Re: [OGD] Primitive Pelorics

2006-10-05 Thread DennisWestler
In a message dated 10/4/06 2:43:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time, Iris writes:

"Sometimes you get a peloric 
mutation, which is actually a reversion to a more primitive flower."

Although peloric forms are often referred to as "more primitive" because the flower appears more radially symmetrical (as a Tulip or Tradescantia), I don't really buy it. Most likely a "primitive" orchid flower would still be zygomorphic, like an Amaryllis or Hemerocallis; or like Thelymetras which have a lip barely distinct from the other two petals. Most orchids considered "primitive" for various reasons (lack of pseudobulbs or leaf succulence, plicate leaves arranged radially around a stem, poorly consolidated pollen, lack of an anther cap, and so on) already show marked lip specialization even if they lack other features of "advanced" orchid flowers. I prefer to think of peloric flowers as monstrous forms (though not necessarily monstrosities) where a mutation has made the remaining two petals more (sometimes much more) lip like. 

Due to a lack of fossil orchids we will never know what the ancestral flowers looked like, but I'd be willing to bet they looked more like a Thelymetra or Spiranthes than like a peloric Phal. 

Happy Succot and Simchat Torah!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] one for Viateur

2006-10-05 Thread Blue Moon Exotics
I recieve complimentary issues of Flower Tech which is geared towards the 
production and marketing of ornamentals world wide
the latest issue has a cover story on Taiwan Phals

There is also a brief editorial from the editor Anabel Evans; to quote
"Who isn't jealous of the Phalaenopsis as a pot plant? At the Dutch auctions 
turnover increased 30.9% to reach 144 million Euros on just over 29 million 
plants with an average price of 4.90 Euros up from 4.61 a year earlier. Compare 
this to the average for all other pot plants at 1.29 Euros"

Edited for brevity but you get the picture

Paul LeBlanc

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] New Inrena law once more

2006-10-05 Thread Peter Croezen

The following appeared on a slipper 
orchid forum:

>I'm not sure what INRENA's motivations are in not 
allowing a seven year period to allow the building of propagation facilities. 
Maybe they >are afraid that many would use the seven years to further strip 
habitats that are already in danger? In any case, habitats can best be 
>protected by allowing controlled collection and propagation by reputable 
labs in the countries directly responsible for habitat protection. 
When nurseries in Peru, who's only 
source of income is orchid export, find it easier to smuggle orchids than to 
comply with a  law that bankrupts them, they will smuggle!
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Counting stomata with magnifying glasses.

2006-10-05 Thread Andrew Easton

My oh My! The knowledge flows out. Iris reminds me 
of a childhood limerick: There was an old man from Peru, who didn't have 
anything to do. He sat on the stairs and counted his hairs and found he was 
seventy two. I am sure counting stomatal numbers on a Phalaenopsis leaf would be 
similarly enlightening. 
Andy Easton
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Maxillaria

2006-10-05 Thread Jay Pfahl
Dear OGD's
Thanks for the great response to the previous Maxillaria list. Here is 
Maxillari funerea through Max monteverdensis. These are the missing 
species from IOPSPE. If you have any photos of these species Please send 

Maxillaria funerea
Max funicaulis
Max fufuracea
Max fuscopurpurea
Max galantha
Max garayii
Max gatunensis
Max geckophora
Max gentryi
Max gomesiana
Max gorbatschowii
Max gracillipes
Mas grandis
Max granditenuis
Max grayii
Max greisbachiiana
Max grobyoides
Max guadelupensis
Max gualaquizensis
Max guentheriana
Max guiardiana
Max gymnochila
Max haberi
Max haemathodes
Max hagsateriana
Max hastulata
Max heismanniana
Max herzogiana
Max hillsii
Max hirsutilabia
Max hirtilabia
Max hoppii
Max horichii
Max huanucoensis
Max hystironica
Max infausta
Max inflexa
Max insignis
Max insolita
Max irrorata
Max jamboensis
Max jamesonii
Max jenischiana
Max johannis
Max johniana
Max jostii
Max jucunda
Max jugata
Max kalbreyeri
Max kautskyi
Max kegelii
Max klugii
 Max lamprochlamys
Max langlassei
Max lasallei
Max lawrenciana
Max leforii
Max lexarzana
Max lilacea
Max lilliputana
Max linearis
Max liparophylla
Max litensis
Max loefgrenii
Max longibracteata
Maxillaria longicaulis
Max longicolumna
Max longiloba
Max longipetiolata
Max loretoensis
Max luerii
Max luteobrunnea
Max lutescens
Max lutheri
Max maxhinazensis
Max  macchupicchensis
Max mclaeei
Max macropoda
Max maderoi
Max maldonadoensis
Max maleolens
Max mapiriensis
Max margretiae
Max mariaisabelliae
Max marmoliana
Max mejiae
Max merana
Max mexicana
Max microblephara
Max microdendron
Max microiridifolia
Max microphyton
Max  microtricha
Max  milenae
Max minuta
Max minutiflora
Max modesta
Max modestiflora
Max mombachoensis
Max monacensis
Max monteverdensis

Jay Pfahl
The Internet Orchid Speceis Photo Encyclopedia

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)