Hi Listers,


            I am trying to configure a two-node Oracle9i RAC on Redhat Linux AS 2.1.  I have 2 network cards in each node.  Oracle doc. says that one of the network cards has to be on a public network and the other network card on a private network each configured with static ips.  Does this mean that the first network card is configured with a static ip which is resolved by the DNS Server and on a network and the other network card is configured with any junk ip which need not be resolved by DNS Server and need not be on the network?  Can I configure the RAC with this understanding?  Please clarify.


            Does anybody have an exhaustive document on configuring Oracle9i RAC on RH Linux AS 2.1 on a two-node/four-node cluster apart from the RAC install-tips document at technet.oracle.com?  If so, can they pass it on to me please?  If not, can anybody please let me know any URL from where I can download the same?


Thanks and Regards,




MailFiler [RK-ANH8LQ2]

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