I have been having some problems with this statement

SELECT to_char(NVL(SUM(bet_amount),0))
FROM sb_bets
WHERE processed_DATE >= add_months(TO_DATE('07011999 000000','MMDDYYYY HH24MISS'),19-1) AND processed_DATE < add_months(TO_DATE('07011999 000000','MMDDYYYY HH24MISS'),19) AND customer_id in (select customer_id
customers.customer_id=sb_bets.customer_id and LICENSEE_ID=6130)

Both tables are full access no indexes used.  There is an index on sb_bets.processed_date and customers.customer_id is a primary key and customers.licensee_id has an index also.  Of course this query may just pull too many customer ids to bother with an index.  But that is not too bad only 200000 records in customers but over 12 million in sb_bets.  Is there a better way of writing this query?  I have tried hints but still nothing changed.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Please email me for any further info thanks.



Matt Southcott
(268) 480 1734

Matthew Southcott.vcf

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