Relay bandwidth needed to pay back Hidden Service usage

2010-01-09 Thread grarpamp
Say a hidden service makes available a 100,000 byte file. Now
another user downloads that file. There was obviously some 'cost'
in bytes to the six hop relay system for doing that.

Say the user who downloaded that file feels obligated to repay his
usage back to the system by running his own non-exit relay. How
many bytes should he offer back to the network?

It may be more proper to think of it as bandwith. Server serves a
stream 24x7x365 at 100,000bps. User consumes it 24x7x365. How much
inbound and outbound pipe should user provision to replace his usage?

When compared to the internet, the network is a closed system with
finite resources, so the cost is certainly not equal to his usage
[ie: 1x]. His usage causes a depression of overall available resources
during the transfer.

I thought it might simply be 6x his usage due to 6 hops. But maybe
it involves adding 6 increasing fractions? And what about the middle
relays that both receive and send the supply stream?

Tor overhead and packet retransmissions can be ignored. Tor's
configuration limits and the availablity of any given pipe size can
also be ignored as this is only an excercise.

The return tcp ack stream would not be negligible but could be left
out by reference... only if it was simply additive on top of the
supply stream using the same calculations.
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Re: Hidden service usage

2009-09-21 Thread Karsten Loesing
Hash: SHA1

On 09/21/2009 06:54 AM, leandro noferini wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 I  would  like  to control  the  usage  (the  amount of  connections  or
 something like) to a hidden service I have.
 In the man page ( version) I found these directives:

No, these config options won't help you in finding out what usage _your_
hidden service sees. The option

   AuthoritativeDirectory 0|1

is only used by around ten relays that act as directory authorities; and

   HSAuthoritativeDir 0|1
   HSAuthorityRecordStats 0|1

are only useful on three of these directory authorities that store (the
old version of) hidden service descriptors.

 As I can  understand I need to enable all to  have something, right? The
 first option is not only for directory servers?
 And also, what kind of information I will have?

So, these options won't help you. You shouldn't enable them, or your Tor
will behave funny.

Can you instead learn the number of connections to your hidden service
from your webserver (or whatever kind of server that is)? Your local Tor
opens a new connection for every incoming request to your hidden
service. Maybe you can count those connections?

- --Karsten

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Re: Hidden service usage

2009-09-21 Thread leandro noferini
Karsten Loesing ha scritto:


 So, these options won't help you. You shouldn't enable them, or your Tor
 will behave funny.

Well, so I understood right!


 Can you instead learn the number of connections to your hidden service
 from your webserver (or whatever kind of server that is)? Your local Tor
 opens a new connection for every incoming request to your hidden
 service. Maybe you can count those connections?

Yes I could have some informations like these indirectly using grep on
log files but I liked to have something also from tor server.


Description: PGP signature

Hidden service usage

2009-09-20 Thread leandro noferini
Ciao a tutti,

I  would  like  to control  the  usage  (the  amount of  connections  or
something like) to a hidden service I have.

In the man page ( version) I found these directives:

AuthoritativeDirectory 0|1
When  this option  is  set  to 1,  Tor  operates as  an
authoritative directory server.  Instead of caching the
directory, it  generates its own list  of good servers,
signs it,  and sends that  to the clients.   Unless the
clients already have you listed as a trusted directory,
you probably  do not want  to set this  option.  Please
coordinate with the other admins at  if  you think  you  should be  a

HSAuthoritativeDir 0|1
Whenthis   option   isset   inaddition   to
AuthoritativeDirectory,  Tor  also  accepts and  serves
hidden service descriptors. (Default: 0)

HSAuthorityRecordStats 0|1
Whenthis   option   isset   inaddition   to
HSAuthoritativeDir, Tor periodically (every 15 minutes)
writes statistics about hidden  service usage to a file
hsusage  in its data directory. (Default: 0)

Used to  track hidden service  usage in terms  of fetch
and   publish   requests   to   this   hidden   service
authoritative  directory. Only  used when  recording of
statistics is enabled.

As I can  understand I need to enable all to  have something, right? The
first option is not only for directory servers?

And also, what kind of information I will have?


Description: PGP signature

Re: Hidden service usage

2009-09-20 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Mon, 21 Sep 2009 06:54:22 +0200 leandro noferini wrote:
I  would  like  to control  the  usage  (the  amount of  connections  or
something like) to a hidden service I have.

In the man page ( version) I found these directives:

   AuthoritativeDirectory 0|1
   When  this option  is  set  to 1,  Tor  operates as  an
   authoritative directory server.  Instead of caching the
   directory, it  generates its own list  of good servers,
   signs it,  and sends that  to the clients.   Unless the
   clients already have you listed as a trusted directory,
   you probably  do not want  to set this  option.  Please
   coordinate with the other admins at  if  you think  you  should be  a

   HSAuthoritativeDir 0|1
   Whenthis   option   isset   inaddition   to
   AuthoritativeDirectory,  Tor  also  accepts and  serves
   hidden service descriptors. (Default: 0)

   HSAuthorityRecordStats 0|1
   Whenthis   option   isset   inaddition   to
   HSAuthoritativeDir, Tor periodically (every 15 minutes)
   writes statistics about hidden  service usage to a file
   hsusage  in its data directory. (Default: 0)

   Used to  track hidden service  usage in terms  of fetch
   and   publish   requests   to   this   hidden   service
   authoritative  directory. Only  used when  recording of
   statistics is enabled.

As I can  understand I need to enable all to  have something, right? The

 To have what?

first option is not only for directory servers?

 Unless the tor developers have arranged with you for you to operate
a directory authority of some kind, you will not use any of the above options.
Other people would only have need to set those options in a laboratory
situation in which they were setting up their own internal tor network.  Do
NOT play with those options on tor relays running in the real-world tor

And also, what kind of information I will have?

 Please be more explicit about what you wish to do.

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *