
I was wondering if anyone has succeeded torifyng Mixminion.

usewithtor output:

$ usewithtor mixminion send -t x...@yyyy.zzz -i data.asc
libtorsocks: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library.
The error reported was: not found!
Mixminion version 0.0.8alpha3
This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not guaranteed.
Jan 30 20:06:10.819 +0100 [WARN] This software is newer than any version
on the recommended list.
Jan 30 20:06:10.820 +0100 [INFO] Generating payload(s)...
Jan 30 20:06:10.820 +0100 [INFO] Unrecognized zlib version: ''.
Spot-checking output
Jan 30 20:06:10.823 +0100 [INFO] Selected path is
Jan 30 20:06:10.851 +0100 [INFO] Packet queued
Jan 30 20:06:10.851 +0100 [INFO] Connecting...
20:06:10 libtorsocks(5017): connect: Connection is a UDP or ICMP stream,
may be a DNS request or other form of leak: rejecting.
Jan 30 20:06:25.678 +0100 [INFO] ... 1 sent
libtorsocks: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library.
The error reported was: not found!

tor logs:

Jan 30 19:42:07.822 [warn] Destination '[scrubbed]' seems to be an
invalid hostname. Failing.
Jan 30 20:06:10.851 [warn] Destination '[scrubbed]' seems to be an
invalid hostname. Failing.


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