[OGD] back to orchids

2004-07-01 Thread Helen Millner
Hi Marty,
yes, it would be great to start a new topic - I am heartily tired of some of
the old ones.
So in answer to your post, I've added a few comments.

"I speculate that this makes cross pollination more common in orchids
than in most other flowering plants leading to a broadening of the
gene pool, rapid evolution and the fantastic diversity we see in
orchids today."

Actually cross-pollination between species is far less common than you would
think.  It can only happen if the two species have the same pollinator,
otherwise cross pollination can't happen.  The 'fantastic diversity' is an
evolutionary  necessity due the huge range of specific pollinators needed by
orchids, not due to the fact that lots of cross pollination is occurring
between species and genera in the wild.  Related species may share
pollinators due to the similarities of column and lip structure but not
unrelated genera.  The mechanics just wouldn't work!!

This of course applies to plants in the wild.  The inter specific and inter
generic crosses have come about through man made crosses and horticultural
cultivation. The barriers to inter specific and inter generic
pollination/fertilization often (but not always) being mechanical and not
chemical or genetic. Which is why some intergenerics are possible and not

If you consider the rate at which the rainforests etc are being destroyed,
the orchid gene pool along with that of other plants is rapidly shrinking
and not broadening!  When we think of conservation, one thing that never
seems to get a mention is  that genetic diversity and the need to conserve
this within species.

Hope that this will kick off a new thread and give us all a change.

best wishes
the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

[OGD] attachments

2004-07-21 Thread Helen Millner
apologies for sending this to the list.
I have just changed to recieving individual postings rather than the digest,
but they seem to be coming through with attachments.  I have not opened any,
but would appreciate advice in case of virus etc.

best wishes to all

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Famous people and Orchids

2005-03-03 Thread Helen Millner
Here are three for a start -
Joseph Chamberlain ( Prime Minister in England at the start of WW2) had a 
huge collection- or his family did -  the survivors of which were sold off 
in the early 50's
Roald Dahl grew Phalaenopsis
Edward Heath (Prime Minister again) grew Paphs.

If I can think of any more will post again

Does anyone know of famous people, current or historic, who has/had an 
interest in orchids?


the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

Re: [OGD] Stripping the woods again...

2005-04-20 Thread Helen Millner
Just a thought, although you have probably tried it - if you follow the 
link (you may need to copy and paste it and be signed in to e bay) there 
is a link on this page where you can report listing violations  of 
prohibited plants and seeds.

Negative feedback would slow them up , but without buying I dont know 
how you could manage this!

hope this helps -

David S. wrote:
Last year I wrote about a seller on eBay that was auctioning mass quantities
of  Cypripedium acaule.  I'm talking about up to 15 lots of 300 plants,
along with very large quantities of smaller lots.  Their seller name is
"kyatvrider", which I interpret to mean Kentucky All-Terrain Vehicle rider.
I tracked down them to Chase's Plants & Prints from McKee, Kentucky, which
is what they called themselves last year.  They now have a website:
http://www.pinkladyslippers.com/ .  I don't know of any reputable nursery
that would have quantities like this available, much less sell them on eBay,
so I assume that, with the help of an ATV or two, they are stripping the
woods.  They do state that they ship "when they come up" and I'm sure are
shipped bareroot.  This area of southeastern Kentucky is a heavily forested
area (except for the strip coal mines).  They also seem to be stripping the
forests of mosses and other wildflowers.  According to WHOIS, they've now
cloaked their domain name through an Australian company, so their current
contact info can't be found.  I'm sure it is unchanged from last year when I
was able to get it.  Then, it was the following:
Organisation Name:  Mark Farmer
Org. Address:  140 Quail Run Estates, McKee, KY  40447
Admin Phone:  1-606-287-4923
From what I gathered last year, they are not a licensed nursery, which is
required in Kentucky in order to ship plants.  They are required to
accompany each shipment with a copy of an inspection certificate or license
certified by the state entomologist.
I sent this seller the following email through eBay last year, but received
no response (surprise!):
Hello, I have a number of questions about the Cypripedium acaule orchids
that you are auctioning:
1. Are you a licensed nursery in the state of Kentucky, compliant to KY Law
2. Are you compliant with KY Law 249.090: Shipments to be accompanied by
inspection certificate or license?
3.  You are not in the database of Kentucky Certified plant Nurseries or
plant Dealers under the name of Chase's Plants and Prints.  To sell these
orchids and other plants without being licensed is against the law in
4. Do you own the land that these orchids and moss are being removed from?
These orchids that you're selling a among the hardest species in America to
transplant and have a typical failure rate of over 90% to survive beyond one
year.  They are also quite rare in most parts of the country.  Please
reconsider selling these plants, especially in the massive quantities that
you are offering.

I sent emails to Joe Collins, a Kentucky nursery inspector located at the
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, who said he would look into it.  I
didn't receive any sort of followup from him.  It seems the state only has
him and one other fellow to handle the whole state.
Joe Collins
Nursery Inspector
S-225 Agriculture Science Center - North
Department of Entomology, University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40546-0091
(859) 257-5838; Fax:  (859) 257-3807
This is the link to the sellers eBay store so you can see for yourselves
what he's offering:
Does anyone have any ideas of how to put pressure on this eBay seller to
stop this terrible practice?  Any help would be appreciated.
David S.

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)

the OrchidGuide Digest (OGD)