Murdoch 

 On Sun, Feb 03, 2008 at 10:19:54PM +0100, Michael Schmidt wrote:
  Steven, i suggest to make it hardcoded default and a Must, that each
  using this browser, is as well running an tor **exit** node,
  tit for tat. like emule partials: upload is a MUST.

 I don't think this is likely in the near future. One of the important
 target classes of users is people who are at risk of persecution by
 their government and want to keep a low profile. Many of these users
 are also not fully computer literate and there may not be fully
 translated Tor documentation in their language.

 The goals of the bundle include being easy to set up and to leave
 limited traces (both are still being worked on). In this scenario, to
 broadcast the fact that someone is using Tor is in my opinion an
 unacceptable risk. There would need to be some way to protect these
 users before mandatory server operation is the standard.


 w: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/sjm217/

Re: New Tor distribution for testing: Tor Browser Bundle

2008-02-02 Thread Silivrenion
I did notice torbrowser was in the directory format that is friendly with
PortableApps format applications, so props on that.

Interesting take, taking what Portable Tor http://portabletor.sf.net has
done and bringing it to an all inclusive bundle.

On Jan 31, 2008 1:40 AM, Scott Bennett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 00:52:18 + Steven J. Murdoch
 Recently I have been working on creating a distribution of Tor which
 includes a pre-configured browser -- the Tor Browser Bundle. It is
 intended for being run off an USB flash drive, but will probably also
 be helpful to users who want an easy-to-setup packaging of Tor.
 More information and download links can be found here:
 The bundle contains Firefox, Tor, Vidalia, Polipo and Torbutton. No
 installation is needed (just unpack the contents). All the components
 are automatically started by one double-click.
 The bundle is new, and contains development versions of Tor, Vidalia
 and Torbutton, so should be considered a testing release. I do hope it
 will be useful, and I'd appreciate comments, suggestions, and bug
 I do hope that you, as well as others on this list who are developing
 portable versions of tor and tor-related applications and bundles thereof,
 are coordinating your efforts with the good folks at portableapps.com, who
 have already assembled a significant collection of portable applications
 suitable for burning onto CDs or flash drives, including Firefox,
 OpenOffice.org, and many associated packages (extensions, utilities, etc.)
 They even have a sort of super  bundle called PortableApps Suite that
 contains ClamWin, Firefox, Gaim, OpenOffice.org, Sudoku, Sunbird, and
 Thunderbird.  There is a lite version of the suite that substitutes
 AbiWord for OpenOffice.org, and a base version whose OpenOffice.org is
 a stripped-down version.  Check all this stuff out at


 It would be a shame either to duplicate the efforts of others needlessly
 or to keep your bundle(s) from the wider audience outside of the OR-TALK

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
 * Internet:   bennett at cs.niu.edu  *
 * A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
 * objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
 * -- a standing army.   *
 *-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *

Steve Morley
PGP Key 0x6F0A7BDE

New PortableTor!

2008-01-25 Thread Silivrenion
PortableTor allows you to connect into the Tor anonymous internet system
from any computer with your flash or thumb drive. This allows you to browse
the internet anonymously from public locations, such as internet hotspots,
library, or school computers and public terminals. PortableTor has all of
the features as the regular Tor, except without actually installing the
application. You could also use PortableTor if you just don't like
installing programs on your computer, and you'd rather have a standalone
program with all of its dependant files in one location.

We have done a lot of work on new updates recently, including completely
restructuring the program into the PortableApps format, creating an NSIS
launcher that monitors file integrity on launch, and much more. Many of our
updates came from our new partnership with Matt Morton, who offered to merge
his Torvox program with PortableTor. The latest update of PortableTor brings
everyone up to package PortableTor-

Please check out the latest PortableTor package at
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=194105 .

For more information about PortableTor, including usages and related Firefox
plugins, please check out our main site at

Steve Morley

New PortableTor

2007-11-03 Thread Silivrenion
PortableTor is a rebundled version of the Vidalia-Privoxy bundle that comes
out on the torproject.org website. This project was created in order to
allow the end user full functionality, optimal disk space, and easy
adaptation of portable applications with the Tor network. It can run on a
flash drive, a desktop, external drive, iPod, and if modified, even on a
solid medium, such as a CD.

A new version of PortableTor has been released (and is released every stable
update.) based on Vidalia and Privoxy bundle. There's been a
few changes in this version that are significant on the PortableTor end:

* Reformatted directory structure to the PortableApps Format. This means
breaking down all directories into categories based on what they are,
instead of what bundles they were in. All config files are in one place, all
programs in one place, and all documentation in one place.

* Thanks to the fix in bug 499, AvoidDiskWrites 1 doesn't leave a remnant
behind in the temporary files anymore.

* Made Tor start automatically by default. I assume if someone opens
PortableTor, they want to join the network.

If you're interested in getting PortableTor, head over to
http://portabletor.sf.net . There you will find the main project goals,
download links, recommended additions and usages, as well as support forums
and discussion topics. Criticism and feedback are welcome on the Sourceforge
forums! Any direct questions can be made to Silivrenion at

Future developments:
There's some work being done on making the launcher smarter to be able to
regenerate missing sections of the package. Also using the PortableTor
gateway on solid storage devices by default, e.g. giving a friend a
PortableTor/PortableFirefox CD for a stocking stuffer.


Steve Morley