Re: [OGD] Greenhouse venting/fans

2005-03-30 Thread Ray

I can  of three significant objections to mounting a fan 
in the roof:  
 1)  maintenance will be a real 
 2)  the fan and its housing will 
block light
 3)  how do you shutter the fan 
when it is off, especially in winter, when it won't run much at 
I went with a very large exhaust fan in the upper reaches of 
the north end.  There's enough mixing of the air due to the circulation 
fans that stratification is not an issue.
Ray Barkalow - First Rays Orchids - www.firstrays.comPlants, Supplies, 
Artwork, Books and Lots of Free Info!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)


2005-03-30 Thread Gareth Wills

Let me rephrase what 
I said about CHC breaking down within a year. Not all of it has; not even from 
the same batch. All I meant to say was that CHC is not completely resistant (or 
more resistant than bark) to breakdown from every fungus type out there. I 
didn't have it tested to find out what it was, but it certainly degraded the CHC 
to dust in some pots within a year. Physan does remedy that situation. I grow 
under hot, humid conditions most of the year in South Carolina, 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Question about "Systemics"

2005-03-30 Thread Barbara
I have used Bonide only once on my orchids with good success. I reasoned that 
since the media was so porous, that I would mix it with water and feed it to 
the orchid plants that way. I used enough water to thoroughly dissolve the 
product, considering the label directions for pot dosage and the amount of 
water I would be watering each pot with, the number of pots I wanted to treat, 
etc. It got rid of the pests... and no recurrence. And the plants showed no 
stress from the treatment.
To be legal, I am not sure if it is labeled for orchids.
   I am questioning if anyone has experience and/or information to
   share with
   regard to the use systemic insect control for orchids --
   specifically Bonide
   Di-syston, which is applied dry as a powder and watered in.
   The same is asked about the use of systemic fungicide sold as Dragon
   3336 WP
   containing Thiophanate-methyl 50%
   Richard Orr Monroe CT
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gram scriptum

2005-03-30 Thread Barbara
I have a mature Gram. scriptum I acquired about 5 months ago. It is 
showing two new healthy growths, but this plant has a nasty habit of 
secreting honeydew copiously on the undersides of its leaves. I noticed 
this early on and immediately suspected spider mites, scale, aphids or 
some other ilk that likes to poop the sticky stuff. There was no sign of 
any pest. I recently noticed it is growing black sooty mold now on the 
goo and cleaned it up entirely with an old, soft toothbrush and treated 
it with safers in case there were some unseen pests. The leaves look 
like they have spider damage, but there were no signs or residue of 
spider mite activity.

Have any of you had similar experiences with this species?
Central Wis, where spring is springing, the nobiles are blooming or in 
spike and the odd onc. and milt are budding out.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Plant Police and Miami

2005-03-30 Thread Gerald H Fisher
The WOC in Miami offers the perfect opportunity and impetus for a full 
review of US orchid importation/processing laws and their implementation. 
The AOS would be the logicall operating arm to get this done. Anyone want to 
take bets on whether anything gets done prior to 2008?

Jerry in IN 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Clearance of plants through Miami.

2005-03-30 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Clearance of plants through Miami.

I would like Murray to state some concrete details re clearing plants through MIA and I will check them. We import more than 100,000 plants each week through MIA, with correct paperwork and we scarcely ever wait more than 12 hours for their release. Miami is the most efficient and experienced orchid handling port in the United States and a pleasure to work with. Now, if you are bringing in some dodgy plants with incorrect paperwork, maybe you will encounter problems. Maybe you should encounter problems!

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] any encyclia with non-resupinate flowers ?

2005-03-30 Thread viateur . boutot
Thanks Sandra [T. Hardy]
for clarifying the fact that the flowers of your plant of Encyclia 
naranjapatensis are resupinate.

Species, formerly included in the genus Encyclia and having non-resupinate 
flowers, have been moved to the genus Prosthechea.

See :
So the flower on the photo at
is presumably upside down

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] losing my plants

2005-03-30 Thread jerry bolce
I was one of a group of four who bought plants at the WOC using one 
Canadian import permit. The French officials didnt want to see the 
import permit and just issued our CITES and phyto permits. On arriving 
at Toronto all our plants were held as the papers were deemed incorrect. 
(We were not the only ones coming back from the WOC that lost plants)

Seems the phyto didnt mention that the plants were free of a potato ward 
virus. The papers werent done in the name on the import permit. The 
flasks didnt have a phyto. Canada doesnt recognize the EU for exporting 
orchids - the papers must name each country separately. Our import 
permit originally asked to import from all countries but they changed 
that to France, then complained that we were importing plants that 
originated in Denmark and Italy and Taiwan. We had some export permits 
and they should have been re-export permits as the plants had been 
imported into France. And so on - every time we try to fix one paper 
problem, another pops up. Like they have decided that the plants are not 
going to be released. Nobody wants to check the plants - it is the paper 
that needs to have all the i's dotted correctly.

I am very miffed that the process is slanted so that the least 
experienced, me, is required to be the expert to make sure that 
everything is filled out correctly and that if the officials omit 
something, it is I that pays the price. It is not shirts that I am 
importing, it is living organisms that requires a system in place that 
can quickly resolve the issues, something else that seems to be lacking. 
If you want people to comply by the rules, you must have a system in 
place that works to provide support. Maybe the system works for large 
scale, experienced importers but it doesnt work for tourists who just 
want to shop for a few plants from different vendors. If it had just 
been us, I might have accepted that we were just stupid but it seems to 
have happened to a lot of others coming back from the WOC through 
Toronto. All I can be thankful for is that I didnt see anything to 
entice me to go on a buying spree.

Jerry Bolce email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Orchid House - 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Confiscated plants from Dijon.

2005-03-30 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Confiscated plants from Dijon.

Jerry, I am sorry to hear you lost your plants due to bureaucratic ineptness. But that's what happens when incompetent people organize world events and truly, the warning signals were out well before the Dijon Debacle.

The "Dragon Lady's" famous line "I don't do Economy on overnight flights" means she flies round the world, Business Class or better as Chairman of the WOC Trust, supposedly checking all these things out. Guess the gin and tonics must divert her from the task at hand. Well she is no longer in the chair and Pete Furniss pays his own way, so that in itself is worthy progress.

But keep the discussion going and see if these matters can be resolved once and for all. You can be sure that Miami will have a much better system in place than the previous WOC Trust Chairman OK'd in Dijon.

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Greenhouse venting/fans

2005-03-30 Thread Thomas Hillson
You do not want to mount the fans in the roof of your greenhouse as 
maintenance would be a pain.

One of the best designs I saw in a greenhouse had roof vents like 
many greenhouse, but had several swamp coolers around the base with 
the fans blowing the air in over the pads. They had two thermostats 
one to turn on the fans for ventilation and another to turn on the 
water flowing through the pads. They had excessive capacity for their 
greenhouse to make sure it stayed as cool as possible in the summer. 
The roof vents were controlled by same thermostat as turned on the 

I agree the standard of having the cooling pads on one end and the 
vents on the other is not the best idea. I did it in my greenhouse 
and I have been trying to redo it in recent years to something to 
allow more air flow over the plants. I also use misting over my 
plants to both provide cooling and additional humidity. We have less 
humidity here in Iowa than you do in Ohio. One thing I have added to 
my greenhouse is standard roof top cyclone vents. I found they help 
pull out the heat on very warm days. They are also there incase of a 
power failure to vent the greenhouse.

Good luck with the greenhouse are you sure 24 x 12 is large enough. 
My greenhouse is 14 x 32, too big in 1984 and too small in 2004.

At 1:24 AM -0500 3/30/05, tennis wrote:
As I enter the final stages in what seems to be an endless period of 
planning for a new greenhouse, I am attempting to finalize such 
design details as air flow/venting and heating, etc. I would like to 
hear from anyone knowledgeable and experienced in this area. It has 
occurred to me the most effective way to vent an overwarm 24' x 12' 
greenhouse in the summer here in Ohio would be to put the venting 
fans venting through the peak roof of the GH  as near the center of 
the structure as possible, and have vents all around the edges, at 
floor level and bench level.

Sort of the 'whole house attic exhaust fan' idea. Of course, steps 
would have to be taken to keep the rain off, but other than that, 
any reasons why this wouldn't be the best method for venting heat, 
and having air flow over all of the plants in the GH? I will have 
three levels of plants (floor, bench, and above-bench shelf + 
hanging) and the normal 'vent at one end, fans at other', at bench 
height just doesn't seem to fit. I had planned on a wetwall  for 
cooling, but have decided misters in front of intake vents would be 
as good and easier to manage, which enables the vents to be spread 
out as well.

Tennis Maynard

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

| Tom HillsonAgriculture Computer Services Manager
|(515) 294-1543  College of Agriculture
|  Iowa State University
|"The only thing I have too much of is too little time"
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 160

2005-03-30 Thread baruk
Peter Croezen from Canada  wrote

>One thing the rest of the orchid world can do, and that is to make certain
that >>>France
>never appears again on any future list of prospective WOC host countries.

It seems that you're pretty excited about what happened to some vendors at
the WOC, I don't know if you have some personal involvment with some orchid
producer(s) present there,  what explains your excitement, nevertheless I
agree with you on some of the "charges" BUT then again succesfull
orchidshows are often successfull because the organisers are becoming more
and more experienced, In France they simply don't have this kind of

Now on serious note I all Invite you to visit the site below:

Make sure that the rest of the world knows that Canada is continuing to kill
Boycott Canadian seafood!!!

Uri Baruk France

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Emilie Vouga

2005-03-30 Thread Bert van Zuylen
Dear OGDers,
in Issue 154 mr. Peter O'Byrne placed the readers of the OGD in several 
Well, I'm in group H because I "collect" orchid literature. That is not on a 
professional scale but just for fun.
Some time ago I managed to buy a gorgeous set of plates, complete with the 
protective cover.
It's a set of 6 large plates depicting tropical orchids including 2 
The set is called: Les orchidees 1 Serie 6 plances.
The paintings are made by Emilie Vouga from Switzerland.
There is no date to be found on the cover nor the plates.

Is there anyone who can give me some information about the artist. I 
allready know that the set is really rare.
This is what I allraedy know about Emilie Vouga. (Mr. Rudolf Jenny kindly 
supplied the information.)

Emilie Vouga (born Prades), Vevey, Switzerland 1840 - 1909, artist and 
founder of the publishing company VOUGA.
She published her drawings as:
Flora Alpina, Geneva
Fleurs des Hautes Alpes, Geneva
Le champs et les bois, Geneva
Orchidees des Hautes-Alpes, Basel (1883)

Anything you can tell me about this artist or about  her drawings would be 
very welcome.

Kind regards from The Netherlands
(where it is raining again!)
Bert van Zuylen 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] I wonder how many people have saved .......

2005-03-30 Thread Gerald H Fisher
"You can be sure that Miami will have a much better system in
place than the previous WOC Trust Chairman OK'd in Dijon."  

(Andy Easton, Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Issue 162)
Cheers  Jerry in IN
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Importation of Exotic Orchids through Miami

2005-03-30 Thread BCPRESS

You should try coming to the Redlands Fair 
in Miami May 13-15.  Representatives of the USDA are on hand to issue 
paperwork in a professional manner, there will be a lot more vendors than were 
at Dijon, especially from overseas, and, besides, it's a lot 
My experiences, as a small time importer 
through Miami, are similar to Andy's.  Ag Inspection here is extremely fast 
and courteous.  They are primarily concerned about protecting the country 
against imported disease.  If an "actionable" problem is encountered, as 
occasionally happens under the best of circumstances, they actually take the 
trouble to demonstrate to the importer exactly what the problem is, and what 
remedy is mandated.  This may be due in part to the fact that their 
relatively large staff contains a lot of expertise.  I get the impression 
that many of the confiscatory actions of other inspection stations are based on 
lack of expertise and a policy of erring on the side of 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Redlands.

2005-03-30 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Redlands.

This is a fun event, not really an orchid show as much as it is a fair with lots of good food, conviviality and a terrific selection of reasonably priced orchids available at a time of year just ideal for getting them established easily in their new homes. The convenience of having inspectors on site for the necessary export paperwork should not be underestimated either. Plus it shows the depth of experience in the Miami area orchid community when even an event like this has better Phytosanitary issuing facilities than a WOC in France. 

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: When Cattleya must be repot

2005-03-30 Thread bonaventure
Red coloration on some Cattleya-alliance plants, such as Bl. Richard Muller and 
its hybrids, and in certain other other hard-leafed orchids such as some 
mule-ear Oncidiums, is indicative that they are grown in healthy high-light 

Bonaventure Magrys
Cliffwood Beach, NJ 
USA zone 7
where the first Cymbidiums were put outdoore this week.

Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 09:10:28 -0400
From: "Cesar Fernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [OGD] RE: When Cattleya must be repot

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hello all:

There are visual symptoms, which can help to repot Cattleyas and their
allianced. Basically, when the leaves take a  red color accompanied with
dehydration (specially on the oldest leaves). This is an unambiguous
symptom that media where a cattleya is placed is damage and all
nutrients you apply will be fixed. This red color (no natural
flavenoids) is not normal and is called physiologic desease. The media
become with some alga or moss. Repot them simply.
Particular info: Now I'm writing my second book, about Venezuelan
plubication is estimated for the next year with a good format (hard
cover) and full color with many outstandind clones.
Saludos desde Venezuela and buen cultivo;

César Fernández
Avenida España Urbanización Campo Alegre Nº 0-229
San Cristóbal, Estado Táchira- Venezuela
Cell: 0414-706.6509
Phone: 011-58-276-356.3830

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] RE: greenhouse design

2005-03-30 Thread K Barrett
OrchidSafari just held a 3-4 part discussion on GH design, I think I have it 
all online:
Hope it helps.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Oryzalin

2005-03-30 Thread K Barrett
Anyone have any information on how oryzalin acts to induce polyploidy?  
AFAIK its an herbicide.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA
Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfee® 

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Change to mendelian genetics

2005-03-30 Thread K Barrett
As reported in Nature, scientists at Purdue University found that when 
genetically altered Arabdopsis plants were selfed about 10% of the offspring 
reverted to a 'normal' genotype, leading to speculation that RNA somehow 
corrects the DNA message.

As Spock would say: 'Intriguing'.
K Barrett
N Calif, USA
Don’t just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

RE: [OGD] Change to mendelian genetics

2005-03-30 Thread Li'l Frog
Can't fool Mother Nature?  

li'l frog

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of K Barrett
Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2005 12:04 PM
Subject: [OGD] Change to mendelian genetics

As reported in Nature, scientists at Purdue University found that when 
genetically altered Arabdopsis plants were selfed about 10% of the offspring

reverted to a 'normal' genotype, leading to speculation that RNA somehow 
corrects the DNA message.

As Spock would say: 'Intriguing'.

K Barrett
N Calif, USA

Don't just search. Find. Check out the new MSN Search!

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Gram scriptum

2005-03-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo


 Ah join the club of those of us that have to deal with the joys of 
fumagina".   Water and soap to wich some bicarbonate that is used for upset
stomach is the best way to go with it.  Also increase the light levels
under which the plant is grown.


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Plant Police and the MIAMI WOC

2005-03-30 Thread Jose A. Izquierdo
 If the last WOC celebrated at Miami is a model of what can be done  : the
organizers will ask the help of the USDA and coordinate efforts with all the
exhibitors and buyers from outside the US so their importation documentation
and processes go smooth.  It was done then, It can be done now.

Jose ( Ah the eternal optimist speaks)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Oryzalin

2005-03-30 Thread ahicks51

"K Barrett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> spaketh thusly:

> Anyone have any information on how oryzalin acts to induce polyploidy?  
> AFAIK its an herbicide.

Oryzalin (Surflan) is a dinitroaniline herbicide with very low toxicity (LD50 
>5,000 mg/kg in rodents, >1000 mg/kg in dogs), a negative Ames test, but a 
possible carcinogen. It is used as a selective, pre-emergence herbicide for 
grasses and weeds. It inhibits spindle formation in the meristem at low 
concentrations, and in the field (i.e., at concentrations consistent with the 
rate of application for which it is labeled) this will serve to block cell 
division, killing the meristem.

It has been used to replace the rather nastier colchicine which, if my 
understanding is correct, also inhibits spindle fiber formation.

Unsurprisingly, it is not labeled for use in ploidy modification. However, it 
has been used as such.

The herbicide trifluralin (Treflan) has been used as well. Also a 
dinitroaniline herbicide, trifluralin has a similar toxicity profile, although 
there are some better data to support it being a carcinogen.


Chandler, AZ

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Ventilation.

2005-03-30 Thread Andy Easton
Title: Ventilation.

In my experience, it's always better to run an exhaust fan in the South end of a greenhouse roof as the intake air from the North side of the greenhouse is always a few degrees cooler. In the Northern Hemisphere of course! Using a Ludvig-Svensson shade cloth as a barrier between the plant area and the upper reaches of the greenhouse roof will also greatly improve the effectiveness of an exhaust fan. You do not need any mixing of the air in this situation as the cooler air is closest to your plants and the heat arising from solar conversion is higher up in the exhaust zone.

Andy Easton

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Dendrobium kingianum

2005-03-30 Thread Kenneth Bruyninckx

Hello all,
A few questions for our Australian list members... 
I "fairly recently" bought & read "Dendrobium kingianum: A Unique 
Australian Orchid".
In this book they mention a group called "Hastings 
Kingianum Growers Group": do they still exist ? 
Anybody have contact details for them ? 

Are they still (10 odd years after the book was 
published) actively line breeding D. kingianum ?
On another note does anybody know where I can lay 
my hands on the following clones ?
D. kingianum "Karl Marx"
D. kingianum "Purple Cascades"
D. kingianum "Inferno"
D. kingianum "Beetroot HKGG"
D. kingianum "Big Foot J.Mc.M. Purple 
D. kingianum "Hirsch's Silcockii"
D. kingianum "Purple Purity"
D. kingianum "Sue"
kind regards,
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] WOC Dijon, treatment of vendors (part 1)

2005-03-30 Thread Peter\(Can\) Croezen

I understand how embarrassed Uri 
Baruk probably is about all that happened 
at the WOC held in his country, 
Whether he agrees or disagrees with the vendor's 
claims neither matters, 
nor does it make them go away. 
I do know a few vendors who were at 
Dijon. One of them happens to be a 
who just told me this morning  that he 
knows the source of  David Hunt's 
OGD post 
are true.
I believe my WOC Dijon vendor 
Uri's  disagreement with some of the 11 claims 
is meaningless. Let him tell us which ones
are not true. 
Actually what happened to my friend and other 
vendors at the WOC in Dijon 
is worse than David's post tells 
Here are just a few statements from my vendor 
>Yes, all is true and unfortunatelly I was the 
"xxx country" vendor!!! 
>I had sold a good amount in pre-orders so I 
could deliver them at the WOC. 
>These customers came and went in the first five days, and I did not have my 
>plants to deliver to them, for my plants were held up for 5 days. I also lost the 
>money I paid for transport of 
these "lost" sales.
>I lost 5 days selling at the show, for the 1st 
selling  day starts during the work 
>on the displays and everything. These would have been the best days, because 

>all the hobbyists  were there during the 5 days of the CONGRESS. We received 

>our plants just after the congress
.>As for the one who wrote the vendor 
complaints to David Hunt, (and I know who 
>it is,) we had contracted the  same 
Freight Broker (indicated by the WOC organization, 
>a company called ZIEGLER FRANCE), we sent  
by freight 5.000 plants and when we 
>left our country we  received 
by e.mail our Import Permit, but the original one?? 
>Who knows where it is 
>We brought with us another 60 plants for a 
friend who had the import permit already 
>done and when we arrived in Dijon we asked 
for customs to check the plants, we 
>paid the taxes and started selling the few 
plants we had. After 3 days the customs 
>came and told  us that we could not  
continue selling,  because they did not have the 
>origial import permit.   (They did 
not have the one we gave them the  1st day). 
>After the weekend, they finally found the 
Import Permit and we started selling again.
continued in next 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Fw: WOC Dijon, treatment of vendors (part 2)

2005-03-30 Thread Peter\(Can\) Croezen

>Most of  the foreign sellers had big 
problems; some could not receive their plants at all
>and knew they would  have BIG BIG 
problems because the costs for this show were 
>very very high.
>Also some people had paid to have a sales stand 
and when they arrived were told: 
>"No,.. the value you  paid was only for 
registration, you do not have a stand. Can you 
> believe this? We helped one person by letting 
her sell from our table.
>All things described by David's friend are 
>Some people said that all the problems 
were made to protect the French growers, 
>others said that the French Orchidées who 
organized (If we can use this word) the 
>WOC had problems with customs, some days 
before, and all the vendor's problems
> were because of it.
>Even the sellers who did not have any problems 
claimed that  no one came to see if they
>(we) needed something, to see if everything was 
ok, etc. Things that are commonly done,
>wherever we go to sell or show our orchids. 
They had many people working for them as 
>volunteers and they had not  even 
given them a hotel to stay It is unbelivable but it is true. 

>They worked for free and had to pay all their 
>Nobody, tried to help us or even tried to find 
out what happened. They just wanted the 
>payment. A  MESS is too short  a word 
to describe the WOC in Dijon. 
>We have been helped by our country 
representative in Paris, whom I contacted and now 
>I will check what I will have to do, to claim 
our losses.
>I paid for things that I did not get, and 
I also paid 3.500 EUROS for Broker service and taxes,
 >for all the plants and yet we could only 
sell 50% of them.
> If I had received my plants on time 
we could  have done an extra  $20,000.-. in 
> Who will pay this > 
Believe me, mine is a poor country but our WOC was much much much 
better organized 
>than this one. Maybe this WOC Dijon is the worst one that will every be 
As`far as another vendor's 
experience, mentioned in David's # 3 complaint, his was also much 

worse than reported by David Hunt Someone who spoke in Dijon with that vendor reported the 

>His hybrid flasks were apparently both 
untouched and undisturbed. The straight species flasks were all 
>tousled and the contents missing prior to their 
arrival at the show. Interesting laws of physics, given they 
>were all shipped in a single box! It is 
believed  that this transpired in customs at Charles De 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Fw: WOC Dijon, treatment of vendors (part 2)

2005-03-30 Thread Stuart Henry

Hello Peter
  Any word on were the plants 
confiscated have ended up?Were the plants sent to botanical or other 
institutions?? (perhaps local growers commercial or otherwise??) 

Sydney Australia
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Save wild ochids and whales too

2005-03-30 Thread Raphael & Chawadee Verkest

Hello all,
Make sure that the rest of the world knows that Canada is continuing to 
kill seals Boycott Canadian seafood!!!
Make them and the world stop killing any wildlife!!! 
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Repotting

2005-03-30 Thread IrisCohen
In a message dated 3/30/05 7:45:02 PM, Gene and Joan Howard write:
The problem is that the "dead" roots become substrates for bacteria and fungi which can eventually kill the entire plant.
At one time I attributed the dead-root-syndrome to roots that had been exposed to bark mixes too long.  Then I changed to pure red lava rock which does not break down.  Results have been similar; good top growth  but dead roots in pot after several years.

I wouldn't let an orchid go more than 2-3 years without repotting. Even if it doesn't need dividing or potting-on, it still needs repotting. As you have observed the back roots die off. I found long ago that cutting them off only opens the plant to infection. If I am repotting an orchid with dead mushy roots, I run my fingers down the roots & strip off the mushy part, leaving only the hard stringy core (I think the technical term is stele). This removes any possible source of infection, while the wiry cores help to anchor the plant until it grows new roots.
And on the 8th day God said "OK Murphy, you take it from here."
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Greenhouse venting: further questions

2005-03-30 Thread tennis
I am appreciative of the replies to my query, and have a further, though 
simple, question which is puzzling me. Perhaps I'm missing something 
really basic here, but I do plan to have solar powered peak vents, 
which, as I am making them myself (not the openers, just the vents) will 
surely leak like sieves. I have decided the practicality of having a 
large exhaust fan on the roof is offset by the difficulty and will 
probably go the standard route of vents and fans on opposite ends of the 
GH at bench height (maybe a few vents at floor level too). My question 
is this: when the fans kick on, as the peak vents will already be open, 
am I not just pulling air through them down into the GH and not from the 
opposing bench level vents which are further away, depriving the plants 
at that end needed circulation and cooling?

Tennis Maynard
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Save wild ochids and whales too

2005-03-30 Thread marianne.fleurimont

And stop greenland from killing polar bears!!! 
PS-- what to do, though, when like in Viateur's 
recent post, when wildlife starts eating endangered orchids???

  - Original Message - 
  & Chawadee Verkest 
  Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 4:51 
  Subject: [OGD] Save wild ochids and 
  whales too
  Hello all,
  Make sure that the rest of the world knows that Canada is continuing to 
  kill seals Boycott Canadian seafood!!!
  Make them and the world stop killing any wildlife!!! 

  ___the OrchidGuide 
  Digest (OGD)orchids@orchidguide.com
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] WOC Dijon treatment of vendors

2005-03-30 Thread Peter\(Can\) Croezen

Stuart who asked :
>Any word on were the plants confiscated have ended 
>Were the plants sent to botanical or other 
>(perhaps local growers commercial or 
David Hunt's original post gives us one 
>Philippines stall had all their plants confiscated and force to donate 
all their orchids 
>to the botanical garden, due to the French authority believe their 
CITES documents 
>were fake, but they allow them to sell appendix I -fern.
Right, confiscate  App II, but allow App 
I sales.
Someone, French citizen preferably, explain 
the French Cites Authority logic of this  
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] WOC Website Competition

2005-03-30 Thread Colin.Hamilton
Viateur posted the following (OGD Vol. 7 No. 170)

>Best Amateur website M. ARAUJO Sergio
>Orchids web sites
>congratulations !

Allow me to give some additional details regarding the website competition 
since I have been asked "What gives?
When nominations were called in November 2004 the document listed 4 Sections:
*   Amateur on a purely private basis 
*   Amateur for an institution or a company 
*   Professional for an institution or a company 
*   Professional for a trade undertaking
I was not in Dijon, so I don't know what happened, but it seems that there were 
three Sections judged - Commercial, Private and Society.  The following were 
the Medal Awards:

M. ARAUJO Sergio, Best Amateur website VI-1 
M. BARFIELD Glen, Best Professional website VI-2 
M. JENNINGS Colin, Institution or non profit org. web site VI-3 
(Colin Jennings was the Australian Orchid Council's representative at the 


Mme BENAY Nancy
M. FUCHS Robert
M. SMITH Graham
I presume the Bronze Medals were awarded for Commercial and Society sections 
Our congratulations to all the other medal winners.

Colin Hamilton
Australian Orchid Council/"OrchidsAustralia"
Rockhampton, Qld. Australia
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: greenhouse venting

2005-03-30 Thread Charles Ufford
on 3/30/05 6:58 PM, Tennis wrote:

> I would like to hear from
> anyone knowledgeable and experienced in this area. It has occurred to me
> the most effective way to vent an overwarm 24' x 12' greenhouse in the
> summer here in Ohio would be to put the venting fans venting through the
> peak roof of the GH  as near the center of the structure as possible,
> and have vents all around the edges, at floor level and bench level.

Hello Tennis,
  One excellent way to get rid of alot of excess heat in Winter (or any
other time) is to have a peak vent. I know if you are buying a kit
greenhouse or a hoop-house, then the design doesn't work. But, a peak vent
(no fans) can draw off alot of the excess heat with only a tiny crack open
and a short period of time.
Charles Ufford  
Calen the Border Collie   CGC - now in Heaven
Oriskany, NY USA
IPA, Central NY and Southern Tier Orchid Societies

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Dijon & it's WOC

2005-03-30 Thread Charles Ufford
on 3/30/05 6:58 PM, Murray wrote:

> Based on 
> recent experience of US customs & Fish & Wildlife inability to clear
> shipments of plants in less than 40 days Miami organisers will have an
> impossible job competing with Dijon. Exporters to USA should be warned that
> current time frames for inspections are unrealistic & not even experienced
> in third world countries. I trust the "Fathers of the U.S. Orchid Industry"
> can sort this out before the next WOC.

Hello Murray,
  My employer imports tons of plant material from all over the world for
propagation, mostly plant cuttings. A number of other people I have asked
about the importing thing mostly with orchids is that the most efficient
port of entry for plant inspection was Miami, and how you get your plants
through at all in most cases is to have a Broker. I have also been told that
not all Brokers are made equally, and some get the job done more quickly and
efficiently than others. Basically, in generic terms they pick up the box
once it comes off the plane/boat, get the paperwork, take it to inspection
and then to the shipper who gets it to you. Once again was told by others
who have imported plants that if you didn't have a broker, the plants may
sit there forever. If you are importing flasks with a major shipper they may
be their own broker and may not have to worry about this.
  Disclaimer: this is just a heads-up as to why some plants may take forever
to get through customs (besides incorrect paperwork and/or bugs/disease

hope this helps,
Charles Ufford  
Calen the Border Collie   CGC - now in Heaven
Oriskany, NY USA
IPA, Central NY and Southern Tier Orchid Societies

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Root of the Problem

2005-03-30 Thread Gene and Joan Howard

The recent, rare discussion of 
orchid culture concerning repotting of Cattleyas has been welcome and 
useful.  It has also stimulated me 
to bring up a culture issue that has been driving me nuts for 
Stated briefly, when I repot 
Cattleyas or Dendrobiums  that have 
been in the pot for 2-5 years, most of the roots in the pots (ceramic slit pots) 
appear to be dead.  Top growth on 
the plants usually appears healthy, and new, white roots with little green tips 
are growing at the base of new, vegetative growth
The problem is that the 
“dead” roots become substrates for bacteria and fungi which can eventually kill 
the entire plant.
At one time I attributed the 
dead-root-syndrome to roots that had been exposed to bark mixes too long.  Then I changed to pure red lava rock 
which does not break down.  Results 
have been similar; good top growth  
but dead roots in pot after several years.
 About one year ago I began to use a mix 
recommended by someone on this digest.  
It is 2 parts lava rock, 1 part fine charcoal, and 1 part washed coco 
chips.  Plants seem to be doing 
better in this mix but the experiment must run for several more 
I have concluded  that under my conditions,  it is not possible to keep 
Cattleya-alliance and Dendrobiums orchids in pots more than 2 years without 
removing all dead roots and starting over.  I would like to know how some growers 
are able to keep specimen plants in the same pot for many years.
All suggestions, comments, 
etc. will be welcome.
Gene Howard
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] For a skewed view of Dijon

2005-03-30 Thread Colin.Hamilton

Sandy Gillians, a Canadian living in Munich, has posted a diary of her 
encounters with the WOC in Dijon.
Parts of it really made me smile, reliving similar events at other WOCs.  It is 
day-by-day so start here 
and scroll through her notes, clicking on DIJON in the upper right corner.

Colin Hamilton
Australian Orchid Council/"OrchidsAustralia"
Rockhampton, Qld. Australia
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 7, Sources of Den kingianum

2005-03-30 Thread WNeptune
I believe your best bet is to contact David Banks who has produce a terrific 
group of kingies. For some of the named clones try Wayne Turville at the 
Australian Orchid Nursery.
I have 19 separate AOS awarded kingies, and most of my source was Ted 
Gregory, who after 45 years of hybridizing finally retired. Among my collection 
'Inferno' AM/AOS, 'Sue' AM/AOS, and 'Karl Marx'. Although Karl Marx is an 
excellent flower, the flower is somewhat small and will most likely never be 
awarded in the AOS system; but, it is excellent for hybridizing as it imparts 
color to the progeny. Two of my AMs were results of breeding with Karl Marx.
Although this may sound like an ad, I have no interest in it, whatsoever: 
Troy Meyers now has , in flask, seedlings about 3 months shy of being old 
for removal from the flasks. I belive these to have great potential. 1= an 
outcross of 'Inferno' AM/AOS (a natural plant) x 'Jazzy' AM/AOS ( a third 
generation of line breeding with Karl Marx). This is a remake. The original 
'Trident's Baby' FCC/AOS, in 2003, which was the first FCC awarded to a kingie 
in the AOS. 2=The reverse of above. 3= a cross of 'Tunstead's Pink' AM/AOS x 
'Karl Marx'.  'Tunstead's Pink' is a natural plant, collected by John 
Tunstead, and considered the finest kingie collected in Australia in the past 6 
Many of the better clones are now being produced by meristems. Up to now, 
however, the only source was by division or keikis (aerials). Keikis are 
and it seems like the better the flower, both natural and man-made, the more 
infrequent the production of keikis. Certainly that hs been true in my 
Wilford Neptune

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)