Re: [OGD] Houston Tex Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 278

2008-10-06 Thread Orchid Keeper
My heart goes out to all hurricane survivors.
Here are some pictures. Houston rose to the task in Katrina, got hit by
Rita, and hit again.

And there was that Internet hurricane that never got into the press, the one
against  the surviving businesses who faced organized assaults, DOS, and
every filthy tactic that hate-based crowd in Illinois could throw at us.

Look at these pictures and understand one thing, those of you who do not
live in Texas have no idea what it is like not only to face this kind of
hurricane but then to face the second wave of attacks that came at the
survivors and everyone who tried to raise money to help them and to keep the
food pantries stocked for them.

I will NEVER FORGET that Illinois crowd that attacked every single business
that was scrambling to raise the funds necessary to start over. People were
showing up in my town in the hotel rooms and first thing was to get hold of
family members and hold online sales to pay for recovery. Every one who
could help was on board. We had no clue of the depth of hatred we were about
to face online.

I saw the silence that greeted a recent orchid business needing help. You
all can thank Leo Schordje and the culture of his Illinois hate-based
group for that. He named my business here because he thought he had helped
kill it off during the Katrina aftermath.

There was an organized assault on every business who had an address
registered in the Hurricane region. Record numbers of us lost tens of
thousands of dollars when that Illinois-based hate group organized a
campaign of malicious complaints and internet libel, attacking people who
maintained their addresses in the weeks following the hurricanes while they
contacted their customers and made arrangements to recover.

We didn't just face off with  those petty thugs masquerading as
scambusters and promoting the kind of fake credentials Schordje wants to
use in the orchid world. FEMA came into our churches and told us we did not
have the right to open our homes and we told FEMA to get out.

Then this year, during Gustav, while the Northern media sent reporters in to
harass (not interview) those who chose to stay, there was that horrific
little vignette in which a young man was being asked to compare Katrina with
Gustav, and this is what he said, while standing in front of a very sturdy
if unglamourous big gov't housing project building: My folks were able to
stay in there (pointed at it) and so everyone who had a relative in the
projects did ok, but this time the projects are not here because this is one
of the last ones and nothing is being built to replace them as the peop0le
have been evicted, hundreds of families, and this is outside of the

Instead of rebuilding, the US government has been tearing down the remaining
sturdy structures, and now every time there is a hurricane, it gets worse.
The media prepares the ground by attacking the people who choose to stay,
and they hound the survivors from shelter to shelter. I watched one
chicago-area reporter verbally abuse some Cajuns who were holding a
traditional hurricane party, as if they were being stupid to wait out Gustav

They were in the same building in which they all survived Katrina, came out
dry, rested, and ready to rebuild And everyonje knows, now, that if you
leave, no matter how well your property may have survived, the governement
won't let you back in, and you may end up like some folks did  here: they
ran out of gas with children in the car while they were turned away from one
full shelter after another.

 In Austin the media is even characterizing it as a big problem that a
senior citizen tennis match had to wait for the hurricane evacuees to be
removed from their athletic building.  Those affluent individuals who can
rely on other affluent individuals by virtue of family/friend contacts may
do ok, but the wave of organized hate causes even them to hesitate to team
up and hold good old-fashioned barnraising-style  benefits. They need to
start reading memoirs written by Jews from the 1930's, because the German
Jews were affluent, middle-class, secular people, and within ten years they
were herded into death camps, because the tactics of the Nazi media were so

The same tactics characterizes the US media as our gov't slowly commits
genocide by natural disaster.

  2. Houston Tex (Bill Bergstrom)
  3. Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 275, How are our Texans?
  4. Pteroglossaspis pottsii - a fairly new orchid to science.
 (Prem Subrahmanyam)


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2008 16:19:49 -1000
From: Bill Bergstrom [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [OGD] Houston Tex
To: Orchid
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset=iso-8859-1

My best friend in the world is Dave Hunt in 

[OGD] 1. P. vejverutianum (Paul Phillips)

2008-10-06 Thread Olaf Gruß


Subject: [OGD] Paph.vejvarutianum




P. vejverutianum (Paul Phillips)

Dear Paul,

when you would see the plants especially in bud then yu would understand why
the species was described.

Thank for the clarification by Tennis Maynard.

The plants, which were described as Paph. vejvarutianum came to USA more
than 20 years ago as Paph. charlesworthii va. Kanchanaburi. The leaves are
similar to Paph. gratrixianum, the bud is the same like charlesworthii and
the flower in the end is similar to Paph. barbigerum.

Now I have seen more plants and so today I would decide that it is a real
distinct variety of Paph. barbigerum.

It is not the same like Paph. rhizomatosum, but very similar in the flower
and different in the growth. The correct name would also not be Paph.
rhizomatosum because the same plants were described earlier as natural
hybrid, Paph. x areeanum. Nowerdays it would be better to see it also as a

To Pauls words about the commercial interests. When these plants were
described there exist no commercial interest. The describer did and do not
sell plants and did not get any money for the description. On the other side
these plants are not so beautiful or so rare that there will be payed a lot
of money for. I have seen plants in flower in Europe and USA for 15 $.


For this time best greetings




Olaf  Gruss

In der Au 48

83224 Grassau




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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] Orchid Keeper's Rant

2008-10-06 Thread Peter O'Byrne
Dear anonymous Orchid Keeper.

OGD is not a local publication; please remember that it goes out to people
(like me) all around the world. I haven't got a clue what you are talking
about. Your accusations against shadowy hate-based crowds from Illinois,
tales of harassment by unidentified media from the North (Canada ?), petty
thugs in ornate masks, truncated capitalized females in churches that are
somehow your homes   none of this has any meaning at all to someone who
doesn't already know what you're talking about.

Please try to be more coherent in future. And please sign your postings with
your name. We do like to know who is talking to us.


Peter O'Byrne
in Singapore
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Houston Tex Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 278

2008-10-06 Thread lilfrog
OK, I'm clueless.  What hate organization?  What on Earth is this rant about?

-Original Message-
From: Orchid Keeper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sep 23, 2008 8:33 PM
Subject: Re: [OGD] Houston Tex Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 278

My heart goes out to all hurricane survivors.
Here are some pictures. Houston rose to the task in Katrina, got hit by
Rita, and hit again.

And there was that Internet hurricane that never got into the press, the one
against  the surviving businesses who faced organized assaults, DOS, and
every filthy tactic that hate-based crowd in Illinois could throw at us.

Look at these pictures and understand one thing, those of you who do not
live in Texas have no idea what it is like not only to face this kind of
hurricane but then to face the second wave of attacks that came at the
survivors and everyone who tried to raise money to help them and to keep the
food pantries stocked for them.

I will NEVER FORGET that Illinois crowd that attacked every single business
that was scrambling to raise the funds necessary to start over. People were
showing up in my town in the hotel rooms and first thing was to get hold of
family members and hold online sales to pay for recovery. Every one who
could help was on board. We had no clue of the depth of hatred we were about
to face online.

I saw the silence that greeted a recent orchid business needing help. You
all can thank Leo Schordje and the culture of his Illinois hate-based
group for that. He named my business here because he thought he had helped
kill it off during the Katrina aftermath.

There was an organized assault on every business who had an address
registered in the Hurricane region. Record numbers of us lost tens of
thousands of dollars when that Illinois-based hate group organized a
campaign of malicious complaints and internet libel, attacking people who
maintained their addresses in the weeks following the hurricanes while they
contacted their customers and made arrangements to recover.

We didn't just face off with  those petty thugs masquerading as
scambusters and promoting the kind of fake credentials Schordje wants to
use in the orchid world. FEMA came into our churches and told us we did not
have the right to open our homes and we told FEMA to get out.

Then this year, during Gustav, while the Northern media sent reporters in to
harass (not interview) those who chose to stay, there was that horrific
little vignette in which a young man was being asked to compare Katrina with
Gustav, and this is what he said, while standing in front of a very sturdy
if unglamourous big gov't housing project building: My folks were able to
stay in there (pointed at it) and so everyone who had a relative in the
projects did ok, but this time the projects are not here because this is one
of the last ones and nothing is being built to replace them as the peop0le
have been evicted, hundreds of families, and this is outside of the

Instead of rebuilding, the US government has been tearing down the remaining
sturdy structures, and now every time there is a hurricane, it gets worse.
The media prepares the ground by attacking the people who choose to stay,
and they hound the survivors from shelter to shelter. I watched one
chicago-area reporter verbally abuse some Cajuns who were holding a
traditional hurricane party, as if they were being stupid to wait out Gustav

They were in the same building in which they all survived Katrina, came out
dry, rested, and ready to rebuild And everyonje knows, now, that if you
leave, no matter how well your property may have survived, the governement
won't let you back in, and you may end up like some folks did  here: they
ran out of gas with children in the car while they were turned away from one
full shelter after another.

 In Austin the media is even characterizing it as a big problem that a
senior citizen tennis match had to wait for the hurricane evacuees to be
removed from their athletic building.  Those affluent individuals who can
rely on other affluent individuals by virtue of family/friend contacts may
do ok, but the wave of organized hate causes even them to hesitate to team
up and hold good old-fashioned barnraising-style  benefits. They need to
start reading memoirs written by Jews from the 1930's, because the German
Jews were affluent, middle-class, secular people, and within ten years they
were herded into death camps, because the tactics of the Nazi media were so

The same tactics characterizes the US media as our gov't slowly commits
genocide by natural disaster.

  2. Houston Tex (Bill Bergstrom)
  3. Re: Orchids Digest, Vol 10, Issue 275, How are our Texans?
  4. Pteroglossaspis pottsii - a fairly new orchid to science.
 (Prem Subrahmanyam)


Message: 2

[OGD] Mormodes Out Of Phase

2008-10-06 Thread IrisCohen
Remember Sea Breeze Orchids? I have had this Mormodes aromatica from him lo 
these thirty years. Every year it blooms faithfully in August or September. 
Then when the plants come indoors in October, I put it on a windowsill until it 
is ready to dry off  go dormant. This year it was starting an inflorescence in 
August, but it broke off. Then we had a lot of rain in September. Today we 
have frost threatening  the orchids  tropical plants came in. The Mormodes is 
in full leaf with two inflorescences starting. What should I do with it? I 
could put it on the windowsill, which is a little cool, or put it under lights, 
which is warmer.

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the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)