Olá Cris,

Com certeza existem mmmuuuuiiiittttoooossss arquivos a serem limpos nesse 
Não é somente entrar na opção de "remove install".

Mas se vc passar aqui nas entrelinhas iríamos ter que escrever linhas em 
Então replico aqui o note que realiza essa tarefa. (assim vc passa para ele).
** Eu mesmo já tive a oportunidade de usar e foi tranquilíssimo.

[ ]'s
Salvio Padlipskas

This article describes the procedure how to manually perform the actions to
create a "clean machine" on Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP and how to 
manually remove all Oracle components (e.g.: oracle RDBMS database server, 
IAS, OEM, client installations, etc) and services from your computer.

This article is intended for DBA's on the Microsoft Windows platform.


1. Remove all Oracle components from your computer only as a last resort, 
   and only if you want to remove ALL Oracle components from your system.

2. These instructions remove all Oracle components, services, and registry 
   entries from your computer. In addition, any database files in the 
   subdirectories under ORACLE_BASE\ORADATA\ are also removed.

3. These procedures will also remove Oracle network configuration files, 
   user written scripts and any other user generated files that may be stored
   in Oracle_Base directories.

4. Exercise extreme care when removing registry entries.  Removing incorrect
   entries can severely compromise your computer.

Section A (steps 1-6) describes the removal of all Oracle components on 
Windows NT,2000 and XP.
Section B (steps 1-4) describes the removal of all Oracle components on
Windows 95 and Windows 98.

A. Removing Components on Windows NT/2000/XP.
To remove all Oracle components from a computer on Windows NT/2000/XP:

1.   Check privileges:
1.a. Ensure you are logged in as a user with Administrator privileges. 

2.   Stop all Oracle services (if any are running):
2.a. NT: Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Services. 
     2000,XP: Right click My Computer > Manage > Services and Applications > 
           > Services
2.b. If any Oracle services (their names begin with Oracle) exist and have 
     the status Started, select the service and click Stop. 

2.c. Click Close to exit the Services window. 

2.d. Close the Control Panel/Computer Management window.

3.   Remove the entries in the Windows registry:
3.a. Start the registry editor: 
     Choose Start > Run > regedit 

     Note: On Windows NT you can use regedt32 instead. The searching 
           capabilities of regedt32 is limited compared to regedit. It will be 
           needed to be able to edit 32-bit entries in the registry. Since we 
           are not going to update any 32-bit entry it is not needed.

     Note the value of the key INST_LOC, this is the location of the 
     Oracle Universal Installer (OUI).  The default location is 
     C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.  If this value is different, make 
     note of it, so we can delete these files later.
     Delete this ORACLE key. 

3.c. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC and expand all subkeys and
     remove all keys under here which are related with the
     "Oracle ODBC Driver"

3.d. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services and remove 
     all keys under here that begin with ORACLE or ORAWEB. 

3.e. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\...
     ...\Application  and remove all keys under here that begin with ORACLE.

3.f. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\...
     ...\Uninstall  and remove any entries related to Oracle.   

3.g. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, remove all keys that begin with Ora or ORCL
     (e.g. Oracle..., ORADC..., ORAMMC..., OraOLE..., OraPerf... and ORCL...).

3.h. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes, remove all keys that begin with 
Ora or ORCL
     (e.g. Oracle..., ORADC..., ORAMMC..., OraOLE..., OraPerf... and ORCL...).

3.i. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle, delete this ORACLE key.

3.j. Go to HKEY_USERS\...\Software\Oracle, delete this ORACLE key.

3.k. Close the registry. 

4.   Clean up the environment settings:
4.a. NT: Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Environment tab
     2000,XP:  Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced tab >
     Environment variables.
4.b. At "System Variables" click on the variable PATH in order to modify 
     the value. For example, you may see a path similar to this one: 

4.c. If an %ORACLE_HOME% was installed, remove this %ORACLE_HOME%\BIN path.

4.d. If JRE was installed by Oracle, remove the JRE path.

4.e. If there is a CLASSPATH variable under "System Variables", first make note
     of the path defined, then delete it.  This variable can be added back at
     a later date if needed.

4.f. Check if there are any other Oracle variables set in "System Variables", 
     exist, delete them also.

4.g. Click on APPLY and OK.

4.h. Close the Control Panel window.

5.   Delete the software and icons:
5.a. NT: Choose Start > Programs > Windows NT Explorer.
     2000,XP:  Choose Start > Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer.

     2000,XP: Go to %SystemDrive%\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ALL USERS\...
           ...\START MENU\PROGRAMS
       Note 1: These locations depend on whether OS was upgraded from NT, or 
               this was a fresh install of 2000/XP.
       Note 2: To locate your System Drive, type in DOS-box: echo %SystemDrive%

     and delete the following icons: 
     - Oracle Installation Products 
          Oracle for Windows NT - Dev6i
          Oracle Reports 6i - Dev6i
          Oracle Olap Client 2.2 - Dev6i
          Oracle9i Lite
          Oracle - OraHome92

5.c. Go to %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Oracle or the location of INST_LOC as
     noted earlier in step 3.b. and delete this directory. 
     Note: In order to successfully delete all files, you may have to reboot
           your computer first, in order to clear Operating System locks 
           on those files.

5.d. Go to the temporary directory and delete all files and directories in here
     (see note in 5.c.).
     NT: %SystemDrive%\Temp
       %SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp\ 

5.e. Go to the drive where the Oracle software is installed on your machine
     and delete all ORACLE_BASE directories on your hard drive (see note in 

5.f. Close the Windows Explorer / Windows NT Explorer.

6.   Finish the removal:
6.a. Empty the recycle bin
     Right click on recycle bin > Empty Recycle Bin.

6.b. Reboot your computer.

6.c. Optionally: If you are on Windows 2000 or XP run the System Defragmenter 
     - from Control Panel, select Administrative Tools > Computer Management
     - expand Storage, then select Disk Defragmenter
     - highlight each virtual drive, in turn, and click Defragment
     - reboot your computer when finished.

B. Removing Components on Windows 95 or Windows 98.
To remove all Oracle components from a computer on Windows 95/Windows 98:

1.   Remove the entries in the Windows registry:
1.a. Start the registry editor at the MS-DOS command prompt: 
     C:\> REGEDIT

     Note the value of the key INST_LOC, this is the location of the Oracle 
     Universal Installer.  The default location is 
     C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory
     If this value is different, make note of it, so we can delete these files
     later. Delete this ORACLE key. 

1.c. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC and expand all subkeys and
     remove all keys under here which are related with the
     "Oracle ODBC Driver".

1.d. Go to: 
     and remove any entries related to Oracle.  

1.e. Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, remove all keys that begin with Ora or ORCL
     (e.g. Oracle..., ORADC..., ORAMMC..., OraOLE..., OraPerf... and ORCL...).

1.f. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes, remove all keys that begin with 
Ora or ORCL
     (e.g. Oracle..., ORADC..., ORAMMC..., OraOLE..., OraPerf... and ORCL...).

1.g. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Oracle, delete this ORACLE key.

1.h. Go to HKEY_USERS\...\Software\Oracle, delete this ORACLE key.

1.i. Close the registry. 

2.   Clean up the environment settings:
2.a. Open your AUTOEXEC.BAT with an editor to modify the PATH variable.
     For example, you may see a path similar to this one: 

2.b. If an %ORACLE_HOME% was installed, remove this %ORACLE_HOME%\BIN path.

2.c. If there is a CLASSPATH variable set in the AUTOEXEC.BAT, first make note
     of the path defined, then delete it.  This variable can be added back at
     a later date if needed.

2.d. If JRE was installed by Oracle, remove the JRE path.

2.e. Save the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and close the edit.

3.   Delete the software and icons:
3.a. Choose Start > Programs > Windows Explorer.

     and delete the following icons: 
     - Oracle - HOME_NAME 
       where HOME_NAME is the previous Oracle home name. 
     - Oracle Installation Products 

3.c. Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Program Files\Oracle or the location of INST_LOC as
     noted earlier in step 1.b and delete this directory.
3.d  Go to SYSTEM_DRIVE:\Temp and delete all files and directories in here.

3.e. Go to the drive where the Oracle software is installed on your machine
     and delete all ORACLE_BASE directories on your hard drive.

3.f. Remove any Oracle-related .INI files that may exist in the Windows 
     directory. The Windows directory may be found by entering 
     "echo %WINDIR%" from a command prompt. 
     Typical Oracle .INI files include ORADIM73.INI, ORADIM80.INI, 
3.g. Close the Windows Explorer.

4.   Finish the removal:
4.a. Empty the recycle bin
     Right click on recycle bin > Empty Recycle Bin

4.b. Reboot your computer.

Oracle Installation Guides for Windows.
WIN95, WIN98, WINNT, WIN2000, Windows95, Windows98, WindowsNT, Windows2000,
de-install, deinstall, re-install, reinstall

-----Mensagem original-----
De: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
nome de criscadba
Enviada em: quarta-feira, 5 de abril de 2006 17:02
Para: oracle_br@yahoogrupos.com.br
Assunto: [oracle_br] Como remover corretamente o Oracle do Windows ?

Boa tarde pessoal

Tenho um amigo que está com um problema e como eu já estou há dois 
anos como dba de aplicação e não mexo mais com infra, não consigo 

Ele instalou um Oracle 9i em um windows 2000 server e ele funcionou 
mto bem até outro dia, só que o banco de dados de repente parou e 
ele resolveu reinstalar a base de dados com outras configurações, 
mais condizentes com a necessidade dele.

O problema é que qdo ele foi reinstalar, me disse que quando tenta 
criar e subir o listener, toma o seguinte erro ora-12514

Será que há algum arquivo da instalação anterior que ele esqueceu de 
apagar ?

Quais arquivos/serviços devemos apagar para que possamos reinstalar 
o Oracle e criar outro banco novamente sem problemas ?

Eu não me lembro, pois qdo trabalhava como DBA de infra sempre 
trabalhei com Oracle sobre algum 'unixlike'.

Obrigada a todos.



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