Re: Latest Tor bundle

2010-06-06 Thread Tom Hek
On 6 jun 2010, at 17:47, wrote:

 Just extracted the bundle for a USB drive, 1.36.
 In my message log I found this. Can anyone tell me what it means, please?
 warning 2 unknown, 7 missing key, 0 good, 0 bad, 0 no signature, 4 required
 Also, when I first ran it Google gave me a captcha and I think I've read 
 about that happening before but I'm not sure. Is this just a simple, 
 innocuous glitch from time to time? I use it at internet cafes as my internet 
 here sucks so bad it's not even worth the cheap price it goes for. 
 Well, that being said, cheap is cheap.

You can ignore the first warning. Tor downloads the missing keys.

Google presents a CAPTCHA to users that are doing a very large number of 
requests or have malware installed on their computer. If a user on the Tor exit 
you use has malware installed on his computer you also get the CAPTCHA 
presented, because Google can't see the difference between the users of that 
Tor node ;)

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Re: Using tor as proxy for the command line

2010-05-05 Thread Tom Hek
You can use the command torify, it works for a lot of programs. Put torify in 
front of the command you want to give and most of the times it proxies the 
connections perfectly through Tor.


On 5 mei 2010, at 20:22, Borja Luaces wrote:

 I would like to know if it is possible to use tor as proxy for the command 
 line under linux (Ubuntu).
 If it is possible, how can I do it?
 PS: I would like to proxymise all the comunications from the command line 
 (wget, nmap,...)
 Borja Luaces Altares
 Administrador/Analista de Sistemas Junior (MCSE Security,C|EH  CSSA)

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Re: Searching for good ISPs

2010-02-05 Thread Tom Hek
On 4 feb 2010, at 19:55, Attac Heidenheim wrote:

 does anybody own Tor-relays or exit-nodes running on Leaseweb or
 Rapidswitch ?
 Any suggestions or warnings concerning Leaseweb or Rapidswitch ?

I have the same experience with Leaseweb as John Brooks. They seem to 
understand what Tor is and don't disconnect you at the first complaint that 
they get about your Tor node. When you explain them what you are doing on the 
box they do nothing.

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Re: Good and bad ISP in Germany and around ?

2009-12-04 Thread Tom Hek
On 4 dec 2009, at 08:43, Robert Marquardt wrote:

 I could recommend Keyweb and Strato.

Strato V-PowerServers tend to run out of RAM very quickly when Tor is running. 
I stopped running Tor on my V-PowerServer because of this..

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Re: Kaspersky wants to make Tor illegal

2009-10-22 Thread Tom Hek
On 22 okt 2009, at 16:15, Ted Smith wrote:
 Are you saying that the anti-virus program warns that tor is a
 dangerous program?

I just installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2010 to check it on my Vista  
virtual machine and it doesn't recognize Tor as a dangerous program  
over here..
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SSL MITM attack by a Tor exit

2009-09-06 Thread Tom Hek

Hello everyone,

The Tor exit JustaNode (fingerprint:  
) does a MITM attack on every SSL connection. The SSL certificate is  
self signed for every SSL'ed website you want to request. I think this  
exit must be marked a BadExit.

- Tom

Re: Bad exit node: freeMe69

2009-08-20 Thread Tom Hek

Hash: SHA1

On Aug 20, 2009, at 23:02 PM, KT wrote:

Exit node freeMe69 [1] is injecting the following snippet to  
response body:

script type=text/javascript


It's actually injected by it's ISP, Comcast. The IP which  
resolves to is assigned to Comcast. I don't think the exit node admin  
can't do anything about it.

Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.11 (Darwin)


Re: Tor-Server and dynamic ip.

2009-08-07 Thread Tom Hek

On Aug 7, 2009, at 21:29:22 , Bernd Schmelter wrote:


my provider cut's the connection hard every 24h. Whats going on with  
all the clients,
they are using my server? Will they run in timeouts, or solves the  
entire tornetwork

this problem?

Its an good idia to stop my runnig server before provider cuts my  
internetsession with

cronjob ( /etc/init.d/tor stop )
an start it new after reconnect and ip-change?


Hello Bernd,

Tor detects a changed IP address and will republish it's descriptor  
with your new IP. The Tor clients that are connected to your server  
will detect that it isn't reachable on the old IP and they will seek a  
new Tor router to make a new circuit.


Tor check and DNS exitlist down?

2009-08-03 Thread Tom Hek


Are the Tor check page and the DNS down? I can't reach them over Tor and not over  
the normal internet. Is there something wrong with the servers behind  


Re: Conspiracy: Piratebay owned by CIA (TOR involved, also)

2009-06-23 Thread Tom Hek

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 23, 2009, at 15:01 PM, Harry Hoffman wrote:

At $0.20USD/MB I was able to supplement my regular income. Soon I'll  
be able to quit my regular job. It's like all of those emails say,  
let your computer work for you!

You get payed $0.20USD/MB? I only got an offer of 0,05 euro/MB from  
the AIVD (the Dutch intelligence service). Maybe I should think about  
moving to the VS..

- -Tom
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.11 (Darwin)


Re: Conspiracy: Piratebay owned by CIA (TOR involved, also)

2009-06-23 Thread Tom Hek

Hash: SHA1

On Jun 23, 2009, at 16:17 PM, krishna e bera wrote:

Could someone post the contact addresses for cashing in?
And perhaps some proof that they do (or do not) pay?

We were just joking about secret services paying people to run Tor.

- - Tom
Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.11 (Darwin)


Re: Binding Tor to Pseudo-Interface

2009-01-11 Thread Tom Hek

On Feb 23, 2008, at 20:33 PM, Jonathan Addington wrote:

I've been running a Tor exit node on and off for awhile now and my
biggest problem has always been bandwidth limiting. I finally
installed a firmware on my router with relatively advanced QoS on. It
works pretty well most of the time, but to optimize it, I need to be
able to isolate *all* Tor traffic. Because I use the same computer for
other purposes, I can't just deprioritize its traffic, so I created a
pseudo-interface for the QoS to filter on.

My remaining problem is that while Tor listens and responds to other
Tor clients via this pseudo-interface (and hence different IP) it
still fetches information as an exit node from the
non-pseudo-interface, making it much more difficult to filter (I don't
want to deprioritize *my* web-browsing as well!).

Is there a way to bind Tor so that it *only* uses the pseudo- 


Put this in your tor config file:

OutboundBindAddress *IP*

Substitute *IP* with the IP of the interface you want Tor to use for  
the outbound connections. All the traffic will now flow over that  
interface ;)


Re: looking for an FTP - SOCKS proxy

2009-01-05 Thread Tom Hek
Keep in mind that plan FTP without any encryption isn't that smart  
over Tor. You are sending your userdetails without any encryption over  
someone else's link..


Re: They know I'm using a proxy(Tor)...but how?

2008-11-30 Thread Tom Hek
There are several DNSBL's that list Tor nodes. If they check against a  
DNSBL who lists Tor exit nodes they can detect that you're behind Tor..


On Nov 30, 2008, at 11:05 PM, gregery wrote:

Hey all,

I am trying to register at a website forum and I get an error message
when I try to register.  The message basically says that it seems I am
using an anonymous internet connection or a proxy.  The site is not
blocking Tor by exit-node because I get the same error message when I
try to register at the site while using a public high-anonymous elite
proxy (L1).  I think the forum administrator is using headers to  

if a new member is using a anonymous connection or not.

I use the current TorBrowser Bundle with current TorButton and
RefControl to spoof the referrer headers.  I also use vanilla Tor,
Vidalia and Privoxy with the same result.  I tired spoofing my
user-agent away from the default TorButton U-A settings, I spoofed  
as a

Mac, Firefox, IE, Opera, etc, all for not.

Does anyone know how I can circumvent this block?  I at least would  

to know what in my headers is setting off red flags as that means all
other Tor users in my anonymity set are potentially setting off red
flags too.

Thank you

-- - Access all of your messages and folders
 wherever you are

Re: They know I'm using a proxy(Tor)...but how?

2008-11-30 Thread Tom Hek
Tor exitnodes are found on several blacklists where these public  
proxy's are also found on. It seems very likely to me that they just  
check the IP your connection is originating from on several blacklists..


Re: Tor pronunciation

2008-11-16 Thread Tom Hek
Daniel Juyung Seo wrote:
 Hello guys.
 I just had one question about the name 'Tor'.
 According to the Tor FAQ, Tor is an acronym of 'The Onion Routing network'.
 Even though it comes from an acronym, Tor is not spelled 'TOR'.
 Now, I wonder how I read Tor...?
 Surely, it's not pronounced like 'tee oh ar'.
 Is it pronounced like ''?
 Does anybody have any idea?

It's pronounced as Tor, just like the first part of the word torrent ;)

Re: Geode: some more headaches for TorButton? :-P

2008-10-09 Thread Tom Hek
It's really scary when a random website can request your physical 
location imo.. I really hope you can disable that shit in the new 
version of Firefox when they include it..


Marco Bonetti wrote:

Link bounced from /.:

Looks like the upcoming versions of firefox will ship the support for W3C
geolocation specification: what's better for a tor attacker to ask
directly to the browser where its user lives? ;-)
I'm quite confident there'll be a way to (easily?) disable this feature
but it's scaring stuff nevertheless.


Problems with XS4ALL in The Netherlands

2008-05-06 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

Hello fellow Tor relay operators,

Six days ago XS4ALL shut down the DSL connection of a friend of mine who
was running a Tor exit relay on this DSL connection (relay nickname
ILiekMudkipz). They did this because they thought there was a trojan
running on this system.

This isn't the first time XS4ALL did this, but this time they threatened
him with terminating his DSL account if you would run a Tor relay again.
After making the promise that he wouldn't run a Tor exit again on this
DSL connection, they reconnected him. He forwarded the e-mail where they
threathened him with terminating his account but it's in Dutch. If
anyone wants to read it, please send me a mail.

This is a warning for all Dutch Tor relay operators who run a Tor exit
relay on their XS4ALL DSL. XS4ALL doesn't like Tor. I'm kinda shocked of
coming to conclusion that one of the most liberal ISP's in the
Netherlands, who fights for human rights on the Internet like privacy
and unfiltered access, doesn't like Tor and even punishes exit relay
operators for running a relay.

Tom Hek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: What does bandwidth mean in cached-routers?

2008-03-23 Thread Tom Hek
Yep, the speed of your circuit is limited by the slowest router in your

Jackie wrote:
 Another question about the bandwidth of circuits: I see routers in a circuit 
 having different bandwidth, from xxKB/s to KB/s. Is the bandwidth of the 
 circuit as a whole determined by the router with the lowest bandwidth? For 
 example: a circuit containing 3 nodes whose bandwidth are 4328, 4317, 327KB/s 
 respectively. Can we say that the bandwidth of this circuit is 327KB/s?

Re: Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-23 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

 This also happened to me and at least one other person. In my case it
 was because of trojan activity on IRC. I was using the default Tor exit
 policy at that time, which, as it turns out, isn't restrictive enough.
 XS4ALL told me that it's OK to run a non-exit node, which I'm running
 now. There's a number of other non-exit nodes in XS4LL IP space,
 including the node of one of the XS4ALL founders, so running a non-exit
 node seems to be fine.

Yep, I'm going to run a non-exit node too.. But I really want to run an
exit node and I really don't like it that XS4ALL is filtering me because
of that..

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-22 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

This morning is a friend of mine also was disconnected from the internet
because XS4ALL thinks there is a Trojan running on his system. He also
runs Tor on his system.. I'll keep you guys posted.

Tom Hek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-22 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

F. Fox wrote:
 At the risk of sounding rash and impulsive, I'll venture to say that a
 little bit of education here, could go a long way - I think the ISP
 folks need it.

You are totally right. The strangest thing is that XS4ALL is a ISP that
stands for freedom of speech, anti-censorship, protection of the privacy
of their customers, etc. And they don't know Tor. I thought XS4ALL was
one of the best ISP's in The Netherlands to run a Tor node, but that
assumption was totally wrong..

Because this is the second line closed down @ XS4ALL all my Tor nodes
are offline now.. Don't want to take the risk to get disconnected again..

Tom Hek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

Hello fellow Tor relay admins,

I run several Tor relays on residential DSL connections. This morning my
dad called me, telling me that my ISP had disconnected us from the
Internet because of a Trojan running on my systems (I wasn't at home at
that moment ;)). They had received a abuse complainant that one of my
boxes on this DSL connection was on a botnet.

I checked the timestamp of the log they sended to me with the uptime of
the computers. Only the computer that was running a Tor node was online.
It was pretty obvious that the botnet connections were coming from this
box. The box was clean, had no rootkits installed or other malicious
software, so it was Tor, relaying a connection for a bot.

My ISP didn't knew what Tor was and asked if that Tor logged the
connections that were running through it. I told them Tor was an
anonymity system so it doesn't keep any logs of the traffic that's going
through it. They were confused, they told me that every decent Tor relay
keeps a log of the connections running through it.

I'm living in The Netherlands, running this Tor node on the ISP XS4ALL.
XS4ALL is one of the ISP's with the most knowledge of the internet and
the things happening on the internet. I'm pretty shocked that they
didn't knew about Tor. I want to alert all the Tor relay admins that are
running Tor nodes on a connection from XS4ALL to be prepared to get
disconnected, because they think there is a trojan or rootkit running on
your system..

XS4ALL restored the DSL line but I had to promise that it wouldn't
happen again..

Tom Hek
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

Ringo Kamens wrote:
 Thanks for keeping us updated. If you ever need money for legal fees, a
 support campaign, or anything like that: let me know. I can round up a lot
 of assistance through BinaryFreedom and the Anarchist Black Cross.
 Comrade Ringo Kamens
 Armed Division, 35th Parallel

Thanks :) My ISP reconnected me again but I had to promise to never run
Tor again. Tomorrow I'm going to call them and try to change their
minds. XS4ALL is a ISP who stands for freedom of speech, they are
against censorship, etc etc. If they knew what Tor was they wouldn't
disconnect me for running Tor..
Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: Tor relay shutted down by ISP

2008-02-20 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

Jon McLachlan wrote:
 If you just run a middle node, nothing that bad should come spewing
 out of your box.  I would be curious if you were running an exit node
 originally, or if it was just a middle node.
 In the tor-config file, there's some exit policies - if you reject *:*,
 then you're essentially a middle-node, in which everything is both 1)
 encrypted and 2) between tor-to-tor traffic (which will almost certainly
 generate no future complaints)

I chose to be an exit node because I wanted to donate my bandwidth to
other Tor users. I've been running a middle-node for several years but I
think that good end nodes are needed too, so I decided to start running
an end node.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Question about serving directory information

2008-02-14 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

Hello fellow Tor-users :),

I'm trying to run a Tor node that will only serve Directory information.
My hoster doesn't allow me to run a Tor relay, but I want to let him
donate his bandwidth to the Tor project by serving Directory
information. But when I turn off the ORPort, Tor doesn't publish his

Is there a way to let Tor listen on his DirPort and let Tor serve
Directory data on this port but not do any relaying of other traffic
through it?

Thanks in advance,

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Re: iptables and tor

2008-02-10 Thread Tom Hek
Hash: SHA1

By default are all the private ranges already blocked in the exitpolicy.

Dominik Schaefer wrote:
 dante schrieb:
 Hi everyone,

 Has anyone given any thought as to what firewall rules to use on a linux
 system running a tor server?
 If you operate a tor node within your private network und your network
 services which are not public or should not be public, then you should
 remember that you create a tunnel in your local network by running tor. In
 this case you have to ensure that the exit policies of the tor node are
 set in
 a way that nobody can exit from your tor node into you local net.
 Additionally you can filter the relevant traffic originating from your
 tor node.

Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (Darwin)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Missing key from authority?

2008-01-09 Thread Tom Hek


This message started flooding my logs: Jan 09 22:19:27.260 [notice]  
We're missing a certificate from authority tor26 with signing key  
: launching request.

A friend of my has exact the same message flooding over his log. We  
are both running OS on my box is FreeBSD and on his  
box Debian, so I think this message is not OS related but it's related  
to the authority. Is someone else having the same message lately?


Re: What to do at IP number change?

2008-01-07 Thread Tom Hek
i'm changing my public IP number ten times per day and to avoid  
i'm stopping my TOR server before and starting after the number  

But after the start TOR is very slow.
Is there a better way to tell the TOR server that the public IP has  

Tor will detect it and republish his server descriptor with the new IP  
in it.

Re: List Suggestion

2008-01-05 Thread Tom Hek

On Jan 6, 2008, at 12:18 AM, Ringo Kamens wrote:

Perhaps I'm the only one with this problem but I'm pretty sure it  
happens to lots others. A fairly significant amount of the messages  
posted to or-talk are automatically sent to my spam folder by gmail.  
I think this is probably because many tor servers (which these  
emails are sent from) are in SORBS and other anti-spam databases.  
Since the messages from being sent to the or-talk email address,  
perhaps it would be better to have the list strip the IPs from  
people's messages? Or even better, put the IP of the mailing list  
server so that it isn't put into spam for not having an IP. It would  
also help insure the poster's privacy.

Let me know what you all think,
Comrade Ringo Kamens

Same problem here. I need to login sometimes to check my spambox to  
see if there isn't any mail for this list stuck in it..

New Tor exitnode (nickname ididitfortehlulz)

2007-12-05 Thread Tom Hek


I just put a Tor exitnode online with the nickname ididitfortehlulz.  
I decided to be an exit node.

Have fun with it ;)


Re: storage privacy (was: Nice quiet, private, anonymous life??)

2007-12-02 Thread Tom Hek

On Dec 2, 2007 2:25 PM, F. Fox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
[ strange, dangerous, and likely to fail methods for destroying  
drives ]

use full disk encryption, even the latest ubuntu supports this.

Last time I tried this with the Ubuntu 7.10 Alternate CD it didn't  
work. The installer crashes over and over.. With the latest debian  
testing netinstall cd no problems..