Hello ,

Hope you are doing great!

I am* Amit,  *Technical Recruiter with *Sysmind LLC*, Please do let me know
your interest for the given requirement.

And Kindly revert me back with your *updated resume*, if you are interested
with the below mentioned position.If you have any query please give me a
call on *609-897-9670 EXT-4009*.

If you are not available in the market, it will be really appreciable if
you can share any reference for the requirement.

PLEASE reply me with best sutible consultant on :-  am...@sysmind.com

Jobs Details

Role     :  Developer Java J2EE

Experience Level     :        3-5YEAR

Location : ENGLEWOOD ,CO

Duration   :         6+month

RATE :$39/hour c2c


Required Skill(s)              Java-J2EE (L2) , Java-J2EE (L3) , JDBC -
Java Database Connectivity (L2) , JSF - JavaServer Faces (L2) , XML (L2) ,
Web Services (L2) , Web 2.0 (L2)

Essential Skill(s)               Core Java (L4) , Java-J2EE (L2)

Additional Skill(s)           Hibernate (L1) , Spring (L1) , Struts (L1)

Skill1 - Java-J2EE (L2)

Should be able to write programs independently.Good at advanced JE
conceptssuch as Distributed transactional computing, n-tier J2EE
architecture,Distributed multitier applications, Java 2 platform, JE
components,Container services, Container types, JE servers and Containers &
Applicationdeployment architecture. Knowledge in JE APIs such as EJB, JMS,
Security,Transaction, JNDI, Connector & WebServices. Good understanding of
JEpackaging, Common J2EE design patterns, J2EE lifecycle and roles.Should
know how to use the inbuilt classes like Validator class andhow to separate
the view from model and controller in JE architecture.Should have good
knowledge of build scripting and build tools like ANT.JE includes
technologies like HTML, Javascript, JDBC, JSP, Servlets,Struts, XML,EJB.
Should know how to write and execute unit test cases

Skill2 - Java-J2EE (L3)

Should be able to design, develop, debug programsindependently and mentor
others. Good understanding of Java EE 5 platform,Annotations, JPA,
Dependency injection, EJB 3.0, Web services, JSF 1.2, JSP2.1, Servlet 2.5,
JSTL 1.2 and the simpler packaging rules. Aware of JMX, JTA.Usage of right
Design Patterns, proper user, session managements, should alsobe conversent
with developing application with various presentation andpersistence
models, Performance optimizations, Caching. Should be able todesign using
J2EE technologies.

Skill3 - JDBC - Java Database Connectivity (L2)

Programmer: Should be able to write programs independently. Should have
goodunderstanding in following areas - DDL, DML, Joins, Expressions,
Operators,Conditions, Functions, Clauses, Sub Queries, Transaction
Control,Authorization. good knowledge of various DB objects. Stored
Procedures.Overview of Transaction Isolation levels/Concurrency and should
have applied inone or more application. Connection Pooling. Should know how
to write andexecute unit test cases

Skill4 - JSF - JavaServer Faces (L2)

Programmer: Should be able to write programs independently. Clearly know
theAdvantages and disadvantages of JSF, Details of installing and
configuring JSF,Static and dynamic navigation - Developing application &
JSF flow. Goodunderstanding of the Steps in using JSF, Managed beans, JSF
ExpressionLanguage, Accessing collections, Resource Bundle, JSF Standard
Component Tag(h) library and Validating user inputs. Understanding UI
panel, Graphic Imagetag, component rendering, localised data handling,
standard converters,registering listeners, bindings, backing bean methods,
custom objects etc.Should know how to write and execute unit test cases

Skill5 - XML (L2)

Programmer: Should be able to write programs independently. Should be
having1) Strong XML skills with a working knowledge of associated
technologies i.e.DOM, SAX,DTD, understanding of OO/OOAD 2) Good exposure on
developingapplication using XSL/XSLT/XPointer/XPATH 3) Should have working
knowledge onXSL-FO 4) Should be able to debug the XML aaplications and
develop the testcasesest suits or test framework using for XML based
applications 5) Shouldknow how to write and execute unit test cases

Skill6 - Web Services (L2)

Programmer: Should be able to write programs independently in
Webservicesapplications. Should have experience with one of the Web Service
Engines suchas Axis, Web Services implementaions in popular Application
Servers such asWeblogic, Websphere Application Servers, Jboss, etc.. Should
be able tounderstand and implement more Complex Web Services. Should be
aware ofMarshalling and Unmarshalling principles. Should be aware of
Java-XML Binders

Skill7 - Web 2.0 (L2)

Programmer: Should be able to write programs independently. Should have
hands-on experience in AJAX, RIA, Mashups, RSS feeds, Weblog HTML, XHTML.
Experiencein Photoshop/Flash techniques to produce good user interface.
Should know howto write and execute unit test cases

Essential Skill(s)

Skill1 - Core Java (L4)

Should be aware of the following concepts of Core Java.1) Fundamental
concepts (JVM, Java environment, primitive types,references, pass by value,
packages, imports, static import,JAR concepts, command line arguments,
system properties, assignments,expressions, operators, exception
handling)2) Declarations, Initializations and Scoping3) Flow Control -
Usage of for loop, switch, if, while, enhanced for;4) API Contents of
String related classes, Object, Wrapper classes,Autoboxing, File Streams,
Serialization, Dates, Numbers, Currency,Parsing, Tokenizing, Formatting5)
Concurrency Concepts6) Object oriented concepts (Class, Methods, Access
specifiers,Inheritance, Abstract classes, Interfaces), Inner Classes7)
Collection Framework and Generics8) Assertions9) Enums, Variable Argument
Lists10) Annotations11) Regular Expressions12) Reflection13) Networking
(URL, URI, Sockets, Datagrams)14) JNI15) Java Logging Framework16)
Internationalization. Additionally should have the awareneness of
thefollowing concepts.17) RMI18) XML(DOM and SAX)19) Preferences API20)
JDBC21) Java Security22) Java Beans23) Java Web Start24) Java Mail25)
JNDI26) JMX27) Should be having good hands-on experience with at least one
of the IDEslike Eclipse, NetBeans, JBuilder, JDeveloper, IntelliJ to build,
debug anapplication. Should be having good hands-on experience with at
least onestatic analysis tool like PMD, Findbugs, JTest. Should know to
install,configure rules. Should be able to fix the errors reported through
thestatic analyzer tool. Should be having good hands-on experience withat
least one optimizer tool like JProbe, OptimizeIt. Should be havinggood
hands-on experience with at least one profiling tool like JProfile.

Skill3 - Struts (L1)

Should be aware of fundamentals on What is Struts, Advantages,
Framework,Architecture, Installation. Creating simple Struts application
using ActionServlet, Action Class, Config file, Deployment Descriptor,
Action Form. Shouldunderstand - what is unit testing (Screen testing, Class
testing etc. what touse when)

Thanks & Regards,

Amit Yadav

IT Recruiter

Email: am...@sysmind.com


Phone:609-897-9670 Extn 4009

Fax: 302-269-7171

Address: 38 Washington Road, Princeton Junction, NJ 08850

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