Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-30 Thread Dominik Schaefer
On 30.04.09 00:24, Tripple Moon wrote:
 Yes I agree that those other factors, which were not mentioned yet, are 
 ofcourse also elements to take into account for differences. And like i 
 previously already admitted this is a difficult topic to make foolproof.
Actually you don't come with any concrete suggestions how you would like to do
it. That is not surprising because what you want to do is impossible.

 But...i disagree with your argument that my approach would contradict the 
 idea of Open-Source as that has noting todo with program's operational 
 logic but more with the public availability of the source codes.
Ok. Lets examine:
1) You publish source code - ok. But that alone is not open source.
2) You want to prevent people from compiling the code themselves.
3) You want to prevent people from changing and using the code.
4) You want to prevent people from writing alternative implementations.
I don't see how you can do this and still claim to support open source. (Maybe
you should read some more at and

[I will skip the rest, it would be a repetition.]

 I think we all agree that there is a growing need to somehow keep the tor
 network operating at maximum compatibility and stability. If the tor
 application wont get means to authenticate itself's internals, then im
 afraid (IMHO) we will be looking at a future with *many* independent tor
 networks who are not connected to each others cloud because of
For the purpose of inter-operability of networks or parts of a network there
exist design specifications which exactly describe how a client must behave.
It is not important, which language is used for programming or which platform,
compiler, libs, etc. as long as the software behaves according to that. (Would
you require that all the systems connected to the internet are authenticated
the way you desire? The result would be a mono-culture of systems which will
all fail at the same time with the same problem.)
The only thing you _might_ do: check for specific (mis-)behaviour of a given
node. (But the internet would not exist in its current form if the systems are
not at least partially accepting non-conforming behaviour.)

And if someone writes a client not behaving? First the chance is high, that it
will give a 'bad' user experience (performance, but most of all anonymity).
There is then little chance that that client will gain enough distribution to
be relevant. But if it does and it finally result in a split of networks? Ok,
let the better one win. ;-)


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Tripple Moon

first off, please only reply to the mailing-list address otherwise ppl like me 
are getting your messages double, just like you will get now...

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
[cut for clarity]
  Laying aside for the moment the matter of how the rest
 of the tor nodes
 should determine the trustworthiness/credibility of the tor
 instance making
 the announcement or even why the tor network, either as a
 whole or as
 individual nodes, should care about the integrity of a
 client (!), how to you
 propose to calculate a verification digest--a CRC would not
 likely be
 considered adequately reliable--based upon the executable
 binary of software
   a) comes in many successive version,
   b) can be compiled for many hardware architectures, not
 all of which
   are necessarily known to the developers,
   c) can be compiled for many operating systems, not all of
 which are
   necessarily known to the developers, and
   d) can be compiled by untold numbers of versions of many
   not all of which are necessarily known to the developers?
All of the above can be waifed void, when those versions are announced on the 
mailing list.
 IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the
 tor-network will make it more secure and manageable.
  More secure and manageable for whom??  Big Brother? 
 Obviously not for
 the supposedly anonymous tor user...jeesh.
Ofcourse not silly
- More secure for the anonymous tor user because he will be forced to upgrade 
its client to stay connected to the tor-network, if (s)he doesn't upgrade 
his/her insecure client (s)he will be denied by other tor's to the network.
- More manageable for the tor development team, because they will know exactly 
which versions are being used by current users of the tor program.
 Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program
 handles things at present, so if its already done like that
 or even better just disregard what i wrote :D
  It doesn't, and it shouldn't.


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Nils Vogels
On 4/29/09, Tripple Moon wrote:

  IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the tor-network
  will make it more secure and manageable.
   More secure and manageable for whom??  Big Brother?
  Obviously not for
  the supposedly anonymous tor user...jeesh.

 Ofcourse not silly
 - More secure for the anonymous tor user because he will be forced to 
 its client to stay connected to the tor-network, if (s)he doesn't upgrade 
 insecure client (s)he will be denied by other tor's to the network.
 - More manageable for the tor development team, because they will know
 exactly which versions are being used by current users of the tor program.

IMHO, just adding a list of allowed versions in the consensus will
accomplish just that, without the need of all that extra traffic and
CRC complexity.


Simple guidelines to happiness:
Work like you don't need the money,
Love like your heart has never been broken and
Dance like no one can see you.

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Tripple Moon

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Ted Smith wrote:

 From: Ted Smith
 Subject: Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)
 Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:51 PM
 On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 03:01 -0700, Tripple Moon wrote:
  --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
   From: Scott Bennett
  Subject: Re: 25 tbreg
   relays in directory  To:
  Date: Tuesday, April
   28, 2009, 12:57 AM [cut for clarity]   That
 brings up something
   that has bothered me for a  long time.  When 
 tor discovers that its
   version doesn't match any in  either
 client-versions  or
   server-versions, it currently writes complaints about
 it  to the
   log(s),  but seems to do nothing further about
 it.  I'd like to  see
   either of the  following.   a) Addition
 of three lines to the
   consensus documents to  prevent use of
 unsafe versions of tor
   [etc...cut for clarity] I also agree that there
 should be version
   checking, i didn't even know it wasn't done
 so already... :( I would
   furthermore suggest to build a version fingerprint
 that uses some
   remotely calculated CRC value of the client. My
 reason for that is to
   prevent the tor network to be poluted by specialy
   versions, which might endanger the security of the
 whole network. (Let
   your imagination do a free run on possibilities in
 such cases). By
   remotely calculated CRC-value of the
 client i mean that the
   destination does the CRC calculation of the
 connecting client. Yes
   this means the client needs to send all of its
 binary-self to the
   destination. After this CRC-value has been calculated
 _once_ by a
   destination, that destination should announce the
 presence of the
   client to the whole network if its a valid client
 (not matter in what
   mode it runs). These CRC-values could be centrally
 maintained by the
   tor-development center and made accessible public or
 by a hidden
  IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the
 tor-network will make it more secure and manageable.
  Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program
 handles things at present, so if its already done like that
 or even better just disregard what i wrote :D
 So you propose sending the whole of the Tor binary over the
 having the authority do a CRC on it, and using that to
 check for
 validity? Just making sure I have the right impression.
Well yes kind-of...
But instead of the binary on file, the binary in memory...
And the check could just as well be done by another already accepted node.
Just like the trust rings work for SSL certificates, when a trusted certifacate 
issues a trust for another


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 03:13:52 -0700 (PDT) Tripple Moon wrote:
first off, please only reply to the mailing-list address otherwise ppl like me 
are getting your messages double, just like you will get now...

 My apologies.  You did request that before, and I simply forgot.
It is accepted courtesy on most mailing lists to address a followup
both to the list and to the author of the article(s) being followed up.
When someone asks me to deviate from that standard, I am happy to
oblige, but just made a mistake in this case.  I will try to remember
better in the future.

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
[cut for clarity]
  Laying aside for the moment the matter of how the rest
 of the tor nodes
 should determine the trustworthiness/credibility of the tor
 instance making
 the announcement or even why the tor network, either as a
 whole or as
 individual nodes, should care about the integrity of a
 client (!), how to you
 propose to calculate a verification digest--a CRC would not
 likely be
 considered adequately reliable--based upon the executable
 binary of software
  a) comes in many successive version,
  b) can be compiled for many hardware architectures, not
 all of which
  are necessarily known to the developers,
  c) can be compiled for many operating systems, not all of
 which are
  necessarily known to the developers, and
  d) can be compiled by untold numbers of versions of many
  not all of which are necessarily known to the developers?
All of the above can be waifed void, when those versions are announced on the 
mailing list.

 Waifed?  What language are you borrowing that from?  And what does
it mean?  Waif in English is a noun having a meaning that bears no
obvious connection to this discussion.
 Hmm...on the off-chance that you intended to type waived, I think I
can see an intended meaning, although the use of the word is still incorrect
in this context.  Please keep in mind that tor is distributed in a number
of forms, one of which is source code that can be compiled on any version
of any system with a compatible C compiler and required libraries.  I
frankly doubt that anyone on this list or on the development team could
come up with the definitive, comprehensive list of such systems.
 An item I missed when writing the list above is that the required
libraries, which are independent of the tor project, of course, also
come in a wide variety of versions, architectures, and operating system
implementations and may have been compiled under a variety of different
C compilers and versions.
 If my speculation about your intended meaning is correct, then on the
face of it, your suggestion is outlandish.
 IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the
 tor-network will make it more secure and manageable.
  More secure and manageable for whom??  Big Brother? 
 Obviously not for
 the supposedly anonymous tor user...jeesh.
Ofcourse not silly
- More secure for the anonymous tor user because he will be forced to 
upgrade its client to stay connected to the tor-network, if (s)he doesn't 
upgrade his/her insecure client (s)he will be denied by other tor's to the 

 While simultaneously adding to his/her risk of breached anonymity?
While offering him/her no anonymity at all in obtaining an up-to-date version?
While still allowing, as another writer has pointed out (sorry, I've deleted
the message and have forgotten who wrote it) already, a tampered client to
send an unaltered copy for checking?

- More manageable for the tor development team, because they will know exactly 
which versions are being used by current users of the tor program.

 The tor development team probably doesn't need to know that.  They
already make tor available in forms compatible with the most common systems,
while providing source code for those who need/want to make it work on their
own systems.  For example, tor is available in precompiled bundles for
Micro$lop Windows systems and Mac OS X systems.  It is also available in
forms for easy installation onto several kinds of LINUX systems.  For UNIX
systems other than Mac OS X, it is necessary to download the source and
compile it.  That includes *BSD systems, Solaris systems, and so on.
 I think you really need to spend more time thinking about the
ramifications of what you suggest before posting them.
 Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program
 handles things at present, so if its already done like that
 or even better just disregard what i wrote :D
  It doesn't, and it shouldn't.

 In case it is unclear to the casual reader, my statement above was
in reference to any sort of verification of clients any other part of the
tor network.

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett 

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Tripple Moon

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
 All of the above can be waifed void, when those
 versions are announced on the mailing list.
  Waifed?  What language are you borrowing
 that from?  And what does
 it mean?  Waif in English is a noun having a
 meaning that bears no
 obvious connection to this discussion.
  Hmm...on the off-chance that you intended to type
 waived, I think I
 can see an intended meaning, although the use of the word
 is still incorrect in this context.
Yes apologies for my non-perfect English, im not a native English speaking 
person :)
What i mean was those arguments can be eliminated.
(better now? :D)


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Vlad SATtva Miller
Tripple Moon (29.04.2009 17:33):
 And if somebody wanted to circumvent, I would think the
 client could be
 modified so that when it claimed to be uploading itself, it
 was actually
 uploading a copy of an unmodified binary.  Am I missing
 Well yea thats upto the implementation of this behavior, and i wholeheartedly 
 would suggest to _not_ allow any uploads of external files.
 By external files i mean using file-open routines, it should only upload the 
 current running instance of the tor-application.
 And ofcourse like you already mentioned they could create a modified version 
 which indeed does what you say.
 So this is a hard-egg to crack for me personally atm :)

There is no way in the Universe to accomplish this. Do you see much (if
any) unbreakable DRM systems around? Think about this for awhile.

SATtva | security  privacy consulting |

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Dominik Schaefer
On 29.04.09 12:33, Tripple Moon wrote:
 Also what would be gained from a CRC based on the *binary*?
 Wouldn't that change according to the system that compiled it?
 Yes it *will* chance depending on the compiled (source-)version and 
 architecture and compiler used.
 But those variables are far less in quantity as the possible individual 
 modified versions
It will not only change with architecture, exact versions of compiler and OS,
and source code revision (think of all the people using the svn/git repo), but
also with compiler options controlling optimization/code generation, ABI,
statically vs. dynamically linked libs and probably a bunch of other. As you
combine all these you create a huge amount of possible permutations.
But it is anyway useless, because any client can upload any data it wants to
and claim it is its own binary.
BTW: Do you know, that there are independent implementations of Tor based on
the official design documents? And that this is actually encouraged by the
authors of Tor?
BTW2: Your approach of locking out other implementations contradicts any idea
of open source and inter-operability.


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 04:04:42 -0700 (PDT) Tripple Moon wrote:
--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
 All of the above can be waifed void, when those
 versions are announced on the mailing list.
  Waifed?  What language are you borrowing
 that from?  And what does
 it mean?  Waif in English is a noun having a
 meaning that bears no
 obvious connection to this discussion.
  Hmm...on the off-chance that you intended to type
 waived, I think I
 can see an intended meaning, although the use of the word
 is still incorrect in this context.
Yes apologies for my non-perfect English, im not a native English speaking 
person :)
What i mean was those arguments can be eliminated.
(better now? :D)

 Thank you for the clarification.  I hope that the rest of what I wrote
in response to your previous message, as well as what a few others have
written, has made it clear to you why those arguments *cannot* be eliminated.

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Arjan
Nils Vogels wrote:

 IMHO, just adding a list of allowed versions in the consensus will
 accomplish just that, without the need of all that extra traffic and
 CRC complexity.

Use as much donated network capacity as possible without reducing
anonymity by treating exit nodes and other nodes differently:
- Old exit nodes: Use them, but increase the circuit length by 1
- Other old nodes: Don't use them at all

Old versions that are remotely exploitable should be automatically
shutdown. Maybe the directory authorities could instruct them to do that?.
If that's not possible, they should not be listed in the directory to
reduce the risk of them getting compromised. That won't help for
existing nodes with static IP, but it will help in other cases.

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Tripple Moon

--- On Wed, 4/29/09, Dominik Schaefer wrote:

 From: Dominik Schaefer
 Subject: Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)
 Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 7:18 AM
 On 29.04.09 12:33, Tripple Moon wrote:
  Also what would be gained from a CRC based on the
  Wouldn't that change according to the system
 that compiled it?
  Yes it *will* chance depending on the compiled
 (source-)version and architecture and compiler used.
  But those variables are far less in quantity as the
 possible individual modified versions
 It will not only change with architecture, exact versions
 of compiler and OS,
 and source code revision (think of all the people using the
 svn/git repo), but
 also with compiler options controlling optimization/code
 generation, ABI,
 statically vs. dynamically linked libs and probably a bunch
 of other. As you
 combine all these you create a huge amount of possible
 But it is anyway useless, because any client can upload any
 data it wants to
 and claim it is its own binary.
 BTW: Do you know, that there are independent
 implementations of Tor based on
 the official design documents? And that this is actually
 encouraged by the
 authors of Tor?
 BTW2: Your approach of locking out other implementations
 contradicts any idea
 of open source and inter-operability.
Yes I agree that those other factors, which were not mentioned yet, are 
ofcourse also elements to take into account for differences.
And like i previously already admitted this is a difficult topic to make 
(much like making any software foolproof infact)
But...i disagree with your argument that my approach would contradict the idea 
of Open-Source as that has noting todo with program's operational logic but 
more with the public availability of the source codes.
Same with interoperability which is also based on operational logic embedded in 

About those independent implementations:
Ofcourse its a great way to improve any software that is Open-Source to allow 
independent modifications to the source code.
But if those changes remain unknown to the development-team of the original 
software project, then *thats* where problems arise...
Not only from a security P.O.V. but perhaps also concerning licensing 
IMHO, all and i mean *all* modifications of the original code and/or design 
should be committed to the development-tree, that's how things get improved and 
fixed etc by the community that maintains the development of the project.
We all know how M$ started, right old-guys around? ^^
(Yes billy G. there are still ppl walking around the planet who wont forget how 
you started that buggy OS)

I think we all agree that there is a growing need to somehow keep the tor 
network operating at maximum compatibility and stability.
If the tor application wont get means to authenticate itself's internals, then 
im afraid (IMHO) we will be looking at a future with *many* independent tor 
networks who are not connected to each others cloud because of differences...


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-29 Thread Jim McClanahan
Tripple Moon wrote:

 IMHO, all and i mean *all* modifications of the original code and/or design 
 should be committed to the development-tree, that's how things get improved 
 and fixed etc by the community that maintains the development of the project.

The problem with your logic (leaving aside the questions of whether it
is desire or doable) is that it is *source* code that gets committed to
the development tree, but you are wanting to authenticate against
*object* code (at least that's what it used to be called), i.e.,
binaries.  If there were a way to authenticate against *source* code
(yeah, right) then your plan might be doable, even if not desirable. 
But when I compile my code (and I do), the resulting binary is dependent
on the particulars of my system.  I suspect if I compiled it on two
different machines (and I have) I would get two different binaries even
when I start with the same source.

 If the tor application wont get means to authenticate itself's
internals, then im afraid (IMHO) we will be looking at a future with
*many* independent tor networks who are not connected to each others
cloud because of differences...

The need is for the code to be interoperable.  Interoperability is a
much lower threshold than authenticating binaries people run. 
Presumably your desire to authenticate stems from lack of trust -- i.e.
fear of an attacker.   But attackers are (or can be) clever and I don't
think that even in *prinicple* you can reliably authenticate w/o
requiring things that would destroy anonymity.  That is, before you can
trust me, you have to know who I am (with certainty) and what I am
doing.  If you don't know who I am I can tell you anything I want (such
as what binary I'm running) and you won't know the difference.

Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-28 Thread Tripple Moon

--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:

 From: Scott Bennett
 Subject: Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory
 Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 12:57 AM
[cut for clarity]
  That brings up something that has bothered me for a
 long time.  When
 tor discovers that its version doesn't match any in
 either client-versions
 or server-versions, it currently writes complaints about it
 to the log(s),
 but seems to do nothing further about it.  I'd like to
 see either of the
   a) Addition of three lines to the consensus documents to
 prevent use
  of unsafe versions of tor
[etc...cut for clarity]
I also agree that there should be version checking, i didn't even know it 
wasn't done so already... :(
I would furthermore suggest to build a version fingerprint that uses some 
remotely calculated CRC value of the client.
My reason for that is to prevent the tor network to be poluted by specialy 
tweaked/altered versions, which might endanger the security of the whole 
(Let your imagination do a free run on possibilities in such cases).
By remotely calculated CRC-value of the client i mean that the destination 
does the CRC calculation of the connecting client.
Yes this means the client needs to send all of its binary-self to the 
After this CRC-value has been calculated _once_ by a destination, that 
destination should announce the presence of the client to the whole network if 
its a valid client (not matter in what mode it runs).
These CRC-values could be centrally maintained by the tor-development center 
and made accessible public or by a hidden service.

IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the tor-network will make it more 
secure and manageable.
Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program handles things at 
present, so if its already done like that or even better just disregard what i 
wrote :D


Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-28 Thread Scott Bennett
 On Tue, 28 Apr 2009 03:01:30 -0700 (PDT) Tripple Moon wrote:
--- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:

 From: Scott Bennett
 Subject: Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory
 Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 12:57 AM
[cut for clarity]
  That brings up something that has bothered me for a
 long time.  When
 tor discovers that its version doesn't match any in
 either client-versions
 or server-versions, it currently writes complaints about it
 to the log(s),
 but seems to do nothing further about it.  I'd like to
 see either of the
  a) Addition of three lines to the consensus documents to
 prevent use
 of unsafe versions of tor
[etc...cut for clarity]
I also agree that there should be version checking, i didn't even know it 
wasn't done so already... :(
I would furthermore suggest to build a version fingerprint that uses some 
remotely calculated CRC value of the client.
My reason for that is to prevent the tor network to be poluted by specialy 
tweaked/altered versions, which might endanger the security of the whole 
(Let your imagination do a free run on possibilities in such cases).
By remotely calculated CRC-value of the client i mean that the destination 
does the CRC calculation of the connecting client.
Yes this means the client needs to send all of its binary-self to the 
After this CRC-value has been calculated _once_ by a destination, that 
destination should announce the presence of the client to the whole network if 
its a valid client (not matter in what mode it runs).
These CRC-values could be centrally maintained by the tor-development center 
and made accessible public or by a hidden service.

 Laying aside for the moment the matter of how the rest of the tor nodes
should determine the trustworthiness/credibility of the tor instance making
the announcement or even why the tor network, either as a whole or as
individual nodes, should care about the integrity of a client (!), how to you
propose to calculate a verification digest--a CRC would not likely be
considered adequately reliable--based upon the executable binary of software
a) comes in many successive version,

b) can be compiled for many hardware architectures, not all of which
are necessarily known to the developers,

c) can be compiled for many operating systems, not all of which are
necessarily known to the developers, and

d) can be compiled by untold numbers of versions of many compilers,
not all of which are necessarily known to the developers?

IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the tor-network will make it 
more secure and manageable.

 More secure and manageable for whom??  Big Brother?  Obviously not for
the supposedly anonymous tor user...jeesh.

Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program handles things at 
present, so if its already done like that or even better just disregard what i 
wrote :D

 It doesn't, and it shouldn't.

  Scott Bennett, Comm. ASMELG, CFIAG
* Internet:   bennett at  *
* A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at all times a good  *
* objection to the introduction of that bane of all free governments *
* -- a standing army.   *
*-- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28 January 1790 *

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-28 Thread Jim McClanahan
 By remotely calculated CRC-value of the client i mean that the
destination does the CRC calculation of the connecting client.
 Yes this means the client needs to send all of its binary-self to the 

That would be a pretty big upload for a dial-up user!

I am also wondering what kind of danger you think a *client* can have
for the Tor network.

And if somebody wanted to circumvent, I would think the client could be
modified so that when it claimed to be uploading itself, it was actually
uploading a copy of an unmodified binary.  Am I missing something?

Also what would be gained from a CRC based on the *binary*?  Wouldn't
that change according to the system that compiled it?

Re: Version checking (was Re: 25 tbreg relays in directory)

2009-04-28 Thread Ted Smith
On Tue, 2009-04-28 at 03:01 -0700, Tripple Moon wrote:
 --- On Tue, 4/28/09, Scott Bennett wrote:
  From: Scott Bennett  Subject: Re: 25 tbreg
  relays in directory  To:  Date: Tuesday, April
  28, 2009, 12:57 AM [cut for clarity]   That brings up something
  that has bothered me for a  long time.  When  tor discovers that its
  version doesn't match any in  either client-versions  or
  server-versions, it currently writes complaints about it  to the
  log(s),  but seems to do nothing further about it.  I'd like to  see
  either of the  following. a) Addition of three lines to the
  consensus documents to  prevent use   of unsafe versions of tor
  [etc...cut for clarity] I also agree that there should be version
  checking, i didn't even know it wasn't done so already... :( I would
  furthermore suggest to build a version fingerprint that uses some
  remotely calculated CRC value of the client. My reason for that is to
  prevent the tor network to be poluted by specialy tweaked/altered
  versions, which might endanger the security of the whole network. (Let
  your imagination do a free run on possibilities in such cases). By
  remotely calculated CRC-value of the client i mean that the
  destination does the CRC calculation of the connecting client. Yes
  this means the client needs to send all of its binary-self to the
  destination. After this CRC-value has been calculated _once_ by a
  destination, that destination should announce the presence of the
  client to the whole network if its a valid client (not matter in what
  mode it runs). These CRC-values could be centrally maintained by the
  tor-development center and made accessible public or by a hidden
 IMHO, this kind of login procedure to enter the tor-network will make it 
 more secure and manageable.
 Again, i have _no_ idea at present how the tor program handles things at 
 present, so if its already done like that or even better just disregard what 
 i wrote :D
So you propose sending the whole of the Tor binary over the network,
having the authority do a CRC on it, and using that to check for
validity? Just making sure I have the right impression.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part