RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-16 Thread Stephen Lee

 -Original Message-
 you forgot to list the answers :)

Having been a past sys admin, it was difficult to resist the temptation to
respond to the initial post.  But, since at least one person appears to have
taken it as an indication of what kind of sys admin a candidate will be, I
could resist no longer.  This kind of questioning is sort of like expecting
an Oracle DBA to walk up to a box and type out a complete CREATE DATABASE
command that is appropriate for whatever version of Oracle is installed on
the box.  It tests the ability to memorize trivia rather than what you might
expect during normal daily operations.  Knowing that most facts can be
looked up, I would be much more interested in the person's general
philosophy of how to manage things.  Is the person a control oriented person
or a service oriented person?  Try to determine if the person tends to take
the time to do things right, or if they tend to go for the quick and dirty

Even though automation through scripting involves talent that most people do
not have (just like most people are not talented musicians even if they
learn a lot about music), I would still try to get some idea of how much
talent the candidate has.  Somebody who is a skilled script writer can, in
effect, work 24 hours per day in surrogate form via cron.

In general, I would place much less emphasis on the ability to spout off
academic facts and more emphasis on practical day to day technique.  I think
some probing of the candidate's knowledge of backup and recovery is
appropriate -- which means you kind of have to learn some of that yourself.

I took the liberty of providing what I think are good answers to some of the

 -Original Message-

 1) What is an inode? Bonus: What important piece of file 
 information is NOT stored in the inode?

Might be better to ask the pros and cons and having many inodes as opposed
to few; circumstances when you would not want to go with the default number
you get when you create a file system (never happened when I was a sys

Answer: If this file system is to be used for storing an outrageous number
of little files, you might consider increasing the number.  In the old days
when disks were expensive, and you knew that only a few big files were going
on the file system,  you might get a little more storage by cutting back on
the inodes.

I think a more practical question would be to ask how to determine if two
file names refer to the same file; that is, the names are hard links.

Answer: They have the same inode number as displayed by ls -i

You could ask for a discussion of soft links versus hard links.  For
- soft links can refer to something on another file system; hard links
- a file exists as long as it has at least one hard link; a soft link can
point to a non-existent file.
- you can rename a file by creating a hard link, then rm the original file
name; can't do that with soft links.
- a soft link is essentially a file; a hard link is not.

You might ask the circumstances under which the admin would AND has used
soft links.  In the past, I had the unpleasant experience of inheriting
servers where the previous admin(s) had made extensive use of soft links
resulting in boxes rife with spaghetti file systems.  This usually happens
because, for one reason or another, a bunch of files need to be moved from
one place to another; then instead of fixing whatever uses those files to
tell it to go the new location, a soft link to the new location gets created
as a quick and dirty solution.  These things accumulate, and eventually you
have a mess and booby traps ready to blow up.

 2) What is priority paging and how does it work? (mildly dated, but
 useful if they claim to have been around for a while)

Never heard of it.  Sounds like a term for a type of swapping (lazy versus
not lazy).

 3) What does sr stand for in vmstat output?

man vmstat.

Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
  procs  memorypagesintr   cpu
  r   w   u  act free wire fault  cow zero react  pin pout  in  sy  cs us sy
 10  1K  49 914K 279K  90K  130G 500M   1G   363 615M2 389 44K  3K 17 13

Ummm . got no sr here 

 4) How would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to force it to
 be full duplex?

I guess if this were a common daily activity, you would want somebody to
know how to do this.  For most places, you might do this ... o ... maybe
once per year ... maybe.

 5) How does RAID-5 work?  Bonus question: how does raid-4 work?
 Extra-extra bonus question: how does raid-3 work?

Most people will know that it involves stripe with parity; but better, I
think, to ask about pros and cons of RAID-5 versus 0+1 (or 1+0).

 6) What's the difference between the passwd and the shadow files?

This is OK.  I think I would phrase it as: What is the purpose of a shadow

Answer: It's where the encrypted password is 

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-16 Thread Matthew Zito

Yeah, wellummm...yeah, okay - that was dumb of me.  Here they are:

1) What is an inode?
Answer: An inode is an on-disk data structure that contains information
about a file.  Useful things it includes are size, modification time,
and number of links that point to it (among other things)
Bonus: What is not included in an inode?
Answer: The file name.  That comes from the referencing directory entry.

2) What is priority paging and how does it work?
Answer (short version): Priority paging is a workaround for an
irritating VM problem on Solaris 2.6 (and 7? memory escapes me at the
moment) where buffered filesystem data was considered equally valued as
application memory, and so large amounts of buffered filesystem i/o
could actually cause applications to be swapped out.  Priority paging,
enabled in the /etc/system file, modifies the paging algorithm to reduce
the effects of that.  It doesn't come by default in solaris 2.6 - you
need to install a later kernel patch for it (105181-21? maybe? bueller?)

3)What does sr stand for in vmstat output?
Answer: Scan Rate - how often the kernel is sweeping through memory
space looking for pages that can be marked inactive.  It is not a
problem necessarily, but rather an indication of memory pressure.

4) how would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to force it to
be full duplex?
Answer: ndd /dev/ge and there's like four parameters you have to set,
plus turning the autoneg_cap off. 

5) How does raid-5 work?
Answer: According to BAARF, poorly.
Answer: dedicated parity disk
Answer: dedicated parity disk w/ synchronized spindles

6) Difference between passwd and shadow files?
Answer: the passwd has a x where the crypted password hash would be,
while the hash goes in the shadow file.  That's to prevent brute-force
space searches for passwords by non-root users.  The side effect,
though, is that now applications that authenticate users need to be
setuid, which opens up other secuity holes.  The moral?  You can't win.

7) What's the difference between rdsk and dsk?
Answer: rdsk is raw, which has two implications - one, its a character
device and two, it bypasses the system buffer cache.  
Bonus: difference between block and character?
Answer: character devices take input one character at a time, while
block devices take a quantity of data. The system calls for accessing
said data also differ, but its too much to write now.

8) How do journaling filesystems work?
Answer: by creating a journal, or intent log, about metadata changes
that are going to occur to the filesystem. When a crash occurs, the
journal is replayed.

9) What's the difference between ssh and telnet?  Why is one preferable
over the other?
Answer: ssh is encrypted, which protects not just against people
sniffing your traffic, but it prevents malicious session hijacking as
well.  There's no justification for telnet anymore - at the point when a
cisco router can run ssh, so can your servers.

10) What's the difference between the e4000 and e4500, 6000 and 6500,
Answer: the backplane (and hence, processor) speed.  the eX500 series
runs at a 100 MHz on the backplane, while the eX000 runs at 83? (not
sure).  The one exception is the e6500, which runs at 90 MHz normally
due to its increased centerplane length.

11) What happens on an E6500 when I add boards in the bottom two slots?
Answer: the centerplane steps down again from 90 MHz to 83, making it
the same speed as an E6000 at that point.  The problem is the length of
the centerplane and electrical latencystupid speed of light.

12) On an Sbus e-class I/O tray, what performance considerations do I
have to keep in mind when I'm installing Sbus cards?
Answer: even though there are three sbus slots in a Sun I/O tray, there
are only two controllers.  Slot 0 is its own sbus controller, and then
slots 1 and 2 share one.  So, distribute your heavy vs. low i/o cards

13) Why is NIS bad?
Answer: no encryption, no strong authentication, no non-repudiation -
basically completely devoid of any of the major AAA (Authorization,
Authentication, and Accounting) principles of security systems.  

14) What's the diff between TCP and UDP?
Answer: tcp is connection-oriented,  has all sorts of crafty algorithms
to improve performance.  UDP has none of those things. 

15) How does DNS work?
Answer: tree-based directory infrastructure, concepts of recursion and
authoritative delegation.  Too much to write in this email.
Bonus: Is DNS TCP or UDP?
Answer: Both.  DNS requests and responses smaller than 512 bytes are
UDP.  If for some reason a request results in a 512 byte response, the
server sends back a UDP packet with the TC (truncate) bit sent and the
client retries using TCP.  Also, zone transfers are always TCP.

Bleh.  There.  My secrets are revealed.  Good thing I don't have to deal
with Solaris much anymore.


Matthew Zito
GridApp Systems
Cell: 646-220-3551
Phone: 212-358-8211 x 359

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-16 Thread Matthew Zito

Well, the purpose of the original post was to list a set of questions
that, while admittedly academic in that they involve facts, cross 1) a
broad cross-section of what a sysadmin might be asked to do and 2) range
from easy to difficult.  

The point is not to know the answer to every question, though if they
do, bully for them.  The point is for what they don't know, can they use
related knowledge they do have to answer the question?  I was always far
happier when someone said something like, You know, I'm not sure what
isn't stored in an inode, but because symbolic links can have their own
modification time, I'm going to guess its the modification time rather
than I don't know.  That is a wrong answer, but the fact that he was
able to logic out what is a reasonable conclusion, is the sort of thing
I like in people that work for me.

It's true, some of the questions are esoterica, but again, its how they
answer the question.  There's a post I sent that has yet to arrive (in
my box anyway) where I answer the questions.  For the question about
full-duplex, I can't remember the flags you set either - and I'd be fine
with anyone who said, You know, I'd man the ge driver and then use ndd
to set what I had to.  The point is they knew to look up the ge driver
and use ndd.

Further discussion inline

  1) What is an inode? Bonus: What important piece of file
  information is NOT stored in the inode?
 Might be better to ask the pros and cons and having many 
 inodes as opposed to few; circumstances when you would not 
 want to go with the default number you get when you create a 
 file system (never happened when I was a sys admin).
Very pertinent info snipped
 You might ask the circumstances under which the admin would 
 AND has used soft links.  In the past, I had the unpleasant 
 experience of inheriting servers where the previous admin(s) 
 had made extensive use of soft links resulting in boxes rife 
 with spaghetti file systems.  This usually happens because, 
 for one reason or another, a bunch of files need to be moved 
 from one place to another; then instead of fixing whatever 
 uses those files to tell it to go the new location, a soft 
 link to the new location gets created as a quick and dirty 
 solution.  These things accumulate, and eventually you have a 
 mess and booby traps ready to blow up.

These are equally valid questions, but I have found that by and large,
sysadmins might know from reading a book somewhere that you need one
inode per file and that hard links and sym links are different, but
knowing what an inode is indicates that not only are they aware of all
of the above but they can in-depth explain what is happening to the

  2) What is priority paging and how does it work? (mildly dated, but 
  useful if they claim to have been around for a while)
 Never heard of it.  Sounds like a term for a type of swapping 
 (lazy versus not lazy).

Solaris-ism with 2.6 (the original question was for a Solaris admin)

  3) What does sr stand for in vmstat output?
 man vmstat.
 Virtual Memory Statistics: (pagesize = 8192)
   procs  memorypages
 intr   cpu
   r   w   u  act free wire fault  cow zero react  pin pout  
 in  sy  cs us sy
  10  1K  49 914K 279K  90K  130G 500M   1G   363 615M2 
 389 44K  3K 17 13
 Ummm . got no sr here 

Apparently you're not on a Solaris system - count yourself lucky. ;)
  4) How would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to 
 force it to 
  be full duplex?
 I guess if this were a common daily activity, you would want 
 somebody to know how to do this.  For most places, you might 
 do this ... o ... maybe once per year ... maybe.

I concur - but knowing that you use ndd to get/set network device driver
parameters is the real thrust of the question.  Asking about gigabit
specifically gets into the process.  I found that if I asked:

How do you get/set network driver parameters in Solaris?

The answer I would inevitably get was either I don't know or ndd .
Throwing the part in about gigabit makes them think through the whole
process, and watching people talk through how they would do something
they are unfamiliar with, even in general principles, is very valuable.
  5) How does RAID-5 work?  Bonus question: how does raid-4 work? 
  Extra-extra bonus question: how does raid-3 work?
 Most people will know that it involves stripe with parity; 
 but better, I think, to ask about pros and cons of RAID-5 
 versus 0+1 (or 1+0).

Good point.  I usually use that as a follow-up question.

  6) What's the difference between the passwd and the shadow files?
 This is OK.  I think I would phrase it as: What is the 
 purpose of a shadow file.
 Answer: It's where the encrypted password is (or can be) 
 stored and is readable only by root.  passwd file is world 
 readable.  If the encrypted password is visible, it makes it 
 easier to run a cracker against it to 

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread Scott . Shafer
question #1:  Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you will obey
his/her edicts without question?

question #2:  Are you aware of the daily offering of food/beer required to
keep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?


Scott Shafer
San Antonio, TX

 -Original Message-
 From: M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM
 To:   Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
 Subject:  Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
 I've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for our Solaris
 shop.  I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come up with any
 after 1999 interview questions.  Does anyone have a list of interview
 question or a link to some?
 Do you Yahoo!?
 The New Yahoo! Search* - Faster.
 Easier. Bingo.
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Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
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Re: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread Gabriel Aragon
I've been in the same situation, I had to interview
the company's sysadmin, though I am not one. Here you
have a few points to start your list.


The candidate must provide knolwedge about (how to's):

1. Start and stop a solaris system, including several
levels of boot (1,2,3, etc).
2. Patch installation.
3. App's installation and configuration (kernel and
4. Users creation.
5. Partitions creation.
6. Mount and unmount FileSystems.
7. DNS, IP configuration.
8. Monitoring and performance tuning (process,
priorities, memory, disk, etc).
9. Services configuration SMTP, FTP, Internet, secure
conections (HTTP, HTTPs).
10. Scripts programming.
11. Establish backup/recovery strategies.


- Define Sun equipment architecture.

--- M.Godlewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been asked to interview a system admin
 candidate for our Solaris shop.  I've search Google
 and altavista, but haven't come up with any after
 1999 interview questions.  Does anyone have a list
 of interview question or a link to some?
 Do you Yahoo!?
 The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

Do you Yahoo!?
SBC Yahoo! DSL - Now only $29.95 per month!
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Author: Gabriel Aragon

Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
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RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread Matthew Zito

Okay, here are my favorites for senior candidates (I'm giving all my
secrets away...):

1) What is an inode? Bonus: What important piece of file information is
NOT stored in the inode?
2) What is priority paging and how does it work? (mildly dated, but
useful if they claim to have been around for a while)
3) What does sr stand for in vmstat output?
4) How would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to force it to
be full duplex?
5) How does RAID-5 work?  Bonus question: how does raid-4 work?
Extra-extra bonus question: how does raid-3 work?
6) What's the difference between the passwd and the shadow files?
7) What's the difference between the dsk and rdsk devices in /dev? Bonus
question: what's the difference between a block and a character device?
8) How do journaling filesystems work?
9) What's the difference between ssh and telnet?  Why is one preferable
over the other?
10) What's the difference between the e4000 and the e4500 (or e6000 and
e6500, etc. - also a bit dated, but there's still a million of the
things out there)
11) What happens on an E6500 when I add boards in the bottom two slots?
(I won't ask this if the person has never touched an E6500)
12) On an Sbus e-class I/O tray, what performance considerations do I
have to keep in mind when I'm installing Sbus cards?
13) Why is NIS bad?
14) What's the difference between TCP and UDP? 
15) How does DNS work?  Bonus question: is DNS TCP or UDP?

Then I usually throw in some amorphous questions: tell me about a
performance problem you tracked down and solved, how do you normally
secure a freshly installed Solaris server, etc.  Then I follow up with
product specific questions - oracle, sun cluster, veritas volume
manager, storage, etc.   


Matthew Zito
GridApp Systems
Cell: 646-220-3551
Phone: 212-358-8211 x 359

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:44 PM
 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
 Subject: RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
 question #1:  Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you 
 will obey his/her edicts without question?
 question #2:  Are you aware of the daily offering of 
 food/beer required to keep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?
 Scott Shafer
 San Antonio, TX
  -Original Message-
  From:   M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:   Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM
  To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
  Subject:Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
  I've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for 
 our Solaris 
  shop.  I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come 
 up with any 
  after 1999 interview questions.  Does anyone have a list of 
  question or a link to some?
  Do you Yahoo!?
  The New Yahoo! Search* - 
  Faster. Easier. Bingo.
 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
 Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
 San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
 To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
 to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') 
 and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB 
 ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed 
 from).  You may also send the HELP command for other 
 information (like subscribing).

Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Matthew Zito

Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
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also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread M.Godlewski
These are nice questions. I'm not sure how I would identify if they are technical enough to handle the job though.[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
question #1: Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you will obeyhis/her edicts without question?question #2: Are you aware of the daily offering of food/beer required tokeep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?etc...Scott ShaferSan Antonio, TX210.581.6217 -Original Message- From: M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin  I've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for our Solaris shop. I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come up with any after 1999 interview questions. Does anyone have a list of interview question or a link to some?tia !

 M  _   Do you Yahoo!? The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.-- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: Author: INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.comSan Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services-To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail messageto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and inthe message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L(or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You mayalso send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread Scott . Shafer
You only spend time on the technical stuff if they pass this round.

Scott Shafer
San Antonio, TX

 -Original Message-
 From: M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 2:20 PM
 To:   Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
 Subject:  RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
 These are nice questions.  I'm not sure how I would identify if they are
 technical enough to handle the job though.
   question #1: Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you will
   his/her edicts without question?
   question #2: Are you aware of the daily offering of food/beer
 required to
   keep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?
   Scott Shafer
   San Antonio, TX
-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
Subject: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

I've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for our
shop. I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come up with
after 1999 interview questions. Does anyone have a list of
question or a link to some?


   !  M


Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search
- Faster.
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   Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
   Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051
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   To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
   to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
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 Do you Yahoo!?
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Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
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RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread M.Godlewski

Thanks for the list of questions.Matthew Zito [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Okay, here are my favorites for senior candidates (I'm giving all mysecrets away...):1) What is an inode? Bonus: What important piece of file information isNOT stored in the inode?2) What is priority paging and how does it work? (mildly dated, butuseful if they claim to have been around for a while)3) What does sr stand for in vmstat output?4) How would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to force it tobe full duplex?5) How does RAID-5 work? Bonus question: how does raid-4 work?Extra-extra bonus question: how does raid-3 work?6) What's the difference between the passwd and the shadow files?7) What's the difference between the dsk and rdsk devices in /dev? Bonusquestion: what's the difference between a block and a character device?8) How do journaling filesystems work?9) What's the difference between ss!
h and
 telnet? Why is one preferableover the other?10) What's the difference between the e4000 and the e4500 (or e6000 ande6500, etc. - also a bit dated, but there's still a million of thethings out there)11) What happens on an E6500 when I add boards in the bottom two slots?(I won't ask this if the person has never touched an E6500)12) On an Sbus e-class I/O tray, what performance considerations do Ihave to keep in mind when I'm installing Sbus cards?13) Why is NIS bad?14) What's the difference between TCP and UDP? 15) How does DNS work? Bonus question: is DNS TCP or UDP?Then I usually throw in some amorphous questions: tell me about aperformance problem you tracked down and solved, how do you normallysecure a freshly installed Solaris server, etc. Then I follow up withproduct specific questions - oracle, sun cluster, veritas volumemanager, storage, etc. Thanks,Matt--Matthew ZitoGridApp
 SystemsEmail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Cell: 646-220-3551Phone: 212-358-8211 x 359 -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On  Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:44 PM To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L Subject: RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin   question #1: Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you  will obey his/her edicts without question?  question #2: Are you aware of the daily offering of  food/beer required to keep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?  etc...  Scott Shafer San Antonio, TX 210.581.6217-Original Message-  From: M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM!
 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L  Subject: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System AdminI've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for  our Solaris   shop. I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come  up with any   after 1999 interview questions. Does anyone have a list of  interview   question or a link to some?tiaM_Do you Yahoo!?  The New Yahoo! Search   -   Faster. Easier. Bingo. --  Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: --  Author:  INET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 San Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services - To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru')  and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB  ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed  from). You may also send the HELP command for other  information (like subscribing). -- Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ: Author: Matthew ZitoINET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Fat City Network Services -- 858-538-5051 http://www.fatcity.comSan Diego, California -- Mailing list and web hosting services-To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail messageto:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and inthe message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L(or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from). You mayalso send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
Do you Yahoo!?
The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin

2003-07-15 Thread Khedr, Waleed
you forgot to list the answers :)


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 3:14 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L

Okay, here are my favorites for senior candidates (I'm giving all my
secrets away...):

1) What is an inode? Bonus: What important piece of file information is
NOT stored in the inode?
2) What is priority paging and how does it work? (mildly dated, but
useful if they claim to have been around for a while)
3) What does sr stand for in vmstat output?
4) How would I configure the gigabit ethernet interface to force it to
be full duplex?
5) How does RAID-5 work?  Bonus question: how does raid-4 work?
Extra-extra bonus question: how does raid-3 work?
6) What's the difference between the passwd and the shadow files?
7) What's the difference between the dsk and rdsk devices in /dev? Bonus
question: what's the difference between a block and a character device?
8) How do journaling filesystems work?
9) What's the difference between ssh and telnet?  Why is one preferable
over the other?
10) What's the difference between the e4000 and the e4500 (or e6000 and
e6500, etc. - also a bit dated, but there's still a million of the
things out there)
11) What happens on an E6500 when I add boards in the bottom two slots?
(I won't ask this if the person has never touched an E6500)
12) On an Sbus e-class I/O tray, what performance considerations do I
have to keep in mind when I'm installing Sbus cards?
13) Why is NIS bad?
14) What's the difference between TCP and UDP? 
15) How does DNS work?  Bonus question: is DNS TCP or UDP?

Then I usually throw in some amorphous questions: tell me about a
performance problem you tracked down and solved, how do you normally
secure a freshly installed Solaris server, etc.  Then I follow up with
product specific questions - oracle, sun cluster, veritas volume
manager, storage, etc.   


Matthew Zito
GridApp Systems
Cell: 646-220-3551
Phone: 212-358-8211 x 359

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:44 PM
 To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
 Subject: RE: Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
 question #1:  Do you realize that your DBA is a God, and you 
 will obey his/her edicts without question?
 question #2:  Are you aware of the daily offering of 
 food/beer required to keep in your God's (DBA's) good graces?
 Scott Shafer
 San Antonio, TX
  -Original Message-
  From:   M.Godlewski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent:   Tuesday, July 15, 2003 1:30 PM
  To: Multiple recipients of list ORACLE-L
  Subject:Interview Questions for a Unix Solaris System Admin
  I've been asked to interview a system admin candidate for 
 our Solaris 
  shop.  I've search Google and altavista, but haven't come 
 up with any 
  after 1999 interview questions.  Does anyone have a list of 
  question or a link to some?
  Do you Yahoo!?
  The New Yahoo! Search* - 
  Faster. Easier. Bingo.
 Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
 Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
 San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
 To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
 to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') 
 and in the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB 
 ORACLE-L (or the name of mailing list you want to be removed 
 from).  You may also send the HELP command for other 
 information (like subscribing).

Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Matthew Zito

Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru') and in
the message BODY, include a line containing: UNSUB ORACLE-L
(or the name of mailing list you want to be removed from).  You may
also send the HELP command for other information (like subscribing).
Please see the official ORACLE-L FAQ:
Author: Khedr, Waleed

Fat City Network Services-- 858-538-5051
San Diego, California-- Mailing list and web hosting services
To REMOVE yourself from this mailing list, send an E-Mail message
to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note EXACT spelling of 'ListGuru