Information at exit node.

2009-04-21 Thread Brent Clark


Still kinda new to Tor, so my questions is, what information can exactly 
be gathered by an exit node?

If someone can help me understand, if would be appreciated.

Kind Regards
Brent Clark

Re: Information at exit node.

2009-04-21 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Tue, 21 Apr 2009 09:30:08 +0200 Brent Clark
Still kinda new to Tor, so my questions is, what information can exactly 
be gathered by an exit node?

If someone can help me understand, if would be appreciated.

 For starters, the exit node has to have the IP address and port number
to which the stream wants a connection.  After that, the exit node sees all
data passing in either direction as part of the stream.  If those data happen
to be unencrypted, then anything embedded in the data can be collected.  This
latter is why the various recommended tor-related plug-ins for browsers have
been made available.  Each one performs many tasks, including attempts to
disable anything embedded in HTML, JavaScript, Java, etc. from being able to
report originating IP address information or other identifying inforemation
anywhere.  Please see, for example, the following warning.

See also the tor FAQ article, especially section 6, at

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *

Re: Information at exit node.

2009-04-21 Thread slush
Information available on exit node:
* Somebody is trying to communicate to some IP address
* Exit node knows identity of previous relay
* Exit node knows amount of transfered data
* In case of unsecured protocol (HTTP, FTP, Telnet) have exits full
access to transfered data and bad exits are able to modify this

Interesting paper on this topic:


2009/4/21 Brent Clark

 Still kinda new to Tor, so my questions is, what information can exactly be 
 gathered by an exit node?

 If someone can help me understand, if would be appreciated.

 Kind Regards
 Brent Clark

Re: Information at exit node.

2009-04-21 Thread Harry Hoffman

Hi Brent,

At the very least the src ip (although this would be another tor 
server), src port, dst ip, dst port, protocol (tcp), timestamp.

If the traffic is unencrypted (i.e. you browse to then 
you can also add application protocol (i.e. HTTP) and payload (i.e. GET 
/ HTTP/1.1 Host:


Brent Clark wrote:


Still kinda new to Tor, so my questions is, what information can exactly 
be gathered by an exit node?

If someone can help me understand, if would be appreciated.

Kind Regards
Brent Clark